Why Trump's many scandals simply don't resonate with the American people.

Timothy Geithner worked at the Fed during the Bush Administration...not for the Bush Administration. Think Fenton knows the Fed isn't part of the Federal Government?

Nah. He's tree stump dumb and does think the Fed is part of the Govt.
Last edited:
I wouldn't expect a socialist to see it any other way.

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a far Right Winger".

If this person was given a math exam and got an F after producing a bunch of gibberish. I bet he would blame the teacher of extreme Right Wing ideology.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

As opposed to the administration that just departed? Tell me who President Obama's Chief Economic Advisors were, Daniel and what their plan was for growing the economy! I'd bet the farm that you don't have the faintest idea about who they were nor have the faintest idea what their strategy was to grow the economy and do you know WHY that is? Because Barack Obama gave up trying to fix the economy when Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship years ago following a stimulus that was an unmitigated bust.
being stuck with a legacy budget problem is one excuse.
Only people with an external locus of control have need of excuses.
it is politics; i am definitely Not, an Elector of One.
the fantastical right wing, usually does.
I wouldn't expect a socialist to see it any other way.

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a far Right Winger".

If this person was given a math exam and got an F after producing a bunch of gibberish. I bet he would blame the teacher of extreme Right Wing ideology.
We call that an external locus of control. They don't even realize they have one. You can identify them by it almost like a finger print.
yes, i do; i call it, exogenous cognitive dissonance.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.

You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
just right wing special pleading, like usual. just like they complain the postal service isn't making any money and should be privatized.

If they were, they would run a hell of a lot better. Just came from the post office. What a nightmare. Eight people in line and only one worker behind the counter. The only reason I went to the post office today is because the post office I went to Friday was out of stamps. OUT OF STAMPS? That's like an ice cream store being out of ice cream. But what can you expect with anything government run?
Time is going to tell all. Trump will be protested because he can't be trusted. Trump is at a 40 percent approval because he only won 26 percent of the vote and lost the popular vote.

He didn't lose the popular vote because there was no election for the popular vote. If the popular vote was the way we elect a President, he would have run his campaign entirely different.
Trump only received 26 percent of the vote!

So what? He beat Hil-Liar by 26% of the vote. What's your point?
Trump is illegitimate so far. Donald Trump's "win" is not legitimate by any definition and every position he fills, law he signs or executive order he pens must be considered an illegal power grab by the Republican Party.

Only to you brainwashed leftist he's not legitimate. Your puppet masters make you think that way.

He won his election fair and square like every other President before him.
You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
just right wing special pleading, like usual. just like they complain the postal service isn't making any money and should be privatized.

If they were, they would run a hell of a lot better. Just came from the post office. What a nightmare. Eight people in line and only one worker behind the counter. The only reason I went to the post office today is because the post office I went to Friday was out of stamps. OUT OF STAMPS? That's like an ice cream store being out of ice cream. But what can you expect with anything government run?

I can expect you to whine like a shatty nappied baby.
Time is going to tell all. Trump will be protested because he can't be trusted. Trump is at a 40 percent approval because he only won 26 percent of the vote and lost the popular vote.

He didn't lose the popular vote because there was no election for the popular vote. If the popular vote was the way we elect a President, he would have run his campaign entirely different.
Trump only received 26 percent of the vote!

So what? He beat Hil-Liar by 26% of the vote. What's your point?
Trump is illegitimate so far. Donald Trump's "win" is not legitimate by any definition and every position he fills, law he signs or executive order he pens must be considered an illegal power grab by the Republican Party.

Only to you brainwashed leftist he's not legitimate. Your puppet masters make you think that way.

He won his election fair and square like every other President before him.

He did, he is, and it looks like he may face a great deal of resistance from the public, reckon we'll see.
"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a far Right Winger".

