Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Somebody needs to explain this to me.

When I leave a job, I have no reason to possess records from that company. I don’t care if it is ok what Trump did or not. Somebody needs to explain to me why Trump needed them even if it was totally allowed. It makes no damn sense.

Whether Clinton did it, Pence did it, or Mickey Mouse did it is always 100% irrelevant. When I get pulled over for speeding I couldn’t imagine saying, “Well my neighbor drives fast. Why can’t I?”. I think that would make me dumber than fuck to believe that was a valid justification. Why didn’t Trump leave his job and go live a luxurious life? He didn’t need the documents. Nobody would judge if he didn’t take documents he was allowed to have. I am totally clueless on this concept. It makes no damn sense.

Somebody should tell me why he had them so that I can even try to decide if he was wrong or not.
The short answer is they dont need those records. None of them do, but the people we elect ALL think they are special. They are ALL narcissists. Some just do a better job of hiding it than others.

As far as why people point at Clinton, Biden, Pence et al is because there is a sense that Trump is treated differently, by the media, the establishment, etc some of that is real, and some of that is imagined.
The short answer is they dont need those records. None of them do, but the people we elect ALL think they are special. They are ALL narcissists. Some just do a better job of hiding it than others.

As far as why people point at Clinton, Biden, Pence et al is because there is a sense that Trump is treated differently, by the media, the establishment, etc some of that is real, and some of that is imagined.
He is treated differently. That isn’t a valid defense. I used to be a teacher. Some kids could talk, talk, talk, and talk some more and it wasn’t disruptive. Some kids can say one sentence and get into all kinds of trouble. Rules are never administered fairly. If 99 people speed every day for 20 years and never get caught and one guy speeds one single time and gets busted, “but they did it” isn’t a valid defense at all. It’s actually an admission of guilt.

I feel like a 7 year old goody two shoes for having to point this out.
Because contrary to popular belief on this board the US government doesn't keep a database of the location of every classified document that's ever printed.

Seems a bit of a failure does it not? What's the point of classified information if there are no controls over them?
Seems a bit of a failure does it not? What's the point of classified information if there are no controls over them?
No. It doesnt. It's reasonable to think that every classified document ever printed would have some sort of accounting. The entire IC would do nothing but record keeping. We vet people for clearances because so that we can trust them to handle classified documents appropriately.
The lie here has always been that Biden didn't know he was taking classified materials and as soon as he knew he had it he returned it all. That was never the case. Biden had classified material from back when he was a Senator. Material that he literally stole. How do you charge one person for a crime that you don't charge another for? Only under Merrick Garland...the most corrupt DOJ ever!

How was Biden supposed to know that he had the documents when no one else knew he had them, either.

Your Boy Trump took the documents right past WH Staffers, who all told him that he had to leave them, but he's Trump and doesn't have to listen to anyone.

He had more than a year to make this right and he dug himself in deeper.

Biden, on the other hand, volunteered that he documented and turned them in as soon as a review identified them as such.
No. It doesnt. It's reasonable to think that every classified document ever printed would have some sort of accounting. The entire IC would do nothing but record keeping. We vet people for clearances because so that we can trust them to handle classified documents appropriately.

Seems to me that if they weren't worth tracking they aren't worth prosecuting over either. Hold Trump accountable but hold the rest also. Biden, Pence and all those who let the papers walk out the door.
How was Biden supposed to know that he had the documents when no one else knew he had them, either.

Your Boy Trump took the documents right past WH Staffers, who all told him that he had to leave them, but he's Trump and doesn't have to listen to anyone.

Why wouldn't Biden staffers tell him the same?

He had more than a year to make this right and he dug himself in deeper.

Biden, on the other hand, volunteered that he documented and turned them in as soon as a review identified them as such.

Only after he knew he was going to get caught.
He is treated differently. That isn’t a valid defense. I used to be a teacher. Some kids could talk, talk, talk, and talk some more and it wasn’t disruptive. Some kids can say one sentence and get into all kinds of trouble. Rules are never administered fairly. If 99 people speed every day for 20 years and never get caught and one guy speeds one single time and gets busted, “but they did it” isn’t a valid defense at all. It’s actually an admission of guilt.

I feel like a 7 year old goody two shoes for having to point this out.

