Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Didn’t Biden have TS documents? I believe some of them were.

My point isn’t about who had what, my point was about…why NARA wasn’t interested in the documents Biden had..for 30…years, but were banging down trumps door within 2 weeks.

All I want is consistency…that’s it. Biden, as a senator, removed classified documents from the scif, and kept them for 3 decades, and nobody cares about that.
Nara, does not know what presidents or vps etc have....as far as what I have read...the top secret stuff is signed out from the agency that classified it and holds it in a safe place...like the Military Top Secret and above...documents he had, came from the Military's safe holding place....a form is attached by the agency that released it....

I think NARA may also have a copy given to them by the agency, or the original given to them by the agency who classified it?

The reason NARA was seeking the Presidential Records from Trump, and NOT Pence and Biden is because Pence and Biden turned over their presidential records act records... less their personal documents not required....cases of them to the archives,

and Trump TURNED OVER NONE of his records....ZERO, ZIP! NADA cases of the every day, presidential records. That tripped the alarm for NARA.

The ONLY reason NARA got the DOJ and FBI involved was because when Trump FINALLY.... a Year AFTER he left office, returned 15 cases of his Presidential records to NARA, and NARA archivists began to go through and organize the presidential records for any future FOIA requests purposes, did they find dozens of TOP SECRET Documents in what he returned.

NARA protocol required them to notify the DOJ/FBI that there were top secret classified documents in the PRA records returned so they could assess any security damages that may have occurred....

this is what happened to Hillary also, when she turned over her govt emails to NARA, when sorting them or when the NARA inspector general was going through them, they found top secret emails among the returned email records.....soooo the DOJ/FBI got involved under protocol, to assess the security damage from the Hillary server emails.

The FBI investigation in to top secret documents that Trump had returned, and still may have had, began....and who, if anyone had gained any top secret info from the documents and Trump's careless handling and loose lips that sink ships. This investigation lead to the FBI finding out that Trump had other top secret documents from other agencies and the Military that he never returned, or were never noted as returned, as well.

Then the FBI went to Mara Lago to retrieve them, and the story of Trump's obstruction of justice story and lies about the documents begins there, with two subpoenas etc etc etc etc and Trump moving the top secret documents from place to place to hide them etc....
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Nara, does not know what presidents or vps etc have....as far as what I have read...the top secret stuff is signed out from the agency that classified it and holds it in a safe place...like the Military Top Secret and above...documents he had, came from the Military's safe holding place....a form is attached by the agency that released it....

I think NARA may also have a copy given to them by the agency, or the original given to them by the agency who classified it?

The reason NARA was seeking the Presidential Records from Trump, and NOT Pence and Biden is because Pence and Biden turned over their presidential records act records... less their personal documents not required....cases of them to the archives,

and Trump TURNED OVER NONE of his records....ZERO, ZIP! NADA cases of the every day, presidential records. That tripped the alarm for NARA.

The ONLY reason NARA got the DOJ and FBI involved was because when Trump FINALLY.... a Year AFTER he left office, returned 15 cases of his Presidential records to NARA, and NARA archivists began to go through and organize the presidential records for any future FOIA requests purposes, did they find dozens of TOP SECRET Documents in what he returned.

NARA protocol required them to notify the DOJ/FBI that there were top secret classified documents in the PRA records returned so they could assess any security damages that may have occurred....

this is what happened to Hillary also, when she turned over her govt emails to NARA, when sorting them or when the NARA inspector general was going through them, they found top secret emails among the returned email records.....soooo the DOJ/FBI got involved under protocol, to assess the security damage from the Hillary server emails.

The FBI investigation in to top secret documents that Trump had returned, and still may have had, began....and who, if anyone had gained any top secret info from the documents and Trump's careless handling and loose lips that sink ships. This investigation lead to the FBI finding out that Trump had other top secret documents from other agencies and the Military that he never returned, or were never noted as returned, as well.

