Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

We sold rocket technology to China because we wanted satellites right now, and NASA couldn't launch them. Don't put this off on Clinton for giving us what we wanted.

Again, your side has been investigating Hillary since 1993, and you've found exactly NOTHING on her.

Uh, yeah, actually, it does. I can tell my lawyer I hacked up a hooker and buried her in my backyard and he's obligated not to tell anyone.

Biden did exactly what he should have done... reported it, searched for more documents, and submitted to a complete review, which is why he will be exonerated.

Meanwhile, off to prison Trump goes.
Xiden didn't admit to stealing the documents.....his attorney discovered the crime, and called. That's different then your hypo. If your attorney saw you buying a hooker, or doing crack...he has a etherical obligation to report the crime....if you tell him you did that in the past, that's protected....but your attorney doesn't have to be part of a crime. Xiden was trying to get his attorney to be a co-conspirator are continue to hide and move these top secret documents
Remember all the BLM and Antifa riots. How many of those rioters have gone to jail? Liberals are above the rule of law.

Time will tell if you are right and Trump goes to jail for leading what you call an insurrection. I predict that will never happen.

I live in the panhandle of Florida therefore I in a different time zone than most of Florida. In the 2000 election the results were announced before the polls closed in the panhandle.. Many people who were in line to vote at that time decided their vote was irrelevant so they went home without voting. The panhandle is in the red section of Florida. If those people had voted there would have been no controversy as Bush the Younger would have been the victor in Florida.

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IDK but 17,000 were arrested

Contrary to the claim in the post, many Black Lives Matter protesters did face consequences. Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020.

A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.

Biden didn't steal them. They were documents, given to, and possessed by the sitting VP of the US. They were stored in locked documents closet in that office, used by the sitting Vice President.

Years later, when his lawyers went to clean out the office, they discovered the documents in the locked closet, and not reading beyond what was needed to determine they were classified, they called up the National Archives, who took possession of them the very next day.
that's your version
the real version is he stuff TS docs related to ukraine in personnel folders
to keep them away from prying eyes
Because he didn't "Steal" them. They were in all probability, packed away by a government worker who didn't recognize what they were or put them in the wrong box. Probably because no one cared about a breifing document on the Ukraine from 2012 in 2017.
Then why did he put them in his garage? why did he place them in a file he labeled personal?

These are signs of someone try to convert the property to his own....ie stealing. He also hide them for 6 plus years.
Then why did he put them in his garage? why did he place them in a file he labeled personal?

These are signs of someone try to convert the property to his own....ie stealing. He also hide them for 6 plus years.

Um, he had boxes of papers from an old job. That's hardly stealing, because the Archive didn't even know to be looking for these documents. (which meant they had the originals or they weren't that important.)

To anyone with a lick of sense. Some minion packed out his office and put some files in the wrong box, out of probably dozens of boxes.

Now, me, I'm a meticulous file keeper, but you ask me to find something from six years ago, it's going to take me a while.
Um, he had boxes of papers from an old job. That's hardly stealing, because the Archive didn't even know to be looking for these documents. (which meant they had the originals or they weren't that important.)

To anyone with a lick of sense. Some minion packed out his office and put some files in the wrong box, out of probably dozens of boxes.

Now, me, I'm a meticulous file keeper, but you ask me to find something from six years ago, it's going to take me a while.
1) yep which highlights he made copies cause he wanted to steal them
2) he stole a specific set of docs…we have no idea yet how many
3) he moved them from different locals all over the east coast
4) we know he put some in a different folder that he labeled personal

all signs of someone not making a mistake but attempting to steal and cover his tracks
why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
"Jordan cannot be ignorant of DOJ’s longstanding pre-election 'quiet policy,' in place since at least 2008 during the George W. Bush administration," the pair wrote. "Under the policy, DOJ takes no public action on cases relevant to an election in the weeks before — much less the days before — that election, if the action might affect the vote."
"Jordan cannot be ignorant of DOJ’s longstanding pre-election 'quiet policy,' in place since at least 2008 during the George W. Bush administration," the pair wrote. "Under the policy, DOJ takes no public action on cases relevant to an election in the weeks before — much less the days before — that election, if the action might affect the vote."
Xiden wasn’t running…so it’s not relevant.

Moreover Comey, during the Obama admin threw that policy out when they attempted to clear Clinton
IDK but 17,000 were arrested

Contrary to the claim in the post, many Black Lives Matter protesters did face consequences. Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020.

A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.

