Why there is no such thing as racism against white people

And don't try to give me any bullshit from the oxford dictionary or webster dictionary about what their definition of racism is. These dictionaries were written by old white men who never experienced racism in their lives, and therefore should not be trusted to provide an accurate, unbiased definition of the word.
You can make up any definition you want, but it wont change anything. Everyone knows what a racist is, and those who dont are looked at as stupid people. Youre a racist and you know youre a racist, hence the reason why you want to redefine the word so that it excludes you. It wont work dummy.

How about you shut your dumbass up and make sure to smile the next time i order a Quarter Pounder meal from you because, if i see any behavior i dont like, ill report you to your manager.
See, the difference between you and me is that I respect low wage workers in this country, and treat them with respect an dignity.

Also, people of color cannot be racist. The REAL definition of racism tells us that racism requires power and privelege, and people of color have neither power nor privelege.
Youre a person of color, and youre a racist. Your existence contradicts your claim. Youre also stupid enough to try and redefine common words. Are you on crack bitch? Youre goin nowhere with that bullshit. Maybe you can talk a couple of your broke ass friends into believing your nonsense, but everyone else thinks youre a fucktard.
As a person of color, I, by definition, CANNOT be racist, just like dogs can't speak French or the sky can't rain meatballs.

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist

Okay, then. If we're going to say that only whites can be racists, and all whites are automatically racist since they benefit from white privilege, then what we did was change the word racist to a synonym for white people. We already had a name for white people. . . I think it was white people. But now we'll call them racist in stead. Okay, granted.

What are we now going to call the idiots who believe people are either superior or inferior based on race? Cuz, you know, that exists in large enough numbers that it would warrant having it's own phonetic signifier.
And don't try to give me any bullshit from the oxford dictionary or webster dictionary about what their definition of racism is. These dictionaries were written by old white men who never experienced racism in their lives, and therefore should not be trusted to provide an accurate, unbiased definition of the word.
You can make up any definition you want, but it wont change anything. Everyone knows what a racist is, and those who dont are looked at as stupid people. Youre a racist and you know youre a racist, hence the reason why you want to redefine the word so that it excludes you. It wont work dummy.

How about you shut your dumbass up and make sure to smile the next time i order a Quarter Pounder meal from you because, if i see any behavior i dont like, ill report you to your manager.
See, the difference between you and me is that I respect low wage workers in this country, and treat them with respect an dignity.

Also, people of color cannot be racist. The REAL definition of racism tells us that racism requires power and privelege, and people of color have neither power nor privelege.
Youre a person of color, and youre a racist. Your existence contradicts your claim. Youre also stupid enough to try and redefine common words. Are you on crack bitch? Youre goin nowhere with that bullshit. Maybe you can talk a couple of your broke ass friends into believing your nonsense, but everyone else thinks youre a fucktard.
As a person of color, I, by definition, CANNOT be racist, just like dogs can't speak French or the sky can't rain meatballs.

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist
Wrong, only people of color can be racist. It's impossible for white people to be racist. A "racist" is a person of color who doesn't like white people.
This is probably about the only time I'll ever say this, but Gonzalo is right about "racism." He is not the only one who agrees with this; it is widely accepted, except by those who will not accept that blacks in America have anything to complaiin about. At least so it seems.

It is widely accepted by people who agree with the Social Justice philosophy, but that doesn't mean that it disqualifies all definitions that came before it.

What is widely accepted is that judging someone based solely on race or thinking they are inferior solely because of race is, by definition, racism. Whatever else may be said, this is the basic fact of the matter.

I tend to agree. Thankfully, most regular people that I talk to outside of forums full of political philosophy junkies are still on board with the traditional definition of racism. And I would be thankful for this even if I didn't find most of Social Justice's premises to be insane and/or hateful. Whether I'm on board or not, -NO- controversial political movement should be given license to remake the very language of a society to fit their narrative. Especially when the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I can't think of one single historical example where dividing a nation into two groups and then training those groups to believe that one group is being victimized by the other in perpetuity, has ever led to anything positive. Or led to anything that wasn't fucking horrific. The only thing I wonder about this social justice racism narrative is, if/when it reaches critical mass, which group will be the Hutu and which will be the Tutsi?
the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.
See, this is exactly where I get suspicious of your objection to Gonzalo's and what you call the "social justice" definition of racism. There is an agenda here that is ridiculous in the extreme.
Do you really honestly believe that the "hostile group binary" was created by black activists and the white liberals who are willing to listen to them? No. That hostile group binary is very much true, but it was not created by pointing out that racism still exists. Ignoring it will not make it go away either.
By quibbling over the definition of racist/racism you are hoping to do the typical finger pointing at the other side (well, you're a racist, too, so we're even/the argument is null and void). That's not even a valid argument in itself, but that's what this whole exhausting quibble over what racist means is all about.
I'm using the royal "you."

Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.
It is widely accepted by people who agree with the Social Justice philosophy, but that doesn't mean that it disqualifies all definitions that came before it.

What is widely accepted is that judging someone based solely on race or thinking they are inferior solely because of race is, by definition, racism. Whatever else may be said, this is the basic fact of the matter.

I tend to agree. Thankfully, most regular people that I talk to outside of forums full of political philosophy junkies are still on board with the traditional definition of racism. And I would be thankful for this even if I didn't find most of Social Justice's premises to be insane and/or hateful. Whether I'm on board or not, -NO- controversial political movement should be given license to remake the very language of a society to fit their narrative. Especially when the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I can't think of one single historical example where dividing a nation into two groups and then training those groups to believe that one group is being victimized by the other in perpetuity, has ever led to anything positive. Or led to anything that wasn't fucking horrific. The only thing I wonder about this social justice racism narrative is, if/when it reaches critical mass, which group will be the Hutu and which will be the Tutsi?
the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.
See, this is exactly where I get suspicious of your objection to Gonzalo's and what you call the "social justice" definition of racism. There is an agenda here that is ridiculous in the extreme.
Do you really honestly believe that the "hostile group binary" was created by black activists and the white liberals who are willing to listen to them? No. That hostile group binary is very much true, but it was not created by pointing out that racism still exists. Ignoring it will not make it go away either.
By quibbling over the definition of racist/racism you are hoping to do the typical finger pointing at the other side (well, you're a racist, too, so we're even/the argument is null and void). That's not even a valid argument in itself, but that's what this whole exhausting quibble over what racist means is all about.
I'm using the royal "you."

Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Ah, almost forgot. The reason I don't like this growing binary of blame, guilt and animosity is because I have friends and loved ones from all over the ethnic map, as most people who have lived in a melting pot as diverse as Hawaii tend to have. My father is Scottish Irish, my little brother's Mexican on his father's side, my cousins who were like my siblings growing up and to whom I'm still quite close are Blackfoot on their paternal side. I grew up largely in what's essentially a black Baptist style church on Oahu with a mom in the music ministry, so much of my time was spent there and a huge portion of my closest friends throughout my life have been African American, largely from military families.

Thus, when I see a philosophy accepted by the mainstream that tells some of the people that I love the lie that all of their problems are being caused by other people that I love, then seeks to actively oppress those other people that I love based on their culpability, which in turn is based ENTIRELY on the uncontrollable circumstances of their birth, it saddens me, and it enrages me at the sick tribalism that spawned it. My absolute hatred and contempt for the social justice philosophy is based on the same emotional response that is triggered when you watch two people you love dearly try to hurt each other, coupled with an acknowledgement of the absolute fact that their mutual animosity is built on complete and utter bullshit.
poor oppressed black people

unable to afford a computer, internet access

killed for expressing their opinions

po' thangs
Good news: old white men are dying out, and the gop is dying out with them. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

And people don't get more conservative as they age. Hell, as our country gets less white, more diverse, more educated, etc. people are getting more PROGRESSIVE as they age: Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Hopefully, the old, faulty, definition of racism will go away, and soon the country will embrace the fact that racism requires power and privelege to exist, both of which only whites have.
Good news: old white men are dying out, and the gop is dying out with them. The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

And people don't get more conservative as they age. Hell, as our country gets less white, more diverse, more educated, etc. people are getting more PROGRESSIVE as they age: Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Hopefully, the old, faulty, definition of racism will go away, and soon the country will embrace the fact that racism requires power and privelege to exist, both of which only whites have.

You might sit there and swear that it's not racist to be bigoted toward whites, but expressing glee at their death simply due to their skin color, blaming all of a race for the actions of a few. . . these things are still ignorant as fuck. You can redefine words to fit your moral narrative until you're blue in the face, but you can't make your bigotry any less stupid.

