Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Highly spoiled Trump kids. Daddy gave them millions. You're a fool.
oh hunter was spoiled? his daddy got him a job at a corrupt has company in europe, his daddy flew him in air force 2 to close deals with the CCP, he’s daddy is protecting him from indictments on tax fraud and gun charges…

the difference is xiden covers his for crimes…trumps keeps used their family to develop real estate, provide jobs, and be a productive member of society…not crack heads
I notice you didn't answer my question.

I think that if either Biden or Trump or anyone on their staffs broke the law, they should be held fully and legally accountable.

Do you?
Yes, but only if they’re Republicans
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

And you call others "zombies".

Projection. You are what you hate.
Can you imagine had Trump maintained a private server and wiped it clean?

Can you imagine had Trump put his son on the Board of a foreign company in the most corrupt nation in the Western hemisphere at $1MM per year

Can you imagine had Trumps FBI swore out a fake FISA warrant on PedoPete?
Can you imagine had Trump maintained a private server and wiped it clean?

Can you imagine had Trump put his son on the Board of a foreign company in the most corrupt nation in the Western hemisphere at $1MM per year

Can you imagine had Trumps FBI swore out a fake FISA warrant on PedoPete?
I'm consistent, nail anyone who broke the law.

You're not. None of your game-playing hides that.

You are what you hate.
I'm consistent, nail anyone who broke the law.

You're not. None of your game-playing hides that.

You are what you hate.
But would you agree that there are different degrees of breaking the law?

- Not returning classified documents the FBI knew you had, safely in a SKIF, and for which you were engaged in negotiations to return, or

- Stealing classified documents you were not known to have, and leaving them in the garage to which you provided full access to your crackhead son, who raked in millions from the Communists, of which some he has to kick back to “Pop,” who enabled it
But would you agree that there are different degrees of breaking the law?

- Not returning classified documents the FBI knew you had, safely in a SKIF, and for which you were engaged in negotiations to return, or

- Stealing classified documents you were not known to have, and leaving them in the garage to which you provided full access to your crackhead son, who raked in millions from the Communists, of which some he has to kick back to “Pop,” who enabled it
I'm not a lawyer, so I'll leave it to the courts. Of course there are degrees in the law.

So, I'll leave it to the DOJ and the courts. If someone is found guilty -- to whatever degree -- they have to be held accountable based on what they did.

I'm not a lawyer, so I'll leave it to the courts. Of course there are degrees in the law.

So, I'll leave it to the DOJ and the courts. If someone is found guilty -- to whatever degree -- they have to be held accountable based on what they did.

Of course agreed. Do we also agree that the Special Prosecutors can can investigate both cases as fully as they want, without Garland already placing restrictions on one of them? (The Biden one.)
oh hunter was spoiled? his daddy got him a job at a corrupt has company in europe, his daddy flew him in air force 2 to close deals with the CCP, he’s daddy is protecting him from indictments on tax fraud and gun charges…

the difference is xiden covers his for crimes…trumps keeps used their family to develop real estate, provide jobs, and be a productive member of society…not crack heads
Don Jr is on cocaine. Who you kidding.

Fact is, Trump's used the power to make money. Shame. You cry about a lousy $500,000 a year job when the Saudi's, after Trump sold them nuclear technology while he was in office, then after he's out the Saudi's give Jared $2 billion dollars? BILLION with a B?

Please tell me what Jared did to deserve that. And look at his criminal father and father in law.

And then Trump Foundation. GUILTY. Trump U GUILTY Trump Corp GUILTY

Are you kidding me?
You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?

Funny because I seem to recall when Dick Chaney was VP, he had more power than the POTUS.
Don Jr is on cocaine. Who you kidding.

Fact is, Trump's used the power to make money. Shame. You cry about a lousy $500,000 a year job when the Saudi's, after Trump sold them nuclear technology while he was in office, then after he's out the Saudi's give Jared $2 billion dollars? BILLION with a B?

Please tell me what Jared did to deserve that. And look at his criminal father and father in law.

And then Trump Foundation. GUILTY. Trump U GUILTY Trump Corp GUILTY

Are you kidding me?
haha. lies…links to cocaine? links to selling nuclear technology?

Jarad has a proven track read of success as an investor…the Saudi knew that.
haha. lies…links to cocaine? links to selling nuclear technology?

Jarad has a proven track read of success as an investor…the Saudi knew that.
You don't know the Trump Administration sold Nuclear technology to the Saudi's?

Remember fool, most of the 911 hyjackers were Saudi's. He gave nukes to a King who murders reporters. Dictators. Then didn't want to give it to Iran. Trump and you not too bright.
You don't know the Trump Administration sold Nuclear technology to the Saudi's?

Remember fool, most of the 911 hyjackers were Saudi's. He gave nukes to a King who murders reporters. Dictators. Then didn't want to give it to Iran. Trump and you not too bright.
link please.

SA is one of our oldest allies in the ME, the largest arms deal was done by Obama signed off by clinton

Bin Laden and AQ hated the SA govt because they allied with us…that’s why they moved to the Taliban Afghan to get protection. and to train…which speaks volumes about xiden surrendering to the taliban
link please.

