Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

How was trump hiding documents? The FBI was there, they KNEW about the documents..they even told him to put another lock on the door.

Also, didn’t they say he WAS working with the fbi? I thought they said that..

ask his lawyers. It’s already been revealed in court that he withheld boxes of classified material even after the raid. I don’t blame trump, there’s big money in that information which he can sell to Putin.
Injustice doesn’t change the fact it’s a binary issue


OK. Let's do it.

  • Did Don Trump defy a court issued subpoena wheras Mike Pence and Joe Biden did not?

  1. Yes? _________
  2. No? _________

Well, I believe the Russians did help Trump in 2016. And Trump and his enablers were willing to accept it and did not object and did not go to the authorities when questionable contacts were made.

Their hands were not clean. IMHO
Yup, Just like I thought.

Well you have the right to your opinion as do I.
No, he doesn't.

Worst Pandemic in 100 yeas.
Worst economy in 80 years.
Worst race riots in 50 years.
Two impeachments.
Attempt to overthrow a valid election.

The man is a criminal.

First, there's no such thing as an "illegal war". Nations go to war, and it's legal when they do it.

Second, his China Trade war was fucking retarded. It probably contributed to the economic collapse of 2020 because it made it harder for companies that manufacture things to get components. China is not our enemy. They could be a very good friend if we got out of our own way.

His economy was beyond fucked up. Even if you give him a mulligan on 14% unemployment and 265,000 businesses that went belly up during Covid, the fact is GDP Growth was under 3% for his first three years, and Shrank by 4% in 2020.

Covid, he couldn't have been more wrong about. Remember when he told people to inject bleach, or when he claimed it would go away by Easter?

Um, he's been charged, so no, you'd be wrong there.

That's fucking retarded and really, you don't know what you are talking about.

Except TRUMP ISN"T PRESIDENT, and the minute he left, he lost ANY authority to keep classified documents.
Total TDS response.

OK. Let's do it.

  • Did Don Trump defy a court issued subpoena wheras Mike Pence and Joe Biden did not?

  1. Yes? _________
  2. No? _________
The subpoena was illegal to submit against Trump, just like the two failed impeachments were also illegal because they were political in nature or rather just outright corrupt in nature, and the nation knew exactly what was going on in it all. Only the Democrat's were trying to pull off their bull shite against a nation that elected Trump as their president. They are busted.
The subpoena was illegal to submit against Trump, just like the two failed impeachments were also illegal because they were political in nature or rather just outright corrupt in nature, and the nation knew exactly what was going on in it all. Only the Democrat's were trying to pull off their bull shite against a nation that elected Trump as their president. They are busted.
What pray tell makes the subpoena illegal?
Oh look, another verbose and pathetic whataboutism post, complete with links you didn't read.

As I have said before , I speed read.

What pray tell makes the subpoena illegal?
Talk to Rigby5 about that, he seems to have a better idea of the classified documents protocols and such. It's where I drew my opinion from, otherwise if he's right about it.
The former President lied, obfuscated, and obstructed the returned of the documents.

Pence, Obama, and Biden did no such thing.

So is lying the crime or possession of the documents?

Ask 4 bank robbers, "did you rob that bank"? 3 say yes and one says no, you only charge the guy who said no?

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!" "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!" We've all heard these refrains from the Tu Quoque Brigade in every defense of Donald Trump's crimes.

So here's the difference with respect to the deliberate obstruction by Trump to keep classified documents.

Why Trump was charged on secret documents and Clinton, Pence were not

But the historic investigation into the former president was precipitated months earlier, in January 2022, when the former president gave 15 boxes of papers to the National Archives and Records Administration. The agency had been seeking all presidential records from Trump since he left office.

Inside the boxes, archivists found 197 classified documents, some extremely sensitive, the government alleged in court filings. That discovery set in motion the chain of events that led to the unsealing Friday of a 38-count indictment against Trump and Walt Nauta, a trusted servant.

Notably, however, the indictment does not charge Trump with the illegal retention of any of the 197 documents he returned to the archives.

If Trump had returned ALL the classified documents he took, as Biden, Pence, and Clinton had done, there would be no indictment.

It's as simple as that, folks.

Trump chose to hide several boxes of documents, some of which were classified, and that's why his ass is on fire now.

As for Clinton and her emails, what Trump said in private is VASTLY different than the bullshit he feeds to the rube herd:

But when discussing his own possible mishandling case last year, Trump seized on another facet of the Clinton probe: that attorneys for Clinton had reviewed more than 60,000 emails and turned over about 30,000 to government officials because they were deemed related to her official duties. Clinton’s lawyers deleted the rest, about 30,000 emails, after deeming them personal and unrelated to her work. It has long been standard practice in the federal government for officials to review their own correspondence in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and decide which of their emails are personal and therefore not turned over. In Clinton’s case, her lawyers did that for her.

