Why Trump killed Soleimani

Conversely the same could be stated about America, if America minded it's own business and stopped it's obsessive Invading/Bombing/Coup By Proxy Wars and just stayed at home and took care of it's own and instead put 10,000 troops on America's OWN borders to stop the Mexican's, Central Americans etc walking into America.

The situation is America seems addicted to interfering in Regional Conflicts that it has only a vague comprehension about and as the below list illustrates you have had VERY little success in your adventures and in the majority of situations have made things worse than they were before and this is both Republican AND Democrat Administrations. ALL you have achieved in the past few days at this MOMENT is amazingly uniting Iran AND Iraq in their hatred of America The Invading Occupying Entity, Iraq does NOT want you squatting in their Sovereign nation ANYMORE they want you OUT and you REFUSE to respect that and incredibly are now threatening them with sanctions and so when Americans get slaughtered in some suicide bombs and/or some other situation, well you should know WHY that has happened because You Reap What You Sow. The fundamental problem with the American Psyche is you have NO self-reflection and because of that you continue your out of control Addiction To Mayhem with the total inability to learn from your very very many mistakes eg. the last time you actually WON a conflict was when? You certainly did NOT win in any the below adventures:


You WITHOUT THOUGHT across DECADES have been sending your young soldiers to fight and die in multiple UNWINNABLE conflicts that in the final analysis have NOTHING to do with you, and yet here you are AGAIN getting EXCITED at the possibility of MORE American blood and MORE American's returning home as bones to turn to dust in the ground:

Why didn't the Europeans stay out of Africa and the Middle East? Hopefully you know that it was the international community that asked the United States to arbitrate the issues between British Petroleum and Iran way back when.

Excerpt from Hoover Institute;
The interests that have long kept the United States involved in the Middle East are fairly clear. Coming out of World War II, American strategists resolved that the United States must prevent any hostile force from dominating a region of critical geopolitical or geo-economic significance. The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, certainly fit that description. True, America never got a particularly large portion of its oil from Middle Eastern sources. But its allies did: “The Marshall Plan for Europe,” noted Truman’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, “could not succeed without access to the Middle East oil.” Moreover, the fact that oil was traded on a global market meant that a disruption of price or supply in one region would cause disruption on a far larger scale.

At present, the United States is again becoming a net energy exporter and a swing producer in the global oil market. Yet so long as the countries of the Middle East sit atop huge energy reserves that confer great wealth and power on whoever controls it, the strategic importance of the Middle East—and the imperative of keeping it out of hostile hands—will remain.

Other issues have also kept the United States engaged. Since the 1970s, America has had a critical interest in preventing or combating international terrorism, much of which emerges from the Middle East. American policymakers have been properly concerned with confronting aggression against friendly nations and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction to rogue states or non-state actors. Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—one that has never been as important as the other U.S. interests, that has affected how even the most cynical, “realist” administrations have approached the region.

The interests that have long kept the United States involved in the Middle East are fairly clear. Coming out of World War II, American strategists resolved that the United States must prevent any hostile force from dominating a region of critical geopolitical or geo-economic significance. The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, certainly fit that description. True, America never got a particularly large portion of its oil from Middle Eastern sources. But its allies did: “The Marshall Plan for Europe,” noted Truman’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, “could not succeed without access to the Middle East oil.” Moreover, the fact that oil was traded on a global market meant that a disruption of price or supply in one region would cause disruption on a far larger scale.

At present, the United States is again becoming a net energy exporter and a swing producer in the global oil market. Yet so long as the countries of the Middle East sit atop huge energy reserves that confer great wealth and power on whoever controls it, the strategic importance of the Middle East—and the imperative of keeping it out of hostile hands—will remain.

Other issues have also kept the United States engaged. Since the 1970s, America has had a critical interest in preventing or combating international terrorism, much of which emerges from the Middle East. American policymakers have been properly concerned with confronting aggression against friendly nations and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction to rogue states or non-state actors. Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—one that has never been as important as the other U.S. interests, that has affected how even the most cynical, “realist” administrations have approached the region.

I did comment that the 1953 Coup by Proxy in Iran was done by the CIA and MI6.

"Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—"

This would be Comedy Gold if it was not so completely perverted, because the one writing the article it comes from LITERALLY is being SERIOUS about writing such a line of 100% HORSECRAP. America (and also the British) is promoting peace and democracy how? Bombs and Arms Exports? America (and also the British) promotes human rights in the Middle East by what getting on it's knees to suck Saudi dick while The House of Saud chop peoples heads off in public....what about Bahrain where are America and the British on the um human rights thing in Bahrain where the ENTIRE opposition are either in dungeons or have had to flee to Safe Nations to escape the Bahrain Dictatorship.

Also are you aware that in Kenya on Sunday night the Islamists killed an American soldier and two defence contractors, you KNOW that was the ORIGINAL EXCUSE for assassinating that Iranian General that an American defence contractor was killed in the attempted siege.

Three Americans killed in Kenya terror attack

Kenya terror attack: Three Americans killed by Al-Shabaab - CNNPolitics

So WHY isn't America IMMEDIATELY threatening Kenya with impending invasion and bombing attack and the usual? Hmmm, I suppose American troops and defence contractors being killed by Islamists in Kenya does not matter.
You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that.

History of a portion of Iran's problems stemming from its own actions.
https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB476/docs/Doc 1 (c) - Battle for Iran - 2014 release - Appendixes.pdf

"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?

the three americans killed in KENYA ---were murdered by ALSHABAAB----the
Somali islamist terrorist gang. The place to invade would be Somalia---
not Kenya. Give it time

You are correct, but as they also are operating in Kenya and that's where they did that killing then Kenya is also the problem. In the ideal world ALL of them would be rounded up and put in ONE spot and just incinerated, but sadly we are not in an ideal world.
Why didn't the Europeans stay out of Africa and the Middle East? Hopefully you know that it was the international community that asked the United States to arbitrate the issues between British Petroleum and Iran way back when.

Excerpt from Hoover Institute;
The interests that have long kept the United States involved in the Middle East are fairly clear. Coming out of World War II, American strategists resolved that the United States must prevent any hostile force from dominating a region of critical geopolitical or geo-economic significance. The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, certainly fit that description. True, America never got a particularly large portion of its oil from Middle Eastern sources. But its allies did: “The Marshall Plan for Europe,” noted Truman’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, “could not succeed without access to the Middle East oil.” Moreover, the fact that oil was traded on a global market meant that a disruption of price or supply in one region would cause disruption on a far larger scale.

At present, the United States is again becoming a net energy exporter and a swing producer in the global oil market. Yet so long as the countries of the Middle East sit atop huge energy reserves that confer great wealth and power on whoever controls it, the strategic importance of the Middle East—and the imperative of keeping it out of hostile hands—will remain.

Other issues have also kept the United States engaged. Since the 1970s, America has had a critical interest in preventing or combating international terrorism, much of which emerges from the Middle East. American policymakers have been properly concerned with confronting aggression against friendly nations and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction to rogue states or non-state actors. Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—one that has never been as important as the other U.S. interests, that has affected how even the most cynical, “realist” administrations have approached the region.

The interests that have long kept the United States involved in the Middle East are fairly clear. Coming out of World War II, American strategists resolved that the United States must prevent any hostile force from dominating a region of critical geopolitical or geo-economic significance. The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, certainly fit that description. True, America never got a particularly large portion of its oil from Middle Eastern sources. But its allies did: “The Marshall Plan for Europe,” noted Truman’s first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, “could not succeed without access to the Middle East oil.” Moreover, the fact that oil was traded on a global market meant that a disruption of price or supply in one region would cause disruption on a far larger scale.

At present, the United States is again becoming a net energy exporter and a swing producer in the global oil market. Yet so long as the countries of the Middle East sit atop huge energy reserves that confer great wealth and power on whoever controls it, the strategic importance of the Middle East—and the imperative of keeping it out of hostile hands—will remain.

Other issues have also kept the United States engaged. Since the 1970s, America has had a critical interest in preventing or combating international terrorism, much of which emerges from the Middle East. American policymakers have been properly concerned with confronting aggression against friendly nations and preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction to rogue states or non-state actors. Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—one that has never been as important as the other U.S. interests, that has affected how even the most cynical, “realist” administrations have approached the region.

I did comment that the 1953 Coup by Proxy in Iran was done by the CIA and MI6.

"Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—"

This would be Comedy Gold if it was not so completely perverted, because the one writing the article it comes from LITERALLY is being SERIOUS about writing such a line of 100% HORSECRAP. America (and also the British) is promoting peace and democracy how? Bombs and Arms Exports? America (and also the British) promotes human rights in the Middle East by what getting on it's knees to suck Saudi dick while The House of Saud chop peoples heads off in public....what about Bahrain where are America and the British on the um human rights thing in Bahrain where the ENTIRE opposition are either in dungeons or have had to flee to Safe Nations to escape the Bahrain Dictatorship.

Also are you aware that in Kenya on Sunday night the Islamists killed an American soldier and two defence contractors, you KNOW that was the ORIGINAL EXCUSE for assassinating that Iranian General that an American defence contractor was killed in the attempted siege.

Three Americans killed in Kenya terror attack

Kenya terror attack: Three Americans killed by Al-Shabaab - CNNPolitics

So WHY isn't America IMMEDIATELY threatening Kenya with impending invasion and bombing attack and the usual? Hmmm, I suppose American troops and defence contractors being killed by Islamists in Kenya does not matter.
You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that.

History of a portion of Iran's problems stemming from its own actions.
https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB476/docs/Doc 1 (c) - Battle for Iran - 2014 release - Appendixes.pdf

"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Before the propaganda spin machine brainwashes America regarding President Trump’s bold move to attack the heads of the Iranian snake, Alex Jones looks at why he did what he did.

Why Trump Killed Soleimani

The losers of the sixties spit in the faces of those who tried telling the truth and you never saw these gutter sluts who spat upon soldiers serve. No these are your pussies today who calls others crazy train and use a bucket with sticks to prove their points LOL.............

I now notice this OP has been moved into Conspiracy Theories. Okay.
Actually Iran got played when they determined it was business as usual and took Kerry's and Obami's advice telling them 'it would all blow over just wait until president Trump was gone'. War is a losing game they (Iran) chose to play in Iraq and Syria.
Fuck that. More of our troops and innocent civilians will die now.
For what ?
Prove it.
There's nothing to prove. Congress is keeping us there whether the Iraqis want us or not. History will repeat itself and more American blood will water the desert .

Thank God my son's never had to go.
Lindsey Graham: Iran Is Trying To Take Over Iraq, America Is Not The Bad Guy
Last edited:
Actually Iran got played when they determined it was business as usual and took Kerry's and Obami's advice telling them 'it would all blow over just wait until president Trump was gone'. War is a losing game they (Iran) chose to play in Iraq and Syria.
Fuck that. More of our troops and innocent civilians will die now.
For what ?
Prove it.
There's nothing to prove. Congress is keeping us there whether the Iraqis want us or not. History will repeat itself and more American blood will water the desert .
Lindsey Graham: Iran Is Trying To Take Over Iraq, America Is Not The Bad Guy
Right troll you make a claim and then say there is nothing to prove. You're just another media fed progressive liar.
I did comment that the 1953 Coup by Proxy in Iran was done by the CIA and MI6.

"Then there is the American interest in promoting peace, democracy, and human rights in the Middle East—"

This would be Comedy Gold if it was not so completely perverted, because the one writing the article it comes from LITERALLY is being SERIOUS about writing such a line of 100% HORSECRAP. America (and also the British) is promoting peace and democracy how? Bombs and Arms Exports? America (and also the British) promotes human rights in the Middle East by what getting on it's knees to suck Saudi dick while The House of Saud chop peoples heads off in public....what about Bahrain where are America and the British on the um human rights thing in Bahrain where the ENTIRE opposition are either in dungeons or have had to flee to Safe Nations to escape the Bahrain Dictatorship.

Also are you aware that in Kenya on Sunday night the Islamists killed an American soldier and two defence contractors, you KNOW that was the ORIGINAL EXCUSE for assassinating that Iranian General that an American defence contractor was killed in the attempted siege.

Three Americans killed in Kenya terror attack

Kenya terror attack: Three Americans killed by Al-Shabaab - CNNPolitics

So WHY isn't America IMMEDIATELY threatening Kenya with impending invasion and bombing attack and the usual? Hmmm, I suppose American troops and defence contractors being killed by Islamists in Kenya does not matter.
You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that.