Then the FBI went to Mara Lago to retrieve them, and the story of Trump's obstruction of justice story and lies about the documents begins there, with two subpoenas etc etc etc etc and Trump moving the top secret documents from place to place to hide them etc....
No matter how you spin it, this is political, and a part of the wide web they have cast for Trump in hopes to get him on anything they can. FACT.... Biden and the rest of them wouldn't have ever been bothered if the leftist and rhino's weren't trying everything they can to bring down Trump. It's bad when you fear the man that bad, and all for a damned twisted agenda that would have this country burned to the ground if the leftist don't get their way
Yes, it is.

You're FOS.

In May 2021, the National Archives began asking Trump and his staff to return all missing presidential records, according to email communications between the archives and Trump's lawyers that were later made public.

Two of Trump’s aides returned 15 boxes of records to the National Archives eight months later, in January 2022. The Archives soon determined that 14 of the boxes contained classified documents and referred their discovery to the Justice Department, the indictment says.

Prosecutors say Trump tried to obstruct the FBI and grand jury investigations by furnishing only some of the subpoenaed documents, even as he said he was cooperating with the grand jury's demand.

Trump also suggested that his attorney should "hide or destroy" the subpoenaed documents, and he instructed Walt Nauta his personal aide, who also faces federal charges — to move and conceal boxes of classified documents from the FBI, the grand jury and Trump's own attorney, the indictment said.

Yes, he was.
The same happened to Pence.
Neither cried, lied and obstructed, like Trump did


The first thing you got right.
If Biden didn't know he had them, NARA didn't know he had them, then likely the documents wouldn't have been returned.

You keep avoiding the main topic and that is, is it or is it not a violation of the law, and a threat to national security to remove classified information from its authorized storage facility? If it was on a computer, is it, or is it not illegal to download that information to a storage device with the intent to take it home, or to print it off, to take it home? Is it, or is it not a violation of the law to remove classified information from the scif?

Yes, he was.

No, he wasn’t. To think he didn’t know about it, and the fbi nor Nara nor anyone else had a clue that he had them is ludicrous. Classified information isn’t just something you can walk in to a bookstore and pick up and leave with, this stuff is controlled. They know who “checks out” or requests a document, and they know if it hasn’t been returned. Are we suggesting that he was able to obtain this information and nobody ever noticed it was missing? Are we seriously that lax in our security? If that is the case, then how did they know trump had them?

The idea that Biden having them just managed to slip through the cracks, but they sure knew that trump had them has a fishy smell to it.

And again, if it really is true that Biden had these documents and nobody even knew, then our information security protocols are pretty shitty
Nara, does not know what presidents or vps etc have....as far as what I have read...the top secret stuff is signed out from the agency that classified it and holds it in a safe place...like the Military Top Secret and above...documents he had, came from the Military's safe holding place....a form is attached by the agency that released it....

I think NARA may also have a copy given to them by the agency, or the original given to them by the agency who classified it?

The reason NARA was seeking the Presidential Records from Trump, and NOT Pence and Biden is because Pence and Biden turned over their presidential records act records... less their personal documents not required....cases of them to the archives,

and Trump TURNED OVER NONE of his records....ZERO, ZIP! NADA cases of the every day, presidential records. That tripped the alarm for NARA.

The ONLY reason NARA got the DOJ and FBI involved was because when Trump FINALLY.... a Year AFTER he left office, returned 15 cases of his Presidential records to NARA, and NARA archivists began to go through and organize the presidential records for any future FOIA requests purposes, did they find dozens of TOP SECRET Documents in what he returned.

NARA protocol required them to notify the DOJ/FBI that there were top secret classified documents in the PRA records returned so they could assess any security damages that may have occurred....

this is what happened to Hillary also, when she turned over her govt emails to NARA, when sorting them or when the NARA inspector general was going through them, they found top secret emails among the returned email records.....soooo the DOJ/FBI got involved under protocol, to assess the security damage from the Hillary server emails.

The FBI investigation in to top secret documents that Trump had returned, and still may have had, began....and who, if anyone had gained any top secret info from the documents and Trump's careless handling and loose lips that sink ships. This investigation lead to the FBI finding out that Trump had other top secret documents from other agencies and the Military that he never returned, or were never noted as returned, as well.

