Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

True that.
All responsible ethical adults know that.
Known it since childhood. v

Would MAGA & QAnon exist if our insufficiently educated didn't resort to vulgarity, anger, and personal insults?
I dunno. Just askin'.

"Derp" = Bigreb surrenders.

OK. We be cool.
It's just the internet Bigreb.
No real harm. No real foul.
Your argument was silly anyway, so it is good you surrender and move on.
Move on to something where you can present your avatar in a more favorable light.
So good on you.
Go fuck yourself, you pretentious pos.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES have a little problem with your already failed ideology going forward.
Every Marxist Leninist Stalinist COMMUNIST revolution that occurred in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to being, before ultimately FAILING, of course.

Your demented brigade of subverted IDIOTS are at a crossroads...
We can't assume any bad intent, because he cooperated. Same for Pence. That's the benefit of the doubt the orange slob pissed away when he went on his crime spree.

It's so simple. But you can't accept it, because cult.
Can't assume is right, and that same assessment is to be extended to Trump just as well. That's what courts and jury's are to find if any of it goes to a trial, but it has to go in sequence on the cases, otherwise Biden should be tried before Trump because he had documents that he had absolutely no right to have. That makes him a more agredious violator of the thing he has his puppet DOJ trying to barbeque Trump's ace for.

Election interference is the only conclusion to come out of all of this, because Biden is far more down the rabbit hole than Trump ever will be.
Go fuck yourself, you pretentious pos. You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES.....
Question to the good poster Sea7: Are you a typical MAGA? A typical QAnon'r?
I ask that question because you all seem to possess the same level of vulgarity, hostility, bad spelling, and susceptibility to whackadoodle conspiracy fantasies.

Could it be an overuse of alcohol on a Saturday night?

No offense intended.

That makes him a more agredious violator of the thing he has his puppet DOJ trying to barbeque Trump's ace for.

No, not quite.
Biden cooperated when docs were discovered. So did Pence.

Don Trump, in contrast, lied, dissembled, ordered employees to lie, ordered employees to move and hide docs. Then he defied a court issued subpoena.
Why would he do that?

So, if one needs to award points for egregiousness, well, I kinda sorta think Don Trump leads the pack.

Question to the good poster Sea7: Are you a typical MAGA? A typical QAnon'r?
I ask that question because you all seem to possess the same level of vulgarity, hostility, bad spelling, and susceptibility to whackadoodle conspiracy fantasies.

Could it be an overuse of alcohol on a Saturday night?

No offense intended.


No, not quite.
Biden cooperated when docs were discovered. So did Pence.

Don Trump, in contrast, lied, dissembled, ordered employees to lie, ordered employees to move and hide docs. Then he defied a court issued subpoena.
Why would he do that?

So, if one needs to award points for egregiousness, well, I kinda sorta think Don Trump leads the pack.

This post reflects the desperation of the leftists
When you got nothing say something about Grammer
This post reflects the desperation of the leftists

So, Bigreb, are you too a typical MAGA, like poster Sea7?
A typical QAnon'r, like Sea7?

If so, why?
You do know that both MAGA's and QAnon'rs have increasingly become the butt of jokes in America? With your red MAGA hat the new 'Kick Me' sign.

Why be that way?
Have you no other better options in this wonderful land of opportunity?
Why such bitterness and anger?

There is a better way.
Trust me.
So, Bigreb, are you too a typical MAGA, like poster Sea7?
A typical QAnon'r, like Sea7?

If so, why?
You do know that both MAGA's and QAnon'rs have increasingly become the butt of jokes in America? With your red MAGA hat the new 'Kick Me' sign.

Why be that way?
Have you no other better options in this wonderful land of opportunity?
Why such bitterness and anger?

There is a better way.
Trust me.
Fucking gibberish another failed leftist tactic
Your surrender in accepted
Question to the good poster Sea7: Are you a typical MAGA? A typical QAnon'r?
I ask that question because you all seem to possess the same level of vulgarity, hostility, bad spelling, and susceptibility to whackadoodle conspiracy fantasies.

