Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

Go fuck yourself, you pretentious pos.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES have a little problem with your already failed ideology going forward.
Every Marxist Leninist Stalinist COMMUNIST revolution that occurred in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to being, before ultimately FAILING, of course.

Your demented brigade of subverted IDIOTS are at a crossroads...

That is very confused.

Stalin was a bad guy, bank robber, who was an ultra capitalist,
Marxist means a good guy, with a very theoretical attempt to counter the monopolies of the wealthy elite, but never did anything.
Lenin was a paid German agent to take just take Russia out of WWI.

None of the revolutions required mass murder because they were all popular.
And none of them failed and are still ongoing.
No one has authority to remove documents....

Presidents and ex-president not only have full authority to do whatever they want with classified docs, but they can also grant that authority to whomever they want.
Presidents often give classified docs to allies, labs, ambassadors, generals, etc., and they never have to be returned.
They cannot be subpoenaed, subject to search warrants, confiscated, or anything like the raid on Mar-a-Lago.
Except xiden had docs from when he was a Senator.

List the US code that's a felony for it and an example of any person charged with that felony, to show the circumstance of the indictment.

Put your money where your mouth is.....

I would venture that there is no one, who has ever in our history been charged and convicted for this alleged felony, with the same circumstance as Biden.....zip, nada, no one!
List the US code that's a felony for it and an example of any person charged with that felony, to show the circumstance of the indictment.

Put your money where your mouth is.....

I would venture that there is no one, who has ever in our history been charged and convicted for this alleged felony, with the same circumstance as Biden.....zip, nada, no one!

Don't be stupid. No Senator is allowed to take secret documents home. That is THEFT.

Senators MUST view ALL Secret documents in a scif.
So you hold Trump accountable in a way you dont hold Biden?

Oh, if I could get away with it, I'd bury a dead hooker under Mar-a-Lago and frame Trump for it. I would convict Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and put him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. I would issue a Damnatio memoriae to remove his name and image from every record. because the treasonous racist mother fucker deserves it.

That said, the two cases aren't even nearly comparable. The difference in INTENT.

Biden didn't intend to retain documents and returned them the minute they were discovered, even though he's now President and has unlimited access.

Trump retained documents, refused to return them, and actively tried to deceive the archives.
I dont think Biden or Pence did what they did intentionally. I'd wager the vast majority of the stuff Trump took was likely unintentional, and he fought it because that's his instinct. It's possible he took some of it because he thought it was "great" or whatever and decided he got to because he said. I dont believe he did so with any mal intent.
Are you fucking kidding me, EVERYTHING Trump does is mal intent. The man is a petty, vindictive narcissist who doesn't care about anyone or anything but his own ego.
Oh, if I could get away with it, I'd bury a dead hooker under Mar-a-Lago and frame Trump for it. I would convict Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and put him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. I would issue a Damnatio memoriae to remove his name and image from every record. because the treasonous racist mother fucker deserves it.

That said, the two cases aren't even nearly comparable. The difference in INTENT.

Biden didn't intend to retain documents and returned them the minute they were discovered, even though he's now President and has unlimited access.

Trump retained documents, refused to return them, and actively tried to deceive the archives.
Truly you are at the deepest of TDS. You are an enemy of America .
Senator Biden had no authority to take classified documents. Therefore intent is proven. Maybe you and Hunter can be ceil mates and he'll get one of those hookers in to visit you two
No one has authority to remove documents....
When you say remove documents do you mean take classified information out of a secure area? Because that happens all the time. If you mean removing it permanently the President certainly does as the classification authority. Those with delegated classification authority who are the original classification source can as well with a little paperwork.
Are you fucking kidding me, EVERYTHING Trump does is mal intent. The man is a petty, vindictive narcissist who doesn't care about anyone or anything but his own ego.
You have zero credibility on this or any subject concerning Trump obviously. But thanks for playing.
When you say remove documents do you mean take classified information out of a secure area? Because that happens all the time. If you mean removing it permanently the President certainly does as the classification authority. Those with delegated classification authority who are the original classification source can as well with a little paperwork.
But senators don't

And too, and not unimportantly...... respectfully recognizing that no man is above the law.

In my humble opinion --- defying a court issued DOJ initiated subpoena is, generally speaking...... not an optimum demonstration of sound judgment. No?
That would depend on if the DOJ is honest or corrupt. Some say that because of the DOJ and FBI we now have two rules of law in our nation today.