History of a portion of Iran's problems stemming from its own actions.
https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB476/docs/Doc 1 (c) - Battle for Iran - 2014 release - Appendixes.pdf

"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Actually Iran got played when they determined it was business as usual and took Kerry's and Obami's advice telling them 'it would all blow over just wait until president Trump was gone'. War is a losing game they (Iran) chose to play in Iraq and Syria.
Fuck that. More of our troops and innocent civilians will die now.
For what ?
Prove it.
There's nothing to prove. Congress is keeping us there whether the Iraqis want us or not. History will repeat itself and more American blood will water the desert .
Lindsey Graham: Iran Is Trying To Take Over Iraq, America Is Not The Bad Guy

The Donald a few months ago was in the process of removing American troops out of Syria and also part of Iraq and the same Warmongering crowd including the Warmongering MSM went INSANE and not long after this SURPRISE SURPRISE The Impeachment thing about Ukraine began.

I would suggest to Trump that ANY Intelligence he is given from this crowd he should be careful about because it could be doctored, I mean they have such a MEGA HARD ON for Bombs Away on Iran and even a MEGA MEGA HARD ON to get Russia and China involved etc.

I think Trump thinks that IF he starts a war with Iran which effectively is what The Swamp has wanted for YEARS then they will leave him alone, the situation is they will NEVER leave him alone. Ever.
Right troll you make a claim and then say there is nothing to prove. You're just another media fed progressive liar.
You're just a dick.
Period. LMFAO

Mike is a friend of mine, we do very much disagree about this bombing Iran and the potential escalation situation, but you know he's good and in other circumstances I think you would like him.
The Donald a few months ago was in the process of removing American troops out of Syria and also part of Iraq and the same Warmongering crowd including the Warmongering MSM went INSANE and not long after this SURPRISE SURPRISE The Impeachment thing about Ukraine began.

I would suggest to Trump that ANY Intelligence he is given from this crowd he should be careful about because it could be doctored, I mean they have such a MEGA HARD ON for Bombs Away on Iran and even a MEGA MEGA HARD ON to get Russia and China involved etc.

I think Trump thinks that IF he starts a war with Iran which effectively is what The Swamp has wanted for YEARS then they will leave him alone, the situation is they will NEVER leave him alone. Ever.
Trump is the president and commander in chief, but the executive branch goes far deeper than the Oval Office. You have ex-CIA director Pompeo as Sec of State for starters, the NSA, CIA, NSC and on and on.
Right troll you make a claim and then say there is nothing to prove. You're just another media fed progressive liar.
You're just a dick.
Period. LMFAO

Mike is a friend of mine, we do very much disagree about this bombing Iran and the potential escalation situation, but you know he's good and in other circumstances I think you would like him.
I've been here a year and he's been disrespecting me the entire time.
Fuck him.
I now notice this OP has been moved into Conspiracy Theories. Okay.
In this particular case, good.

I do not often post in threads that have been moved into this section, so soon I'll be looking for a more interesting thread. My comments already in this thread I stand by, I'm Anti-Islamist and I think The West should let those in The Middle East deal with their own issues with each other, it is long time The West GTFO already, the place is a Shit Hole full of crazy peoples who have been arguing and killing each other and wanting to kill each other for a very very long time and is not worth ONE more dead Western soldier.
Right troll you make a claim and then say there is nothing to prove. You're just another media fed progressive liar.
You're just a dick.
Period. LMFAO

Mike is a friend of mine, we do very much disagree about this bombing Iran and the potential escalation situation, but you know he's good and in other circumstances I think you would like him.
I've been here a year and he's been disrespecting me the entire time.
Fuck him.

You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that.

History of a portion of Iran's problems stemming from its own actions.
https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB476/docs/Doc 1 (c) - Battle for Iran - 2014 release - Appendixes.pdf

"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Somalia and Kenya are not Iraq and Iran. Somalia nor Kenya had a general who has inspired and promoted terrorism in a location where he was not supposed to be much less leading militant and terrorist attacks against both contractors and our armed forces. Quit trying to conflate the whole mess with your bullshit.
The Donald a few months ago was in the process of removing American troops out of Syria and also part of Iraq and the same Warmongering crowd including the Warmongering MSM went INSANE and not long after this SURPRISE SURPRISE The Impeachment thing about Ukraine began.

