Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

So in your eyes, shoplifting is only shoplifting only if the shop presses charges?
NOPE, it's still shoplifting, getting CHARGED with shoplifting is up to the petitioner.
Just like forkup stated also.
Bank robbery is only bank robbery if the bank only presses charges?
That would be the state's attorney.

Taking classified documents is only taking classified documents if the government presses charges?
About right, again, THAT would be up to the attorney general and like forkup stated.............INTENT.
No offence, I reckon you think WWII was fought in black and white.

Do you think someone who has the brains to 'accidently' take classified documents be in that job? Do you think that's a competent or desired trait? If you interviewed someone and they said, "Oh, I might accidentally take your company secrets because that's just me", would you hire them? Sounds like my Jack Russell is more competent than your president.

And like wise, someone saying, "I would purposely take the classified documents", is equally unsuitable for the job. The US seems to be having a run of unsuitable presidents, but we all know that.
When dealing with massive amounts of documents over decades, it’s not unreasonable that a few documents are misplaced.

The problem is when it’s someone has clearly done it intentionally and clearly tried to cover it up.
There was more to it than that and you know it.

That you ignored the fact that intent matters greatly just speaks to your dishonesty or stupidity.

You pick
What happens if the shop or bank doesn't press charges but the police do?
When dealing with massive amounts of documents over decades, it’s not unreasonable that a few documents are misplaced.

The problem is when it’s someone has clearly done it intentionally and clearly tried to cover it up.
Just like HilLIARy did with her email server. But then again, she's YOUR team so she gets a pass, amirite?
Just like HilLIARy did with her email server. But then again, she's YOUR team so she gets a pass, amirite?
Not even close. Clinton wasn’t taking clearly labeled classified documents and placing them on her server. She also wasn’t trying to cover anything up.
Not even close. Clinton wasn’t taking clearly labeled classified documents and placing them on her server. She also wasn’t trying to cover anything up.

Doesn't matter. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, even if it means locking up that old c*nt.
As soon as the Biden folks realized that these docs where, they returned them.

There is no evidence otherwise and it shows lack of intent and certainly obstruction or conspiracy.

You know that

(Tell us again how you’re not a Trump fan ya lying fuck)

That is exactly the opposite of what happened with Trump.

He lied and obstructed for almost two years to the point of instructing his lawyers to lie about what had been returned.

As soon as the Biden folks realized that these docs where, they returned them.

Yeah, they magically discovered them when trump was found with them. That shows intent. They intended to keep them until the eyes of Nara and other people were on trump.
The argument is that Biden didn’t know they had them. If that’s the case, then what prompted them to “go oh, hey, we better look for documents”

If nobody had started looking Trump, those documents would still be in bidens gargage…indefinitely.

Tell us again how you’re not a Trump fan ya lying fuck)

Other than being quite rude, I’m not a trump fan. What I am is, not a leftists fan. Just because I point out the antics you all pull on trump doesn’t mean I support HIM, it means I push back on leftists. I’ve said this before, but I know it doesn’t land with dems because they love to paint everyone with a broad brush. If they think it, it must be true.

It is possible to defend actions against someone without supporting that person.

I’ve said it many time (you can look this up), I don’t support a person, I support the party and the ideology.
Yeah, they magically discovered them when trump was found with them. That shows intent. They intended to keep them until the eyes of Nara and other people were on trump.
The argument is that Biden didn’t know they had them. If that’s the case, then what prompted them to “go oh, hey, we better look for documents”

If nobody had started looking Trump, those documents would still be in bidens gargage…indefinitely.

Other than being quite rude, I’m not a trump fan. What I am is, not a leftists fan. Just because I point out the antics you all pull on trump doesn’t mean I support HIM, it means I push back on leftists. I’ve said this before, but I know it doesn’t land with dems because they love to paint everyone with a broad brush. If they think it, it must be true.

It is possible to defend actions against someone without supporting that person.

I’ve said it many time (you can look this up), I don’t support a person, I support the party and the ideology.
Trump was not charged with having those top secret classified documents. Just like, Biden and Pence and Clinton were not charged. Even, Steven! Equal justice under the law.

What part of that, do you not understand?
He doesn't need the job. This isn't his career. He left government jobs years ago and works for the Hague....he lives in the Netherlands. He was brought in as a Special Counsel because he has no connection to Garland or the administration...including President Biden.

