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Why was it OK to bomb Libya but not Iran?

Nope..a little to old these days.
I feel like the people of Iran are a much better candidate for democracy than Iraq.
It wouldnt take much to get them going in the right direction.

Indeed, just a little shock & awe is all that's needed. You guys would be welcomed with sweets & flowers and after destroying all the evil WMD and installing a loyal puppet government Exxon could manage the oil fields for the benefit of the Iranian people and everyone would be happy.


Dont know much about the Iranian people do you...
If you have to ask WHY about Libya then you have completely missed what is going on and who this President is.

1. Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood, a U.N.-acknowledged terrorist organization, take over the government of Egypt, our ally, by injecting himself into Egypt's politicis and demanding their elections be held immediately. He then provided weapons to them, brought Muslim Brotherhood members - even those on the Terrorist 'No Fly' List - to the US to attend Cabinet Meetings. He has associated members of this group on his Cabinet as 'advisors'. Finally, he threatened Egypt's military that if they overthrew a terrorist organization in charge of their government that he would not deliver promised / bought-and-paid-for weapons.

2. Obama posted an editoriatl in an Israeli newspaper praising HAMAS' Leader for his 'patience and tolerance' with Israel...during a month when Hamas fired over 100 rockets into Israel...and did not mention Netenyahu at all. After the latest Israeli-Hamas conflict was over, and many tunnels were discovered - and destroyed - leading from Gaza into Israel (used by suicide bombers and terrorists), Obama gave HAMAS hundreds of millions of dollars in construction equipment / supplies and cash...to rebuild the tunnels that had been destroyed. He claimed it was to rebuild the houses that had been destroyed (due to HAMAS using its people as human shields). Notice Obama did not send any money to Israel to help rebuild the homes and public buildings damaged by Hamas rockets.

3. Obama defended Islamic Extremists by declaring their attacks in the US to be acts of 'workplace violence', denying victims and their families benefits / status earned in these terrorist attacks. (Ft. Hood). Although he was warned about the 2 brothers by Putin / Russians, Obama did nothing and ALLOWED the attacks to be successfully perpetrated by the terrorist brothers in Boston, maiming and killing Americans. AFTERWARDS he had the terrorist's picture splashed all over TV while asking for citizens to help identify them...despite the fact that obama already knew who they were.

4. It was well known that during the Iraq and Afghan wars Al Qaeida / Jihadists in a northeastern little seaport town in Libya recruited extremists from all over to go fight and kill Americans in Iraq/Afghanistan. THESE were the rebels who turned on Qaddafi and sought to take over the country. THESE enemies of the United States are the rebels Obama gave aid and support to. THESE terrorists are Obama's 'allies', the reason he took the country to war ON HIS OWN - without the same type of Congressional approval Bush had. Obama used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - who recruited extremists to kill Americans in Iraq and Afghaniztan - so they could take over their own country!

Iran is the leading exporter of terrorism in the Middle East, perhaps the world. They already have their own country. Al Qaeida and the terrorists who now own Libya did NOT have their OWN country...until Obama helped them to acquire one.

Previous Presidents like Clinton and Bush used to launch airstrikes against Al Qaeida training camps in Libya. Ambassador Stevens warned Obama before his death that 'NEW' (as in 'MORE') terroist training camps were opening up in Benghazi, and instead of doing anything about it Obama ALMOST ignored it. He and Hillary did REDUCE the number of US Security members on Steven's staff, as proven in recovered documents. Obama was trying to avoid attenton in Benghazi so the gun-running operation to Syrian Rebels (who would become part of the 'JV Team' known as ISIS) could continue.

Obama is all about helping Islamic Extremists, which is why he has done all of the above...and why he was Iran's official 'water carrier' for the pi$$-poor Iran Deal he is pushing. As Obama declared to the world as he spoke to the U.N. after 4 Americans were murdered during 1 of 20 simultaneous ttacks on U.S. Embassies throughout the Middle east on 9/11/12, "The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam. ... Spoken like a TRUE Christian and American! (EXTREME Sarcasm)
It was not OK to bomb Libya.

I was all for bombing Libya. We should have started with that NE Port City where extremists were recruiting Jihadists to go kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan (instead of eventually HELPING them take over Libya).
It was not OK to bomb Libya.

I was all for bombing Libya. We should have started with that NE Port City where extremists were recruiting Jihadists to go kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan (instead of eventually HELPING them take over Libya).

Don't you think that destroying Libya created a power vacuum as was the accusation about removing Saddam from power? A vacuum in Libya that helped fund ISIS?
It was not OK to bomb Libya.

I was all for bombing Libya. We should have started with that NE Port City where extremists were recruiting Jihadists to go kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan (instead of eventually HELPING them take over Libya).

Don't you think that destroying Libya created a power vacuum as was the accusation about removing Saddam from power? A vacuum in Libya that helped fund ISIS?

Absolutely NOT. Obama did not create a 'power vaccum'. Obama took this country to war on his own and used our military to directly aid AL QAEIDA - who he called 'Libyan Rebels' - to take over Libya. ur military leaders TOLD him who those rebels were in that NErn area / sea port town. They made sure he understood they were the ones who had recruited extremists for neatly a decade to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill Americans. Obama, in turn, declared to everyone that Qadaffi - a man who had been pretty much in seclussion since Regan bombed Libya and killed his sone and other members of his family in that attck - was such a high threat that we had to join forces / aid the perpetrators of 9/11/01 to take him out.

Obama helped hand the reins over to Libya. You could CALL it creating - and then helping fill - a power vacuum in Libya. It is the same thing we did in Egypt. We helped oust Mubarak then demanded the elections be held immediately rather than keep to their election schedule (6 months later) which would have given the country / leaders time to prepare. This allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to slide right in.

Perhaps a better idea would be if the United States, especially if run by people like Obama, just stayed the hail out of other countries' business. It's bad enough when they F* up OUR country.
Matthew said: ↑
Would you bomb China for taking our industry and stealing our secrets?

Taking over our industry because rich people $crewed the American people by sending our jobs abroad so they could make more money? No...

For stealing our secrets? The continued acts of hacking by the Chinese and Russian governments is an 'act of war'. We know, for instance, the majority of Chinese hacks come from one building in a military complex in China..but no US leader has the testicular fortitude to warn the chinese that if this 'act of war' (Cyber Warfare) happens again we will put several TLAMs into that building. Bomb them for Cyber Warfare? Warn them 1st...then YES.
Bedowin 12030996
and so did saddam on many occasions

In Libya the threat of genocide was the reason for the NFZ authorization by the UN but no foreign boots on the ground. In Iraq there was no imminent genocide - NFZ's were already in place. The invasion of Iraq was based upon finding WMD alleged to be there. There were 200 UN inspectors on the ground and no signs of ethnic or terrorist, government related violence going on in March 2003. Bush invaded Iraq without UN authorization and sent tens of thousands of US combat troops in to find something that was not there.

Know-nothings apparently cannot know the difference. Those are huge differences.
obama's "deal" is going to result in iran getting a bomb. if you think anything different you are deluding yourself.

Actually - no deal or status quo - makes it more likely that Iran would get a bomb if they chose to go down that path. That is the weakest argument coming from the opposition to the deal.

And continued sanctions were beginning to wear thin with Russia and China a others,

Just the facts.

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