Why was Hillary Clinton the most traveled Secretary of State in US History?

8 years of Obama with 2 before that of democrats in control. You bragging about how Republicans could not win elections and yet you still blame Republicans for the democrat failures. Damn you are psychotic.
Which direction is the economy actually heading? Up or down?

Look at the Republicans who answer. Down and down.

So unemployment is less than 5%. 5.8 million jobs available. Only 38,000 jobs were created because we don't have the skilled people to employ.

And the GOP calls this a "failure". What is there idea of success? Total bankruptcy?

Yo Derp, the state of the economy isn't all about job numbers. Look at the GDP for instance...it's anemic
Which you would expect with 5.8 million quality jobs going unfilled.

Derp is stuck on stupid. The economy sucks, dimwit and how many times are you going to squawk about 5.8 million and ignore there are over 90 million out of the workforce?
Now you've gone full dumbshit tard. Again. My had is sore from the last bitch slap I "handed" down.

90 million.



People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

Ow, ow ow, damn that hurt. My hand is going to be sore for a week.


Grow up, Derp. You're just a partisan hack trying to fluff Obama's miserable economy. It sucks...fact. Now take your 5.8 million and your stupid little meme and gfy. You're an economic illiterate
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rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp

Wow, you spent all that time doing that.
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

What Hillary spent her time doing is the following, R-Derp! She wasn't keeping America from turning into a pariah state...she was trying to build up an impressive "resume" of countries she'd visited...even though she didn't do SQUAT when she was there! This is from the Boston Globe by the way...about as liberal a paper as there is.

By Annie Linskey Globe Staff December 01, 2015
How many countries have you visited?

For Secretary of State Hillary Clinton circa July 2012 the answer was: not enough.

Seven months before Clinton left office, a top aide suggested to her that she still had “plenty of time” to “run up the score on total countries” and set a globe-trotting goal of 110 countries, according to an e-mail released Monday.

The e-mail, sent by Clinton press aide Philippe Reines three years ago, casts a political light on one of Clinton’s core talking points as a candidate for president: that she was a nonpolitical and hard-working secretary of state, who, as she frequently notes, visited 112 countries.

He wrote in the e-mail that “110 is a reasonable goal” for total number of countries visited. The e-mail was sent to Clinton’s private account, and also to her top political aides including chief of staff Cheryl Mills, deputy chiefs of staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, and scheduler Lona Valmoro.

The subject line for the e-mail is: “100 and counting . . .”; Reines included a list of 94 countries that Clinton hadn’t yet visited for her to “choose from,” as he put it. Some of the countries had asterisks by them.

“Asterisks appear next to countries you visited prior to becoming SecState, but not since — so they would count,” Reines wrote.

Clinton replied to the e-mail by asking one of her staff members to print it out for her — her standard response to messages she deemed important.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t immediately respond Monday to questions about the e-mail.

The e-mail is among 7,825 pages of new documents released Monday under the order of a federal judge as part of a batch of 30,000 e-mails that will be released, stemming from controversy involving her use of a private server while secretary of state . So far the State Department has released about two-thirds of the e-mail messages from Clinton’s private e-mail account that she deemed to be work-related.

Roughly 1,000 of the e-mails have been redacted because they contain material that the intelligence community considers classified, according to the State Department. More than 300 of the documents released Monday included portions blocked from view for that reason.

Clinton has said she never sent or received material marked classified via her personal e-mail account — and her campaign has noted that information is frequently upgraded to classified after the fact.

The highly unusual setup has exposed her campaign to a barrage of criticism, and Clinton has repeatedly said she regrets the decision to circumvent the normal government account.

The messages have also provided a rare window into how official Washington works and the political considerations that the country’s top officials make when they don’t believe anyone is watching.

The July 2012 e-mail to Clinton is a prime example: Reines appeared to be suggesting that the secretary of state of the United States should visit additional countries merely to increase the total number of places where she had touched down on the job.

In the months after the e-mail was sent, Clinton visited at least seven of the countries on the list, according to a Globe review of her travel schedule.

She became the first US secretary of state in 57 years to visit Laos, part of a July 2012 trip the State Department touted as a “groundbreaking visit.” On that trip she also visited Mongolia by stopping in the city of Ulaanbaatar briefly to “talk about deepening economic relations,” according to a State Department briefing.

Her next trip — to Africa — included stops in Benin, South Sudan, and Senegal, three additional countries listed by her aide.

Then in September 2012, she hit two more.