You asked why. And I've told you. The treatment is somewhat stark though isnt it? Where Trump's treatment is validly different it's very different. Im not sure why you're confused about why the people that like him think that's wildly unfair and are pissed off about it. What's interesting is that the more the "establishment goes after him" the more he's seen as "just like everyone else". If they dont put him in jail and the Democrats insist on running Grandpa Joe he's got a decent shot at winning the Presidency again.
Seems to me that if they weren't worth tracking they aren't worth prosecuting over either. Hold Trump accountable but hold the rest also. Biden, Pence and all those who let the papers walk out the door.
Trump isnt in trouble because he took classified documents. I dont think had he just said whoops sorry and turned them over he'd be being prosecuted. It's all the nonsense that happened after that, that's got him in hot water.
You asked why. And I've told you. The treatment is somewhat stark though isnt it? Where Trump's treatment is validly different it's very different. Im not sure why you're confused about why the people that like him think that's wildly unfair and are pissed off about it. What's interesting is that the more the "establishment goes after him" the more he's seen as "just like everyone else". If they dont put him in jail and the Democrats insist on running Grandpa Joe he's got a decent shot at winning the Presidency again.

When others came to him over an unfair system he called them SOB's so one really can't feel the karma coming Trump's way.
Trump isnt in trouble because he took classified documents.

He should be. They all should be.

I dont think had he just said whoops sorry and turned them over he'd be being prosecuted. It's all the nonsense that happened after that, that's got him in hot water.

Don't all criminals wish that was the standard? Whoops, sorry, here is the $2500 I stole, so all is good.
Why wouldn't Biden staffers tell him the same?

Probably because they didn't see that they were. What happened was some GS-10 was just in a hurry to get to lunch that day and just started randomly throwing shit into boxes. Shouldn't have happened, but it did.

Only after he knew he was going to get caught.

How would he know he'd get caught? Did he pack out his own boxes? Nope. He could have very well ordered his lawyers to destroy the documents when found, and that would have been covered by Attorney-Client privilege. Instead, when his lawyers informed him that this handful of documents were mixed in with his other papers, he immediately contacted the archives to make sure it was resolved by the book, and as an extra measure, appointed a special counsel to review the matter.

The issue here is INTENT!

But you go back to crying in your beer that Democrats didn't pick Commie Bernie to be the nominee.
How was Biden supposed to know that he had the documents when no one else knew he had them, either.
Because he's responsible to know. He printed the documents or took possession of them it's his responsibility to ensure they stay secured or get destroyed properly.

It's amazing how much of a pass we give some politicians to be careless and or incompetent
Because he's responsible to know. He printed the documents or took possession of them it's his responsibility to ensure they stay secured or get destroyed properly.

It's amazing how much of a pass we give some politicians to be careless and or incompetent

Biden is only responsible for what he does personally, not what some GS-10 did by mistake.

Seems to me that Biden did the responsible thing. He contacted the Archives the minute these docs were discovered and appointed a special counsel to review the whole matter.
Trump isnt in trouble because he took classified documents. I dont think had he just said whoops sorry and turned them over he'd be being prosecuted. It's all the nonsense that happened after that, that's got him in hot water.

I think intentionally manipulated them into overreacting.
Referencing post #2, and posters Bigreb & CrusaderFrank terming the comments about the subpoena issued to Trump as 'Fake News'.

Well, mein freunds, what is fake about it?
Explain yourselves to the forum.
No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a cash ...... Remember what Mr. Comey said?
What does that post mean?
Explain youself, BigReb.

CALL: "How do you charge one person for a crime that you don't charge another for?"
RESPONSE: "The issue here is INTENT!"
Clue for the clueless:
Defying a court issued subpoena kinda is a clue on the 'intent'-thingy. No?

Seems a bit of a failure does it not? What's the point of classified information if there are no controls over them?

Of course, it is a degree of failure. That has been widely acknowledged that protocols over our secrets need more attention. And these highly-publicized 'failures' have, I strongly suspect, propelled more vigilance.

In the meantime, America needs to punish those who took them intentionally, and then intentionally defied legitimate attempts to retrieve 'em.

I dont think had he just said whoops sorry and turned them over ....... It's all the nonsense that happened after that, that's got him in hot water.
Indeed, CP, indeed.
Which goes right back to poster 'Joe's' perceptive and correct observation: It is 'intent' where the rub occurs.

Biden is only responsible for what he does personally, not what some GS-10 did by mistake.

Seems to me that Biden did the responsible thing. He contacted the Archives the minute these docs were discovered and appointed a special counsel to review the whole matter.

So you hold Trump accountable in a way you dont hold Biden?
Of course, it is a degree of failure. That has been widely acknowledged that protocols over our secrets need more attention. And these highly-publicized 'failures' have, I strongly suspect, propelled more vigilance.

In the meantime, America needs to punish those who took them intentionally, and then intentionally defied legitimate attempts to retrieve 'em.

You are never going to convince me that it was only Trump who took them intentionally.

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