I would suggest to Trump that ANY Intelligence he is given from this crowd he should be careful about because it could be doctored, I mean they have such a MEGA HARD ON for Bombs Away on Iran and even a MEGA MEGA HARD ON to get Russia and China involved etc.

I think Trump thinks that IF he starts a war with Iran which effectively is what The Swamp has wanted for YEARS then they will leave him alone, the situation is they will NEVER leave him alone. Ever.
Trump is the president and commander in chief, but the executive branch goes far deeper than the Oval Office. You have ex-CIA director Pompeo as Sec of State for starters, the NSA, CIA, NSC and on and on.

Exactly this is what I mean.
"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Somalia and Kenya are not Iraq and Iran. Somalia nor Kenya had a general who has inspired and promoted terrorism in a location where he was not supposed to be much less leading militant and terrorist attacks against both contractors and our armed forces. Quit trying to conflate the whole mess with your bullshit.

Why are you so aggressive? Is it because I mentioned Israel?
"You concerned about Islamist all the sudden? Imagine that."

I have always been Anti-Islamist, it's something I have been consistent about since I joined this forum, I have also attempted to differentiate between Muslims and Radical Muslims between Islam and Radical Islam. IF The Donald gets into a war with Iran he will NOT be re-elected as part of his 2016 Campaign was to REMOVE America from all these pointless wars in the Middle East, this far he is America's ONLY President in the last 20 years who has NOT actively participated in Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Clinton, GWB and Obama ALL did)

Would you answer why Washington DC is NOT threatening to invade and bomb Kenya considering three Americans, a soldier and two defence contractor have been killed there?
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Somalia and Kenya are not Iraq and Iran. Somalia nor Kenya had a general who has inspired and promoted terrorism in a location where he was not supposed to be much less leading militant and terrorist attacks against both contractors and our armed forces. Quit trying to conflate the whole mess with your bullshit.

Anyway there's a new thread about some crazy actress I've never heard of who's publicly stated how proud she is she murdered her own baby, so I think I'm going to go and check that thread out now, considering this OP now in Conspiracy Theories. Again I stand by the comments I posted in this thread.
I have no reason to answer your inquiry. Donald Trump will be the president for awhile so get used to it. You could read a nice book in the meantime. Here is a little 28 page preview; Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam

"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Somalia and Kenya are not Iraq and Iran. Somalia nor Kenya had a general who has inspired and promoted terrorism in a location where he was not supposed to be much less leading militant and terrorist attacks against both contractors and our armed forces. Quit trying to conflate the whole mess with your bullshit.

Why are you so aggressive? Is it because I mentioned Israel?
Perhaps my memory is a little better than what you have. I'll put you back on that ignore list.
"I have no reason to answer your inquiry."

That's because you are UNABLE to give a logical answer to it. There should be NO difference between bombing Islamists in Iran or Iraq OR Kenya.

The rest of your comments, my response is this:

Irosie just told you they were Somalis you ignorant twit. You fully ignored what I already posted as to why we are even in the Middle East. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.

Okay as you have comprehension problems, it goes like this:

For an American contractor being killed in the attempted siege the Iranian General assassinated NOT in IRAN but in IRAQ - hint: IRAN and IRAQ are NOT the same place.

An American soldier and two American defence contractors killed in Kenya by terrorists who's overall HQ is in Somalia should NOT be attacked in Kenya as their overall HQ is in Somalia. Okay. Whatever.
Somalia and Kenya are not Iraq and Iran. Somalia nor Kenya had a general who has inspired and promoted terrorism in a location where he was not supposed to be much less leading militant and terrorist attacks against both contractors and our armed forces. Quit trying to conflate the whole mess with your bullshit.

Why are you so aggressive? Is it because I mentioned Israel?
Perhaps my memory is a little better than what you have. I'll put you back on that ignore list.

As far as I know Rod I was never on your Ignore List, but okay it seems I was correct, mention Saudi Arabia and it's okay mention Saudi Arabia AND the Elephant In The Room and tiny minds just EXPLODE. What....EVAH. Personally I do not give a shit, I will mention anyone I want to in the course of any of my responses and that includes Israel, so grow up, get a thicker skin and deal with it already.

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