She visited Brunei, and Clinton became the first US secretary of state to set foot in Timor-Leste, where she “emphasized US support for the young democracy,” according to a State Department briefing.

The July 2012 e-mail message, and subsequent travel to places on the list, plays into a narrative Republicans are pushing that Clinton’s actions as secretary of state were motivated by politics, and fits with a line that GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina likes to use against Clinton.

“Flying and traveling is an activity; it’s not an accomplishment,” Fiorina frequently says.

Other Republicans pounced on the e-mail as evidence that Clinton was using her time as secretary of state as a political steppingstone for a future job.

“Given her constant blurring of ethical lines, it’s not terribly surprising that Secretary Clinton was trying to use the State Department to bolster her future political campaign,” said Colin Reed, the executive director of America Rising, a Republican super PAC. “Her State Department tenure was supposed to be her campaign’s greatest asset — instead it has become a giant albatross.”
Which direction is the economy actually heading? Up or down?

Look at the Republicans who answer. Down and down.

So unemployment is less than 5%. 5.8 million jobs available. Only 38,000 jobs were created because we don't have the skilled people to employ.

And the GOP calls this a "failure". What is there idea of success? Total bankruptcy?

Yo Derp, the state of the economy isn't all about job numbers. Look at the GDP for instance...it's anemic
Which you would expect with 5.8 million quality jobs going unfilled.

Derp is stuck on stupid. The economy sucks, dimwit and how many times are you going to squawk about 5.8 million and ignore there are over 90 million out of the workforce?
Now you've gone full dumbshit tard. Again. My had is sore from the last bitch slap I "handed" down.

90 million.



People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

Ow, ow ow, damn that hurt. My hand is going to be sore for a week.


Grow up, Derp. You're just a partisan hack trying to fluff Obama's miserable economy. It sucks...fact. Now take your 5.8 million and your stupid little meme and gfy. You're an economic illiterate
America has 5.8 million job openings

Why Employers Are Struggling to Fill 5.8 Million Open Jobs

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Skills Shortage Means Many Jobs Go Unfilled

America has near record 5.6 million job openings

Wow, that must really hurt. You want so bad to blame something on Obama. But the facts point to ignorant fucks, such as yourself who are simply too lazy to learn.
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

What Hillary spent her time doing is the following, R-Derp! She wasn't keeping America from turning into a pariah state...she was trying to build up an impressive "resume" of countries she'd visited...even though she didn't do SQUAT when she was there! This is from the Boston Globe by the way...about as liberal a paper as there is.

By Annie Linskey Globe Staff December 01, 2015
How many countries have you visited?

For Secretary of State Hillary Clinton circa July 2012 the answer was: not enough.

Seven months before Clinton left office, a top aide suggested to her that she still had “plenty of time” to “run up the score on total countries” and set a globe-trotting goal of 110 countries, according to an e-mail released Monday.

The e-mail, sent by Clinton press aide Philippe Reines three years ago, casts a political light on one of Clinton’s core talking points as a candidate for president: that she was a nonpolitical and hard-working secretary of state, who, as she frequently notes, visited 112 countries.

He wrote in the e-mail that “110 is a reasonable goal” for total number of countries visited. The e-mail was sent to Clinton’s private account, and also to her top political aides including chief of staff Cheryl Mills, deputy chiefs of staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, and scheduler Lona Valmoro.

The subject line for the e-mail is: “100 and counting . . .”; Reines included a list of 94 countries that Clinton hadn’t yet visited for her to “choose from,” as he put it. Some of the countries had asterisks by them.

“Asterisks appear next to countries you visited prior to becoming SecState, but not since — so they would count,” Reines wrote.

Clinton replied to the e-mail by asking one of her staff members to print it out for her — her standard response to messages she deemed important.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t immediately respond Monday to questions about the e-mail.

The e-mail is among 7,825 pages of new documents released Monday under the order of a federal judge as part of a batch of 30,000 e-mails that will be released, stemming from controversy involving her use of a private server while secretary of state . So far the State Department has released about two-thirds of the e-mail messages from Clinton’s private e-mail account that she deemed to be work-related.

Roughly 1,000 of the e-mails have been redacted because they contain material that the intelligence community considers classified, according to the State Department. More than 300 of the documents released Monday included portions blocked from view for that reason.

Clinton has said she never sent or received material marked classified via her personal e-mail account — and her campaign has noted that information is frequently upgraded to classified after the fact.

The highly unusual setup has exposed her campaign to a barrage of criticism, and Clinton has repeatedly said she regrets the decision to circumvent the normal government account.

