Why Trump is furiously peddling to distract from the Russian-Trump connection


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

I found this interesting..

Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Opinion | Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians for the good of the American people.

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Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

I found this interesting..

Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Opinion | Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Thank you, too bad the willfully ignorant and partisan hacks supporting Trump will not read it, or if they do they will criticize it as false news.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

I found this interesting..

Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Opinion | Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger
I thought the book was better, because as Redford says the movie was about Woodward and Bernstein. And that sort of detrects. Bernstein in in left field, but Woodward certainly isn't. The Wash Post was left leaning, but the irony was that deep throat turned out to be the RW FBIer who oversaw the illegal spying on Vietnam protestors

But yeah, if Trump broke the law, it'll come out. I'm leaning towards thinking he really did connect with the Russians. And That really is illegal.
The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

Wow, this ^^^ must be the most comprehensive evidence ever reported on the issue at hand. Thank you for providing exculpatory evidence clearing trump and his associates, here and in Moscow, that the allegations were a hoax.

We can all feel safe now, Sessions is AG and will prosecute real criminals, women and children living in the United States without papers, and Flynn, Sessions and Trump's family can continue to consort with Russians and IranianS for the good of the American people.


No need to "clear" his name of allegations, since they are just allegations. If I allege that you are a thief, the burden of evidence would be on me, and you do not need to clear your name. If, I present evidence to a court though, that you have stolen from me, that is when you may need to clear your name. The Trump Russia connection is a hoax. There is no connection, there are only politically motivated allegations.
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The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection.

yes, thats it, a hoax ... go with that one.

btw, the hoaxsters are begging for immunity.

Who are "they", and where are they "begging"?

The Trump connection to Russia is a hoax. There is no connection, just politically motivated allegations.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Do you have a link to the FBI's findings?
Adam Schiffe, the chavez cheerleader and member of the House intelligence committee just said their was no proof.
Good gawd, you fucking birthers.
When referring to hillarys crimes "where is the solid proof? where are the convictions?"
Now, you dumbfucks don't need any proof
ummmmmmmm :rofl:
Again, Our Intelligence Community has a record of every word, said by every Trump Team member to anyone in Russia they ever talked to.

Nothing was found. Even Obama's head of National Intelligence, Clapper said there was nothing there and The FBI used The Transcripts of Surveillance on Flynn to Exonerate Him.

The Dems are circling the drain, and we get to watch.
Trump's public speech, during his campaign, where he openly encouraged the Russians to hack into Clinton's emails is enough to impeach him.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

I found this interesting..

Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger

Opinion | Robert Redford: 45 years after Watergate, the truth is again in danger
I thought the book was better, because as Redford says the movie was about Woodward and Bernstein. And that sort of detrects. Bernstein in in left field, but Woodward certainly isn't. The Wash Post was left leaning, but the irony was that deep throat turned out to be the RW FBIer who oversaw the illegal spying on Vietnam protestors

But yeah, if Trump broke the law, it'll come out. I'm leaning towards thinking he really did connect with the Russians. And That really is illegal.

If you are suggesting globalists are not aligned with any nation I agree. No man is an Island, and no Plutocrat is a nationalist. It is all about them and their bank account.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Do you have a link to the FBI's findings?

Where there is smoke, there maybe fire. You would allow the house to burn, rather than allow a full and complete investigation of the events alleged, and that makes you


a bird brain.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Do you have a link to the FBI's findings?

Where there is smoke, there maybe fire. You would allow the house to burn, rather than allow a full and complete investigation of the events alleged, and that makes you


a bird brain.

Dipwad, I have called for a complete investigation. I want it, if someone did something illegal, it needs to exposed. I that makes you a mindless asshole.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Do you have a link to the FBI's findings?

Where there is smoke, there maybe fire. You would allow the house to burn, rather than allow a full and complete investigation of the events alleged, and that makes you


a bird brain.

Dipwad, I have called for a complete investigation. I want it, if someone did something illegal, it needs to exposed. I that makes you a mindless asshole.
No point.

He has decided that Trump is guilty because he is not a democrat and Trump will remain so no matter what happens with the investigations. The entire thing has become a massive and very sick joke.
Badk in July of 16, some were positing whether Trump committed a high crime or misdeameanor by publically calling on Putin to hack the dems.
Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

I never saw a poll, but I think most of us either thought Trump was the bees knees or at worst he was such an uncivil cretin that nothing was beneath him, but he was running against one of the most loathsome policitcians of our times, so.........

But now, the FBI apparently has records to team Trump meeting directily with Russians, and then Trump's campaign seeming to know exactly what lies/hack the Russian were going to leak. Imo, there will have to be someone who is willing to rat Trump out, but if there is ....if he's not impeached the next campaign will name him a traitor

Fake news. There is no such evidence. If there was, it would have been public by now.

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