Why Was No One Armed & Shooting Back In El Paso WalMart ?

The El Paso Walmart shooter killed 20 people (so far) and wounded 26 more. He may well have fired some shots missing people also. It's pretty fair to say this nut fired at least 50 shots, and very possibly well more than that.

It takes quite some time to fire that many shots individually, as this guy did, walking aisle to aisle, through the store. If there had been an armed security guard, or any armed citizen with a CCW license, this guy could have (and should have) been stopped cold after the first 2 or 3 shots.

As someone who has a CCW license, and is armed 99% of the time, when I'm walking around outside, it is amazing to me that there could have been that many people walking around unarmed and defenseless. Why? Don't they know something like this could happen at any time ?

In contrast, in 2002, a Muslim terrorist (Hesham Mohamed Hadayet) walked into Los Angeles Airport (LAX) armed with 2 handguns, plus magazines loaded with dozens of bullets. He shot and killed 2 people, and wounded 4. The airport was filled with people. The terrorist was shot dead right on the spot, by a security guard who was armed and ready to deal. Without that good guy with a gun, the airport would have been a bloodbath, just like this WalMart, and probably even worse.

This ARMED DEFENSE is what should have been the case in El Paso. How this guy could pull off what he did without getting shot, by a guard or CCW carrying citizen is mind boggling.

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia

The Facts Jack! The fact is Walmart sells alcohol and Ammunition for Firearms etc. NOBODY other than Law enforcement may enter that location with a firearm Concealed Weapon licensed or not. Under penalty of Law! If you believe you are safer with only the govt. (police) between you and the Crazies our Society produces support with some proof that it's even possible for the govt to do anything but swoop in kill the perp , clean up the crime scenes, and cry for the victims. The guys who killed the GM in Ohio are the same as guys that get water thrown at them think about that! When the conversation changes from reaction to prevention maybe we will see a difference on the Front page. Gun control prevents nothing they don't fire themselves!
Because there’s no evidence that the carrying of concealed firearms acts as a ‘deterrent’ to crime:

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate
CCJ's claim to fame in USMB is posting the most IDIOTIC posts in just about every thread he enters. The LAX shooting is one item of evidence, as are hundreds of others > Moore, Oklahoma beheading, Chicago Uber driver, Philadelphia barbershop, Plymouth, PA bar shooting, etc, etc.

Here Are 5 Times Concealed Carriers Have Stopped Mass Shootings

Four Concealed Handgun Permit Holders use their guns to stop violent crimes in the last week - Crime Prevention Research Center

Concealed carry prevents more crime than it creates, study says
I agree enough is enough; time to start deporting Democrats; the environment they've created is toxic.
Unquestionably, their gun-free zone policy has gotten many people killed, who otherwise could have been saved, as in the 2002 LAX scenario, and many others like it.

This is a dumb question, but lets say the police arrive to one of these mass shootings and there are 4 or 5 people shooting weapons. How would they know who to start shooting at?

The one that points his gun at you!!! When you tell him to drop his weapon is a good starting point
The Facts Jack! The fact is Walmart sells alcohol and Ammunition for Firearms etc. NOBODY other than Law enforcement may enter that location with a firearm Concealed Weapon licensed or not. Under penalty of Law! If you believe you are safer with only the govt. (police) between you and the Crazies our Society produces support with some proof that it's even possible for the govt to do anything but swoop in kill the perp , clean up the crime scenes, and cry for the victims. The guys who killed the GM in Ohio are the same as guys that get water thrown at them think about that! When the conversation changes from reaction to prevention maybe we will see a difference on the Front page. Gun control prevents nothing they don't fire themselves!

Citizens have the right to carry concealed firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not act in the capacity of law enforcement, or to deter crime, or to stop an active shooter who poses no direct threat to someone carrying a concealed firearm.

The appropriate thing for an armed citizen to do during an active shooting is to seek out safety and leave the shooting venue as soon as possible – not attempt to ‘engage’ the shooter.

I likewise carry a concealed handgun solely for my protection – and I would use my handgun only to defend myself from a direct and imminent threat to my life or safety.

The thread premise exhibits considerable ignorance as to what an active shooting event is truly like and the proper use of concealed handguns in self-defense.
YOU are the ignorant one here, and this post is a prime example of it. You don't even know the legal definition of self-defense. Contrary to your distorted notion, self-defense is not just self defense of oneself, it also includes the defense of others nearby.

Thank goodness the CCW carriers in the example cited in Post # 124, who saved many lives, did not have the same warped idea about CCW that you have. If they had, a lot of living people would be dead right now.
I agree enough is enough; time to start deporting Democrats; the environment they've created is toxic.
Unquestionably, their gun-free zone policy has gotten many people killed, who otherwise could have been saved, as in the 2002 LAX scenario, and many others like it.

This is a dumb question, but lets say the police arrive to one of these mass shootings and there are 4 or 5 people shooting weapons. How would they know who to start shooting at?

The one that points his gun at you!!! When you tell him to drop his weapon is a good starting point

So when you come up on someone shooting you are going to tell them to drop their gun. I don't believe that is how it works.
No it's a good thing he wasn't finished off, now we may find out why he actually committed this horrible crime.
Fool! If he was "finished off" early in his attack, more than a dozen LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. You can't get that ? :confused: :rolleyes:
I suspected that, it explains why he drove 600 miles to find a soft target. Just like the Colorado wack job who passed two other movie theatres to get to the one that didn't allow firearms.
Gun free zone strikes again.
The Facts Jack! The fact is Walmart sells alcohol and Ammunition for Firearms etc. NOBODY other than Law enforcement may enter that location with a firearm Concealed Weapon licensed or not. Under penalty of Law! If you believe you are safer with only the govt. (police) between you and the Crazies our Society produces support with some proof that it's even possible for the govt to do anything but swoop in kill the perp , clean up the crime scenes, and cry for the victims. The guys who killed the GM in Ohio are the same as guys that get water thrown at them think about that! When the conversation changes from reaction to prevention maybe we will see a difference on the Front page. Gun control prevents nothing they don't fire themselves!


