Why Trump is winning...


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Why Trump is winning: His supporters think America is screwing over whites

Part of it is that reason absolutely Its amazing how DUMB the elites think American working class people are. Did they seriously think we were NEVER going to get tired of busting our asses to see our hard earned money support foreign nations,military adventurism and most of all non whites sitting on their asses collecting a welfare check that increases for every kid that pop out? Wow....Talk about being out of touch with reality...the hens are coming home to roost elitist assholes....Trump is our candidate like it or not.
Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?
I am not sure that I am as clear cut as to how Trump would run things, but I am willing to find out. Sure can't be any worse than what we have had the last 20 years.
I am sick of it all.
If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.
Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Probably go back to the same ole same ole.
If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

In no way do I think white people are more valuable, nor do I know one person that does.
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Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Good question. Its gonna be interesting to see if this movement of Trumps can keep momentum and gain other leaders than Trump and force change even if he loses the nomination or the presidency and kick some senators and congressmen/women out of office or do anything else....I don't think it splits the GOP completely unless Trump wins.

If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

Not hardly. More like Whites see that they aren't given a leg up in hiring because we are white. Now if we were black,brown,homosexual,female etc etc we would be given an extra point towards being hired somewhere all thanks to affirmative action and hiring quotas. Whites work,non whites take....well the government takes and gives it to them...all they do is wait for it to be deposited on their EBT card and then they can run to the store in their 40k car with 10k in rims on it all the while claiming to be poor while REAL poor WHITE folks like me actually WORK for a living.
Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Good question. Its gonna be interesting to see if this movement of Trumps can keep momentum and gain other leaders than Trump and force change even if he loses the nomination or the presidency and kick some senators and congressmen/women out of office or do anything else....I don't think it splits the GOP completely unless Trump wins.

If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

Not hardly. More like Whites see that they aren't given a leg up in hiring because we are white. Now if we were black,brown,homosexual,female etc etc we would be given an extra point towards being hired somewhere all thanks to affirmative action and hiring quotas. Whites work,non whites take....well the government takes and gives it to them...all they do is wait for it to be deposited on their EBT card and then they can run to the store in their 40k car with 10k in rims on it all the while claiming to be poor while REAL poor WHITE folks like me actually WORK for a living.
Are you unemployed?
Trump is our candidate like it or not.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Good question. Its gonna be interesting to see if this movement of Trumps can keep momentum and gain other leaders than Trump and force change even if he loses the nomination or the presidency and kick some senators and congressmen/women out of office or do anything else....I don't think it splits the GOP completely unless Trump wins.

If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

Not hardly. More like Whites see that they aren't given a leg up in hiring because we are white. Now if we were black,brown,homosexual,female etc etc we would be given an extra point towards being hired somewhere all thanks to affirmative action and hiring quotas. Whites work,non whites take....well the government takes and gives it to them...all they do is wait for it to be deposited on their EBT card and then they can run to the store in their 40k car with 10k in rims on it all the while claiming to be poor while REAL poor WHITE folks like me actually WORK for a living.
Are you unemployed?
Right now no. Have been passed over for jobs because I was white though. Just 2 years ago actually. Just because I am not unemployed doesn't mean I am any less poor I still work I still pay taxes while these leeches do NOTHING but breed all damn day long.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Good question. Its gonna be interesting to see if this movement of Trumps can keep momentum and gain other leaders than Trump and force change even if he loses the nomination or the presidency and kick some senators and congressmen/women out of office or do anything else....I don't think it splits the GOP completely unless Trump wins.

If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

Not hardly. More like Whites see that they aren't given a leg up in hiring because we are white. Now if we were black,brown,homosexual,female etc etc we would be given an extra point towards being hired somewhere all thanks to affirmative action and hiring quotas. Whites work,non whites take....well the government takes and gives it to them...all they do is wait for it to be deposited on their EBT card and then they can run to the store in their 40k car with 10k in rims on it all the while claiming to be poor while REAL poor WHITE folks like me actually WORK for a living.
Are you unemployed?
Right now no. Have been passed over for jobs because I was white though. Just 2 years ago actually. Just because I am not unemployed doesn't mean I am any less poor I still work I still pay taxes while these leeches do NOTHING but breed all damn day long.
I've never been passed over for a job because I am white. Could be your attitude.