Then the FBI went to Mara Lago to retrieve them, and the story of Trump's obstruction of justice story and lies about the documents begins there, with two subpoenas etc etc etc etc and Trump moving the top secret documents from place to place to hide them etc....

I think that is incorrect, bidens lawyers didn’t return their documents until after the whole thing with trump came into play.

So if what you say is true, and Nara doesn’t know who has what, then why was it Nara who was going after missing documents from trump? If they didn’t know, then someone tipped them off…wonder who that could have been.

Also, the fbi was there. They searched Mar a lago, they knew the documents were there. Why didn’t they take them then? They just said “put another lock on it”…then came back and raided the place. I mean, come on..that screams setup.
I think that is incorrect, bidens lawyers didn’t return their documents until after the whole thing with trump came into play.

So if what you say is true, and Nara doesn’t know who has what, then why was it Nara who was going after missing documents from trump? If they didn’t know, then someone tipped them off…wonder who that could have been.

Also, the fbi was there. They searched Mar a lago, they knew the documents were there. Why didn’t they take them then? They just said “put another lock on it”…then came back and raided the place. I mean, come on..that screams setup.
As soon as the Biden folks realized that these docs where, they returned them.

There is no evidence otherwise and it shows lack of intent and certainly obstruction or conspiracy.

You know that

(Tell us again how you’re not a Trump fan ya lying fuck)

That is exactly the opposite of what happened with Trump.

He lied and obstructed for almost two years to the point of instructing his lawyers to lie about what had been returned.
No matter how you spin it, this is political, and a part of the wide web they have cast for Trump in hopes to get him on anything they can. FACT.... Biden and the rest of them wouldn't have ever been bothered if the leftist and rhino's weren't trying everything they can to bring down Trump. It's bad when you fear the man that bad, and all for a damned twisted agenda that would have this country burned to the ground if the leftist don't get their way
The Doj has two indictments only....Mara Lago classified documents case and the 1/6 election subversion.

All the other cases are done by the states and has nothing to do with the DOJ federal cases. Those other indictments and civil suits are being done by the states and individuals under State Law, like his E Jean Carroll civil defamation case...these state cases were a long time in the making...long before Trump announced early, that he was running.

Jack Smith is a special Counsel, who was working in the Hague prosecuting war crimes as a private citizen. He does not work for the Doj at the Hague, and was and is independent of the DOJ....he does not have to answer to the DOJ, nor does he need to worry about pleasing anyone in govt or a Party because he needs his job paycheck ....and a career path. Smith lives in Europe, and will go back to his job at the Hague prosecuting war criminals when his job as a Special Counsel is finished.

When all of these investigations had their beginnings, no one in their right mind thought the 1/6 disgraced instigator and derelict President who did nothing to help capitol/metro police or the frightened congress critters or help for Pence .....would ever be in a position to run again!!!!????

No one!

The demented Trump went on a crime spree, and THAT is why there are at least 60 of the 91 felony charges brought from him trying to ILLEGALLY stay in power, after he legally lost.
Didn’t Biden have TS documents? I believe some of them were.

My point isn’t about who had what, my point was about…why NARA wasn’t interested in the documents Biden had..for 30…years, but were banging down trumps door within 2 weeks.

All I want is consistency…that’s it. Biden, as a senator, removed classified documents from the scif, and kept them for 3 decades, and nobody cares about that.
That glaring double standard will inevitably come up in the trial.
The Doj has two indictments only....Mara Lago classified documents case and the 1/6 election subversion.

All the other cases are done by the states and has nothing to do with the DOJ federal cases. Those other indictments and civil suits are being done by the states and individuals under State Law, like his E Jean Carroll civil defamation case...these state cases were a long time in the making...long before Trump announced early, that he was running.

Jack Smith is a special Counsel, who was working in the Hague prosecuting war crimes as a private citizen. He does not work for the Doj at the Hague, and was and is independent of the DOJ....he does not have to answer to the DOJ, nor does he need to worry about pleasing anyone in govt or a Party because he needs his job paycheck ....and a career path. Smith lives in Europe, and will go back to his job at the Hague prosecuting war criminals when his job as a Special Counsel is finished.