If this person was given a math exam and got an F after producing a bunch of gibberish. I bet he would blame the teacher of extreme Right Wing ideology.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

As opposed to the administration that just departed? Tell me who President Obama's Chief Economic Advisors were, Daniel and what their plan was for growing the economy! I'd bet the farm that you don't have the faintest idea about who they were nor have the faintest idea what their strategy was to grow the economy and do you know WHY that is? Because Barack Obama gave up trying to fix the economy when Larry Summers and Christina Romer jumped ship years ago following a stimulus that was an unmitigated bust.
being stuck with a legacy budget problem is one excuse.
Only people with an external locus of control have need of excuses.
it is politics; i am definitely Not, an Elector of One.
No, it is a failed human behavior. No one is immune to it. That is the nature of the easy way out.
I wouldn't expect a socialist to see it any other way.

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a far Right Winger".

If this person was given a math exam and got an F after producing a bunch of gibberish. I bet he would blame the teacher of extreme Right Wing ideology.
We call that an external locus of control. They don't even realize they have one. You can identify them by it almost like a finger print.
yes, i do; i call it, exogenous cognitive dissonance.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
Not when you are unaccountable.
You can't wrap your tiny little brain around the fact that most Americans simply aren't buying the bullshit that you folks on the far left have been peddling about Trump, can you, R-Derp? Train wreck? That's already taken place! It was the 2016 elections where progressives got their asses handed to them!
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
just right wing special pleading, like usual. just like they complain the postal service isn't making any money and should be privatized.

If they were, they would run a hell of a lot better. Just came from the post office. What a nightmare. Eight people in line and only one worker behind the counter. The only reason I went to the post office today is because the post office I went to Friday was out of stamps. OUT OF STAMPS? That's like an ice cream store being out of ice cream. But what can you expect with anything government run?
why not order stamps online or at the kiosk in the lobby?
"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a far Right Winger".

If this person was given a math exam and got an F after producing a bunch of gibberish. I bet he would blame the teacher of extreme Right Wing ideology.
We call that an external locus of control. They don't even realize they have one. You can identify them by it almost like a finger print.
yes, i do; i call it, exogenous cognitive dissonance.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
Not when you are unaccountable.
i am accountable to my stockholders; not everybody.
Meh......Wait until Trump and the boys have been in power after 2-3 years........then conservative voters will realize that Trump Conned red state rural America, and those conservative earning between minimum wage to 60K for a married couple!!!

Fuck.....its hard to believe the conservatives in the aforementioned income brackets could even bring themselves to vote Republican!!!!

You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
just right wing special pleading, like usual. just like they complain the postal service isn't making any money and should be privatized.

If they were, they would run a hell of a lot better. Just came from the post office. What a nightmare. Eight people in line and only one worker behind the counter. The only reason I went to the post office today is because the post office I went to Friday was out of stamps. OUT OF STAMPS? That's like an ice cream store being out of ice cream. But what can you expect with anything government run?
why not order stamps online or at the kiosk in the lobby?

Stamps online is a pain in the ass, and the government unions probably wouldn't allow kiosks in the post office because I haven't seen any yet.

But is that what we should have to do in order to fight incompetency in our government?
He didn't lose the popular vote because there was no election for the popular vote. If the popular vote was the way we elect a President, he would have run his campaign entirely different.
Trump only received 26 percent of the vote!

So what? He beat Hil-Liar by 26% of the vote. What's your point?
Trump is illegitimate so far. Donald Trump's "win" is not legitimate by any definition and every position he fills, law he signs or executive order he pens must be considered an illegal power grab by the Republican Party.

Only to you brainwashed leftist he's not legitimate. Your puppet masters make you think that way.

He won his election fair and square like every other President before him.

He did, he is, and it looks like he may face a great deal of resistance from the public, reckon we'll see.

Well if you can admit that, WTF makes him illegitimate?
There are just too many.

When you have four presidents that entered office with a single civil suit against each one of them, then you have Trump with more than 70, it just doesn't seem possible. It seems like it must be fake news.

They still talk about the Clinton Foundation, but bring up the Trump Foundation and it's fake news.

And his nominees. A new basket of deplorable straight out of a swamp. They are so horrible, one after the other, when new info comes up on them, is just seems like more fake news. People just can't that bad. Or can they?