That would depend on if the DOJ is honest or corrupt. Some say that because of the DOJ and FBI we now have two rules of law in our nation today.

"Some say"?

Some say that America is fortunate to have professionally run agencies staffed by well-educated and trained people who are dedicated to the rule of law as fairly applied as is possible given the quantity, breadth, and scope of the laws they are sworn to enforce.

'It's two standards' 'It's unfair' 'My guy is being picked on'....yadda, yadda, yadda. Which is a complaint that perps and their supporters have been whining about since.....well, since probably America was founded.

The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the NYPost ????

That's mining the RWNJ media vein for material. No?

Do this, poster Batcat, prove it.
Instead of merely visiting an American social media site and having a hissyfit....grow up and show us.

Don't be an ineffective whiner and complainer. Your avatar will thank you.
Remember, Trump was NOT charged with taking the documents.... just like Pence and Biden were NOT.

ALL 3 are even Steven on that!

Trump is charged with obstruction, for NOT returning the documents that were under a subpoena, and lying about them, and trying to hide them, with the help of Mara Lago staff....
That leads to the question of what value did Trump see these documents of having, and if they were valued in some sort of plan of nefariousness, then that has to be proven. Good luck with trying to prove intent of usage in such a way, because Trump probably didn't know the contents in general, but wanted to historically retain documents of his presidency in the historical context only.

Now tell us why Biden and Pence had documents that they were not legal to have in their possession at all ???
Don't be stupid. No Senator is allowed to take secret documents home. That is THEFT.

Senators MUST view ALL Secret documents in a scif.
The poster is trying so hard to constantly move the goal post in hopes to counter the lopsided bull shite they have embarked upon, otherwise they do this in order to try and remain in power for as long as it takes. They thinking that they are not exposed for what they are attempting is truly remarkable.
List the US code that's a felony for it and an example of any person charged with that felony, to show the circumstance of the indictment.

Put your money where your mouth is.....

I would venture that there is no one, who has ever in our history been charged and convicted for this alleged felony, with the same circumstance as Biden.....zip, nada, no one!

Sure no one elected in government has ever been charged with violating any classified doc law, because all classified doc laws are totally under the discretion of the President, not the DOJ.
And it is the President who likely shared those classified docs senator Pence, Hillary, and Biden had.
Nor would any president be stupid enough to try to allow any elected official be charged over classified docs.
Everyone knows they are all under presidential discretion, so it would look like a vendatta, and harm the president.
Biden is just being stupid.
Obviously he is the one behind this illegal prosecution of Trump for doing nothing remotely illegal.
And it is Biden who needs to be punished for this crime.
Don't be stupid. No Senator is allowed to take secret documents home. That is THEFT.

Senators MUST view ALL Secret documents in a scif.

Actually that is wrong.
Normally no senators are allowed to see any classified docs at all.
If they have a security clearance, (which is almost impossible for politicians), they can sometimes be allowed to see some classified docs in a scif.
But if the president authorizes it, then anyone can not only see anything, but can also keep copies.

But a violation of classified doc laws is never "theft" because they are just worthless copies, so then have no intrinsic value and can't be stolen.
Classified doc laws are over reading and dispersing, not over possession.
Senators and other congress members frequently take secret documents home with them.
If they are traveling, they are used as couriers, to take secret docs to our distant embassies.
Oh, if I could get away with it, I'd bury a dead hooker under Mar-a-Lago and frame Trump for it. I would convict Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and put him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. I would issue a Damnatio memoriae to remove his name and image from every record. because the treasonous racist mother fucker deserves it.

That said, the two cases aren't even nearly comparable. The difference in INTENT.

Biden didn't intend to retain documents and returned them the minute they were discovered, even though he's now President and has unlimited access.

Trump retained documents, refused to return them, and actively tried to deceive the archives.

I disagree on all counts.

First of all, while I dislike Trump, he actually rates fairly highly as presidents in history goes.
He started no illegal wars, did not harm the economy, and was right about almost everything, from covid to China trade wars.

Second is that the classified doc laws explicitly make it impossible to charge an ex-president with anything.
And in fact it is illegal for anyone to try to take any classified docs from an ex-president, who permanently owns any classified docs given to himself, while president.
It is the FBI, DOJ, and judges involved in this classified doc prosecution who are in total violation of the Presidential executive orders that constitute the US classified doc laws.

NARA has no authority over anyone given classified docs by a president.
NARA is only authorized to help presidents, has no authority over them, and the only remote legal authority they have comes from FOIA. Which does not apply since these docs were just copies.

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