When all of these investigations had their beginnings, no one in their right mind thought the 1/6 disgraced instigator and derelict President who did nothing to help capitol/metro police or the frightened congress critters or help for Pence .....would ever be in a position to run again!!!!????

No one!

The demented Trump went on a crime spree, and THAT is why there are at least 60 of the 91 felony charges brought from him trying to ILLEGALLY stay in power, after he legally lost.
??? He works for the DOJ. He was appointed by Garland and Garland is his boss.
Also, the fbi was there. They searched Mar a lago, they knew the documents were there. Why didn’t they take them then? They just said “put another lock on it”…then came back and raided the place. I mean, come on..that screams setup.
Trump people would not let the fbi/justice in to the storage room to search for them.....and 34 of the document cases were moved to Trump's residence before they got there.....which was later found out.

YOU REALLY NEED TO DO SOME ACTUAL RESEARCH ON THIS...... All of your questions have actual answers....
I think that is incorrect, bidens lawyers didn’t return their documents until after the whole thing with trump came into play.

So if what you say is true, and Nara doesn’t know who has what, then why was it Nara who was going after missing documents from trump? If they didn’t know, then someone tipped them off…wonder who that could have been.

Also, the fbi was there. They searched Mar a lago, they knew the documents were there. Why didn’t they take them then? They just said “put another lock on it”…then came back and raided the place. I mean, come on..that screams setup.
-Biden's lawyers were closing up Biden's office at the center....and moving his stuff elsewhere....that's how they found them....they reported it to the government, the day they found the classified documents.

-NARA was never going after Classified documents, they were going after Trump's presidential records, which under law, the Presidential records Act, Trump was required to turn them all over to the National Archives before leaving office. Presidential records were not turned over, and THAT is what NARA was asking him for....NOT CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS that he should not have had.

As I said, it was not until the archivists got the 15 cases of presidential records in February off 2022, did they go through the records and find marked classified documents.....

FROM THE POINT OF FINDING MARKED CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, is when NARA STOPPED pursuing the presidential records and EVERYTHING was turned over to the FBI investigating the security breach....NARA was no longer involved once the FBI got the 15 cases to go through.

-as said in another post, Trump Lawyers WOULD NOT LET the FBI search the storage room for other documents, and the FBI did not have a search warrant at the time for the storage room.


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The GASLIGHT THEATRE here is pathetic.
Common sense is lost.
As Designed by the PSYCHOPATHS that design a culture of REJECTION of family and the Constitution.
DECADES in the making....

The GASLIGHT THEATRE here is pathetic.
Common sense is lost.
As Designed by the PSYCHOPATHS that design a culture of REJECTION of family and the Constitution.
DECADES in the making....


Remember, democrats never INTENDED to get caught, so it's not a crime
That glaring double standard will inevitably come up in the trial.
Well, I dunno.
I ain't a lawyer, but....
.....but bringing this 'glaring double standard' seems problematic.

For one, if I was a prosecutor I would highlight the differences of the Pence case vs the Trump case, the Biden case vs the Trump case.

And then ...once again.....demonstrate to the jury that Don Trump defied a subpoena, lied, ordered staffers to lie, ordered staffers to move the material to keep it out of reach of the authorities.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, but I think that if there truly is a "double standard" here it is----between one guy who did most everything wrong and a couple of other guys who did mostly right.

So yeah, bring up the 'double-standard' gambit.
Good luck.
Well, I dunno.
I ain't a lawyer, but....
.....but bringing this 'glaring double standard' seems problematic.

For one, if I was a prosecutor I would highlight the differences of the Pence case vs the Trump case, the Biden case vs the Trump case.

And then ...once again.....demonstrate to the jury that Don Trump defied a subpoena, lied, ordered staffers to lie, ordered staffers to move the material to keep it out of reach of the authorities.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, but I think that if there truly is a "double standard" here it is----between one guy who did most everything wrong and a couple of other guys who did mostly right.

So yeah, bring up the 'double-standard' gambit.
Good luck.
So you have no problem with Senator/VP/President Dumfuk stealing, moving and keeping top secret documents in in his garage for decades? Or the Hildabeast exposing upwards of 2,000 classified documents to the Chinese, Iranians and Russians on her homebrewed server?
Well, I dunno.
I ain't a lawyer, but....
.....but bringing this 'glaring double standard' seems problematic.

