Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Well, good thing no one ever did that.
They just merely said we need to take sensible actions to reduce CO2 emissions before the climate is irrevocably damaged.
The Aztecs KILLED PEOPLE to appease the weather gods.
You IDIOTS are no different!
To claim CO2 a pollutant is INSANE!!!
Sure, if volcanoes erupt constantly for millions of years you might have a point, like the Siberian traps, but this is NOT the case today!
The "Climate change crisis" is indeed man made; otherwise known as BULLSHIT!!!!!!
The Aztecs KILLED PEOPLE to appease the weather gods.
You IDIOTS are no different!
To claim CO2 a pollutant is INSANE!!!
Sure, if volcanoes erupt constantly for millions of years you might have a point, like the Siberian traps, but this is NOT the case today!
The "Climate change crisis" is indeed man made; otherwise known as BULLSHIT!!!!!!

Uh, wow, now you are getting hysterical? The Aztecs?
Climate change is based on solid science. We KNOW that CO2 traps heat.
We know that if you put more CO2 into the atmosphere, it traps more heat.
We know that the coral reefs are dying off, that the icecaps are shrinking, that the glaciers are melting. This really isn't up for debate.
It's just how much are we going to slightly inconvenience you to fix the problem. I mean, shit, while sacrificing a few oil company execs or assholes who drive SUV's to Quetzalcoatl might be amusing, I don't think it would be much help.

Driving more fuel efficient cars would, though.
Mere possession isn't a crime. You have to prove Biden personally took them, and not that they were accidently filed in the wrong box when packing out his office.

Or do you really think Biden packed out his own office in 2017?
in this case it is,, if you took time to read the law you would see that,,
Tuition for Chinese kids is mysterious for you? Don't you guys whine when Asian kids are rejected for college in favor of black kids, or was that just some false whining?

Oh, the Penn Biden Center didn't receive any money from China. The University of Pennsylvania did because they have a lot of foreign exchange students.

Do you really think Biden packed out his own office in 2017? I'm pretty sure he had people for that.

LOL…you are too far gone to see what is right in front of your face. You are your kind of being used and don‘t realize it.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
They tried but Biden's garage door was locked and they couldn't get in.
LOL…you are too far gone to see what is right in front of your face. You are your kind of being used and don‘t realize it.

You know, you are right. The other night some Chinese woman was hogging all the covers... oh, wait, that was my girlfriend.

The Chinese aren't the enemy here. They really aren't. If anything, we should be encouraging them to be more like us.
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You know, you are right. The other night some Chinese woman was hogging all the covers... oh, wait, that was my girlfriend.

The Chinese aren't the enemy here. They really aren't. If anything, we should be encouraging them to be more like us.
The Chinese people aren't the enemy, per se; it's the CCP. Your girlfriend should confirm that.

The CCP is probably the biggest foreign threat to the US economically and militarily.
You know, you are right. The other night some Chinese woman was hogging all the covers... oh, wait, that was my girlfriend.

The Chinese aren't the enemy here. They really aren't. If anything, we should be encouraging them to be more like us.

Sorry, but the CCP is a huge threat to the US. Just because your man Biden is in bed with them doesn't mean they are on our team.
The Chinese people aren't the enemy, per se; it's the CCP. Your girlfriend should confirm that.

The CCP is probably the biggest foreign threat to the US economically and militarily.

Actually, back in the 1960's, the CCP blacklisted her father. But the average Chinese doesn't spend any more time thinking about the CCP than the average American spends thinking about the GOP or Dems. They are just getting on with their lives.

Sorry, but the CCP is a huge threat to the US. Just because your man Biden is in bed with them doesn't mean they are on our team.

Okay, calling bullshit. How are they a threat? If I were an alien in a flying saucer observing Earth Since 1970, here's what I'd see.

They have a big army, but the last time they used it to invade another country was 1979 (in a largely forgotten border war with Vietnam). The US since 1979 has invaded, occupied, or bombed dozens of countries.

We have 11 aircraft carriers to their 3. We have 6500 Nuclear Weapons compared to China's 350. Oh, would it be crude to point out that the US is the only country that has actually USED nukes on people? Yes, yes, it would. It's also true.

Oh, noes, they might invade Taiwan, a place that we legally recognize as part of China. And I think they want some islands in a place called the "South China Sea". Gee, why would China be interested in something called the "South China Sea".

As for who is in bed with them... Trump has had products made there for years. Including his MAGA Hats.

Actually, back in the 1960's, the CCP blacklisted her father. But the average Chinese doesn't spend any more time thinking about the CCP than the average American spends thinking about the GOP or Dems. They are just getting on with their lives.

Okay, calling bullshit. How are they a threat? If I were an alien in a flying saucer observing Earth Since 1970, here's what I'd see.

They have a big army, but the last time they used it to invade another country was 1979 (in a largely forgotten border war with Vietnam). The US since 1979 has invaded, occupied, or bombed dozens of countries.