Take his Carrier deal. Many right wingers think he did an amazing thing. Then you look at the facts. It wasn't 1100 jobs saved. It was 730. And the CEO said he is going to take the millions he got from Trump and Pence and use it to automate. Meaning at least half of those will be gone. And when you explain that to the right wing, they just deny it. It can't be. It's fake news.

What happens when it's no longer fake?

Like I said. It's a train wreck. We can see it coming.
You weren't concerned about Obama's many scandals. Why the hypocrisy?
You mean those Middle Class Americans who saw their healthcare costs skyrocket under the Affordable Care Act? There is a reason why blue collar union workers in the Rust Belt voted for Trump, Rastamen...they simply got tired of progressive "promises" that were never kept!
You mean the poison pill introduced by the GOP that caused premiums and deductibles to SKY ROCKET!!!!
How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare

When the Obama administration was crafting Obamacare, it came up with a crony capitalist solution to entice reluctant insurers to join the exchanges. Many insurers worried that there would not be enough healthy people paying in to cover the costs of sick people. So the administration created a “risk corridor” program to help prop up insurers who lost money in the first three years of the law. Profitable insurers would pay some of those profits into a pool to help insurers who lost money. If the amount insurers lost exceeded what the companies paid in, the government would step in and make up the difference.

Calling this “a taxpayer-funded bailout for insurance companies,” Rubio last year quietly inserted language into the omnibus government spending bill that barred the Department of Health and Human Services from dipping into general funds to pay failing insurers. “While the Obama administration can still administer the risk-corridor program, for one year at least, they won’t be able to use taxpayer funds to bail out insurance companies,” Rubio said.

His provision sparked little opposition at the time, but it has proved to be a poison pill that is killing Obamacare from within.

Last year, insurers lost $2.9 billion more than expected on Obamacare. But insurers had paid only $362 million into the program — leaving it more than $2.5 billion short. Thanks to Rubio’s provision, the administration was allowed to pay only 13 cents of every dollar insurers requested. Without the taxpayer bailouts, more than half of the Obamacare insurance cooperatives created under the law failed. One, Health Republic of Oregon, was expecting a $7.9 million bailout from the government. Instead, thanks to Rubio, it got only $995,000 — not a penny of it from the taxpayers. The Oregon co-op announced in October it was closing its doors. Soon, two other insurers — WinHealth Partners in Wyoming and Moda Health in Washington state — pulled out of the exchanges. And United Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest insurers, announced that it may leave the Obamacare exchanges in 2016.
Opinion | How Marco Rubio is quietly killing Obamacare
just right wing special pleading, like usual. just like they complain the postal service isn't making any money and should be privatized.

If they were, they would run a hell of a lot better. Just came from the post office. What a nightmare. Eight people in line and only one worker behind the counter. The only reason I went to the post office today is because the post office I went to Friday was out of stamps. OUT OF STAMPS? That's like an ice cream store being out of ice cream. But what can you expect with anything government run?
why not order stamps online or at the kiosk in the lobby?

Stamps online is a pain in the ass, and the government unions probably wouldn't allow kiosks in the post office because I haven't seen any yet.

But is that what we should have to do in order to fight incompetency in our government?
I used to buy stamps by the roll, online when I used to establish, petty cash funds for that purpose.

We have stamp vending machines in the Post Office lobby over here.
We call that an external locus of control. They don't even realize they have one. You can identify them by it almost like a finger print.
yes, i do; i call it, exogenous cognitive dissonance.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
Not when you are unaccountable.
i am accountable to my stockholders; not everybody.
You are accountable for everything you do.
yes, i do; i call it, exogenous cognitive dissonance.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
Not when you are unaccountable.
i am accountable to my stockholders; not everybody.
You are accountable for everything you do.
good thing i don't resort to fallacy. what would, St. Pete, say.
Then stop doing it.
silly; it is exogenous to myself.
Not when you are unaccountable.
i am accountable to my stockholders; not everybody.
You are accountable for everything you do.
good thing i don't resort to fallacy. what would, St. Pete, say.
He would say understand the difference between justice and mercy.

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