SA is one of our oldest allies in the ME, the largest arms deal was done by Obama signed off by clinton

Bin Laden and AQ hated the SA govt because they allied with us…that’s why they moved to the Taliban Afghan to get protection. and to train…which speaks volumes about xiden surrendering to the taliban
Yes arms. To fight Al Queada. But not to give the Saudi's nuclear technology.


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration approved the transfer of sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia twice after the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, according to information shared with members of Congress.

Kaine said the approvals represented a "disturbing pattern of behavior" by the Trump administration that he said included bypassing Congress to push through an arms sale to Saudi Arabia, keeping up its support of the Saudi-led war in Yemen, overlooking the detention of women's rights activists and failing to comply with a law that requires the administration to reach a determination about the Saudi government's role in the killing of Khashoggi.

This was June 2019

Then this from May 2022


Imagine if it was Hunter and a foreign country gave him $2 billion dollars.
Yes arms. To fight Al Queada. But not to give the Saudi's nuclear technology.


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration approved the transfer of sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia twice after the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, according to information shared with members of Congress.

Kaine said the approvals represented a "disturbing pattern of behavior" by the Trump administration that he said included bypassing Congress to push through an arms sale to Saudi Arabia, keeping up its support of the Saudi-led war in Yemen, overlooking the detention of women's rights activists and failing to comply with a law that requires the administration to reach a determination about the Saudi government's role in the killing of Khashoggi.

This was June 2019

Then this from May 2022


Imagine if it was Hunter and a foreign country gave him $2 billion dollars.
hahaha the Department of Energy signed off on permits for them to build clean energy…not bomb technology.

try again.

Xiden went over there and begged them to start pumping more dirty oil to pollute…

Jared has a great history of making money and getting returns on investments…ans he was able to work well in the ME gaining historic peace treaties…clearly they saw a winning bet on their investment.

xiden has shown a history of using his drug addicted son as a front man to buy access, including top secret documents he stole
Here is proof you are wrong

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, was convicted of seditious conspiracy late last year and faces decades in prison.

And Trump will be charged with that too since he's the leader. Or are you going to lie and tell me Trump's fixer Roger Stone didn't coordinate with this group on behalf of Trump? Trump loves Roger Stone so much he pardoned him for something else illegal Roger Stone did.

Funny because Roger Stone was responsible/involved in the riots that stopped the Florida recount in 2000. Don't you find that interesting? Google the Brooks Brother Riots.
Remember all the BLM and Antifa riots. How many of those rioters have gone to jail? Liberals are above the rule of law.

Time will tell if you are right and Trump goes to jail for leading what you call an insurrection. I predict that will never happen.

I live in the panhandle of Florida therefore I in a different time zone than most of Florida. In the 2000 election the results were announced before the polls closed in the panhandle.. Many people who were in line to vote at that time decided their vote was irrelevant so they went home without voting. The panhandle is in the red section of Florida. If those people had voted there would have been no controversy as Bush the Younger would have been the victor in Florida.

You say Hillary fully cooperated with investigations on the classified email found on her illegal and improperly secured servers. You must feel that if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. That is one of the signs of a good Democrat. You can be proud that you are following the example of your lying President, Joe Biden.

She absolutely did.

You guys have spent 30 years investigating the Clintons, and the worst you came up with for 100 Million spent is he lied about a blow job and she used the wrong email account.

My main point about people not wanting to become cops is that it reduces the number of good people who apply for the job and increases the number of people who enjoy the power a cop has and will misuse it. The quality of our police is decreasing and will continue to decrease in the near future.

You would almost have to be a fool today to apply for a job as a cop.

The problem is, every time we catch one of these cops abusing his badge, we almost always find out that there had been years of complaints about him. Take Chauvin. Years of complaints, including a previous incident where he nearly choked a 14 year old to death.

You say doing away with armed cops might be nice.
Nope. Never said that. WOrk on your reading comprehension. I said it would be nice if we didn't have every maniac out there with a gun.
Do that and I predict even the cops we now have will just walk off the job as soon as they can. No cops means a total breakdown of our society especially in the big blue cities. The people who want to see something like that happen are most likely criminals.
Actually, until we fix the underlying causes of crime, we are going to have crime. Crime went up just as much in the rural areas and the red states as it did in the Blue cities.

Racist is a word that has been so over used as to be castrated. You can call me a racist everyday and twice on Sunday and I will just laugh at you. You can also call me a Nazi or a white supremacist with the same result.

I'm sure I could, and it would be accurate.

In passing while it is not worth the effort to explain this to you I am not a racist. For one thing my family (myself, my son in law and daughter) helped raise a black teenager that had been kicked out of his home by his mother. He was close friends with my two grandsons. He moved into our home which had at one time been a hotel and we helped him graduate from high school and get a job. I remember I used to drive him to and from work at a Walmart every day which was an 36 miles round trip until he got his driver’s license. My family had more black friends than we did white friends. Not all that surprising as most of our neighbors were black.

Um, so what? At the end of the day, you still support a system of discrimination that treats them like second class citizens... That you did something nice once for one person doesn't really impress me.

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