Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Noticed how you kept using this "private citizen" Trump BS, when once a President, always a President, just in the former sense of the title. Try harder
I loath to state the obvious since I'm fearing you are simply gaslighting.

The whole premise of the founding of the country is based on the idea of electing leaders who serve for a time after which the become normal citizens again. The idea that a person can be elected to the presidency and retain protections from compliance with laws is precisely why the founding fathers revolted.

So again what law exactly do you base this kind of immunity on?
So they didn't INTENT to possess the documents?
No they didn't as is evident by them giving them back THE MOMENT they found they still had them in possession.

I'll make it easy on you. Find me one example, just one. Of anyone. In office or otherwise who was convicted under the Espionage Act for simply having classified documents? Since you guys insist that by itself is prosecuted, find me that case.
No they didn't as is evident by them giving them back THE MOMENT they found they still had them in possession.

I'll make it easy on you. Find me one example, just one. Of anyone. In office or otherwise who was convicted under the Espionage Act for simply having classified documents? Since you guys insist that by itself is prosecuted, find me that case.
Right! It’s only a crime when Trump does it!! EXACTLY MY POINT!!

Possession is 9/10th of the law!*

*except if you’re a democrat
The polls had said he was going to win the election, and with his ego, he likely was unable to conceive of losing.

First, the polls all showed him considerably behind Biden. His strategy from the start was to deny he lost, even if he knew he lost.

So then likely he was totally unprepared for losing, and had to hire movers to box things up quickly.

Oh, bullshit, everyone told him he lost. He just didn't plan to leave because he was going to seize power.

So it is VERY unlikely he had any idea what was in those boxes at Mar-a-Lago, and it was just his correct instinct to deny everything when called on it.
Remember, there were over 150 boxes, and all the classified docs would easily have fit into a single box.

Uh, the Special Prosecutor established he knew what he had and actively hid them from the Archives personnel sent to retreive them.

Could you imagine an overweight Trump actually being at all involved in packing those boxes?
No, I can imagine that his fanatics packed him for it, and he got rid of anyone who talked sense to him by that point.
what is it you think my “ilk” is?
Dumb white trash that votes against your own economic interest. We've been over that.
Trump was hiding them. He even had his lawyer Christina Bobb swear under oath that the documents the National Archives issued a subpoena for, had all been turned over, which was NOT true. That explains why DOJ issued search warrant.

Nobody knew where the documents that Biden and Pence had were, not even Biden and Pence. Their existence was only discovered by doing a search. meaning that unlike Trump, they didn't know what they had, or where they had it. Their removal and retention was accidental, which means their was no intent.
And intent is the difference
Right! It’s only a crime when Trump does it!! EXACTLY MY POINT!!

Possession is 9/10th of the law!*

*except if you’re a democrat
Trump didn't simply " have documents". He kept them, lied about it, tried to hide them, and tried to get rid of the evidence to those actions.

To use your and my analogy. You are saying he just ran a red light. While failing to mention he did so in a getaway car escaping from a bank robbery where he killed a hostage.

I'll put it like this. Trump wouldn't have been charged if he simply would have complied with the PRA. He didn't.
He still wouldn't have been charged if he simply would have given the documents back when the DOJ first got involved. He didn't.
He still wouldn't have been charged if he would have given them back under subpoena. He didn't.

Thinking Trump somehow got unfairly prosecuted is either bad faith, or a complete lack of knowledge of the events.
The pandemic would have only lasted 3 months if no one had "flattened the curve" as Fauci insisted.
Trumps plan was to ignore the epidemic for those under 40, and that would have cut the death toll by about a factor of 10. The high death toll and high economic impact all came from Fauci trying to wait for a vaccine that turned out not to work at all.

And where is your medical degree from? If we hadn't taken precautions, millions would have died in a short period of time. The US had the worst death rate from Covid because Trump fought containment every step of the way. Meanwhile countries that imposed strict social distancing and masking had relatively low death rates.

