Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Oh, I'll agree... BLM riots were an insurrection against a government that routinely murders black people.

an insurrection because you didn't get the election result you wanted is another issue.
There are definitely times when a black individual is killed becasue a cop made a mistake. The are times when a cop is killed because they knew they were facing a black individual but didn’t want to make a serious mistake, so they hesitated.

I would not be a cop today. You put your life on the line trying to protect a group of people from criminals of their own race and if you screw up you will end up in prison watching your back every minute.

One of my grandsons was thinking about being a cop. I discouraged him and told him to join the military. He is now in the Navy.

Of course now you will call me a racist because I don’t agree with you that that our government “routinely murders black people.”

Go right ahead And call me a racist. The word racist has been so overused and abused that it has no impact anymore. Everybody and everything are racist to losers who love to play the victim game.

If you don't understand Chinese history, then you won't understand their VERY REASONABLE positions on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, and the Uyghurs.

But being piss ignorant is what the right does best.

Speaking of piss-ignorant.

You are a puppet, nothing more. What China lets you see is for show. The average citizen in China has nowhere near the freedom nor standard of living we have in the US. They are oppressive and controlling, just as you like your government, so it stands to reason you would be a sympathizer.
Oh, I'll agree... BLM riots were an insurrection against a government that routinely murders black people.

an insurrection because you didn't get the election result you wanted is another issue.
Lying traitor spews again.
There are definitely times when a black individual is killed becasue a cop made a mistake. The are times when a cop is killed because they knew they were facing a black individual but didn’t want to make a serious mistake, so they hesitated.

Okay, this is where I have to call bullshit on you. VERY FEW cops are actually shot in the line of duty. In 2022, only 60 officers were killed by gunfire from a suspect. Four were killed in "Inadvertent" gunfire, which means they were shot by a fellow officer who was a bit too trigger happy. In a country as absolutely gun crazy as this one is, that's a really small number.

(By comparison, 73 died of Covid despite vaccinations, and 52 were killed in some incident involving a vehicle.

I would not be a cop today. You put your life on the line trying to protect a group of people from criminals of their own race and if you screw up you will end up in prison watching your back every minute.

Yes, because the kinds of things cops kill black people over, most black people don't need protection from.

Nobody needed to be protected from Eric Garner selling loosies, or Tamir Rice playing with a toy, or Botham Jean eating ice cream in his living room after a hard days work.

Of course now you will call me a racist because I don’t agree with you that that our government “routinely murders black people.”

Go right ahead And call me a racist. The word racist has been so overused and abused that it has no impact anymore. Everybody and everything are racist to losers who love to play the victim game.
Actually, the biggest whiners are the people upset about their lost white privilege...
You are a puppet, nothing more. What China lets you see is for show. The average citizen in China has nowhere near the freedom nor standard of living we have in the US. They are oppressive and controlling, just as you like your government, so it stands to reason you would be a sympathizer.

So the Chinese media has all these videos of life in China which don't seem too bad to fool Americans... even though the videos are in Mandarin and the only reason I know they even exist is because I am dating a Chinese woman. That's a pretty devious plan.

No, they don't have the standard of living we have... yet. Uh, 100 years ago, America was a pretty fucking miserable place to live for 70% of the population before liberals created a middle class. (Not to worry, Republicans are frantically working to dismantle it). Economically, China has advanced a lot quicker than we have.

As far as whose government is "oppressive", American police shoot 1000 suspects a year, and we lock up 2 million people compared to China's 1.5 million (Even though China has five times as many people as we have.)

Now, do I think China is a paradise? Hardly. They have a culture that is very different than ours in many ways.

But they aren't our enemy.
Okay, this is where I have to call bullshit on you. VERY FEW cops are actually shot in the line of duty. In 2022, only 60 officers were killed by gunfire from a suspect. Four were killed in "Inadvertent" gunfire, which means they were shot by a fellow officer who was a bit too trigger happy. In a country as absolutely gun crazy as this one is, that's a really small number.

(By comparison, 73 died of Covid despite vaccinations, and 52 were killed in some incident involving a vehicle.