We have 11 aircraft carriers to their 3. We have 6500 Nuclear Weapons compared to China's 350. Oh, would it be crude to point out that the US is the only country that has actually USED nukes on people? Yes, yes, it would. It's also true.

Oh, noes, they might invade Taiwan, a place that we legally recognize as part of China. And I think they want some islands in a place called the "South China Sea". Gee, why would China be interested in something called the "South China Sea".

As for who is in bed with them... Trump has had products made there for years. Including his MAGA Hats.


Aren’t you a big can of the FBI? Here is their take on the threat of China.

The China Threat | Federal Bureau of Investigation

Taking advantage of cheap labor in China, while something I don’t support, is hardly the same as selling sensitive information to them or the litany of other things the Biden seems to be involved with.

Given your political views, I can see why you don’t have a problem with the CCP nor the influence they may be having over our government.
Aren’t you a big can of the FBI? Here is their take on the threat of China.

Don't care. No skin off my nose.

On a more serious note, Americans are so piss ignorant of Chinese culture and history, that anything coming out of there isn't to be trusted.

I also noticed you skipped right over the whole part where I pointed out China hasn't taken aggressive military action since 1979. 1979, I wasn't even old enough to vote.

Taking advantage of cheap labor in China, while something I don’t support, is hardly the same as selling sensitive information to them or the litany of other things the Biden seems to be involved with.

Well, good thing Biden didn't do that, then. Oh, wait, the GS10 who packed out his office has a Chinese name, she must be up to something.

On a more serious note, I worry a lot more about guys like Trump dumping billions to get cheap products out of China than the Chinese maybe seeing a 10 year old briefing document on the Ukraine.

Given your political views, I can see why you don’t have a problem with the CCP nor the influence they may be having over our government.


I can't say the same for white business owners in America.

My enemy is the person who seeks to harm me for personal gain. The CCP really hasn't done that.

Now, yes, I would like to see the conflict over Taiwan settled peacefully. I wouldn't mind seeing their government allow more Freedom of the press. (Although since dating my girlfriend, I am watching a lot more Chinese media, and big surprise, it's not the Stalinist regime you all make it out to be. In fact in may ways, their entertainment is almost as vapid as ours.)
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Don't care. No skin off my nose.

On a more serious note, Americans are so piss ignorant of Chinese culture and history, that anything coming out of there isn't to be trusted.

I also noticed you skipped right over the whole part where I pointed out China hasn't taken aggressive military action since 1979. 1979, I wasn't even old enough to vote.

Well, good thing Biden didn't do that, then. Oh, wait, the GS10 who packed out his office has a Chinese name, she must be up to something.

On a more serious note, I worry a lot more about guys like Trump dumping billions to get cheap products out of China than the Chinese maybe seeing a 10 year old briefing document on the Ukraine.


I can't say the same for white business owners in America.

My enemy is the person who seeks to harm me for personal gain. The CCP really hasn't done that.

Now, yes, I would like to see the conflict over Taiwan settled peacefully. I wouldn't mind seeing their government allow more Freedom of the press. (Although since dating my girlfriend, I am watching a lot more Chinese media, and big surprise, it's not the Stalinist regime you all make it out to be. In fact in may ways, their entertainment is almost as vapid as ours.)

You are easily brainwashed. First by the liberals and now by the Chinese. It is no surprise that a left-winger in the US would be a Communist sympathizer and be gullible enough to believe their propaganda.
You are easily brainwashed. First by the liberals and now by the Chinese. It is no surprise that a left-winger in the US would be a Communist sympathizer and be gullible enough to believe their propaganda.

My guess is, that if we were given a quiz on Chinese history and culture, I'd do far better than you would, Cleetus.

Understanding something or someone's point of view isn't being "brainwashed", it's actually having knowledge.

Americans are pig-ignorant of Chinese history, politics, culture.
Actually, back in the 1960's, the CCP blacklisted her father. But the average Chinese doesn't spend any more time thinking about the CCP than the average American spends thinking about the GOP or Dems. They are just getting on with their lives.
Wow, all Chinese think alike, eh? :)

Well I know some Chinese-born people too. If your girlfriend was born in China, there are some good reasons she is here instead.

As for who is in bed with them... Trump has had products made there for years. Including his MAGA Hats.


That's not an official MAGA hat. It's a knockoff.

My guess is, that if we were given a quiz on Chinese history and culture, I'd do far better than you would, Cleetus.

Understanding something or someone's point of view isn't being "brainwashed", it's actually having knowledge.

Americans are pig-ignorant of Chinese history, politics, culture.
This isn't about Chinese history, this is about the current regime.
The Documents President Biden was in possession of were from Obama Administration, so who failed at notifying the proper people to get them back?
And how were those documents used, and how does that connect to the Bidens enriching themselves with million-dollar payoffs from the Communist Chinese Party?

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