Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

oh----I missed it-----"the rabbis" what?

Even more people know the foundation myth of the Roman
"jesus" cult. The idiocy was carefully drummed into the minds
of even the members of your community which was densely illiterate
until recently
My community isn't illiterate... never was. What are you talking about?
How do you know?
Because my community was well-educated professionals. Heavily into the sciences...and they aren't consumed by hate and bitterness like yourself. I'm sorry for your childhood.

Your town sounds perfectly horrible.

Why was Jesus crucified?​

I could offer four potentially correct answers:

1. according to factual historic records - a Jesus never existed and therefore no person bearing the name Jesus and his deeds was crucified.
2. A Hippie community around a Jesus existed - but factually he died due to an overdose of bone-lime sniffing - near a lake.
3. A Jesus somehow did exist, since his teachings were absolutely detrimental to the business associates running temples and religious revenues, the guy simply needed to be put away with. And crucifying was a popular Roman practice of justice at the time, next to the local stoning. Which begs the question - why wasn't he stoned to death?
4. According to the NT - his dad created him so that he could die under excruciating painful circumstances - in order to relief all people of their sins - or something like that.
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Crucifixion in Judea at that time was reserved for SEDITION AGAINST ROME.
The reason for the crucifixion of Jesus---if it occurred ----IS SEDITION AGAINST
Suradie denies the fact that rebels against Rome were Crucified by
Roman authorities in Judea during the putative time of Jesus. Reminds
me of the silly Santa Claus story about the OTHER MAN also being
crucified who was only a simple thief----somehow (sic) according to
OLD ST. NICK----the man was being crucified for shop lifting by
(sic) the SANDHEDRIN ( in the mind of the easter bunny---same
as being stoned for that offense) Then the good news----the "shop-
lifter" on the next cross ---asks THE CHRIST to join him in heaven---it
brings a tear to my credulous eye. THUS the jelly bean version
of LAW AND ORDER in Judea
None has it, but it is buyable. Bottom line is that it makes the case using historical documentation that the Romans killed Jesus because he was a political and military threat to them.
Jesus wasn't a military threat and he never spoke against Rome. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Suradie denies the fact that rebels against Rome were Crucified by
Roman authorities in Judea during the putative time of Jesus. Reminds
me of the silly Santa Claus story about the OTHER MAN also being
crucified who was only a simple thief----somehow (sic) according to
OLD ST. NICK----the man was being crucified for shop lifting by
(sic) the SANDHEDRIN ( in the mind of the easter bunny---same
as being stoned for that offense) Then the good news----the "shop-
lifter" on the next cross ---asks THE CHRIST to join him in heaven---it
brings a tear to my credulous eye. THUS the jelly bean version
of LAW AND ORDER in Judea
There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Why was Jesus crucified?​

I could offer four potentially correct answers:

1. according to factual historic records - a Jesus never existed and therefore no person bearing the name Jesus and his deeds was crucified.
2. A Hippie community around a Jesus existed - but factually he died due to an overdose of bone-lime sniffing - near a lake.
3. A Jesus did exist, since his teachings were absolutely detrimental to the business associates running temples and religious revenues, the guy simply needed to be put away with
4. According to the NT - his dad created him so that he could die under excruciating painful circumstances - in order to relief all people of their sins - or something like that.
1. Lots of Jesus's existed. Jesus is a latinized version of the aramaic version of the
common Hebrew name JOSHUA
2. The closest thing to hippies back then were jews who fled to enclaves in the
desert, lived monastic lives ----to get away from the Romans. Some nuts
spent their lives searching for their particular Jesus in those enclaves NO LUCK
3. IS CLOSE-----a pharisee named Jesus attacked the Roman appointed and
sponsored money changers whom they allowed to set up business in the
Temple Courtyard----a practice that the Pharisees despised as an abomination
expecially since it involved Roman and Saducean corruption
4 Not worth discussing
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Jesus wasn't a military threat and he never spoke against Rome. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Jesus was a pharisee----by definition a rebel against ROME like his cousin JOHN of the MIKVAH.
Facts left out of jelly-bean school----the dead body of Jesus was placed in the family
tomb of a very prominent PHARISEE -----and before----his Roman crucifixion for SEDITION--
he lunched with Pharisees and like them he washed his hands just as mother mary insisted
since he was three
There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
your Saint Richard ----the lily-livered----seemed to believe there was---he murdered
all the Jews of York (long before there was a NEW AMSTERDAM that later became
NEW YORK -----home of the best bagels
Because my community was well-educated professionals. Heavily into the sciences...and they aren't consumed by hate and bitterness like yourself. I'm sorry for your childhood.

