Why Trumpers love Trump

I'm just responding to you.

How many times are you going to repeat the same dumb line about there being no evidence?

Until you address it or prove my points wrong. Hows that?

I did address it.

YOU think there's no evidence because you're a Trumpster. However, this was the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country due to the simple fact that there was significant evidence against Trump.
A lot of people really, really, really liked President Trump because:

1. He kept us out of foreign wars (let our international "friends" use their own boys as cannon fodder).

2. He wanted to enforce the immigration laws.

3. He executed about half a dozen bad guys.

4. He refused to kneel to BLM.

5. He showed how biased and corrupt the mainstream media are.

He is very much missed.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all right wing. Where do they get all their info.
Not from the lying idiots the left does.
I hear this accusation about the mainstream media a lot. Even my 16 year old grandson parrots it. So I ask him who he relies on for his info. Good buddies on the internet is about all he can say. I'm wondering the same thing about all trump lovers. Where do they get all their info.

Limbaugh, Fox, OAN, just a number of honest reporting sources.
How do you know Limbaugh is telling the truth? Other than spending his entire life behind a microphone and playing golf, what are his bona fides?. You do know that he was a drug addict, right?
So is bidens son, but idiots glorify him.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Mostly he tells them it's ok to hate people who are different from them, be it skin color, religion, nationality, or politics.

Like this:
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily
Bullshit. Lying pos.
Typical tRumpling denial.
Nope. Just don't believe you lying commie scum.
I did address it.

YOU think there's no evidence because you're a Trumpster. However, this was the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country due to the simple fact that there was significant evidence against Trump.

As Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again.

Did the FBI warn the Capital police that the riot was likely to happen the day before, yes or no?
Did people bring zip lock handcuffs with them, yes or no?
Did the FBI find pipe bombs near the Capital that had to be placed days before Trump's speech, yes or no?
Did some of the rioters come dressed like clowns, and one carrying a confederate flag, yes or no?

You didn't address any of my points. You keep responding like a child "It was bipartisan, it was bipartisan, it was bipartisan" and that's all you have to say. I don't think I have evidence, I know I have evidence. What evidence did the commies bring to the table? And please, don't tell me the evidence is it was bipartisan.
I did address it.

YOU think there's no evidence because you're a Trumpster. However, this was the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country due to the simple fact that there was significant evidence against Trump.

As Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again.

Did the FBI warn the Capital police that the riot was likely to happen the day before, yes or no?
Did people bring zip lock handcuffs with them, yes or no?
Did the FBI find pipe bombs near the Capital that had to be placed days before Trump's speech, yes or no?
Did some of the rioters come dressed like clowns, and one carrying a confederate flag, yes or no?

You didn't address any of my points. You keep responding like a child "It was bipartisan, it was bipartisan, it was bipartisan" and that's all you have to say. I don't think I have evidence, I know I have evidence. What evidence did the commies bring to the table? And please, don't tell me the evidence is it was bipartisan.

You say I didn’t address your point and then you complain when I address it lol.

First question: No I think, but not sure.

Second question: Yes.

Third question: Yes to my understanding but not sure when.

Fourth question: Yes.

(I’m not sure where any of this line of questioning is going. Just looks like a waste of time.)

If you want to know what evidence they brought to the table, then watch the impeachment hearing. The reason I’m not posting it for you is because I already know you don’t agree with any of it. Because you’re a Trumpster.

So I’m not sure what the point of fetching a summarized version of the impeachment hearing is going to accomplish. I already know you’re not going to agree with it. Once again just seems pointless.
I did address it.

YOU think there's no evidence because you're a Trumpster. However, this was the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country due to the simple fact that there was significant evidence against Trump.

As Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again.

Did the FBI warn the Capital police that the riot was likely to happen the day before, yes or no?
Did people bring zip lock handcuffs with them, yes or no?
Did the FBI find pipe bombs near the Capital that had to be placed days before Trump's speech, yes or no?
Did some of the rioters come dressed like clowns, and one carrying a confederate flag, yes or no?

You didn't address any of my points. You keep responding like a child "It was bipartisan, it was bipartisan, it was bipartisan" and that's all you have to say. I don't think I have evidence, I know I have evidence. What evidence did the commies bring to the table? And please, don't tell me the evidence is it was bipartisan.

You say I didn’t address your point and then you complain when I address it lol.

First question: No I think, but not sure.

Second question: Yes.

Third question: Yes to my understanding but not sure when.

Fourth question: Yes.

(I’m not sure where any of this line of questioning is going. Just looks like a waste of time.)

If you want to know what evidence they brought to the table, then watch the impeachment hearing. The reason I’m not posting it for you is because I already know you don’t agree with any of it. Because you’re a Trumpster.

So I’m not sure what the point of fetching a summarized version of the impeachment hearing is going to accomplish. I already know you’re not going to agree with it. Once again just seems pointless.

If you want to know what evidence they brought to the table, then watch the impeachment hearing. The reason I’m not posting it for you is because I already know you don’t agree with any of it. Because you’re a Trumpster.