On the other hand, props on updating your references, calling the dictionary definition the old definition in stead of trying to say that your replacement definition is some sort of restoration. You've accepted a fact and corrected a mistake in your perception. However minor that may be, at least there's hope for you ;)
4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop | Huffington Post

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist

Racism requires power and privelege to exist.

People of color do not have any power or privilege in this white dominated society. This is shown by the fact that people of color are FAR more likely to be sentenced to prison while whites get off on plea deals for the same exact crimes.

Sure, there may be a few rich people of color in this country, but even the richest African American in the US still gets racially profiled by police. Even Senator Tim Scott (who is a Republican, by the way) has openly talked about being profiled by police for his skin color. Even President Obama, back when he was a senator, used to see people lock their car doors as he walked by, showing that people of color in all walks of life still face plenty of hate and discrimination.

Because racism requires power and privelege, and since whites are the only racial group with institutional power and privelege in this country, only whites can be racist. Saying that racism against whites exists is like saying 2 plus 2 equals 800. It's just not factually possible.

And don't try to give me any bullshit from the oxford dictionary or webster dictionary about what their definition of racism is. These dictionaries were written by old white men who never experienced racism in their lives, and therefore should not be trusted to provide an accurate, unbiased definition of the word.


What a fucking retard.

Regardless of any actions, behavior, or ideas they might do or hold, a person of color simply CANNOT be racist. Period. Fact. End of statement.

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist

If one accepts your altered definition.

However, if you can't see the hypocrisy of making the definition of "racist" be race based, there is no help for you.

And it isn't equality you seek. You are advocating for revenge. But even that is not your goal. You are just another agitator. On par with a troll.
4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop | Huffington Post

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist

Racism requires power and privelege to exist.

People of color do not have any power or privilege in this white dominated society. This is shown by the fact that people of color are FAR more likely to be sentenced to prison while whites get off on plea deals for the same exact crimes.

Sure, there may be a few rich people of color in this country, but even the richest African American in the US still gets racially profiled by police. Even Senator Tim Scott (who is a Republican, by the way) has openly talked about being profiled by police for his skin color. Even President Obama, back when he was a senator, used to see people lock their car doors as he walked by, showing that people of color in all walks of life still face plenty of hate and discrimination.

Because racism requires power and privelege, and since whites are the only racial group with institutional power and privelege in this country, only whites can be racist. Saying that racism against whites exists is like saying 2 plus 2 equals 800. It's just not factually possible.

And don't try to give me any bullshit from the oxford dictionary or webster dictionary about what their definition of racism is. These dictionaries were written by old white men who never experienced racism in their lives, and therefore should not be trusted to provide an accurate, unbiased definition of the word.
OK, when you set the rules, feel free to redefine them to fit your agenda. Gimme a break, blacks aren't perfect and can be bigoted and hateful, and when blacks wield power enough to redirect what words mean, how to perceive certain ideals and promote racial issues, right there that says something. The first post on this thread, for instance. Racism is a chimera, it's fleeting. Is it even a real "thing"? Hate is hate. THAT is real.You can't split hairs and redefine it, it is what it is. Blacks hate TOO.
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The problem with ChairmanG's rewriting word definitions is that it is designed to cause more problems. It does not solve them.

The goal must be equality, not revenge.
Serious question. When in the history of the world has the group with power every conceded it in the name of equality?
What is widely accepted is that judging someone based solely on race or thinking they are inferior solely because of race is, by definition, racism. Whatever else may be said, this is the basic fact of the matter.

I tend to agree. Thankfully, most regular people that I talk to outside of forums full of political philosophy junkies are still on board with the traditional definition of racism. And I would be thankful for this even if I didn't find most of Social Justice's premises to be insane and/or hateful. Whether I'm on board or not, -NO- controversial political movement should be given license to remake the very language of a society to fit their narrative. Especially when the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I can't think of one single historical example where dividing a nation into two groups and then training those groups to believe that one group is being victimized by the other in perpetuity, has ever led to anything positive. Or led to anything that wasn't fucking horrific. The only thing I wonder about this social justice racism narrative is, if/when it reaches critical mass, which group will be the Hutu and which will be the Tutsi?
the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.
See, this is exactly where I get suspicious of your objection to Gonzalo's and what you call the "social justice" definition of racism. There is an agenda here that is ridiculous in the extreme.
Do you really honestly believe that the "hostile group binary" was created by black activists and the white liberals who are willing to listen to them? No. That hostile group binary is very much true, but it was not created by pointing out that racism still exists. Ignoring it will not make it go away either.
By quibbling over the definition of racist/racism you are hoping to do the typical finger pointing at the other side (well, you're a racist, too, so we're even/the argument is null and void). That's not even a valid argument in itself, but that's what this whole exhausting quibble over what racist means is all about.
I'm using the royal "you."

Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Here is where I start to laugh. Are you seriously comparing what happened to the islands with what Blacks went through for centuries and multiple generations here in the US at the hands of white people? I dont want to get into a long contest of who has the most reason to hate whites but you need some perspective. The KKK isnt known for hanging Hawaiians. Though they are ignorant enough to mistake you for a Black person. The "hate" as you call it is more a seething anger at having your culture, history, language stripped from you. Your women and girl children raped by inbred savages. Later after you were "freed" white cave baboons terrorizing your familes with the full consent of the local law. Your people reenslaved via Convict Leasing laws design specifically to replace full slavery. Then Jim Crow and now the lastest form of slavery the Industrial Prison Complex.
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I tend to agree. Thankfully, most regular people that I talk to outside of forums full of political philosophy junkies are still on board with the traditional definition of racism. And I would be thankful for this even if I didn't find most of Social Justice's premises to be insane and/or hateful. Whether I'm on board or not, -NO- controversial political movement should be given license to remake the very language of a society to fit their narrative. Especially when the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I can't think of one single historical example where dividing a nation into two groups and then training those groups to believe that one group is being victimized by the other in perpetuity, has ever led to anything positive. Or led to anything that wasn't fucking horrific. The only thing I wonder about this social justice racism narrative is, if/when it reaches critical mass, which group will be the Hutu and which will be the Tutsi?
the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.
See, this is exactly where I get suspicious of your objection to Gonzalo's and what you call the "social justice" definition of racism. There is an agenda here that is ridiculous in the extreme.
Do you really honestly believe that the "hostile group binary" was created by black activists and the white liberals who are willing to listen to them? No. That hostile group binary is very much true, but it was not created by pointing out that racism still exists. Ignoring it will not make it go away either.
By quibbling over the definition of racist/racism you are hoping to do the typical finger pointing at the other side (well, you're a racist, too, so we're even/the argument is null and void). That's not even a valid argument in itself, but that's what this whole exhausting quibble over what racist means is all about.
I'm using the royal "you."

Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Here is where I start to laugh. Are you seriously comparing what happened to the islands with what Blacks went through for centuries and multiple generations here in the US at the hands of white people? I dont want to get into a long contest of who has the most reason to hate whites but you need some perspective. The KKK isnt known for hanging Hawaiians. Though they are ignorant enough to mistake you for a Black person. The "hate" as you call it is more a seething anger at having your culture, history, language stripped from you. Your women and girl children raped by inbred savages. Later after you were "freed" white cave baboons terrorizing your familes with the full consent of the local law. Your people reenslaved via Convict Leasing laws design specifically to replace full slavery. Then Jim Crow and now the lastest form of slavery the Industrial Prison Complex.

I'm not trying to compare the brutality or duration of the oppression of the two different peoples, simply pointing out the obvious fact that historical oppression doesn't universally produce blinding anger in the descendants of the oppressed, even when those descendants are personally connected to those predecessors that underwent said oppression. The overwhelming emotional response happens to people who are taught to believe that historical oppression should produce an overwhelming emotional response.

The context of my response was in regard to the actions of America's forefathers. As far as emotional responses brought on by events that one has personally experienced, or oppression under which one perceives themselves to be, different story (though I must admit that I find critical race theorists' typical interpretation of current statistics highly dubious on several fronts). Nevertheless, anger at an entire race for the actions of people in power remains illogical, and holding powerless individuals responsible for the actions of others based on skin color remains morally reprehensible.
the obvious result is to create a hostile group binary between racists (whites) and everyone else.
See, this is exactly where I get suspicious of your objection to Gonzalo's and what you call the "social justice" definition of racism. There is an agenda here that is ridiculous in the extreme.
Do you really honestly believe that the "hostile group binary" was created by black activists and the white liberals who are willing to listen to them? No. That hostile group binary is very much true, but it was not created by pointing out that racism still exists. Ignoring it will not make it go away either.
By quibbling over the definition of racist/racism you are hoping to do the typical finger pointing at the other side (well, you're a racist, too, so we're even/the argument is null and void). That's not even a valid argument in itself, but that's what this whole exhausting quibble over what racist means is all about.
I'm using the royal "you."

Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Here is where I start to laugh. Are you seriously comparing what happened to the islands with what Blacks went through for centuries and multiple generations here in the US at the hands of white people? I dont want to get into a long contest of who has the most reason to hate whites but you need some perspective. The KKK isnt known for hanging Hawaiians. Though they are ignorant enough to mistake you for a Black person. The "hate" as you call it is more a seething anger at having your culture, history, language stripped from you. Your women and girl children raped by inbred savages. Later after you were "freed" white cave baboons terrorizing your familes with the full consent of the local law. Your people reenslaved via Convict Leasing laws design specifically to replace full slavery. Then Jim Crow and now the lastest form of slavery the Industrial Prison Complex.

I'm not trying to compare the brutality or duration of the oppression of the two different peoples, simply pointing out the obvious fact that historical oppression doesn't universally produce blinding anger in the descendants of the oppressed, even when those descendants are personally connected to those predecessors that underwent said oppression. The overwhelming emotional response happens to people who are taught to believe that historical oppression should produce an overwhelming emotional response.

The context of my response was in regard to the actions of America's forefathers. As far as emotional responses brought on by events that one has personally experienced, or oppression under which one perceives themselves to be, different story (though I must admit that I find critical race theorists' typical interpretation of current statistics highly dubious on several fronts). Nevertheless, anger at an entire race for the actions of people in power remains illogical, and holding powerless individuals responsible for the actions of others based on skin color remains morally reprehensible.
I dont know anyone that can maintain anger at an entire race. i think youre being a little dramatic. What you are seeing is people generalize in response to the actions of some whites. Indeed some people have written off whites but not individual whites.as members of the human race. You can expect those levels of anger when you constantly are being bombarded with negativity from whites in general.
Yes, I do believe that the current mainstream binary was created by this social justice definition of racism, and yes I do call this definition of racism the social justice (including intersectionalism and critical race theory) definition, since it's only people who are proponents of that relig-OOPS-philosophy and people who have had their definition informed by proponents of that philosophy who adhere to that ridiculous definition.

In terms of the binary, yes, historically it was the pseudoscience of racist whites that created the hostile binary in this country, but, in case you hadn't noticed, the mainstream shed that skin quite some time ago. The current mainstream racial binary is, in fact, between whites and PoC's, and the binary is justified with social justice's overly simplified explanation of power.

Why might I believe this, you ask? Well, is it acceptable on television to point to skull shape and IQ testing and then pontificate about how Caucazoid is superior to Negroid? Nope, that dumb shit got called out and banished, by popular opinion, from any mainstream platform before I was even born. It is, however, acceptable to go on television and literally say that all white people are racists. In a growing number of our schools, the very curriculum includes pointing at any statistical gap between groups and then telling children that the only possible reason dividing people along arbitrary lines doesn't yield groups that all experience uniform results is that white people are oppressing everybody else. We're teaching, in a growing number of public schools, that only whites are racist, all whites are racist, and due to the nature of reality, it's impossible to opt out of being racist if you're white. Essentially, we're teaching children in our society that white children are born inescapably morally inferior to literally EVERYONE ELSE. This particular binary wasn't created by the slave owners, believe it or not. This is a new incarnation of us against them bullshit.

Also, many times when people point the finger back at the other side, it's not to imply that their racism cancels out "our" racism. Many of the people pointing the finger that I'm pointing at social justice still adhere to the colorblind philosophy. Not the social justice cartoon version where people pretend to be unaware of race, but the actual philosophy, where we view each individual on the merits of their actions and their actions alone. Those of us who believe that this is the proper way to approach others aren't trying to cancel out our racism by pointing out your's (royal you and all), we're asserting that we are not acting out of racism, but that you are.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Here is where I start to laugh. Are you seriously comparing what happened to the islands with what Blacks went through for centuries and multiple generations here in the US at the hands of white people? I dont want to get into a long contest of who has the most reason to hate whites but you need some perspective. The KKK isnt known for hanging Hawaiians. Though they are ignorant enough to mistake you for a Black person. The "hate" as you call it is more a seething anger at having your culture, history, language stripped from you. Your women and girl children raped by inbred savages. Later after you were "freed" white cave baboons terrorizing your familes with the full consent of the local law. Your people reenslaved via Convict Leasing laws design specifically to replace full slavery. Then Jim Crow and now the lastest form of slavery the Industrial Prison Complex.