The most vocal members of the GOP should run The Guy They Want. Not a RINO or someone they'll complain about later.

The party is in pieces right now, and if they lose running Their Guy, then maybe it will be time to look at other options.
I think if Trump is nominee AND wins A LOT of establishment republicans will be either run out of the party OR switch parties OR start another party. Trump is not just a different republican he is against their 2 biggest cornerstones military adventurism which the neo con corner loves and open free trade which kills American jobs which almost EVERYONE in the republican party wants....Trump will establish the GOP as a Nationalist American First party that sticks to non interventionism.
What do you think would happen if he lost? How do the different factions of the party find common ground?

Especially after all this fighting?

Good question. Its gonna be interesting to see if this movement of Trumps can keep momentum and gain other leaders than Trump and force change even if he loses the nomination or the presidency and kick some senators and congressmen/women out of office or do anything else....I don't think it splits the GOP completely unless Trump wins.

If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

Not hardly. More like Whites see that they aren't given a leg up in hiring because we are white. Now if we were black,brown,homosexual,female etc etc we would be given an extra point towards being hired somewhere all thanks to affirmative action and hiring quotas. Whites work,non whites take....well the government takes and gives it to them...all they do is wait for it to be deposited on their EBT card and then they can run to the store in their 40k car with 10k in rims on it all the while claiming to be poor while REAL poor WHITE folks like me actually WORK for a living.
Are you unemployed?
Right now no. Have been passed over for jobs because I was white though. Just 2 years ago actually. Just because I am not unemployed doesn't mean I am any less poor I still work I still pay taxes while these leeches do NOTHING but breed all damn day long.
The right-wing propaganda machine has worked well with you.
I am not sure that I am as clear cut as to how Trump would run things, but I am willing to find out. Sure can't be any worse than what we have had the last 20 years.
I am sick of it all.
I think you have stumbled onto the true slogan of the Trump "Movement". It's not "Make America Great Again", rather it is "Can't be any worse" (than who we've been electing).
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I am not sure that I am as clear cut as to how Trump would run things, but I am willing to find out. Sure can't be any worse than what we have had the last 20 years.
I am sick of it all.
I think you have stumbled onto the true slogan of the Trump "Movement". It's not "Make America Great Again", rather it is "Can't be any worse" (than who we've been electing).

Unfortunately that is possibly true.
If you read the article it says most of his supporters think they are losing out to black and hispanic Americans. In other words, they are being played into believing that white people are somehow more valuable and Trump will do something about it.

It has nothing to do with race as the piece suggests.

The problem here is that the Republican party has been ignoring their constituents for several years now; not just under DumBama, but even under Bush.

For a Republican voter, it seems that when the Democrats have the majority, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans have the majority, we have to do things the Democrat way.

We wanted tax reform. We have suggestions about immigration reform instead. We want all illegals kicked out of this country. Republican leaders are talking about a path to citizenship, fines and taxes. We wanted a balanced budget, we have a budget with lower deficits, but certainly not balanced because Republicans are afraid of a government shutdown which is another thing we wanted. We wanted defunding of planned parenthood, Republicans told us it would be too much work because it's wedged inside of Medicare. We wanted defunding of Commie Care, again, Republicans are more worried about leadership and reelection.

Trump is simply an angry response to how the RNC has treated us through the years.
The Republican Party needed a flamethrower turned on it, anyway...

Might as well be now, and get it the hell over with...

Time to burn-out the Establishment Ruling Elites and Corporatists who have run roughshod over the Party of Lincoln for far too long now...

Time to return the Grand Old Party to its roots, as the Party of the Common Man...

An idea which, as it catches on, scares the shit out of the Democrats who can see it coming...

Then again, the Democrats lost that title as well, long ago...

Same old Elitist bullshit on their side of the aisle, too... merely different-looking wrappers...

It's why Bernie is doing so well.
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