Could it be an overuse of alcohol on a Saturday night?

No offense intended.


No, not quite.
Biden cooperated when docs were discovered. So did Pence.

Don Trump, in contrast, lied, dissembled, ordered employees to lie, ordered employees to move and hide docs. Then he defied a court issued subpoena.
Why would he do that?

So, if one needs to award points for egregiousness, well, I kinda sorta think Don Trump leads the pack.

What's a typical MAGA, pretentious poster Chillizombie?
Your QAnon fantasy projection is pathetic and old.
Better get those plans for your elimination of resistance to your retarded attempt of a replay of murderous stupidity.
Better get those plans for your elimination......

Kudos and a hat-tip, good poster Sea7 for....the responsible curbing of your vulgarity.

The forum likes that and applauds your progress.


Kudos and a hat-tip, good poster Sea7 for....the responsible curbing of your vulgarity.

The forum likes that and applauds your progress.


Yuri Bezmenov warned us about YOU
Question to the good poster Sea7: Are you a typical MAGA? A typical QAnon'r?
I ask that question because you all seem to possess the same level of vulgarity, hostility, bad spelling, and susceptibility to whackadoodle conspiracy fantasies.

Could it be an overuse of alcohol on a Saturday night?

No offense intended.


No, not quite.
Biden cooperated when docs were discovered. So did Pence.

Don Trump, in contrast, lied, dissembled, ordered employees to lie, ordered employees to move and hide docs. Then he defied a court issued subpoena.
Why would he do that?

So, if one needs to award points for egregiousness, well, I kinda sorta think Don Trump leads the pack.

Not a game of score, but rather it's more so about uhhhhh or it should be about (a more balanced approach), to justice from what should be a law and order point of view.

It matters not about this so called cooperation you are claiming as some sort of a relief valve for the possible criminal suspects who had absolutely no rights to classified materials being stored at their desired locations (verses) a former President who was exercising his rights as President of the USA on the lopsided matter........Biden and Pence in no way carried the same rights upon the same issue that Trump is being pursued for, but Trump is wildly being pursued by a political rival in a political election interference kind of way on these issues. It's as plain as the nose on your face as to what this is all about, and that's why Trump is winning in the poles, and why Biden has some of the worst numbers in the nations history for a standing incumbent going into a new election.
Not a game of score, but rather it's more so about uhhhhh or it should be about (a more balanced approach), to justice from what should be a law and order point of view.

It matters not about this so called cooperation you are claiming as some sort of a relief valve for the possible criminal suspects who had absolutely no rights to classified materials being stored at their desired locations (verses) a former President who was exercising his rights as President of the USA on the lopsided matter........Biden and Pence in no way carried the same rights upon the same issue that Trump is being pursued for, but Trump is wildly being pursued by a political rival in a political election interference kind of way on these issues. It's as plain as the nose on your face as to what this is all about, and that's why Trump is winning in the poles, and why Biden has some of the worst numbers in the nations history for a standing incumbent going into a new election.
Or just a more balanced approach to your point of view? :dunno:
Or just a more balanced approach to your point of view? :dunno:
No balance is evident in the lopsided situation, and if it were balanced, then there would be no case against Trump without Biden and the rest of the "above the law miscreants" being put on the hot seat first.

PS, Have y'all arrested Ray Epps to date ? Thought not.
Remember, Trump was NOT charged with taking the documents.... just like Pence and Biden were NOT.

ALL 3 are even Steven on that!

Trump is charged with obstruction, for NOT returning the documents that were under a subpoena, and lying about them, and trying to hide them, with the help of Mara Lago staff....
No balance is evident in the lopsided situation, and if it were balanced, then there would be no case against Trump without Biden and the rest of the "above the law miscreants" being put on the hot seat first.

