Why the well educated vote Liberal

Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.
What the fuck?
We minorities are convinced that the GOP is the party of the racists. Don' you see the number we overwhelmingly vote anti GOP although most of US are conservatives by principle.

So you admit that your lack of any real education affects the way you vote.

two bachelors one in French/Arabic and one in English....fluent in 4 languages, visited over 50 countries. I don't think I have a lack of education, what i have is a problem with you racists ***** of the so called right. We minorities don't vote for your ilk because you guys chose to wage war on us, atlhough most of us are conservatives....keep digging your grave. I arrived to this country and I was one vote now we are 7. Keep on hating on immigrants and minorities, don't stop!!!
No they were not and neither were the 8 years before that. And it is morons like you that put these people into office .

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I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...

Ok, now I know you are nothing but a Trump zealot. I am embarrassed for you that you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian.

Someone how has been funding the establishment for 40 years cannot be "not" of the establishment. How fucking naive are you?

The only "lib" thing about me you can point to is that I do not lick the ass of Trump like you do. You are nothing but a fucking partisan hack and I now really do not belive your bullshit stories about your millions. Nobody this stupid would be smart enough to invest their money wisely.

So, what has President Trump done that has put such a bug up your ass?

BTW, if you are going to call someone "stupid"? I "belive" you might want to learn how to spell, dumb ass.

Oh my GOD!!! I had a typo, how will I ever live down the shame? Dumb fucks!

As for Trump, here is a good start...

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.
Many of the "well educated" are supported by government funds (i.e., professors) and government supported generally means a person is liberal. Well educated often means ineffective and impractical. That said, I think the OP has merit as well.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

Countless polls show conservatives are far more ignorant than other groups. Fox News viewers are less informed than people that watch legitimate news sources like CBS News or CNN. By a wide margin.

Ignorance begets fear. Conservatives exist on fear, it is their driving emotion. And fear turns into it's natural end emotion anger. Conservative media is constructed to keep conservatives continually in fear and angry. This is why everything you see come from Fake Fox News is labelled a 'war on' something. The word itself 'war' makes people fearful and if it is another war on them then they get really scared and have a natural tendency to get angry at 'whatever is warring' on them. Conservative media knows this and uses it to herd these people into voting blocks just as a cattle herder herds cattle into pens.
Conservatives exist on fear
so do many liberals.....its amazing how so many of you diehards cant see that both parties like to use some kind of fear to get their point across........
They are educated to be good little statists.
You mean they are schooled to be good little statists.

The whole premise of the thread is wrong.

The well schooled vote Democrat, the best educated tend either not to vote, or just vote for the most honest and trustworthy candidate, regardless of party. Well educated people ignore partisan politics.


Whether well educated or well schooled, All smart people know that party trumps person when voting for congress.
If that is the case, than that particular person is not someone you want representing you.

What? Voters, when voting for congress, should select the party which best represents their wants, regardless of the individual. It’s how congress works.
They are educated to be good little statists.
You mean they are schooled to be good little statists.

The whole premise of the thread is wrong.

The well schooled vote Democrat, the best educated tend either not to vote, or just vote for the most honest and trustworthy candidate, regardless of party. Well educated people ignore partisan politics.


Whether well educated or well schooled, All smart people know that party trumps person when voting for congress.
If that is the case, than that particular person is not someone you want representing you.

What? Voters, when voting for congress, should select the party which best represents their wants, regardless of the individual. It’s how congress works.
Sorry but there is no conspiracy at colleges.

No, I'm sure you've done a study of all colleges to know better and that is why such teacher bias has been documented and reported on in both public schools, colleges and universities about a THOUSAND times.

There are just a lot of educated people and educated people tend toward the left.

To whatever degree mainly because these institutions are hammering that crap into their ears morning noon and night.

Education doesn't make you smarter but it does make you more knowledgeable. Knowledge is the antidote to ignorance and tends to make people less racist and sexist.

Close and half-right again! No, WISDOM is the antidote of ignorance. Ignorance is the absentee of both knowledge and common sense. Intelligence and common sense constitute wisdom. Education but lacking wisdom and humility constitute arrogance. Lots and lots of arrogant people these days.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic
Educated isn't the same as Wisdom. You can spend 100's of thousands of dollars and still end up working as a barista at Starbucks. You go off and get skills like plumbing, or carpentry and earn 40 thousand dollars a year easy. People who get college educated, end up needing the government to take care of them because of such high debt those stupid individuals accrue. Those who got wise enough to get skills, don't carry a high debt so can mortgage out a house and car, thus putting them away ahead than the "Highly Educated" moron...

View attachment 172312

Or you can get a degree in analytics and earn 6 figures and hire the plumbers and carpenters making 40 grand a year.

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IT folks make the big bucks because most are burned out at 40.

