Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Crank up the GASLIGHT to 11.
SENATOR Biden didn't mean to steal documents. Neither did Pence.
Bleach bit- Hammertime Hillary? No reasonable prosecutor something something.....
But TRUMP?????

What does that post mean?
Explain youself, BigReb.


Clue for the clueless:
Defying a court issued subpoena kinda is a clue on the 'intent'-thingy. No?


Of course, it is a degree of failure. That has been widely acknowledged that protocols over our secrets need more attention. And these highly-publicized 'failures' have, I strongly suspect, propelled more vigilance.

In the meantime, America needs to punish those who took them intentionally, and then intentionally defied legitimate attempts to retrieve 'em.

Indeed, CP, indeed.
Which goes right back to poster 'Joe's' perceptive and correct observation: It is 'intent' where the rub occurs.
Case but you knew that was what Comey said
You are never going to convince me that it was only Trump who took them intentionally.
I dont think Biden or Pence did what they did intentionally. I'd wager the vast majority of the stuff Trump took was likely unintentional, and he fought it because that's his instinct. It's possible he took some of it because he thought it was "great" or whatever and decided he got to because he said. I dont believe he did so with any mal intent. Hilary exposed classified information to likely the Russians and the Chinese by intentionally circumventing the FOIA laws. Of all the people who should be prosecuted strictly under the classified document statute it's probably her. She actually exposed classified information to a foreign entity and did so through her intentional actions, and those actions were an effort to circumvent other laws. All for political gain. Trump's undoing was not just cooperating and giving the stupid documents back.
I dont think Biden or Pence did what they did intentionally.

So your argument is that they were simply incompetent with the information.

Is that a good standard for elected officials?

I'd wager the vast majority of the stuff Trump took was likely unintentional, and he fought it because that's his instinct. It's possible he took some of it because he thought it was "great" or whatever and decided he got to because he said. I dont believe he did so with any mal intent. Hilary exposed classified information to likely the Russians and the Chinese by intentionally circumventing the FOIA laws. Of all the people who should be prosecuted strictly under the classified document statute it's probably her. She actually exposed classified information to a foreign entity and did so through her intentional actions, and those actions were an effort to circumvent other laws. All for political gain. Trump's undoing was not just cooperating and giving the stupid documents back.

Trump might not had a single classified document and he would be fighting it anyway because yes, that is who he is, an insecure individual with childlike reactions to being countered but incompetence in government is incompetence. Why do we simply accept it?
Indeed, CP, indeed.
Which goes right back to poster 'Joe's' perceptive and correct observation: It is 'intent' where the rub occurs.

Trump's intent in taking the documents is still unknown. I dont even know that they were taken intentionally. Certainly there's no evidence he did so with mal intentions.
So your argument is that they were simply incompetent with the information.

Is that a good standard for elected officials?

No I dont think any of them are packing up their offices and moving their shit out. Are they ultimately responsible? Yes. But the classified documents handling statutes werent put in place to crush people who make a mistake. They are there to go after people who are taking documents for espionage reasons or being so reckless in their actions that they expose that information.
Trump's intent in taking the documents is still unknown. I dont even know that they were taken intentionally. Certainly there's no evidence he did so with mal intentions.

Would you take documents from your previous place of employment and expect them to smile? It don’t make any sense to us common folks.
I do not know that to be the case. Senators can have clearances to view classified information.
Biden had documents dating back to when he was a senator. Senators have clearance to view them in the Senate sqif
This "intent" angle the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are going for here is OBTUCE!

SENATOR Biden had no authority or right to possess ANY classified documents AT ALL whether or not he meant to.
I thought the 30,000 plus emails that Hillary deleted were Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons.

I delete way more than 30,000 emails in a year.
In a year ?.... How long does it take a government official to do it, especially if trying to clean them from everywhere they had landed over the year's ?? Is there a faster method than a year to get it done if needing too ? How long does it take to delete 30 thousand e-mails ? That seems like a lot if it is done faster than a year.
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Crank up the GASLIGHT to 11.
SENATOR Biden didn't mean to steal documents. Neither did Pence.
Bleach bit- Hammertime Hillary? No reasonable prosecutor something something.....
But TRUMP?????

Everyone knows why... 👍
In a year ?.... How long does it take a government official to do it, especially if trying to clean them from everywhere they had landed over the year's ?? Is there a faster method than a year to get it done if needing too ? How long does it take to delete 30 thousand e-mails ? That seems like a lot if it is done faster than a year.

I delete a lot of emails. Some of them are razor coupons. I even got a few for a weight loss program.
No I dont think any of them are packing up their offices and moving their shit out.

They were handed classified information and then were haphazard on seeing it returned. They are 100% responsible for this.

Are they ultimately responsible? Yes. But the classified documents handling statutes werent put in place to crush people who make a mistake. They are there to go after people who are taking documents for espionage reasons or being so reckless in their actions that they expose that information.

Incompetence isn't a mistake. It's a choice.
In a year ?.... How long does it take a government official to do it, especially if trying to clean them from everywhere they had landed over the year's ?? Is there a faster method than a year to get it done if needing too ? How long does it take to delete 30 thousand e-mails ? That seems like a lot if it is done faster than a year.


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So the entire system is broke. I've argued that already. Why do we hold no one accountable?
It just depends on who has the documents. Many have been arrested and convicted for less. But my point is senator Biden had absolutely no authorization to have classified documents in his home. Presidents do.

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