For one, if I was a prosecutor I would highlight the differences of the Pence case vs the Trump case, the Biden case vs the Trump case.

And then ...once again.....demonstrate to the jury that Don Trump defied a subpoena, lied, ordered staffers to lie, ordered staffers to move the material to keep it out of reach of the authorities.

Now, I ain't a lawyer, but I think that if there truly is a "double standard" here it is----between one guy who did most everything wrong and a couple of other guys who did mostly right.

So yeah, bring up the 'double-standard' gambit.
Good luck.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *

The lack of self-awareness from the demented LEFT is astonishing.

??? He works for the DOJ. He was appointed by Garland and Garland is his boss.
He doesn't need the job. This isn't his career. He left government jobs years ago and works for the Hague....he lives in the Netherlands. He was brought in as a Special Counsel because he has no connection to Garland or the administration...including President Biden.

All the garbage spread about him is just that, garbage.... a deflection from truth.
You keep avoiding the main topic and that is, is it or is it not a violation of the law,
THAT'S been established.
and a threat to national security to remove classified information from its authorized storage facility?

Classification designations.(a) Only three (3) designations of classification are authorized: “Top Secret,” “Secret,” and “Confidential.”

(1) Top Secret. Information may be classified “Top Secret” if its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.

This classification should be used with the utmost restraint. Examples of “exceptionally grave damage” include armed hostilities against the United States or its allies; disruption of foreign relations vitally affecting the national security; the compromise of vital national defense plans or complex cryptologic and communications intelligence systems; the revelation of sensitive intelligence operations; and the disclosure of scientific or technological developments vital to national security.

(2) Secret. Information may be classified “Secret” if its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security. This classification should be used sparingly. Examples of “serious damage” include disruption of foreign relations significantly affecting the national security; significant impairment of a program or policy directly related to the national security; revelation of significant military plans or intelligence operations; and compromise of significant scientific or technological developments relating to national security.

(3) Confidential. Information may be classified “Confidential” if its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security. Except as otherwise provided by statute, no other terms shall be used to identify classified information. Terms or phrases such as “For Official Use Only” or “Limited Official Use” shall not be used to identify national security information. No other term or phrase shall be used in conjunction with these national security information designations, such as “Secret Sensitive” or “Agency Confidential” to identify national security information.

(b) Foreign government information. If classified by the foreign government, the information shall either retain its original classification or be assigned a U.S. classification designation which will ensure a degree of protection at least equivalent to that required by the entity that furnished the information. If not given a specific classification by the foreign government, the information will be assigned an appropriate classification dependent on the sensitivity of the subject matter and the degree of damage its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause to the national security. Classification designations assigned by the U.S. agency shall be marked on the foreign government information in accordance with the provisions of § 9.12.
If it was on a computer, is it, or is it not illegal to download that information to a storage device with the intent to take it home, or to print it off, to take it home? Is it, or is it not a violation of the law to remove classified information from the scif?

No, he wasn’t. To think he didn’t know about it, and the fbi nor Nara nor anyone else had a clue that he had them is ludicrous. Classified information isn’t just something you can walk in to a bookstore and pick up and leave with, this stuff is controlled. They know who “checks out” or requests a document, and they know if it hasn’t been returned. Are we suggesting that he was able to obtain this information and nobody ever noticed it was missing? Are we seriously that lax in our security?
Congress people and senators view classified documents all the time at the capitol building.
If that is the case, then how did they know trump had them?
Likely, the volume of classified documents that were missing.

The idea that Biden having them just managed to slip through the cracks, but they sure knew that trump had them has a fishy smell to it.

Trump documents case different than Biden, Clinton ...​

https://www.cnbc.com › 2023/06/15 › trump-documents...

Jun 15, 2023 — WASHINGTON — As former President Donald Trump faces 37 federal counts for hoarding hundreds of classified documents after he left the White ...
And again, if it really is true that Biden had these documents and nobody even knew, then our information security protocols are pretty shitty

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