It is easy to get burnt out chasing the all mighty dollar. I have turned down better paying jobs that left no time for having a life.

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It is easy to get burnt out chasing the all mighty 25 year old.
Liberals are pro working class. The well educated know that a healthy middle class means a healthy economy. The fools vote Trumpchange.
Liberals are pro working class.
As long as they are minimum wage and on welfare.. Otherwise if they are working class and not towing the liberal line, those working class can rot in hell..
Obama taught “Destroy Middle Class”
Some 85% of the middle class say they are worse off today than they were ten years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, from the time Obama took office in 2009, “The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomes” wiping out “$4019 in real income” for families. The report goes on to say, “The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it’s no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer’s trick of the century.”
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
But you liberals and your thinking, allow such actions to happen...

View attachment 172360

Your crap bloviating aside, the middle class is financially hurting because they don't make enough money!
I didn't vote for the Socialist, who promised to fundamentally transform America, who raised your healthcare cost over 10x what they were, or put an obscene energy tax on you. Tell me how great it was under Obama again? Fucking worthless lying liberal...Yeah I know that was a redundant statement..

I didn’t vote for him either, though my health insurance cost did not go up due to Obamacare.

I have never claimed it was great under Obama or given Obama credit for shit.

We are back to square one, you being a Trump zealot are too stupid to not understand that a dislike of Trump does not equate to support for Obama.

Anyone that is not licking the ass of Trump understands a person with a brain can dislike them both.

But you will never be able to grasp that because it goes against the Trump talking points, and you will never question your master

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The only guy not of the establishment that is Making America Great Again, and you seem to show your libtard side more and more...

Ok, now I know you are nothing but a Trump zealot. I am embarrassed for you that you tried to pass yourself off as a libertarian.

Someone how has been funding the establishment for 40 years cannot be "not" of the establishment. How fucking naive are you?

The only "lib" thing about me you can point to is that I do not lick the ass of Trump like you do. You are nothing but a fucking partisan hack and I now really do not belive your bullshit stories about your millions. Nobody this stupid would be smart enough to invest their money wisely.

So, what has President Trump done that has put such a bug up your ass?

BTW, if you are going to call someone "stupid"? I "belive" you might want to learn how to spell, dumb ass.

Oh my GOD!!! I had a typo, how will I ever live down the shame? Dumb fucks!

As for Trump, here is a good start...

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

I appreciate the well thought out, detailed response and you deserve one in return and it appears that we are not that far apart on some things

#1 I disagree with your contention that we don't need a wall as a deterrent to illegal immigration. If you have no borders, you have no country. I have lived in Texas most of my life and I have seen firsthand what illegal immigration brings. My travels due to work has taken me to 43 of the continental United States. I have also seen first hand as to where this "look the other way" policy that benefits the purveyors of cheap labor while hurting those that are considered the "working poor".

#2. I can't argue with you there since the military budget is bloated to the point of obscenity and they can't account as to how trillions of dollars have vanished like a fart in the wind. The military industrial complex and their sacred child "DARPA" have come up with new and creative ways to kill and they are at least 50 years ahead of us when it comes to the latest, greatest technology. I cede that point to you...

#3 I will concede this point as well. Troops are in Afghanistan to protect the world's largest producer of opium and is sitting on a trillion dollars worth of lithium. How in the fuck can ANY leader justify the presence of US troops in Afghanistan 16 plus years later after the false flag event that was 9/11 escapes me.....if the mighty military of USA.INC can't subdue a rag tag army of muslim extremists? How in the FUCK could they ever protect the borders of this country? No one ever stops to ask the question.......

#4 We will disagree on this one...there hasn't been a "fair trade" agreement that has ever benefited the average "Johnny Lunchpail"......quite the opposite. Under the guise of "environmentalism", decent paying blue collar jobs were outsourced to countries that didn't have the same type of "Green Gestapo" legislation and this was a plan put in place via the formation of the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N.

#5 Income taxes is a massive scam and always has been. How does this corporate entity that we call "gubermint" justify confiscating a percentage of our labor (that is bartered in exchange for something of value in order to eek out an existence) and how is it any different than the situation of the serfs that had to turn over a portion of their sweat equity to their "lords"? Our "lord" is the 13 shareholders of the privately owned Federal Reserve central bank that extends "credit from an empty account that WE pay interest on as de-facto employees of USA.INC. I am hoping that Trump will tackle that issue soon because the Fed needs a "top to bottom" audit which has never happened since it came into existence.

#6 I will admit that I do not know which unqualified people you are speaking of as it pertains to those that President Trump wanted signed off on that were denied....if you could provide a list of names? I would be indebted to you so I can do a background search on.