The messages have also provided a rare window into how official Washington works and the political considerations that the country’s top officials make when they don’t believe anyone is watching.

The July 2012 e-mail to Clinton is a prime example: Reines appeared to be suggesting that the secretary of state of the United States should visit additional countries merely to increase the total number of places where she had touched down on the job.

In the months after the e-mail was sent, Clinton visited at least seven of the countries on the list, according to a Globe review of her travel schedule.

She became the first US secretary of state in 57 years to visit Laos, part of a July 2012 trip the State Department touted as a “groundbreaking visit.” On that trip she also visited Mongolia by stopping in the city of Ulaanbaatar briefly to “talk about deepening economic relations,” according to a State Department briefing.

Her next trip — to Africa — included stops in Benin, South Sudan, and Senegal, three additional countries listed by her aide.

Then in September 2012, she hit two more.

She visited Brunei, and Clinton became the first US secretary of state to set foot in Timor-Leste, where she “emphasized US support for the young democracy,” according to a State Department briefing.

The July 2012 e-mail message, and subsequent travel to places on the list, plays into a narrative Republicans are pushing that Clinton’s actions as secretary of state were motivated by politics, and fits with a line that GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina likes to use against Clinton.

“Flying and traveling is an activity; it’s not an accomplishment,” Fiorina frequently says.

Other Republicans pounced on the e-mail as evidence that Clinton was using her time as secretary of state as a political steppingstone for a future job.

“Given her constant blurring of ethical lines, it’s not terribly surprising that Secretary Clinton was trying to use the State Department to bolster her future political campaign,” said Colin Reed, the executive director of America Rising, a Republican super PAC. “Her State Department tenure was supposed to be her campaign’s greatest asset — instead it has become a giant albatross.”
Of course traveling to foreign countries to improve relationships is about politics. It's entirely politics. It's supposed to be.

When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

What Hillary spent her time doing is the following, R-Derp! She wasn't keeping America from turning into a pariah state...she was trying to build up an impressive "resume" of countries she'd visited...even though she didn't do SQUAT when she was there! This is from the Boston Globe by the way...about as liberal a paper as there is.

By Annie Linskey Globe Staff December 01, 2015
How many countries have you visited?

For Secretary of State Hillary Clinton circa July 2012 the answer was: not enough.

Seven months before Clinton left office, a top aide suggested to her that she still had “plenty of time” to “run up the score on total countries” and set a globe-trotting goal of 110 countries, according to an e-mail released Monday.

The e-mail, sent by Clinton press aide Philippe Reines three years ago, casts a political light on one of Clinton’s core talking points as a candidate for president: that she was a nonpolitical and hard-working secretary of state, who, as she frequently notes, visited 112 countries.

He wrote in the e-mail that “110 is a reasonable goal” for total number of countries visited. The e-mail was sent to Clinton’s private account, and also to her top political aides including chief of staff Cheryl Mills, deputy chiefs of staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, and scheduler Lona Valmoro.

The subject line for the e-mail is: “100 and counting . . .”; Reines included a list of 94 countries that Clinton hadn’t yet visited for her to “choose from,” as he put it. Some of the countries had asterisks by them.

“Asterisks appear next to countries you visited prior to becoming SecState, but not since — so they would count,” Reines wrote.

Clinton replied to the e-mail by asking one of her staff members to print it out for her — her standard response to messages she deemed important.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t immediately respond Monday to questions about the e-mail.

The e-mail is among 7,825 pages of new documents released Monday under the order of a federal judge as part of a batch of 30,000 e-mails that will be released, stemming from controversy involving her use of a private server while secretary of state . So far the State Department has released about two-thirds of the e-mail messages from Clinton’s private e-mail account that she deemed to be work-related.

Roughly 1,000 of the e-mails have been redacted because they contain material that the intelligence community considers classified, according to the State Department. More than 300 of the documents released Monday included portions blocked from view for that reason.

Clinton has said she never sent or received material marked classified via her personal e-mail account — and her campaign has noted that information is frequently upgraded to classified after the fact.

The highly unusual setup has exposed her campaign to a barrage of criticism, and Clinton has repeatedly said she regrets the decision to circumvent the normal government account.

The messages have also provided a rare window into how official Washington works and the political considerations that the country’s top officials make when they don’t believe anyone is watching.

The July 2012 e-mail to Clinton is a prime example: Reines appeared to be suggesting that the secretary of state of the United States should visit additional countries merely to increase the total number of places where she had touched down on the job.