I'm not trying to compare the brutality or duration of the oppression of the two different peoples, simply pointing out the obvious fact that historical oppression doesn't universally produce blinding anger in the descendants of the oppressed, even when those descendants are personally connected to those predecessors that underwent said oppression. The overwhelming emotional response happens to people who are taught to believe that historical oppression should produce an overwhelming emotional response.

The context of my response was in regard to the actions of America's forefathers. As far as emotional responses brought on by events that one has personally experienced, or oppression under which one perceives themselves to be, different story (though I must admit that I find critical race theorists' typical interpretation of current statistics highly dubious on several fronts). Nevertheless, anger at an entire race for the actions of people in power remains illogical, and holding powerless individuals responsible for the actions of others based on skin color remains morally reprehensible.
I dont know anyone that can maintain anger at an entire race. i think youre being a little dramatic. What you are seeing is people generalize in response to the actions of some whites. Indeed some people have written off whites but not individual whites.as members of the human race. You can expect those levels of anger when you constantly are being bombarded with negativity from whites in general.

You're probably right that anger at an entire race can't be maintained universally, but that applies to all people historically, which means that all racial violence has been perpetrated not in the name of negativity maintained universally and down to the individual, but simply in the name of hatred justified by generalities. I'm not saying that we've reached a point where all non whites hate all whites, I'm saying that directing animosity based on racial generalities, in and of itself, implicitly shifts blame to all individuals of a given race, and is exactly what fosters shit like the KKK. That direction of animosity is exactly what social justice accomplishes by trying to simplify the actions of individuals into actions committed by one color against another.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your position so thoroughly.
I don't agree that children are being taught that all whites are racist, or that they are morally inferior. I hear voices like the Chairman and Ascleipias and some others and I hear anger, the chickens come home to roost, for what has gone on in the past. Things had not become perfectly equal prior to the BLM movement. This is not a militancy based on .... whatever you think it's based on. It's the bitter reapings of what our forefathers sowed and I don't like it anymore than you do. But for different reasons, I suspect.

Most people don't think we're actually teaching that to our kids, and yet. . .

High school teacher tells students that all white people are racist

Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist | New York Post

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

I'll hunt down more examples if you'd like, these are the first three that both caught my eye in about 2 minutes of google searching, and come from sources that couldn't be dismissed as right wing, white supremacist, or anti social justice. If you want to examine college level curriculum, there's literally hundreds of videos you can find on youtube right now with actual footage from college social science courses around the country teaching this divisive drivel, which they've been doing for years, now. The examples of lower levels of education teaching the same aren't nearly as numerous, though they are growing. That tends to be how education works; as higher levels of academia accept a premise, it eventually disseminates throughout the lower levels of education. Fortunately, we haven't hit the complete proliferation of that eventuality yet, where this racial binary is concerned. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many signs that it's slowing down.

Next, you can call it chickens coming home to roost, but that ignores the very real and very significant factor of what people are taught. My mother is Hawaiian, Chinese, and Tahitian, from a native Hawaiian family. Our family essentially owned Niu Valley on Oahu when Hawaii was a kingdom, but lost the vast majority of it to the land grabs after the takeover. My grandmother, who had a big hand in my upbringing and who is very dear to me, actually had to live through much of the period when Hawaiians had their wealth, culture, and language forcibly stripped from them. Yet, here I am, not angry at "white people".

Let me repeat that. Despite the oppression of my ancestors, including my grandmother who I know personally and hold in the highest regard, I AM NOT ANGRY AT WHITE PEOPLE. What's my point, you might ask? My point is that broad anger against everyone who looks like the oppressors of one's ancestors is not, I repeat, IS NOT an inevitable result of historic oppression. I'm not angry at all white people because I wasn't taught to be angry at all white people. In fact, my own personal observation has shown me that I have no control over the actions of other people, and the logical conclusion I've drawn from that is that I cannot be held responsible for the actions of other people. From there, my ability to empathize informs me that other people are similarly powerless over the actions of others, and therefore similarly can't be held responsible for those other people's actions, no matter how much those other people resemble them physically.

