Why the well educated vote Liberal

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

Only in America will libturds tell you that RAISING your fucking taxes will make your lives better....Geezus where do these libtards come from??

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks , while your temporary tax break runs out in 5 years after the next campaign..

The top 1% thanks you for their continued tax breaks
Says the jealous welfare queen.

Haaa... Nope sucka , I am set for life and then it goes to my children.

The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

So you want to buy the love of your descendants by setting up in positions they couldn't achieve on their own? Such spoiled brats block our way and must be run over. If you don't have any moral doubts about contributing to the establishment of a guillotine-fodder "heiristocracy," then you must have gotten your own wealth through luck or cheating.
they never will?....sure you dont want to re-word that?....

I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
your saying it never happens

I never said that, dope.

I said, affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
there it is the name calling.......you said...."However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers"....you are saying they NEVER WILL....and im the dope?......
I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
your saying it never happens

I never said that, dope.

I said, affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
there it is the name calling.......you said...."However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers"....you are saying they NEVER WILL....and im the dope?......
You are.
They won't.

While I admire the hard work of letter carriers, excuse me if I don't accept your anecdotes as experience on the subject.
The Democrats are calling the 75% of Americans who have less than a college degree "uneducated".
Democrats are saying that 75% of American Voters are inferior people.
That seems like are really
dumb political move.
This Preppy Republic

More proof that Postmodern Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. "Shooting themselve in the foot" is an easy answer that prevents further investigation about them. Their "Born to Rule" attitude can only come from one class, one that has no place in a country with a future. The majority must take control and abolish birth privileges.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
your saying it never happens

I never said that, dope.

I said, affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
there it is the name calling.......you said...."However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers"....you are saying they NEVER WILL....and im the dope?......
You are.
They won't.

While I admire the hard work of letter carriers, excuse me if I don't accept your anecdotes as experience on the subject.
while im supposed to accept your opinion?.....only a dope says such stupid things....
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

I would never vote democrat and am well educated.

I can tell you the reason, many "well educated" people spend their time on crap that most people do not give a shit about. These people can not survive in the free market and do not contribute anything productive to the society. Just intellectual bullshit that is actually anti-intellectual because the so called intellectuals have to always have to have far leftist views to secure funding.

Of course, it's farcical to say that someone with a gender studies degree is well educated. More likely that sort of person is human waste.
Crush the Left/Right Axis of Unearned Privilege

These useless majors serve the bipartisan plutocracy by providing an escapist alternative that doesn't threaten the ruling class. Those who are alienated from it but too cowardly to confront it can always run away into intellectual masturbation. Do you really believe that the rulers couldn't get rid of those academic courses if they really believed such academented junk plays no role in protecting their regime?

That's also why the gutless unemployed who run away to opioid addiction are traitors and deserters for not staying on the job and unionizing. If you investigate the fake-rebel song "Take This Job and Shove It," it was really about a female-dominated wimp who was only working to support his girlfriend's demands and said nothing about being cheated and mistreated by his boss.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Just go's to show you can be educated and still be a dumbass
"educated voters tend to vote"

The key word is "tend".
There is not really a huge education divide.
There is only a few percentage points difference, and most of it may just be a matter of voter turn-out.
Younger Voters "tend" to vote left wing because they are naive about the world.
As people mature they become wiser and more conservative.
Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.

The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the nasty racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers and Athletes………well actually voting Democrat IS HATE
Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
your saying it never happens

I never said that, dope.

I said, affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
there it is the name calling.......you said...."However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers"....you are saying they NEVER WILL....and im the dope?......
You are.
They won't.

While I admire the hard work of letter carriers, excuse me if I don't accept your anecdotes as experience on the subject.
while im supposed to accept your opinion?.....only a dope says such stupid things....

The Democrats are calling the 75% of Americans who have less than a college degree "uneducated".
Democrats are saying that 75% of American Voters are inferior people.
That seems like are really
dumb political move.
This Preppy Republic

More proof that Postmodern Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. "Shooting themselve in the foot" is an easy answer that prevents further investigation about them. Their "Born to Rule" attitude can only come from one class, one that has no place in a country with a future. The majority must take control and abolish birth privileges.

Funny that Dale is applauding your commie notions.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

There’s a HUGE difference between “educated” and “smart”. One only has to look at the incredibly stupid things college students and professors do and say to know that highly educated people aren’t often very smart. Hence they vote democrat.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Lyndon B. Johnson

36th president of the United States
For the same reason UCLA (one college) brings in more money per semester than McDonalds earns worldwide in a quarter.
The "educated" are being taught by the crooks ... Government is organized crime ... :thup:

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

Countless polls show conservatives are far more ignorant than other groups. Fox News viewers are less informed than people that watch legitimate news sources like CBS News or CNN. By a wide margin.

Ignorance begets fear. Conservatives exist on fear, it is their driving emotion. And fear turns into it's natural end emotion anger. Conservative media is constructed to keep conservatives continually in fear and angry. This is why everything you see come from Fake Fox News is labelled a 'war on' something. The word itself 'war' makes people fearful and if it is another war on them then they get really scared and have a natural tendency to get angry at 'whatever is warring' on them. Conservative media knows this and uses it to herd these people into voting blocks just as a cattle herder herds cattle into pens.

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