In the months after the e-mail was sent, Clinton visited at least seven of the countries on the list, according to a Globe review of her travel schedule.

She became the first US secretary of state in 57 years to visit Laos, part of a July 2012 trip the State Department touted as a “groundbreaking visit.” On that trip she also visited Mongolia by stopping in the city of Ulaanbaatar briefly to “talk about deepening economic relations,” according to a State Department briefing.

Her next trip — to Africa — included stops in Benin, South Sudan, and Senegal, three additional countries listed by her aide.

Then in September 2012, she hit two more.

She visited Brunei, and Clinton became the first US secretary of state to set foot in Timor-Leste, where she “emphasized US support for the young democracy,” according to a State Department briefing.

The July 2012 e-mail message, and subsequent travel to places on the list, plays into a narrative Republicans are pushing that Clinton’s actions as secretary of state were motivated by politics, and fits with a line that GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina likes to use against Clinton.

“Flying and traveling is an activity; it’s not an accomplishment,” Fiorina frequently says.

Other Republicans pounced on the e-mail as evidence that Clinton was using her time as secretary of state as a political steppingstone for a future job.

“Given her constant blurring of ethical lines, it’s not terribly surprising that Secretary Clinton was trying to use the State Department to bolster her future political campaign,” said Colin Reed, the executive director of America Rising, a Republican super PAC. “Her State Department tenure was supposed to be her campaign’s greatest asset — instead it has become a giant albatross.”
Of course traveling to foreign countries to improve relationships is about politics. It's entirely politics. It's supposed to be.

She wasn't traveling to those countries to "improve relationships" you putz...she was checking them off a list so she could brag about visiting more countries than any other Secretary of State! It was all PR! She didn't REALLY do anything in those countries! She simply wasted tax payer money flying around the globe to make herself appear more "Presidential".
If she really wanted to do the job of Secretary of State, she should have been paying attention to the messages that Ambassador Chris Stevens was sending her about his concerns over a lack of security for US diplomats in Libya! But Hillary was more concerned with "image" than she was about doing her job.
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

Of course, that's how she took all that incoming enemy fire. Give her a Purple Heart already

John Kerry 'The Stolen Valor' Pickell Lady's Lap Poodle' has lots of them. She can get one from Kerry.
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

Of course, that's how she took all that incoming enemy fire. Give her a Purple Heart already

John Kerry 'The Stolen Valor' Pickell Lady's Lap Poodle' has lots of them. She can get one from Kerry.

Hillary might have PTSD over that incoming fire

The jobs started leaving under Clinton, but fact aren't deans strong points.
For Republicans, it's always someone else. At least you didn't defend:

The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
Can you back up any of that?
rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp
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rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp
rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp
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rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp rderp

Wow, you spent all that time doing that.
derp you never hear of copy & paste? derpity derp
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

What Hillary spent her time doing is the following, R-Derp! She wasn't keeping America from turning into a pariah state...she was trying to build up an impressive "resume" of countries she'd visited...even though she didn't do SQUAT when she was there! This is from the Boston Globe by the way...about as liberal a paper as there is.

By Annie Linskey Globe Staff December 01, 2015
How many countries have you visited?

For Secretary of State Hillary Clinton circa July 2012 the answer was: not enough.

Seven months before Clinton left office, a top aide suggested to her that she still had “plenty of time” to “run up the score on total countries” and set a globe-trotting goal of 110 countries, according to an e-mail released Monday.

The e-mail, sent by Clinton press aide Philippe Reines three years ago, casts a political light on one of Clinton’s core talking points as a candidate for president: that she was a nonpolitical and hard-working secretary of state, who, as she frequently notes, visited 112 countries.

He wrote in the e-mail that “110 is a reasonable goal” for total number of countries visited. The e-mail was sent to Clinton’s private account, and also to her top political aides including chief of staff Cheryl Mills, deputy chiefs of staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, and scheduler Lona Valmoro.

The subject line for the e-mail is: “100 and counting . . .”; Reines included a list of 94 countries that Clinton hadn’t yet visited for her to “choose from,” as he put it. Some of the countries had asterisks by them.

“Asterisks appear next to countries you visited prior to becoming SecState, but not since — so they would count,” Reines wrote.

Clinton replied to the e-mail by asking one of her staff members to print it out for her — her standard response to messages she deemed important.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t immediately respond Monday to questions about the e-mail.