Again, I thank you profusely for taking the time to post such an incredibly well written response. Please accept my apology for having misjudged you. We may not agree on everything, but you are no "troll"..........
Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.
What the fuck?
We minorities are convinced that the GOP is the party of the racists. Don' you see the number we overwhelmingly vote anti GOP although most of US are conservatives by principle.

So you admit that your lack of any real education affects the way you vote.

two bachelors one in French/Arabic and one in English....fluent in 4 languages, visited over 50 countries. I don't think I have a lack of education, what i have is a problem with you racists ***** of the so called right. We minorities don't vote for your ilk because you guys chose to wage war on us, atlhough most of us are conservatives....keep digging your grave. I arrived to this country and I was one vote now we are 7. Keep on hating on immigrants and minorities, don't stop!!!
left wingers make everything about race because they are racist
Older people tend to vote GOP because they harbor racist feelings from the dark era of the 60s and 70s.
What the fuck?
We minorities are convinced that the GOP is the party of the racists. Don' you see the number we overwhelmingly vote anti GOP although most of US are conservatives by principle.

So you admit that your lack of any real education affects the way you vote.

two bachelors one in French/Arabic and one in English....fluent in 4 languages, visited over 50 countries. I don't think I have a lack of education, what i have is a problem with you racists ***** of the so called right. We minorities don't vote for your ilk because you guys chose to wage war on us, atlhough most of us are conservatives....keep digging your grave. I arrived to this country and I was one vote now we are 7. Keep on hating on immigrants and minorities, don't stop!!!
left wingers make everything about race because they are racist

Leftards are the kind of racists that would walk down the street and see a black supporter of President Trump and think to themselves "What a house n----ger".........
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.

When I think of liberal college professors? I think of buck-toothed, lisping, limp-wristed commies that drone and draw out the word "divvvvvvvvvvveeeeeersity"........
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.

When I think of liberal college professors? I think of buck-toothed, lisping, limp-wristed commies that drone and draw out the word "divvvvvvvvvvveeeeeersity"........

Thanks for proving my point.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

"Well educated" is a euphemism meaning "well brainwashed."
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.
The young lean left because the idea of free stuff is very appealing to them. That was why Bernie Sanders had very enthusiastic support from young Americans.
Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.

When I think of liberal college professors? I think of buck-toothed, lisping, limp-wristed commies that drone and draw out the word "divvvvvvvvvvveeeeeersity"........

Thanks for proving my point.

Yeaaaaah, you betcha.........cross your puny arms and pretend that you actually made a point......it will help ya sleep better.

Conservatives: I'm NOT posting this here to deepen our partisan divide, or to be insulting. Lord knows we have enough of that, but rather to give everyone an idea of why well educated voters tend to vote the way they do. Among the reasons well educated voters tend to lean to the left are: Educated professionals tend to be urban dwellers who live close to other like minded voters, more liberal female college graduates, the well educated tend to be exposed to many different kinds of people worldwide, fostering a more tolerant attitude regarding other cultures, races, and faiths, and much more. Lots of interesting reading here.
The reason the alleged "highly educated" lean left is because colleges and universities are OVERRUN by left-leaning professors who only offer ONE perspective on every political issue imaginable.

I know. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I went to arguably the most conservative public university in America, and I STILL experienced it more often than not.

Left-leaning college professors grade based on the political position students assume in essay exams, term papers, or even in class participation.

I have DELIBERATELY taken left-leaning positions on exams or term papers to get better grades, and it fucking worked like a charm. In my lower-classman year, I had not learned this valuable lesson, and I would make the mistake of expressing my hard-core right libertarian views. Once I discovered the formula, anytime an exam even tangentially approached a potential political issue, I wrote like a big-government communist authoritarian. My fake commie writings boosted my GPA to a 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. My grad-school aptitude exam scores were pathetic, so I know for a fact that my fake communist authoritarian writing alone got me into grad school.

Higher education in America (and likely around the world) is complete, unadulterated left-leaning indoctrination in every subject and category save mathematics. If there were a way to infiltrate maths, the leftist higher-education horde would do it.

Young adults tend to adopt the point of view to which they are most exposed. When they are never exposed to politics as children and teens (which is most), and they are only exposed to one point of view in college, they will adopt that perspective.

Thus, more YOUNG educated people lean left. From ages 25 to 40, they will gradually start moving away from leftist authoritarianism, but not necessarily to the right, in my experience.

Really not that surprising.

So you faked your way through college.

Could it be that the young today lean left because conservatism lacks all social conscience.
The young lean left because the idea of free stuff is very appealing to them. That was why Bernie Sanders had very enthusiastic support from young Americans.

They lean left because they are freshly brainwashed. The become more conservative the longer they are out in the real world and have bills to pay. They learn that banks don't care if your kid is sick and things are slow down at the plant, the expect to get paid every single month.

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