So how many spent a year or several years in prison?

From the link in your post….


Despite the large number of arrests, The Hill reported most of those protesters were booked not for violent crimes, but for low-level offenses such as violating curfews. Obstructing roadways and carrying open containers were other reasonsfor the arrests, as well as “failure to disperse.”

Some more serious charges were filed as well, however. The Associated Press reported hundreds were charged with burglary and looting as of June 4, 2020.

In October 2020, researchers writing for The Washington Post analyzed 7,305 protest events and found police made arrests at 5% of them. Only 3.7% of the events involved property damage or vandalism, according to the analysis.
Xiden wasn’t running…so it’s not relevant.

Moreover Comey, during the Obama admin threw that policy out when they attempted to clear Clinton
Correction, his successful attempt at smearing Clinton, twice.......
Correction, his successful attempt at smearing Clinton, twice.......
smear? he clearly was attempting to clear her…now we got the famous clinton intent standard which is ironic cause it’s backfired on you wirh trump
smear? he clearly was attempting to clear her…now we got the famous clinton intent standard which is ironic cause it’s backfired on you wirh trump
If his goal was to clear her, the standard procedure is to announce the recommendation, not give a detailed description of why they made the decision they made while publicly criticising the candidates actions. He put his thumb on the election inappropriately, twice. If it was once, hey maybe it was a mistake, twice, it was on purpose.
If his goal was to clear her, the standard procedure is to announce the recommendation, not give a detailed description of why they made the decision they made while publicly criticising the candidates actions. He put his thumb on the election inappropriately, twice. If it was once, hey maybe it was a mistake, twice, it was on purpose.
yes, he should of called a spade a spade and charged her. Put he tried all e could to make her look goof for his boss obama….but you can’t put lipstick on a pig
1) yep which highlights he made copies cause he wanted to steal them
2) he stole a specific set of docs…we have no idea yet how many
3) he moved them from different locals all over the east coast
4) we know he put some in a different folder that he labeled personal
Actually, you don't know any of that stuff.

It would seem to me that if he wanted to "steal" them, he wouldn't leave them in a sealed box for six years and forget about them.

Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. That someone filed them in the wrong box and no one noticed until now.
Actually, you don't know any of that stuff.

It would seem to me that if he wanted to "steal" them, he wouldn't leave them in a sealed box for six years and forget about them.

Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. That someone filed them in the wrong box and no one noticed until now.
of course we know it.

i agree…why else would only a specific amount of docs be found, and why else would he put top secret docs in a folder he labeled personal? the simplest answer is to hide it and convert it to his own use
That bullshit holds no water. No one hires attorney to move boxes of papers, they hire moving people unless they know there is something likely there of great legal concern.

The simple facts are that:
  1. Joe has had these papers for years from his time as VP and under no circumstance does a VP EVER have authority to take and keep secret documents of national security much less able to declassify anything so all arguments of circumstance or comparison to Trump end here as moot. Having these papers is a SERIOUS Federal crime and felony. Joe Biden is a felon.
  2. Despite years of possession, it was some third party finding them (in highly insecure places) that brought this to light, no action nor "cooperation" from Bidden.
  3. Considering the actions of the democrat party already against Trump, a man who actually HAD final authority in declassifying and taking documents at the time of taking them, and working with the NA and others to determine and and provide for their security, at the very least, how can the FBI and DoJ justify anything less than a total investigation and ransacking of every quarter Biden has access to for storage INCLUDING all properties of Hunter Biden?
They can't.
For both Biden and Trump, the DOJ needs to show that the accused intended to do the thing that is a crime. Without criminal intent there will be no indictment nor conviction. In regard to the classified documents this means the DOJ must prove that the accused, Trump or Biden knew they had classified documents and intended to keep them. I think it would be easier to prove Trump guilty because he clearly knew he had classified documents and even after being subpoenaed, he did not return them. It took a raid by the FBI to get them.
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You are pretty slow aren't you? He didn't have these documents while President asshat, he took them illegally while vice President he does not have the authority to decalssify them! Get it now?
Biden didn't steal anything...

A government paid employee packed classified documents in his personal stuff without his knowledge...

Trump could have said the same thing before he obstructed justice... Trump is just plain stupid, like stupid criminal...
of course we know it.

i agree…why else would only a specific amount of docs be found, and why else would he put top secret docs in a folder he labeled personal? the simplest answer is to hide it and convert it to his own use
Just have to actually prove that...

Where is the proof..

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