Instead of teaching our children to be pacifist, needy, lazy game playing fools we should be telling them the truth that the World is a filthy, crime ridden, dangerous place and that they should learn to protect themselves at all times against others and the chains of an over zealous govt.
Fuck you. It is your ilk that refuses to do anything about providing easy access to assault type weapons. The NRA has your party in their pocket.

Then Trump is out there spewing hate. Lying how these immigrants are filth, murderers, rapists, invaders . It is Trump that is riling up your clan of uneducated, ignorant people.

Blood is on your hands, asshole.

How many white Trumpers armed with assault type rifles killing people will it take before you realize what a fucking dick you are?


The topic is about self-defense and being armed to prevent murder.

And to the nitwit who said CCW is not a deterrent, when the mass shooter is shot dead, HE IS DETERRED from killing any more people after that. Get it ?

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
Instead of teaching our children to be pacifist, needy, lazy game playing fools we should be telling them the truth that the World is a filthy, crime ridden, dangerous place and that they should learn to protect themselves at all times against others and the chains of an over zealous govt.

‘Good guy with a gun’ is a myth.

The miscreant in Dayton was taken out by law enforcement.

‘More guns’ is not the ‘answer.’
You just contradicted yourself. As you said, the miscreant in Dayton was taken out by law enforcement, which took more time than if a CCW carrier had been standing nearby.

If that had been the scenario, the miscreant could have been shot dead by the CCW carrier instantly, and LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED.

Good guy with a gun has been proven hundreds of times.
I agree enough is enough; time to start deporting Democrats; the environment they've created is toxic.
Unquestionably, their gun-free zone policy has gotten many people killed, who otherwise could have been saved, as in the 2002 LAX scenario, and many others like it.

This is a dumb question, but lets say the police arrive to one of these mass shootings and there are 4 or 5 people shooting weapons. How would they know who to start shooting at?

The one that points his gun at you!!! When you tell him to drop his weapon is a good starting point

So when you come up on someone shooting you are going to tell them to drop their gun. I don't believe that is how it works.

You are a fool. So better to kill a concealed carry holder defending himself and others than to evaluate the threat, before shooting! You know nothing about law enforcement or "how it works". You should just STFU and not comment about issues that you have no useable input too. Cops aren't in the business of just shooting people dead and asking questions later it may come to that. But "not today" ! Why is one alive and one dead? These 4 words. "Police!!! Drop your weapon"! "Believe" that! any questions?:mm:
The El Paso Walmart shooter killed 20 people (so far) and wounded 26 more. He may well have fired some shots missing people also. It's pretty fair to say this nut fired at least 50 shots, and very possibly well more than that.

It takes quite some time to fire that many shots individually, as this guy did, walking aisle to aisle, through the store. If there had been an armed security guard, or any armed citizen with a CCW license, this guy could have (and should have) been stopped cold after the first 2 or 3 shots.

As someone who has a CCW license, and is armed 99% of the time, when I'm walking around outside, it is amazing to me that there could have been that many people walking around unarmed and defenseless. Why? Don't they know something like this could happen at any time ?

In contrast, in 2002, a Muslim terrorist (Hesham Mohamed Hadayet) walked into Los Angeles Airport (LAX) armed with 2 handguns, plus magazines loaded with dozens of bullets. He shot and killed 2 people, and wounded 4. The airport was filled with people. The terrorist was shot dead right on the spot, by a security guard who was armed and ready to deal. Without that good guy with a gun, the airport would have been a bloodbath, just like this WalMart, and probably even worse.

This ARMED DEFENSE is what should have been the case in El Paso. How this guy could pull off what he did without getting shot, by a guard or CCW carrying citizen is mind boggling.

2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
Because there’s no evidence that the carrying of concealed firearms acts as a ‘deterrent’ to crime:

Study: Concealed Handgun Permits Don't Affect Crime Rate

Because there is no way to "prove a negative."

How do you prove why something DIDN'T happen? How do you even prove something didn't happen? I mean it didn't happen so what we do?
You've got that wrong.

No one is advocating ‘taking away’ anyone’s rights.

And the notion of ‘taking away’ rights is both ignorant and ridiculous – rights can be neither ‘taken away’ nor ‘bestowed.’

Rights can be limited and restricted consistent with Constitutional case law, however – in this case Second Amendment case law.

The Second Amendment right is not ‘unlimited,’ it is not a right to possess and carry any firearm in any manner for whatever purpose.

Government has the authority to regulate the commercial sale of firearms, designate those prohibited from possessing firearms, and prohibit firearms in certain venues such as police stations and courthouses.


Topic is about citizens being armed for self-defense, not being prohibited from it.
The USSC said the 2md amendment does not mean no regulation.
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

Hmmm where in the Constitution does it say you have a right to own a military style weapon.
Define "military style weapon".

Where in the Constitution does it say you have a right to own a AK47, AR15, M16, etc.

To defend against over bearing govt that would try to take away our rights is a good reason. The govt feels it needs these type of weapons and uses them everyday. The guns don't kill anybody, the people using them for their political, religious or psychiatric,and social issues do . Prevention! not Over Reaction!
Because the Democrats took the guns and or are scaring legal gun owners away
Very few words. Very large meaning.

When Democrats enact gun-free zones, campaign against law abiding citizens carrying guns,, and accuse them of criminal activity (rather than self-defense), they are preventing the one thing that really could stop these terrible events.

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