Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

For both Biden and Trump, the DOJ needs to show that the accused intended to do the thing that is a crime. Without criminal intent there will be no indictment nor conviction.

Wrong as usual. The Espionage Act is the one exception to that where the government needs not show any intent at all to convict. Just having the papers is a crime. And while Trump HAD the authority to declassify and take documents, VP Joe Biden HAD NONE. Simple as that. This is why Joe is really in hot water now.

Worse, the idiot prick had them next to his car in a garage that others regularly visited to clean, wash and tune the thing up, and other unsecured locations with ties to the Red Chinese.

Stick a fork in the prick, he is done.
Wrong as usual. The Espionage Act is the one exception to that where the government needs not show any intent at all to convict. Just having the papers is a crime. And while Trump HAD the authority to declassify and take documents, VP Joe Biden HAD NONE. Simple as that. This is why Joe is really in hot water now.

Worse, the idiot prick had them next to his car in a garage that others regularly visited to clean, wash and tune the thing up, and other unsecured locations with ties to the Red Chinese.

Stick a fork in the prick, he is done.
The Espionage Act prohibited obtaining information, recording pictures, or copying descriptions of any information relating to the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information may be used for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. To get a conviction, the documents would have to be highly classified national defense or national security documents. There has to be intent or reason to believe that those documents may be used to injure the United States or to advantage of another nation.

I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
Why were Hillary and Biden permitted to have their lawyers go through their classified items, yet Trumps attorneys were not allowed in the room.
Him stealing classified documents is just one of like, 20 reasons Trump can't run for president.

Trump has done so much shady shit this classified documents thing is literally just the tip of the iceberg on why he can't run again.
He can run from prison.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?

In both Hillary's case and in Biden's case the FBI:

Did not raid their homes.
Did not kick everyone out.
Did not conduct searches for classified
Allowed their lawyers to do the searches
Did not monitor the lawyers' search

In Trump's csse the FBI

Conducted a massive heavily-arned raid
Kicked everyone out
Did not ket Trump's lawyers stay
Conducted the search for classified

The Espionage Act prohibited obtaining information, recording pictures, or copying descriptions of any information relating to the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information may be used for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. To get a conviction, the documents would have to be highly classified national defense or national security documents. There has to be intent or reason to believe that those documents may be used to injure the United States or to advantage of another nation.

OK, so what is your point? ALL of that applies directly to our Corn Pop skinny-dipping, girl-grabbing, hair-sniffing, foreign-dealing, corrupted son Joey Bidden. I mean, they've found shit everywhere but in the astray and trunk of his green corvette and I get the feeling they will find that too soon as we start ripping apart the floorboards in Hunter's Rental Home.
i agree…why else would only a specific amount of docs be found, and why else would he put top secret docs in a folder he labeled personal? the simplest answer is to hide it and convert it to his own use

Again, works on the assumption he packed out his own office. Fairly unlikely.

Not that we "know" that he put anything in a specific envelop, just that someone packed out his office in January 2017, and put documents that should have been marked for the archive in boxes to go to his office or home.

But we know you guys need to believe that this was just like Trump stealing hundreds of documents and refusing to return them when he was asked to.
In both Hillary's case and in Biden's case the FBI:

Did not raid their homes.
Did not kick everyone out.
Did not conduct searches for classified
Allowed their lawyers to do the searches
Did not monitor the lawyers' search

As they should have. These were people who fully cooperated.

In Trump's csse the FBI

Conducted a massive heavily-arned raid
Kicked everyone out
Did not ket Trump's lawyers stay
Conducted the search for classified

Trump was a traitorous, seditious little shit who had already tried to overthrow the government.

Trump was asked SEVERAL TIMES to return the documents.
Biden self-reported.
Hillary didn't even have documents, she had electronic data. (The problem with these rules is that they were written for physical documents and not the reality of electronic ones.)
Again, works on the assumption he packed out his own office. Fairly unlikely.

Not that we "know" that he put anything in a specific envelop, just that someone packed out his office in January 2017, and put documents that should have been marked for the archive in boxes to go to his office or home.

But we know you guys need to believe that this was just like Trump stealing hundreds of documents and refusing to return them when he was asked to.
CNN reported the top secret document at his office was found in a folder he labeled personal.