Due to the fact that it's illogical to hold someone responsible for the actions of other people despite similar physical traits, there's literally nothing you can tell me about how horrifically individuals in history acted from their seats of power that is going to convince me that it's ever justified to hold those who look like them responsible. Period. Nor are you going to convince me that it's acceptable for others to do so.
Here is where I start to laugh. Are you seriously comparing what happened to the islands with what Blacks went through for centuries and multiple generations here in the US at the hands of white people? I dont want to get into a long contest of who has the most reason to hate whites but you need some perspective. The KKK isnt known for hanging Hawaiians. Though they are ignorant enough to mistake you for a Black person. The "hate" as you call it is more a seething anger at having your culture, history, language stripped from you. Your women and girl children raped by inbred savages. Later after you were "freed" white cave baboons terrorizing your familes with the full consent of the local law. Your people reenslaved via Convict Leasing laws design specifically to replace full slavery. Then Jim Crow and now the lastest form of slavery the Industrial Prison Complex.

I'm not trying to compare the brutality or duration of the oppression of the two different peoples, simply pointing out the obvious fact that historical oppression doesn't universally produce blinding anger in the descendants of the oppressed, even when those descendants are personally connected to those predecessors that underwent said oppression. The overwhelming emotional response happens to people who are taught to believe that historical oppression should produce an overwhelming emotional response.

The context of my response was in regard to the actions of America's forefathers. As far as emotional responses brought on by events that one has personally experienced, or oppression under which one perceives themselves to be, different story (though I must admit that I find critical race theorists' typical interpretation of current statistics highly dubious on several fronts). Nevertheless, anger at an entire race for the actions of people in power remains illogical, and holding powerless individuals responsible for the actions of others based on skin color remains morally reprehensible.
I dont know anyone that can maintain anger at an entire race. i think youre being a little dramatic. What you are seeing is people generalize in response to the actions of some whites. Indeed some people have written off whites but not individual whites.as members of the human race. You can expect those levels of anger when you constantly are being bombarded with negativity from whites in general.

You're probably right that anger at an entire race can't be maintained universally, but that applies to all people historically, which means that all racial violence has been perpetrated not in the name of negativity maintained universally and down to the individual, but simply in the name of hatred justified by generalities. I'm not saying that we've reached a point where all non whites hate all whites, I'm saying that directing animosity based on racial generalities, in and of itself, implicitly shifts blame to all individuals of a given race, and is exactly what fosters shit like the KKK. That direction of animosity is exactly what social justice accomplishes by trying to simplify the actions of individuals into actions committed by one color against another.
The only blame that can be legitimately assigned to anyone is the present day practice of whites defending the status quo their ancestors set up. I personally dont trust whites as a general rule. Is that wrong? I dont think so looking at their history and present day actions in general.
The problem with ChairmanG's rewriting word definitions is that it is designed to cause more problems. It does not solve them.

The goal must be equality, not revenge.
Serious question. When in the history of the world has the group with power every conceded it in the name of equality?

Little by little it has happened. Women have gained. Minorities have gained. Gays have gained.
The problem with ChairmanG's rewriting word definitions is that it is designed to cause more problems. It does not solve them.

The goal must be equality, not revenge.
Serious question. When in the history of the world has the group with power every conceded it in the name of equality?

Little by little it has happened. Women have gained. Minorities have gained. Gays have gained.
Maybe thats the problem. It shouldnt be little bit by little bit. It should be instantly. Who or what mandates that people should wait for full equality? There is the source of the anger.
The problem with ChairmanG's rewriting word definitions is that it is designed to cause more problems. It does not solve them.

The goal must be equality, not revenge.
Serious question. When in the history of the world has the group with power every conceded it in the name of equality?

Little by little it has happened. Women have gained. Minorities have gained. Gays have gained.
Maybe thats the problem. It shouldnt be little bit by little bit. It should be instantly. Who or what mandates that people should wait for full equality? There is the source of the anger.
Thank you for being the voice of reason on this thread

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