As a candidate and president, Trump denounced the decision to delete the emails. In July 2016, he notoriously declared at a news conference: “Russia: if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

When the grand jury subpoena for any classified documents arrived at his door, however, Trump expressed a very different view to his lawyer, according to the indictment, praising Clinton’s lawyer for deleting the 30,000 emails.

The Clinton lawyer, Trump allegedly said on May 23, 2022, “was the one who deleted all of her emails, the 30,000 emails, because they basically dealt with her scheduling and her going to the gym and her having beauty appointments. And he was great. And he, so she didn’t get in any trouble because he said that he was the one who deleted them.”

“Trump related the story more than once that day,” the indictment notes dryly.
Comparing his memoirs to a bathroom server???


TDS is Terminal

Well, I believe the Russians did help Trump in 2016. And Trump and his enablers were willing to accept it and did not object and did not go to the authorities when questionable contacts were made.

Their hands were not clean. IMHO

Putin enabled the guy who prevented him from attacking Ukraine, but waited until Obama's Third term because Orange Man Bad Putin supporter???
Talk to Rigby5 about that, he seems to have a better idea of the classified documents protocols and such. It's where I drew my opinion from, otherwise if he's right about it.
Oh, so you form your opinion on the basis of other people's opinion?

Let me tell you why this is unadulterated BS then. The Executive branch in furtherance of their duties in upholding the laws created by the Legislative Branch. Specifically the Presidential Records Act, and the Espionage Act. Went to the judicial Branch, asking them to force private citizen Trump to give back certain documents described as "bearing classification markings." Since he was declining to do so voluntarily.

Upon which private citizen Trump both lied about his compliance and attempted to hide those documents.

Unless you, or Rigby can find any law that exempts private citizen Trump from the penalties associated with violating laws created by the Legislative Branch it is as I said BS.

Are you aware of any such laws?
Glad to repeat my belief and opinion:

'Well, I believe the Russians did help Trump in 2016. And Trump and his enablers were willing to accept it and did not object and did not go to the authorities when questionable contacts were made. Their hands were not clean. IMHO'

Manafort's passing of data so the Russians could calibrate their troll-farms targets and techniques; the Trump Tower meeting whose purpose kept changing per the Trump Team accounts...finally, ending up being described as only a meeting about adopting Russian orphans.
Why would they lie?

Look, I'm just an old guy who spends too much time in my tractors, but.....but those are just two of the, ummmm......'dissonances' that made me notice.

And too......even Steve Bannon noticed their fibbing:

"Steve Bannon calls Trump Tower Russian meeting 'treasonous' in new book
Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, is calling a meeting of Trump campaign officials with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower during the presidential campaign as "treasonous" and "unpatriotic" in a new book."

So is lying the crime or possession of the documents?

Ask 4 bank robbers, "did you rob that bank"? 3 say yes and one says no, you only charge the guy who said no?

This is what is called a false equivalency. First of all. The "3 bank robbers" are not charged with the same crime. So it would be more like 4 bank robbers one of which is shown to have also shot a hostage. Those 3 are simply won't be charged with the same crimes.

Not only that but when being charged under the Espionage Act every single instance of criminal prosecution involves some type of conscious act. People might loose their jobs over being careless in handling classified documents. But in order to be charged some type of intent in retaining has to be established. So it's not 4 bank robbers but 1 bank robber and 3 people accused of running a red light.
Oh, so you form your opinion on the basis of other people's opinion?

Let me tell you why this is unadulterated BS then. The Executive branch in furtherance of their duties in upholding the laws created by the Legislative Branch. Specifically the Presidential Records Act, and the Espionage Act. Went to the judicial Branch, asking them to force private citizen Trump to give back certain documents described as "bearing classification markings." Since he was declining to do so voluntarily.

Upon which private citizen Trump both lied about his compliance and attempted to hide those documents.

Unless you, or Rigby can find any law that exempts private citizen Trump from the penalties associated with violating laws created by the Legislative Branch it is as I said BS.

Are you aware of any such laws?
Noticed how you kept using this "private citizen" Trump BS, when once a President, always a President, just in the former sense of the title. Try harder
This is what is called a false equivalency. First of all. The "3 bank robbers" are not charged with the same crime. So it would be more like 4 bank robbers one of which is shown to have also shot a hostage. Those 3 are simply won't be charged with the same crimes.

Not only that but when being charged under the Espionage Act every single instance of criminal prosecution involves some type of conscious act. People might loose their jobs over being careless in handling classified documents. But in order to be charged some type of intent in retaining has to be established. So it's not 4 bank robbers but 1 bank robber and 3 people accused of running a red light.

So they didn't INTENT to possess the documents?

It's a not a crime when a democrat does it because they didn't intent to get caught
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