Yes, because the kinds of things cops kill black people over, most black people don't need protection from.

Nobody needed to be protected from Eric Garner selling loosies, or Tamir Rice playing with a toy, or Botham Jean eating ice cream in his living room after a hard days work.

Actually, the biggest whiners are the people upset about their lost white privilege...
Only 60 officers were killed by gunfire from a suspect. Actually the number was 62 and that was a 32% increase over 2020. I consider that number far too high, but that is only cops that were killed.

As I have said before there is no way I would have any interest in being a cop today. In fact it is hard to find quality people for that career field.

Cops are hired to enforce laws. Laws are made by people we elect. Laws in blue cities are made by Democrats.

If the law isn’t important and leads to the death of a black person by a cop who is trying to enforced it, then why is it on the books. Elect Democrats who will remove that law. (Of course that may lead to citizens leaving your wonderful blue city.)

Often children or other innocent people are killed by stray bullets fired by black gang members. You probably advocate that if we do away with armed cops fewer of these incidents will occur.

You likely are all for the open Mexico border where millions of young males will enter our nation. Those young males will likely end up working for drug cartels in our nation and eventually we will become into Mexico where the drug cartels run the nation. Of course our corrupt politicians will profit. I image Joe and Hunter Bi9den are getting or will get substantial kickbacks from the Mexican drug cartels for their open border policy.

I am not saying there is no such thing as white privileged but white Democrat political privilege is far better. Look at how all the white Democrats are totally above the rule of law while while conservatives get their houses raided by swat teams with CNN cameras recording everything.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?

Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?​

Derp, dumble…derp.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
Simple. They were worried they might find something that they would have a hard time explaining or whitewashing away. Hunter lived in the home with Joe’s Corvette for a while. Probably left laptops behind.
Only 60 officers were killed by gunfire from a suspect. Actually the number was 62 and that was a 32% increase over 2020. I consider that number far too high, but that is only cops that were killed.

I am going with the ODMP numbers. If you think that's too many, keep in mind that 19,000 Americans are killed with guns and another 70,000 wounded.

Cops are hired to enforce laws. Laws are made by people we elect. Laws in blue cities are made by Democrats.

If the law isn’t important and leads to the death of a black person by a cop who is trying to enforced it, then why is it on the books. Elect Democrats who will remove that law. (Of course that may lead to citizens leaving your wonderful blue city.)

Except the cops abuse the laws as written, as any black person pulled over for a DWB (Driving while black) can attest. You give an insecure bully a badge and a gun, and he will abuse it. If that insecure bully knows he can shoot a black person and there's little consequence, then you have a problem.

Often children or other innocent people are killed by stray bullets fired by black gang members. You probably advocate that if we do away with armed cops fewer of these incidents will occur.

Actually, getting rid of the guns would be nice. Because cops shooting people like Tamir Rice isn't fixing the gang problem.

You likely are all for the open Mexico border where millions of young males will enter our nation. Those young males will likely end up working for drug cartels in our nation and eventually we will become into Mexico where the drug cartels run the nation. Of course our corrupt politicians will profit. I image Joe and Hunter Bi9den are getting or will get substantial kickbacks from the Mexican drug cartels for their open border policy.

And you wonder why people call you racist. Also a crazy person.
Turn off the hate radio and stop watching Faux News.

I am not saying there is no such thing as white privileged but white Democrat political privilege is far better. Look at how all the white Democrats are totally above the rule of law while while conservatives get their houses raided by swat teams with CNN cameras recording everything.

Okay... So one Conservative (not that he is a conservative) got his house raided AFTER TWO YEARS of the National Archives asking for the return of sensitive documents.

Compared to Hillary of Biden, who reported having sensitive documents and full cooperated with investigations.

As the old saying goes, it's not the incident that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.
I am going with the ODMP numbers. If you think that's too many, keep in mind that 19,000 Americans are killed with guns and another 70,000 wounded.