All the garbage spread about him is just that, garbage.... a deflection from truth.
Do you think someone who has the brains to 'accidently' take classified documents be in that job? Do you think that's a competent or desired trait? If you interviewed someone and they said, "Oh, I might accidentally take your company secrets because that's just me", would you hire them? Sounds like my Jack Russell is more competent than your president.

And like wise, someone saying, "I would purposely take the classified documents", is equally unsuitable for the job. The US seems to be having a run of unsuitable presidents, but we all know that.
There are plenty of reasonable ways to have classified spillage that doesn't necessarily involve incompetence. But that's not the question. You are trying to argue that any such spillage automatically does, or at least should be prosecuted. Moving the goalposts from "it's criminal" to "it makes a person incompetent" is exactly that.

I responded because your analogy was faulty making the conclusion you reached on the basis of that analogy also faulty. I told you how to make it more accurate. So, here's my question.

Would you find it reasonable for a court to convict someone of shoplifting who is shown to have brought the goods back without prompting while explaining it happened inadvertently? Do you think a judge let alone a jury would convict such a person?
If Trump had returned ALL the classified documents he took, as Biden, Pence, and Clinton had done, there would be no indictment.

And had Trump done so, he likely wouldn’t have been charged with other crimes, such as violating the Espionage Act and lying to law enforcement.
Yup, they were probably copies of copies. And there were so few of them no one noticed.

Trump backed up a big old truck and took out hundreds of boxes of classified documents. That's why NARA Noticed.

It tells me that we classify too many things, which is why people don't take it as seriously as they should.

For instance, one of the "classified" documents on the Hillary Scandal was a NY Times report about US drone strikes against Taliban targets in Pakistan.

Why was it a "Secret"? Everyone knew it was happening, but because the official stance was that we weren't doing that (when everyone knew we were) it was classified as a secret.

Yup, they were probably copies of copies. And there were so few of them no one noticed.

Aren’t the copies of copies tracked also? I mean, you’re making the case that it’s just entirely too easy to steal classified documents. We’re talking about Biden allegedly accidentally having classified information, imagine the secrets someone could steal if they were really trying. Wow..and they say we have the greatest intelligence agencies in the world…lol…pretty shitty if you ask me if someone could casually stroll out the door with classified information, store it in their garage in cardboard boxes for 30 years, and nobody was any the wiser. Lol…that’s pretty amateur if you ask me..

It tells me that we classify too many things, which is why people don't take it as seriously as they should.

Maybe, but it still tells a large tale of our security protocols, it also doesn’t explain the fact that Biden had classified information unsecured, in multiple places, for so long. It doesn’t matter that if was something inconsequential, we don’t get to just ignore rules of classified information because someone seems it not very relevant.
Aren’t the copies of copies tracked also? I mean, you’re making the case that it’s just entirely too easy to steal classified documents. We’re talking about Biden allegedly accidentally having classified information, imagine the secrets someone could steal if they were really trying. Wow..and they say we have the greatest intelligence agencies in the world…lol…pretty shitty if you ask me if someone could casually stroll out the door with classified information, store it in their garage in cardboard boxes for 30 years, and nobody was any the wiser. Lol…that’s pretty amateur if you ask me..

Well, apparently not if no one knew they were missing.

I'm sure the Chinese are stealing all the documents they want. I just don't care all that much. They spy on us, we spy on them.

That doesn't excuse Trump deliberately taking documents home with him and showing them to Kid Rock and other people he was trying to impress.

Maybe, but it still tells a large tale of our security protocols, it also doesn’t explain the fact that Biden had classified information unsecured, in multiple places, for so long. It doesn’t matter that if was something inconsequential, we don’t get to just ignore rules of classified information because someone seems it not very relevant.
Sure we do. The Special Counsel reviewed it, determined there was no criminal intent, and let it go.
What pray tell makes the subpoena illegal?

Magasheep actually believe Trump can walk off with dozens of boxes of classified material because he said he could, LOL. I would say, the dept of justice and the FBI would disagree :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was not charged with having those top secret classified documents. Just like, Biden and Pence and Clinton were not charged. Even, Steven! Equal justice under the law.

What part of that, do you not understand?

I understand all of it.

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