Your town sounds perfectly horrible.
My town was VERY CHRISTIAN and VERY WHITE and in existence even before
the revolutionary war----there were churches built before 1776 there----and those
of MANY CHRISTIAN SECTS. What I believe was the oldest was something called
"CHURCH OF CHRIST" but I am not sure as to its original sect. As to my childhood--
it was unusual for that town----entirely secular and very liberal which is why I was SO
INVITED to this and that church and jelly-bean school session
Jesus wasn't a military threat and he never spoke against Rome. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
That would be an argument to have with the book.
And who said that there was anything wrong with being Jewish?
That would be an argument to have with the book.
And who said that there was anything wrong with being Jewish?
OY!!!!! WHO? ---Jesus of course----he hated judaism so much
that he preferred to eat with unwashed hands JUST TO DEMONSTRATE
HIS DISDAIN-----and then there was muhummad-----and then---oh nevah mind
1. Lots of Jesus's existed. Jesus is a latinized version of the aramaic version of the
common Hebrew name JOSHUA
2. The closest thing to hippies back then were jews who fled to enclaves in the
desert, lived monastic lives ----to get away from the Romans. Some nuts
spent their lives searching for their particular Jesus in those enclaves NO LUCK
3. IS CLOSE-----a pharisee named Jesus attacked the Roman appointed and
sponsored money changers whom they allowed to set up business in the
Temple Courtyard----a practice that the Pharisees despised as an abomination
expecially since it involved Roman and Saducean corruption
4 Not worth discussing
Why would Rome be involved in changing Roman money into shekels? What did they gain? I also wonder why the Jews allowed them so much control over the temple?
OY!!!!! WHO? ---Jesus of course----he hated judaism so much
that he preferred to eat with unwashed hands JUST TO DEMONSTRATE
HIS DISDAIN-----and then there was muhummad-----and then---oh nevah mind
You've really suffered for Judaism.

Muhammad wasn't around so he had nothing to do with it.

Why immigrate to Arabia at all since you hated the Ammorites and all the neighboring Arab tribes.
Why would Rome be involved in changing Roman money into shekels? What did they gain? I also wonder why the Jews allowed them so much control over the temple?
Wonder away----you won't learn about it from the EPISCOPALIANS. Try not to be shocked---
ROME INVADED AND CONQUERED JUDEA !!!!! -----(they didn't tell you about it?) More shock
for you-----the Romans had MOTIVES-----to wit, power and taxes and exploitation----
just as Iran wants Mecca and the meteorite----ROME TOOK THE TEMPLE---IMPOSED
TAXES and, as much as they could----KEPT AN EYE ON ALL COMMERCE---thus anyone
associated with taxes and commerce was UNDER THE CONTROL OF ROME----as was the
KING (herod----not actually jewish) and the "HIGH PRIESTS" of the Temple---SADDUCEANS--
virtually Kapos. and the TAX COLLECTORS --like Matthew. The rebels against the system so beloved by Rome were the PHARISEES. Remember SPARTICUS----mass crucifixion? That
was for rebels-----Rome worshipped the GREEK CONCEPTS of government
(like Jesus and cousin John)
Wonder away----you won't learn about it from the EPISCOPALIANS. Try not to be shocked---
ROME INVADED AND CONQUERED JUDEA !!!!! -----(they didn't tell you about it?) More shock
for you-----the Romans had MOTIVES-----to wit, power and taxes and exploitation----
just as Iran wants Mecca and the meteorite----ROME TOOK THE TEMPLE---IMPOSED
TAXES and, as much as they could----KEPT AN EYE ON ALL COMMERCE---thus anyone
associated with taxes and commerce was UNDER THE CONTROL OF ROME----as was the
KING (herod----not actually jewish) and the "HIGH PRIESTS" of the Temple---SADDUCEANS--
virtually Kapos. and the TAX COLLECTORS --like Matthew. The rebels against the system so beloved by Rome were the PHARISEES. Remember SPARTICUS----mass crucifixion? That
was for rebels-----Rome worshipped the GREEK CONCEPTS of government
(like Jesus and cousin John)
Yes, Rome controlled Judea just as so many others had. The goal was safety on a critical trade route. What did Judea itself produce? What did they have to trade?

Herod was Jewish because of the forced conversion of the Edomites.
You've really suffered for Judaism.

Muhammad wasn't around so he had nothing to do with it.

Why immigrate to Arabia at all since you hated the Ammorites and all the neighboring Arab tribes.
I hated WHOM? nope----but I know what hate is-----I grew up in a very white, very
christian town that----with the post war baby boom made the selling of little houses
to new familes profitable-----was STRICTLY RESTRICTED. ---lots of Episcopalians----
Even Anglican George Washington spent some time there. Also lots of nazi
sympathizers. The place was littered with islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets featuring
the same memes you, so idiotically. parrot. Not so surprising to me since you ADMIT
to being an ANGLICAN------however my interaction with Pakistanis was surprising----
they could parrot the same crappy BS CHAPTER AND VERSE----and it's taught in
SAUDI GRAMMAR SCHOOL (I did not run into Saudis until-----after graduation).
Now ----back to what you forgot to learn in jelly bean school----Jews originated in
the Levant and experienced constant wars from the east and from the west and
spread thruout that area ------wherever it was tenable. How long have you been
in a Coma?
I hated WHOM? nope----but I know what hate is-----I grew up in a very white, very
christian town that----with the post war baby boom made the selling of little houses
to new familes profitable-----was STRICTLY RESTRICTED. ---lots of Episcopalians----
Even Anglican George Washington spent some time there. Also lots of nazi
sympathizers. The place was littered with islamo nazi propaganda pamphlets featuring
the same memes you, so idiotically. parrot. Not so surprising to me since you ADMIT
to being an ANGLICAN------however my interaction with Pakistanis was surprising----
they could parrot the same crappy BS CHAPTER AND VERSE----and it's taught in
SAUDI GRAMMAR SCHOOL (I did not run into Saudis until-----after graduation).
Now ----back to what you forgot to learn in jelly bean school----Jews originated in
the Levant and experienced constant wars from the east and from the west and
spread thruout that area ------wherever it was tenable. How long have you been
in a Coma?
You're saying that your town post war has Nazi and Islamic literature?

You don't know anything about Saudi schools.

Pakistan is still very poor . Saudi Arabia provides a lot of foreign aid, but naturally there's envy and resentful.

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