Why the well educated vote Liberal

Johnson is a lot of things, but a bitch he is not. He is who I voted for in the last two elections. The election before that I voted for Badnarik, who is not a bitch either. The election before that I voted for Browne, before that Ross Perot.

But you are too much of a Trump bitch to understand that a dislike of Trump does not make one a liberal. Get your nose out of Trumps ass and pay attention.

As for the 8 years under Obama...I finished my bachelors and masters and my wife finished nursing school and got her license.

As a result of that work we have more than tripled our household income in the last 5 years.

Now I am not a millionaire like you claim to be, but according to the government we are part of the top 10% of wage earners. Hell one of your fellow GOP zealots accused me of being a rich snob, you fuckers need to get your stories straight.

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Sure am glad that you wasted your vote....I guess you are one reason why we had to deal with Obama for the 4 more years of corruption.

Feel free to call it a wasted vote, but at least I didn’t sell my soul and vote for the lesser of two evils.

You call yourself a libertarian yet vote for people that want bigger government and less personal freedoms.

Like I said. You would not know a libertarian if one bit you on the ass. You are a fraud

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Yeah the last 8 years sure were more free and less tax....

No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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USMB has allowed progressives to completely vaporize the very notion of Liberal Intellectualism
My older son is fixing F-35s in the military and my younger son will too when he graduates from private high school. They are learning the lasted technology and once out they can go all over the world as a contractor making $70,000 + all tax free... They are very smart kids, not to be burdened with college debt that is crushing the hopes of the young.
The way you are pushing college, you must be one of those over paid professors who indoctrinate the young. Now I am seeing you for what you are, moocher...
Student Loan Debt Is Crushing The American Dream

Wonderful. That still has not a damn thing to do with what we were discussing.

You claimed conservatives send their kids to private colleges. Prove it.
Top Conservative Colleges

Your answer is " conservative colleges exist"?
Do you think, liberals are going to those Conservative Colleges? Bwaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaa.....Just too fucking funny...

Do you think every conservative goes to those colleges?

I don't think any liberals go to those colleges so every conservative that goes there is conservative...It isn't rocket science you know...
Sure am glad that you wasted your vote....I guess you are one reason why we had to deal with Obama for the 4 more years of corruption.

Feel free to call it a wasted vote, but at least I didn’t sell my soul and vote for the lesser of two evils.

You call yourself a libertarian yet vote for people that want bigger government and less personal freedoms.

Like I said. You would not know a libertarian if one bit you on the ass. You are a fraud

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Yeah the last 8 years sure were more free and less tax....

No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...
They are educated to be good little statists.
You mean they are schooled to be good little statists.

The whole premise of the thread is wrong.

The well schooled vote Democrat, the best educated tend either not to vote, or just vote for the most honest and trustworthy candidate, regardless of party. Well educated people ignore partisan politics.


Whether well educated or well schooled, All smart people know that party trumps person when voting for congress.
If that is the case, than that particular person is not someone you want representing you.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
they never will?....sure you dont want to re-word that?....

I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....
Wonderful. That still has not a damn thing to do with what we were discussing.

You claimed conservatives send their kids to private colleges. Prove it.
Top Conservative Colleges

Your answer is " conservative colleges exist"?
Do you think, liberals are going to those Conservative Colleges? Bwaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaa.....Just too fucking funny...

Do you think every conservative goes to those colleges?

I don't think any liberals go to those colleges so every conservative that goes there is conservative...It isn't rocket science you know...

Post up anything that supports your assertions that conservatives don't attend "liberal" universities.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
they never will?....sure you dont want to re-word that?....

I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
they never will?....sure you dont want to re-word that?....

I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
Feel free to call it a wasted vote, but at least I didn’t sell my soul and vote for the lesser of two evils.

You call yourself a libertarian yet vote for people that want bigger government and less personal freedoms.

Like I said. You would not know a libertarian if one bit you on the ass. You are a fraud

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Yeah the last 8 years sure were more free and less tax....

No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...

Ok, now I know you are nothing but a Trump zealot. I am embarrassed for you that you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian.

Someone how has been funding the establishment for 40 years cannot be "not" of the establishment. How fucking naive are you?

The only "lib" thing about me you can point to is that I do not lick the ass of Trump like you do. You are nothing but a fucking partisan hack and I now really do not belive your bullshit stories about your millions. Nobody this stupid would be smart enough to invest their money wisely.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Traditionally republicans had the educated....until the indoctrination with global waming and the crazy studies courses......republicans are still more educated than the womens studies majors or black studies majors.
The title of this thread SHOULD be "Why the most indoctrinated vote liberal".