PS, Have y'all arrested Ray Epps to date ? Thought not.
No balance is evident from your lopsided point of view. :rolleyes:
True that.
All responsible ethical adults know that.
Known it since childhood. v

Would MAGA & QAnon exist if our insufficiently educated didn't resort to vulgarity, anger, and personal insults?
I dunno. Just askin'.

"Derp" = Bigreb surrenders.

OK. We be cool.
It's just the internet Bigreb.
No real harm. No real foul.
Your argument was silly anyway, so it is good you surrender and move on.
Move on to something where you can present your avatar in a more favorable light.
So good on you.

Xiden had Secret documents from his days as a Senator.

That's a FELONY you feckless clod.
Remember, Trump was NOT charged with taking the documents.... just like Pence and Biden were NOT.

ALL 3 are even Steven on that!

Trump is charged with obstruction, for NOT returning the documents that were under a subpoena, and lying about them, and trying to hide them, with the help of Mara Lago staff....

Except xiden had docs from when he was a Senator.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!" "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!" We've all heard these refrains from the Tu Quoque Brigade in every defense of Donald Trump's crimes.

So here's the difference with respect to the deliberate obstruction by Trump to keep classified documents.

Why Trump was charged on secret documents and Clinton, Pence were not

But the historic investigation into the former president was precipitated months earlier, in January 2022, when the former president gave 15 boxes of papers to the National Archives and Records Administration. The agency had been seeking all presidential records from Trump since he left office.

Inside the boxes, archivists found 197 classified documents, some extremely sensitive, the government alleged in court filings. That discovery set in motion the chain of events that led to the unsealing Friday of a 38-count indictment against Trump and Walt Nauta, a trusted servant.

Notably, however, the indictment does not charge Trump with the illegal retention of any of the 197 documents he returned to the archives.

If Trump had returned ALL the classified documents he took, as Biden, Pence, and Clinton had done, there would be no indictment.

It's as simple as that, folks.

Trump chose to hide several boxes of documents, some of which were classified, and that's why his ass is on fire now.

As for Clinton and her emails, what Trump said in private is VASTLY different than the bullshit he feeds to the rube herd:

But when discussing his own possible mishandling case last year, Trump seized on another facet of the Clinton probe: that attorneys for Clinton had reviewed more than 60,000 emails and turned over about 30,000 to government officials because they were deemed related to her official duties. Clinton’s lawyers deleted the rest, about 30,000 emails, after deeming them personal and unrelated to her work. It has long been standard practice in the federal government for officials to review their own correspondence in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and decide which of their emails are personal and therefore not turned over. In Clinton’s case, her lawyers did that for her.

As a candidate and president, Trump denounced the decision to delete the emails. In July 2016, he notoriously declared at a news conference: “Russia: if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

When the grand jury subpoena for any classified documents arrived at his door, however, Trump expressed a very different view to his lawyer, according to the indictment, praising Clinton’s lawyer for deleting the 30,000 emails.

The Clinton lawyer, Trump allegedly said on May 23, 2022, “was the one who deleted all of her emails, the 30,000 emails, because they basically dealt with her scheduling and her going to the gym and her having beauty appointments. And he was great. And he, so she didn’t get in any trouble because he said that he was the one who deleted them.”

“Trump related the story more than once that day,” the indictment notes dryly.

Totally wrong.
Anyone who actually reads any of the laws on classified docs instantly recognizes the fact they are all presidential executive orders that specifically exempt all presidents, (which then includes all ex-presidents).

And while Trump deliberately kept classified docs, it is not at all similar to Pence or Hillary having classified docs, because they did not even have a security clearance, and were not even supposed to look at classified docs, much less have them,
And it was proven Hillary had classified docs on her unprotected private email server.
Except xiden had docs from when he was a Senator.


No one given classified docs by a president ever has to return them.
It is the DOJ, judge, and prosecutor that are not allowed to see these docs by law.
Ex-presidents can do whatever they want with them, by law.

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