The e-mail is among 7,825 pages of new documents released Monday under the order of a federal judge as part of a batch of 30,000 e-mails that will be released, stemming from controversy involving her use of a private server while secretary of state . So far the State Department has released about two-thirds of the e-mail messages from Clinton’s private e-mail account that she deemed to be work-related.

Roughly 1,000 of the e-mails have been redacted because they contain material that the intelligence community considers classified, according to the State Department. More than 300 of the documents released Monday included portions blocked from view for that reason.

Clinton has said she never sent or received material marked classified via her personal e-mail account — and her campaign has noted that information is frequently upgraded to classified after the fact.

The highly unusual setup has exposed her campaign to a barrage of criticism, and Clinton has repeatedly said she regrets the decision to circumvent the normal government account.

The messages have also provided a rare window into how official Washington works and the political considerations that the country’s top officials make when they don’t believe anyone is watching.

The July 2012 e-mail to Clinton is a prime example: Reines appeared to be suggesting that the secretary of state of the United States should visit additional countries merely to increase the total number of places where she had touched down on the job.

In the months after the e-mail was sent, Clinton visited at least seven of the countries on the list, according to a Globe review of her travel schedule.

She became the first US secretary of state in 57 years to visit Laos, part of a July 2012 trip the State Department touted as a “groundbreaking visit.” On that trip she also visited Mongolia by stopping in the city of Ulaanbaatar briefly to “talk about deepening economic relations,” according to a State Department briefing.

Her next trip — to Africa — included stops in Benin, South Sudan, and Senegal, three additional countries listed by her aide.

Then in September 2012, she hit two more.

She visited Brunei, and Clinton became the first US secretary of state to set foot in Timor-Leste, where she “emphasized US support for the young democracy,” according to a State Department briefing.

The July 2012 e-mail message, and subsequent travel to places on the list, plays into a narrative Republicans are pushing that Clinton’s actions as secretary of state were motivated by politics, and fits with a line that GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina likes to use against Clinton.

“Flying and traveling is an activity; it’s not an accomplishment,” Fiorina frequently says.

Other Republicans pounced on the e-mail as evidence that Clinton was using her time as secretary of state as a political steppingstone for a future job.

“Given her constant blurring of ethical lines, it’s not terribly surprising that Secretary Clinton was trying to use the State Department to bolster her future political campaign,” said Colin Reed, the executive director of America Rising, a Republican super PAC. “Her State Department tenure was supposed to be her campaign’s greatest asset — instead it has become a giant albatross.”
Of course traveling to foreign countries to improve relationships is about politics. It's entirely politics. It's supposed to be.

She wasn't traveling to those countries to "improve relationships" you putz...she was checking them off a list so she could brag about visiting more countries than any other Secretary of State! It was all PR! She didn't REALLY do anything in those countries! She simply wasted tax payer money flying around the globe to make herself appear more "Presidential".

100% of Hillary's 'visits' to other countries went like this: Her private 747 lands in some shit hole country teeming with mosquitoes and people on the streets in rags.
She walks half way down the stairs, stops for a timed ten second photo op. She is greeting by some CIA agents posing as 'diplomats'. Into the air conditioned limo for a ride to the palace. Into her private suite for a couple of double G&Ts.
Hair and makeup takes ten minutes. Into the palace reception room for a one minute photo op with someone who nobody but the CIA has ever heard of. Raised glasses for a toast. Hillary's 'personal' aide Huma has made sure what Hillary is drinking is G&T from their own supplies.
One hour so far. More photo ops so the local crime families can have their own photo of them shaking Hillary's hand. to hang in their offices and restaurants. (They know how much to send the Clinton Foundation).
Hillary back into the limo. Quick ride to the back to her 747.
All aboard! 'Airborne within two hours.
Hillary and Huma change into their sweats' and they crack another bottle of Bombay gin. Time to watch Thelma and Louise for the hundredth time.
We are still waiting for a list of actual accomplishments vs her many lies and failures. If she wins will her perv intern boffing wife cheating pig of a husband be forced into therapy?
Now you just dived off into a pool of tard.

She spent the entire first half of her term traveling all over the world working on relations with other countries that Bush and the GOP destroyed. Many countries thought, after what the GOP did, that America was more dangerous than al Queda.

Poll suggests worldhostile to U.S.
The survey of 11,000 people in 11 countries taken over the past month finds 60 percent of non-U.S. citizens hold an unfavorable opinion of Bush, and the U.S. is considered by some as more dangerous than “rogue states.”

Republicans did that. They made the rest of the world think we are more dangerous than al Qaeda.