The 45 goals of the communist movement includes.......

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
Yeah the last 8 years sure were more free and less tax....

No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...

Ok, now I know you are nothing but a Trump zealot. I am embarrassed for you that you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian.

Someone how has been funding the establishment for 40 years cannot be "not" of the establishment. How fucking naive are you?

The only "lib" thing about me you can point to is that I do not lick the ass of Trump like you do. You are nothing but a fucking partisan hack and I now really do not belive your bullshit stories about your millions. Nobody this stupid would be smart enough to invest their money wisely.

So, what has President Trump done that has put such a bug up your ass?

BTW, if you are going to call someone "stupid"? I "belive" you might want to learn how to spell, dumb ass.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Intellectual Pedophilia

College is for people too dumb to learn anything on their own. Those who go there live a childish, depressing, and humiliating lifestyle, like teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Because of that, they foolishly and desperately look up to their professors as father-figures and quickly become easy prey for those bitter escapist misfits to indoctrinate. Just as you ignore the alternative that familiarity with foreigners breeds contempt for them, simple-minded students can only believe one way of looking at experiences, the way the mind-raping academics pressure them into believing is the interpretation that makes them more intelligent.

This degreed snobbery promoted by the sheltered ruling class is not a virtue. Sacrifice has no merit; it is nothing but brownnosing. If students aren't paid a higher income than they can expect by "working" instead (as if schoolwork is not work), then they aren't worth anything. From a democratic perspective, college "education" would be seen as class-biased indentured servitude that puts inferior people in superior positions over those with more talent, but enough self-respect not to sacrifice in order to please economic bullies. It is the untold reason our economy has gone downhill since the days when people started at the bottom and worked their way up to the top. Why do the rulers support such slavish wimps? Because fat cats love mice.
No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...

Ok, now I know you are nothing but a Trump zealot. I am embarrassed for you that you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian.

Someone how has been funding the establishment for 40 years cannot be "not" of the establishment. How fucking naive are you?

The only "lib" thing about me you can point to is that I do not lick the ass of Trump like you do. You are nothing but a fucking partisan hack and I now really do not belive your bullshit stories about your millions. Nobody this stupid would be smart enough to invest their money wisely.

So, what has President Trump done that has put such a bug up your ass?

BTW, if you are going to call someone "stupid"? I "belive" you might want to learn how to spell, dumb ass.

1. Someone who attempts to be a smartass but is too dumb to actually succeed.

2. Someone who holds a stupid, illegitimate or completely baseless opinion with a perplexing amount of self-righteousness.
#2 has pegged every liberal who visits this site....

Most White Southerners fall into Middle-Class, even if it's Lower Middle-Class.

more stereotyping that is far from accurate. When the debate is lost the losers always resort to slander.

Well, the red states with the poorest of poor support the GOP.. It is true.. why is the truth slander?

The Plutes Better Pay the Qualified From Every Birth-Class the Same Allowance Their Own Kids Get in College

Because you imply that it wasn't the Democrats who made them poor. The taxpayer money those anti-majority snobs waste on worthless groups could have lifted up the worthwhile poor to the point where they could become prosperous. IQ must be made far more valuable than education. Yet the degreed Liberals sponsor all the Ding Dongs of the Bell Curve.
Sure. Educated people can work at Starbucks if they wish. However, uneducated people won't ever achieve the career success of their educated peers.
they never will?....sure you dont want to re-word that?....

I'm sure. Affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
i delivered mail in the affluent Anaheim Hills ....got to know many people up there over the years....there were lots of wealthy business people up there who after HS and never went to college,started their own business and were quite successful....my brother in law dropped out of HS got into construction in the door installation business,after doing this for a few years started his own company and today at the age of 50 he sold it and has 7-8 million in the bank....

Great. Personal anecdotes are always fun.
That changes nothing I've said.
sure it does....your saying it never happens when i have seen it happen,and i know dam well you have too....
your saying it never happens

I never said that, dope.

I said, affluent neighborhoods are filled with highly educated people.
"educated voters tend to vote"

The key word is "tend".
There is not really a huge education divide.
There is only a few percentage points difference, and most of it may just be a matter of voter turn-out.
Younger Voters "tend" to vote left wing because they are naive about the world.
As people mature they become wiser and more conservative.
Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.
"educated voters tend to vote"

The key word is "tend".
There is not really a huge education divide.
There is only a few percentage points difference, and most of it may just be a matter of voter turn-out.
Younger Voters "tend" to vote left wing because they are naive about the world.
As people mature they become wiser and more conservative.
Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.

George Wallace was a????????

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