The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

Nobody needs to be a Trumpster to recognize these things.
The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

The evidence was presented in the impeachment hearing, dumb fuck. And it was convincing. It resulted in the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country.

What part of that do you not understand, you fucking retard?

You keep following me around like a lost puppy. Put your helmet on and go bother your parents. I’m not here to babysit your stupid ass.
Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

/——/ You tell ‘em Gomer. You done got it all figured out. BTW, your straw man arguments are absurd.
It’s too bad his numerous negatives far outweighed any positives. Trump won’t be missed. Most Americans are glad he’s done.

Is that why the Nazis are so scared he'll come back that they had to create another phony impeachment to try and stop him? Sorry, but Donald Trump will be back, and he will likely be our President in four years from today.

Have you forgotten that Trump claimed he's a nationalist? Do you know what that means?
Trump might have spent months talking about what he knew was coming, and then it materialized just as he predicted it would, but the insurrectionist, coup attempting Democrats are the one's that caused American's to finally lose their minds on 1-6-2021
I’m sorry, what? Democrats didn’t spend two months lying to their supporters to build anger and resentment that boiled over, as predicted, on the 6th.
I'm sorry that you are hard of hearing, but Trump predicted the fraud before it took place, because he knew what the mail in ballots meant to the Democrat's, and then based on the evidence he was spot on.

The insurrectionist activities and coup attempts since 2016 also speaks for itself.

It brought the American public to a final boil.

The Democrat's figure by cutting the head off of the American leader, that they are rendering the American's rutterless and without direction. This is an old field military tactic, and the impeachment is being used in the same way.
No, I heard you, it’s just nonsense you’re spouting.

The only thing Trump predicted is that he’d need an excuse for why he got whacked in the election since this man is emotionally capable of admitting he isn’t the greatest thing since Jesus Christ.

The country is sick of these antics. It’s time to move on.
Your take, but it's ok... TDS don't last forever I don't think.
That is your go to generic response every-time you are overwhelmed by the facts. “TDS syndrome”

You have no real factual logical response to the issue at hand, you prove my point perfectly from the OP, you need Trump to feed you lies because you need to live in an alternate reality.
All you do is make pathetic excuses for Trump’s repeated fuck ups. You love Trump/GOP more than America. Your loyalty is to Trump and the GOP instead of America.

I challenge you idiot Trumpers to debate the issues and provide credible facts, you can’t do it. You just scream TDS like a pussy bitch, or tell more lies.

"We're rounding the curve"
"This is nothing it will all go away"
"We won in a landslide"
LOL the truth hurts, and it shows.
The Republicans in the House and Senate disagree. That's why it was the most bipartisan impeachment ever.

Of course you disagree simply because you're a Trumpster.

Are you going to repeat the same shit over and over again? I swear, it's like talking to my 85 year old mother.
Answer this or shut the fuck up:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? There is not 1 single person with credibility that has said Trump has provided real evidence of fraud in even the remotest slightest way. Any fake evidence Trump has provided has been 100% rejected, and debunked.
Do you not realize that everyone hates a no nonsense boss who doesn't have an apologetic bone in his body when it comes to compromising with those who want to side with the radicals even in the least bit ??

Trump was battling more than just the radical Democrats, but he was also battling the establishment Democrat's, the Republicrat rhino's, the never Trumpers who hated him because he had an orange sheen, and the radical minded citizen's who were calling for the destruction of the republic daily. It's tough to make friends in such a hostile environment, but let's face it, he was there to do a job for the majority of the American people, and if that meant not getting bogged down with cowtowing and apologetic bullcrap just to get along with the problem maker's who were sinking the ship then so be it.

You all just hated him because he was a real no nonsense boss that didn't cry like a child when a radical or dumb ace confronted him.

Now you've got a real pushover in the seat, so don't start whining when he finishes sinking this ship. I'll go ahead and say it now - I told ya so.
Are you going to repeat the same shit over and over again? I swear, it's like talking to my 85 year old mother.

I'm just responding to you.

How many times are you going to repeat the same dumb line about there being no evidence?
He's a total clown. People like him are the reason why I made this thread. He feeds off of Trumps lies. Any stupid lie Trump tells him he believes, like a sheep. There is no debating these people their "evidence" is just some fabricated lie.

I've been trying to get him to answer why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?
He can't do it.
He won't do it because he doesn't want to waste his time answering dumb questions that everyone already knows the answers too. Your bullcrap is just that BULLCRAP. It's funny how you hide behind the failures of the courts saying nan na nan na boo boo you can't see me
The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

The evidence was presented in the impeachment hearing, dumb fuck. And it was convincing. It resulted in the most bipartisan impeachment in the history of our country.

What part of that do you not understand, you fucking retard?