In certainly don’t believe he or the president packed their own stuff…but the problem with xiden is they ended up in numerous locations over the years. Moreover the snitch immediately realized from first glance it was top secret

Had he had items moved, and they were found at one location…and within a reasonable time returned the items after a review…ie like trump did with 15 boxes it would be more believable he wasn’t attempting to steal
CNN reported the top secret document at his office was found in a folder he labeled personal.

1) LInk?
2) Was it his handwriting? Did he put he document into the folder or did someone else? What was the document and what was its relevance.

In certainly don’t believe he or the president packed their own stuff…but the problem with xiden is they ended up in numerous locations over the years. Moreover the snitch immediately realized from first glance it was top secret

It ended up in TWO locations where he kept document. An office and his home. In a sealed box in a locked office he almost never visited. And when the documents were found, his lawyers (acting on his behalf) immediately reported them to the archives when they could have just as easily put them into a shredder.

Had he had items moved, and they were found at one location…and within a reasonable time returned the items after a review…ie like trump did with 15 boxes it would be more believable he wasn’t attempting to steal

Except Trump openly defied attempts to retrieve the documents, then lied about still having any, then claimed he declassified them with his mind.
1) LInk?
2) Was it his handwriting? Did he put he document into the folder or did someone else? What was the document and what was its relevance.

It ended up in TWO locations where he kept document. An office and his home. In a sealed box in a locked office he almost never visited. And when the documents were found, his lawyers (acting on his behalf) immediately reported them to the archives when they could have just as easily put them into a shredder.

Except Trump openly defied attempts to retrieve the documents, then lied about still having any, then claimed he declassified them with his mind.
1) who else would put files in their private office?
2) three locations we know of…up and down the east coast. His private office in DC, his garage in DE, and in his home in private study in DE
3) Trump handed over 15 boxes once the NA notified him of some docs missing and his team reviewed. That’s fully cooperating. They said there was more, he let them come review…that’s cooperating. He did challenge things once the Xiden DOJ got involved…claiming stuff was private…which he is legally able to do.
1) who else would put files in their private office?
Lots of people, probably.
2) three locations we know of…up and down the east coast. His private office in DC, his garage in DE, and in his home in private study in DE
Wow, it's kind of a stretch to call his garage and his house two separate locations, but okay.

3) Trump handed over 15 boxes once the NA notified him of some docs missing and his team reviewed. That’s fully cooperating.

Except he had 360 documents he refused to turn over, and it took a year and a half of haggling before the FBI finally said "Fuck it" and raided his house.
Turns out Jimmy Carter has some classified documents in his home too.

Now Biden and Trump have even more in common.

Trump had classified documents, so did Biden.

Biden has an embarrassing son, so does Trump.

But Trump stole more documents and has TWO embarrassing sons. Trump wins!
Trump has three successful kids. Biden has a crackhead son, and he uses his daughter as a sex toy.
Lots of people, probably.

Wow, it's kind of a stretch to call his garage and his house two separate locations, but okay.

Except he had 360 documents he refused to turn over, and it took a year and a half of haggling before the FBI finally said "Fuck it" and raided his house.
1) really? so what do you do for a living? I am curious because, I have an office....and while people certainly bring me things, nothing I am storing in my file cabinet I don't know about.....what makes your argument even more concerning is that "lots of people" could have had access to the top secret document....no telling then the national security threat this Xiden file caused
2) well they apparently were found at two different times....and yes, my garage is not the same as my study...
3) so? The fact there were so many highlights to me they were packed up in a rush all together...they were specific documents like we see with the Xiden mess. Yes, he was challenging some of the documents.....people have a right to do that....a year? so what, xiden had docs for 6 years!!! and yes they raided Trump...why haven't they raided Xiden? Documents keep popping up all over the place it seems
As they should have. These were people who fully cooperated.

Trump was a traitorous, seditious little shit who had already tried to overthrow the government.

Trump was asked SEVERAL TIMES to return the documents.
Biden self-reported.
Hillary didn't even have documents, she had electronic data. (The problem with these rules is that they were written for physical documents and not the reality of electronic ones.)
Thank you for that Trump-,lobsessed, TDS-suffering, highly partisan, cognitively impaired, extremely opinionated rant.

You are dismissed.
Trump has three successful kids. Biden has a crackhead son, and he uses his daughter as a sex toy.
When he's dead his kids will write books about what a fucked up father he was. Trump that is.

Don Jr. is a coke head. Give me a break. So is the stupid one. What about Baron? How's he doing?

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