For instance, Japan's total deaths from Covid was only about 50,000, compared to one million for the US. Why? The Japanese social distanced. They cancelled the Olympics. Mask wearing was popular in Japan even before Covid hit, and the Japanese don't greet each other by shaking hands or hugging, they do that whole bowing thing. In short, they did it right. We did it wrong.

The race riots were due to the illegal racism by the state and local police.

No, it was because Trump used racially charged rhetoric for four years and stopped the police reform that was started by Obama and Holder.

Both impeachments not only failed to convict, but were clearly illegal and done by a corrupt congress.

Um, guy, Trump did what he was accused of in both impeachments... Republicans were just too afraid of Trump's supporters to do the right thing. I am not sure why you want to live in a country where the President is above the law. I don't.

All elections have some voter fraud. The 2000 election likely was invalid due to voter fraud. Computers used as voting machines clearly are voter fraud. We have all seen videos of bags of ballots being fraudulently dumped into drop boxes.
The attempt to delay election certification in 2020 was not at all illegal, but just foolish.

The 2000 election was invalid because Al Gore got more votes. Period. All you other conspiracy theories have been debunked. Get rid of the EC, go to direct voting for the president, and we wouldn't be winging about when ballots get counted at what time.

Almost all wars are inherently illegal since they commit murder, an absolute law.
All legal authority only comes from the inherent right of defense, so then war is only legal if necessary in order to defend someone.
Since the WMD lies about Iraq and the al Qaeda lies about Afghanistan were false, then no war was necessary, there was no one whose rights were protected by them, and those responsible for these lies were criminals.
But Shock and Awe was also in violation of the Geneva Conventions against attacking civilian infrastructure, so was a war crime.

Sorry, no. Afghanistan was justified because the Taliban were harboring terrorists who attacked America. Iraq was justified because Saddam was a piece of garbage who was violating UN resolutions he had agreed to in order to stay in power.

War crimes are the winners punishing the losers. It's why the Nazis got hanged and the Allies got streets and schools named after them.

I prefer to keep China as a trade partner, but clearly China is not our friend in the long run.
When Nixon opened the door to trade with China, China has been the winner and we have only been the loser.
China has taken over almost all of our technology, and we no longer even know how to make computers, TVs, cellphones, etc.
China dumps in the US below cost, just to prevent any US competition from being able to get started.
China owns a significant portion of US debt, and can then easily cause a US bankruptcy in the future.

Okay, to look at your list.
Technology has moved to Asia (not just China) because it's cheaper to produce there. That actually started with Japan, not China. Then labor costs in Japan got to high, so they moved to China. Now labor costs in China are to high, so they are moving to Vietnam and Malaysia.

China is below costs, but when you factor in lead times, transportation costs, and carrying costs, you really don't get that far ahead. If we are failing in manufacturing, it's our own damned fault, not China's. I've worked in manufacturing for most of the last 25 years. No one wants to work on a factory floor. Usually, most of the people you see there are immigrants. White folks want to work in an office.

It is a lie to claim Trump said "to inject bleach or something".
What he said was to ask if there was some way to make a disinfectant that could neutralize the virus chemically?
He is right that it should have been gone by Easter.

he babbled about bleach because he didn't know what he was talking about, months into the crisis.
No, it wasn't going away by Easter, or the Summer, or any of the other happy talk Trump said. Masking and social distancing should have never been cultural issues, but the Red-neck, inbred morons who support Trump showed up with guns at state capitols because they couldn't eat at Applebee's.

Herd immunity for an epidemic with this low lethality and reproduction rate of 2.0, should not have lasted longer than 3 months.
If you want to understand why it lasted longer, you have to understand that what ends all epidemics is herd immunity.
That is when the odds of the virus finding a new host to transfer to after 12 days, drops so low that the virus can no longer reproduce.
So by masking, what we did was to save easy hosts, who then could ensure there was always a new host available in order to keep the virus alive and reproducing.

Bullshit. Epidemics almost always last longer than 3 months. The Spanish Flu lasted years!