Except the cops abuse the laws as written, as any black person pulled over for a DWB (Driving while black) can attest. You give an insecure bully a badge and a gun, and he will abuse it. If that insecure bully knows he can shoot a black person and there's little consequence, then you have a problem.

Actually, getting rid of the guns would be nice. Because cops shooting people like Tamir Rice isn't fixing the gang problem.

And you wonder why people call you racist. Also a crazy person.
Turn off the hate radio and stop watching Faux News.

Okay... So one Conservative (not that he is a conservative) got his house raided AFTER TWO YEARS of the National Archives asking for the return of sensitive documents.

Compared to Hillary of Biden, who reported having sensitive documents and full cooperated with investigations.

As the old saying goes, it's not the incident that gets you into trouble, it's the coverup.
You say Hillary fully cooperated with investigations on the classified email found on her illegal and improperly secured servers. You must feel that if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. That is one of the signs of a good Democrat. You can be proud that you are following the example of your lying President, Joe Biden.

My main point about people not wanting to become cops is that it reduces the number of good people who apply for the job and increases the number of people who enjoy the power a cop has and will misuse it. The quality of our police is decreasing and will continue to decrease in the near future.

You would almost have to be a fool today to apply for a job as a cop.

You say doing away with armed cops might be nice. Do that and I predict even the cops we now have will just walk off the job as soon as they can. No cops means a total breakdown of our society especially in the big blue cities. The people who want to see something like that happen are most likely criminals.

Racist is a word that has been so over used as to be castrated. You can call me a racist everyday and twice on Sunday and I will just laugh at you. You can also call me a Nazi or a white supremacist with the same result.

In passing while it is not worth the effort to explain this to you I am not a racist. For one thing my family (myself, my son in law and daughter) helped raise a black teenager that had been kicked out of his home by his mother. He was close friends with my two grandsons. He moved into our home which had at one time been a hotel and we helped him graduate from high school and get a job. I remember I used to drive him to and from work at a Walmart every day which was an 36 miles round trip until he got his driver’s license. My family had more black friends than we did white friends. Not all that surprising as most of our neighbors were black.

But you can call me a racist if you want. As I said it doesn’t bother me in the least. To people like you, everybody and everything is racist.
I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
Stop trying to protect your failed pedophile that fooled simple minded nitwit liberals by the million. Classified docs have to be stored properly and with a chain of custody, not sitting in boxes in your garage.

It wasnt TRUMP that was stealing secrets, it was YOUR BELOVED CLINTON CRIME SYNDICATE selling military secrets to the Chinese AND NOTHING HAPPEND TO THEM. Boy, I wonder WHO is owned by the Deep State, TRUMP is an outsider,,,,Bidiot is a complete owned slick professional politician (Liar ) and he fooled you.
Him stealing classified documents is just one of like, 20 reasons Trump can't run for president.

Trump has done so much shady shit this classified documents thing is literally just the tip of the iceberg on why he can't run again.
All Bullshit,,,you cant prove any of it and in fact, all of these allegations are just bs created by DNC operatives to stop Trump from running again and DELAYING THEIR GREAT RESET. Comey or Brennen couldn't find anything on Trump but they will not touch Bidiot and Hilary are you not smart enough to see WHO OWNS BIDEN / HILARY ?
If you willingly take them then it becomes a issue. Biden likely inadvertently took them given how few there were.
given how few there were highlights they were specific documents he decided to take, not to mention how they were found…in a personal office, where he refiled them in a founded he labeled personal
Tuition for Chinese kids is mysterious for you? Don't you guys whine when Asian kids are rejected for college in favor of black kids, or was that just some false whining?

Oh, the Penn Biden Center didn't receive any money from China. The University of Pennsylvania did because they have a lot of foreign exchange students.

Do you really think Biden packed out his own office in 2017? I'm pretty sure he had people for that.
there is no evidence the 50 million went to pay anyone’s tutition. What we do know is the vast majority of that money started coming after xiden announced his partnership with UPenn and began stealing classified documents
What happened is that Biden's team inadvertently took some classified documents when he was taking his papers with him. There was no hiding place. You are nothing but a right wing kook.
And you base this on what?

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