After I left Ft Drum for Korea I continued to stay in touch with a few people stationed in Upstate Ny. When Afganistan kicked off the 10th MT. got deployed. I guess then Sen Hillary Clinton wanted to prove she cared about the troops and decided to go over and press some flesh with the soldiers. Commanders had to "ask" for volunteers. None of them wanted to meet the Senator.
When you look at what the GOP did to this country:
Watching millions of jobs move overseas and doing nothing to stop it.
The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
and so on.

Bush and his minions left the entire world a disaster.

Hillary Clinton spent her time traveling all over the world ensuring other countries that the US wouldn't invade them. Building bridges the GOP tore down. When Republicans ask what she did, that's what she did. She kept America from turning into a pariah state. After what Bush and GOP did, we were almost there. Many countries saw us as the world's danger. Not Saddam, not Russia, but us.

Could you imagine Trump?

You need to seek help, or maybe just kill yourself.

My favorite part was when you claimed that Hillary had to travel the world to ensure other countries that the US wasn't going to invade them despite the fact that the US invaded more countries under Obama than they did under Bush II.

You are one dumb motherfucker Rdean.
The jobs started leaving under Clinton, but fact aren't deans strong points.
For Republicans, it's always someone else. At least you didn't defend:

The disaster they did to the economy.
The failed deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.
The fact they tricked Colin Powell into standing in front of the UN and lying to the entire world.
The coalition of countries they tricked into attacking Iraq.
Letting Iran have many thousands of centrifuges
Letting N. Korea develop nuclear weapons
What they did at the Justice Department
How they damaged science in America
The trillions spent overseas
If Bush's tax cuts were so bad, then why did it take Obama till 2013 to repeal them. Also he didn't repeal all of them. So tell me dean why?
Oh, that's easy. Blackmail:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

That's from the conservative Christian Science Monitor.

At least we can both agree that Republicans have zero problem fucking over as many Americans as they can as long as they can shovel money to millionaires and billionaires. That's true, right. They've been that way for decades. No way it can be denied.
Obama had two years with both houses controlled by democrats, nice try. The funny part is he still hasn't done away with all of it. The poor people you claim that didn't benefit from Bush's tax cut, still have them.
We are still waiting for a list of actual accomplishments vs her many lies and failures. If she wins will her perv intern boffing wife cheating pig of a husband be forced into therapy?
Now you just dived off into a pool of tard.

She spent the entire first half of her term traveling all over the world working on relations with other countries that Bush and the GOP destroyed. Many countries thought, after what the GOP did, that America was more dangerous than al Queda.

Poll suggests worldhostile to U.S.
The survey of 11,000 people in 11 countries taken over the past month finds 60 percent of non-U.S. citizens hold an unfavorable opinion of Bush, and the U.S. is considered by some as more dangerous than “rogue states.”

Republicans did that. They made the rest of the world think we are more dangerous than al Qaeda.

After I left Ft Drum for Korea I continued to stay in touch with a few people stationed in Upstate Ny. When Afganistan kicked off the 10th MT. got deployed. I guess then Sen Hillary Clinton wanted to prove she cared about the troops and decided to go over and press some flesh with the soldiers. Commanders had to "ask" for volunteers. None of them wanted to meet the Senator.
Similar situation with a family member stationed in Afghanistan.
Troops were randomly selected and then ordered to stand behind Hillary when she gave a speech.The official explanation was these troops are a 'security detail'.
We are still waiting for a list of actual accomplishments vs her many lies and failures. If she wins will her perv intern boffing wife cheating pig of a husband be forced into therapy?
Now you just dived off into a pool of tard.

She spent the entire first half of her term traveling all over the world working on relations with other countries that Bush and the GOP destroyed. Many countries thought, after what the GOP did, that America was more dangerous than al Queda.

Poll suggests worldhostile to U.S.
The survey of 11,000 people in 11 countries taken over the past month finds 60 percent of non-U.S. citizens hold an unfavorable opinion of Bush, and the U.S. is considered by some as more dangerous than “rogue states.”

Republicans did that. They made the rest of the world think we are more dangerous than al Qaeda.


She traveled the world on the taxpayers dime well holy shit what an awesome career accomplishment. /eyeroll Name the relationships she mended and their current state I say you can't. The rest of your post is BOOOOOOOOOOSH. So again, list the specific career accomplishments or just admit there are none. I can reel off a list of things she turned to FUBAR and you can't list one specific career accomplishment in the jobs.

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