And you are wrong about the classified doc laws.
When president, classified doc copies are given to thousands of people, like labs, allies, ambassadors, generals, etc.
They never have to give them back, and they never do.
So when a president gives himself copies, such as for their memoirs, presidential library, etc., they never have to give them back eithers.
That clearly is and has always been the law, so this prosecution is totally and absolutely criminal, intended only to illegally bias an election, and that really is treason.

Nope. Trump illegally retained documents.

People have gone to jail for retaining far less documents than Trump has, like the Navy enlisted man who took a picture of himself on the bridge of a nuclear submarine, and was charged with espinoge.

Trump kept the documents because they made him feel important.
Total TDS response.
Point out the shit Trump screwed up hurts your feelings?

The subpoena was illegal to submit against Trump, just like the two failed impeachments were also illegal because they were political in nature or rather just outright corrupt in nature, and the nation knew exactly what was going on in it all. Only the Democrat's were trying to pull off their bull shite against a nation that elected Trump as their president. They are busted.

Actually, the nation never liked Trump and he never won the popular vote any time he ran.

Talk to Rigby5 about that, he seems to have a better idea of the classified documents protocols and such. It's where I drew my opinion from, otherwise if he's right about it.
You probably shouldn't listen to idiots.
"Trump kept the documents because it made him feel important."

You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are a HOOT!!!!!!

The polls had said he was going to win the election, and with his ego, he likely was unable to conceive of losing.
So then likely he was totally unprepared for losing, and had to hire movers to box things up quickly.
So it is VERY unlikely he had any idea what was in those boxes at Mar-a-Lago, and it was just his correct instinct to deny everything when called on it.
Remember, there were over 150 boxes, and all the classified docs would easily have fit into a single box.
Could you imagine an overweight Trump actually being at all involved in packing those boxes?
For the sake of argument let's just assume those boxes got packed unintentionally. A hard sell, since he's on tape telling people he had classified documents that he didn't declassify. This still wouldn't get Trump of the hook in the slightest.

The fact remains that he was made aware that some of the documents were classified by the DOJ. The fact remains that he didn't give those documents back even after he was subpoenaed for them. The fact remains that Nauta is on tape moving those boxes in order to hide them.

If I find a bag of coke. The fact that I didn't purchase it but simply found them, doesn't mean I'm of the hook when I get caught trying to sell it.
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That’s not the issue.
Yes, it is.
The issue is, he was not legally authorized to remove them from their secure place. The issue is that he had these documents for 30 years and nobody cared.

Trump leaves office for 2 weeks and Nara is banging down his door.
You're FOS.

In May 2021, the National Archives began asking Trump and his staff to return all missing presidential records, according to email communications between the archives and Trump's lawyers that were later made public.

Two of Trump’s aides returned 15 boxes of records to the National Archives eight months later, in January 2022. The Archives soon determined that 14 of the boxes contained classified documents and referred their discovery to the Justice Department, the indictment says.
There is a double standard. If both people broke the law, then why is only one being prosecuted.
Prosecutors say Trump tried to obstruct the FBI and grand jury investigations by furnishing only some of the subpoenaed documents, even as he said he was cooperating with the grand jury's demand.

Trump also suggested that his attorney should "hide or destroy" the subpoenaed documents, and he instructed Walt Nauta his personal aide, who also faces federal charges — to move and conceal boxes of classified documents from the FBI, the grand jury and Trump's own attorney, the indictment said.
Also, let’s talk about “he returned them when asked”. I assure you, it wasn’t because he was being proactive when he returned them.
Yes, he was.
The same happened to Pence.
Neither cried, lied and obstructed, like Trump did
He had 30 years to do that.
More than likely, he never had any intention of returning them, and probably never would have, if not for all of this blowing up around trump.
The first thing you got right.
If Biden didn't know he had them, NARA didn't know he had them, then likely the documents wouldn't have been returned.
All I’m asking is for you lefty’s told hold yourself to the same standard as you do for the right.
I loath to state the obvious since I'm fearing you are simply gaslighting.

The whole premise of the founding of the country is based on the idea of electing leaders who serve for a time after which the become normal citizens again. The idea that a person can be elected to the presidency and retain protections from compliance with laws is precisely why the founding fathers revolted.

