Why was society more excited for space travel and aliens back in the 1990s?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
It seemed like sci fi was much more popular during the 90s. Multiple "Star Trek" shows as well as "Babylon 5", and "Farscape" along with movies like "Contact", "The Fifth Element", and "Men in Black".

Also novels like Vernor Vinge's "A Fire Upon the Deep" which along with Babylon 5 influenced the "Mass Effect" games a decade later, Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars Trilogy", and Turtledove's "World War" series.



It seemed like there was much more excitement for space, space travel, the future, and aliens back in the 90s.

Now fantasy and superheroes seemed to be the big thing of the 2010s.

I greatly enjoyed the "MCU" and "Game of Thrones" but I'm hoping the science fiction genre comes back to the small and big screen in a big way.

But sadly it seems like that society is far too cynical for the future and/or has a shortened attention span for that kind of fiction to make a comeback.

And studios are too risk averse to take chances on anything other than "Trek", "Wars", or "Marvel".
Look not to fiction but to reality. A new space race to the moon is unfolding with competition between the USA and China as well as others. Private industry is investing deeply in space travel, something the great master, Robert Heinlein, predicted sixty years ago. The James Webb telescope is taking us deeper into the universe and farther back in time than ever before. It is a great and exciting time to be alive.
Simple, the vacuum that surrounds humanity & our planet earth that is often referred to as the "Black Void" offers no excitement for folks. More & more people dropped the world of space travel & sci-fi for more interesting subjects like politickin, scandals, dirty laundry, Karen's, rec- drugs, big jugs/cheap sex, MONEY, online action games, Power & Control over other folks, food/beverages, & the list goes on & on. People desire interaction & the dirtier/cheesy that interaction becomes the more they like it. It's just the current state of our human condition(human nature). Sci-fi did have it's day though for sure!
The Ad Astra movie is likely closest to the real truth.....There really ain't shit out there as far as meaningful life goes but humans will end-up fighting for resources on distant rocks..

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