You keep following me around like a lost puppy. Put your helmet on and go bother your parents. I’m not here to babysit your stupid ass.
Convincing to who ? The DC establishment that finally caused a terrible thing to happen because of all their damned shenanigans, and their coup attempts, their unlawful promotion of riots, mayhem, anarchy, looting, and burning with no end in sight until they dislodged Trump ?? Their use of the virus to break the back of the country to dislodge Trump, was that evidence produced ?? Oh yeah, we didn't have near enough evidence submitted in that farce that would have led straight up to why the people finally lost it on 1-6-2021. No sir it just didn't start with an alledged fraudulent election, but it went way deeper than the surface that was barely scraped in that ridiculous excersize that was politically concocted in hopes to give Biden legitimacy going foward. Sorry but the American people just aren't that stupid, so the saga does continue on.
The Republicans in the House and Senate disagree. That's why it was the most bipartisan impeachment ever.

Of course you disagree simply because you're a Trumpster.

Are you going to repeat the same shit over and over again? I swear, it's like talking to my 85 year old mother.
Answer this or shut the fuck up:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? There is not 1 single person with credibility that has said Trump has provided real evidence of fraud in even the remotest slightest way. Any fake evidence Trump has provided has been 100% rejected, and debunked.
Do you not realize that everyone hates a no nonsense boss who doesn't have an apologetic bone in his body when it comes to compromising with those who want to side with the radicals even in the least bit ??

Trump was battling more than just the radical Democrats, but he was also battling the establishment Democrat's, the Republicrat rhino's, the never Trumpers who hated him because he had an orange sheen, and the radical minded citizen's who were calling for the destruction of the republic daily. It's tough to make friends in such a hostile environment, but let's face it, he was there to do a job for the majority of the American people, and if that meant not getting bogged down with cowtowing and apologetic bullcrap just to get along with the problem maker's who were sinking the ship then so be it.

You all just hated him because he was a real no nonsense boss that didn't cry like a child when a radical or dumb ace confronted him.

Now you've got a real pushover in the seat, so don't start whining when he finishes sinking this ship. I'll go ahead and say it now - I told ya so.
Trump has been a complete and total failure. he left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin (JUST LIKE BUSH DID)...

The GOP is a failed party with failed results and all you have is a web of pathetic lies to explain away Trump and Bush's total failure. With undeniably failed results... The failure... repeated total failure.

Biden is already thriving. Biden's simple and effective covid plan of wearing a fuckin mask, social distancing, and no super-spreader events is working perfectly as covid cases are dropping fast. Biden also has a plan to distribute the vaccine quick and effective by using all the resources of the government to coordinate with the states. Trump had no plan and just gave the vaccine to states and said "you figure it out"

Once covid is gone the economy will boom like never before and the Biden Boom will be better than the Clinton Golden age.
The Republicans in the House and Senate disagree. That's why it was the most bipartisan impeachment ever.

Of course you disagree simply because you're a Trumpster.

Are you going to repeat the same shit over and over again? I swear, it's like talking to my 85 year old mother.
Answer this or shut the fuck up:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? There is not 1 single person with credibility that has said Trump has provided real evidence of fraud in even the remotest slightest way. Any fake evidence Trump has provided has been 100% rejected, and debunked.
Do you not realize that everyone hates a no nonsense boss who doesn't have an apologetic bone in his body when it comes to compromising with those who want to side with the radicals even in the least bit ??

Trump was battling more than just the radical Democrats, but he was also battling the establishment Democrat's, the Republicrat rhino's, the never Trumpers who hated him because he had an orange sheen, and the radical minded citizen's who were calling for the destruction of the republic daily. It's tough to make friends in such a hostile environment, but let's face it, he was there to do a job for the majority of the American people, and if that meant not getting bogged down with cowtowing and apologetic bullcrap just to get along with the problem maker's who were sinking the ship then so be it.

You all just hated him because he was a real no nonsense boss that didn't cry like a child when a radical or dumb ace confronted him.

Now you've got a real pushover in the seat, so don't start whining when he finishes sinking this ship. I'll go ahead and say it now - I told ya so.
Trump has been a complete and total failure. he left office in shame and disgrace with the country in crisis and ruin (JUST LIKE BUSH DID)...

The GOP is a failed party with failed results and all you have is a web of pathetic lies to explain away Trump and Bush's total failure. With undeniably failed results... The failure... repeated total failure.

Biden is already thriving. Biden's simple and effective covid plan of wearing a fuckin mask, social distancing, and no super-spreader events is working perfectly as covid cases are dropping fast. Biden also has a plan to distribute the vaccine quick and effective by using all the resources of the government to coordinate with the states. Trump had no plan and just gave the vaccine to states and said "you figure it out"

Once covid is gone the economy will boom like never before and the Biden Boom will be better than the Clinton Golden age.
Had it all planned out didn't y'all ??? I'm reading your script like a cheap novel that I pulled out of the Goodwill box. Total copies sold ? Hmmmm how many Democrat's are there ? Yep, no wonder the book's a failure.
Have you forgotten that Trump claimed he's a nationalist? Do you know what that means?

[ nash-uh-nl-iz-uhm, nash-nuh-liz- ]

See synonyms for nationalism on Thesaurus.com
spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.

excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.

an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.


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