So again what law exactly do you base this kind of immunity on?
Your ignorance is astounding, but it's understood since you are a disingenuous leftist that decided to join in with the get Trump crowd. That post didn't address my post at all. You are the gaslighter here.
Your ignorance is astounding, but it's understood since you are a disingenuous leftist that decided to join in with the get Trump crowd. That post didn't address my post at all. You are the gaslighter here.
What is there to adress? Your assertion that because a FORMER president still sometimes gets referred to as Mr. President he still has the same protections as THE president.

If you don't acknowledge how utterly ridiculous that notion is you are either gaslighting or stupid. Your pick.
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In part because of the nature of the documents. Documents that are merely classified "confidential" or even "secret" can be had by anyone cleared to read them. But the documents Trump had were either TS TS/SCI or known PRA materials, like the Kim Jong Un letter. They were recorded as withdrawn for use by the President, and not returned.

Didn’t Biden have TS documents? I believe some of them were.

My point isn’t about who had what, my point was about…why NARA wasn’t interested in the documents Biden had..for 30…years, but were banging down trumps door within 2 weeks.

All I want is consistency…that’s it. Biden, as a senator, removed classified documents from the scif, and kept them for 3 decades, and nobody cares about that.
Probably because no one, including Biden himself, realized he still had them.

Because executive staff workers saw him and his boys stuff these documents into boxes as they were packing up, ignoring statements that they weren't to go with him.

I am applying the same standard.

Biden complied with the rules upon discovery of these documents.
So did Pence.
So did Hillary.

Trump deliberately defied the Archives attempts to retrieve and preserve these records.

Really? They didn’t know they had them? NARA didn’t know? Really??? It’s all so convenient that …oops, how did those get in there…when it comes to the left. Nara, didn’t know, the fbi didn’t know?

Also, if you are suggesting that someone could removed classified documents and keep them in their garage for 30 years and nobody would know, what does that say about our national security of information? Pretty crappy…unless of course, you are a Republican….then it appears to be top notch!
Trump didn't simply " have documents". He kept them, lied about it, tried to hide them, and tried to get rid of the evidence to those actions.

To use your and my analogy. You are saying he just ran a red light. While failing to mention he did so in a getaway car escaping from a bank robbery where he killed a hostage.

I'll put it like this. Trump wouldn't have been charged if he simply would have complied with the PRA. He didn't.
He still wouldn't have been charged if he simply would have given the documents back when the DOJ first got involved. He didn't.
He still wouldn't have been charged if he would have given them back under subpoena. He didn't.

Thinking Trump somehow got unfairly prosecuted is either bad faith, or a complete lack of knowledge of the events.

^ Fake News and reflexive defense of Progressive Fascists

Trump was the President, they were his documents. Hillary = not the President, neither was Joe "Influence Peddling" Biden
What is there to adress? Your assertion that because a FORMER president still sometimes gets referred to as Mr. President he still has the same protections as THE president.

If you don't acknowledge how utterly ridiculous that notion is you are either gaslighting or stupid. Your pick.
You are the one hoping and dreaming to change protocol to fit your nefarious narrative. Trump will be referred to as President the rest of his life, and he'll have the secret service detail to go along with it. Now go be stupid somewhere else already.
You are the one hoping and dreaming to change protocol to fit your nefarious narrative. Trump will be referred to as President the rest of his life, and he'll have the secret service detail to go along with it. Now go be stupid somewhere else already.
Lol, gaslighting it is. What a person is referred to, and what type of protection he gets, is absolutely irrelevant to what someone's legal status is. The office of the President of the United States is executed by one person at a time. With it come certain legal protections for the duration of the term of president. Those protections are simply invalid after. That is the truth.
Lol, gaslighting it is. What a person is referred to, and what type of protection he gets, is absolutely irrelevant to what someone's legal status is. The office of the President of the United States is executed by one person at a time. With it come certain legal protections for the duration of the term of president. Those protections are simply invalid after. That is the truth.
Ok, then Trump is protected, because all the bull shite they are trying to get him on, was when he was president or as he was vacating the post, so go pound sand dummy.

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