Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Simple answer. No search warrant. As much as the Neo-GOP want to equate this to the Trumpyberra stand off over the documents he took, it's not the same.
wait... what's this on making porn members w/ family???


A shocking piece of information in this squalid story is found on Hunter’s site. The picture of the woman’s behind on his PornHub home page is that of a family member!

Numerous articles talk about videos / images involving children.
The explanation is that your post is a lie. The FBI never approved Trump keeping any classified information in Mar a Lago. Trump's attorneys lied about having turned everything over even when they were legally obligated to do so in response to a grand jury subpoena.

That's why he got raided.
You are desperately deflecting to Trump to make him appear to be worse, when in fact he took the classified info with the FBI’s knowledge, stored in a manner approved by the FBI, and the raid was for optics as the midterms approached.

OTOH, you have the current president who, it was just discovered, and previously unbeknownst to the FBI at all, stole classified info when he was the VP, hid them in various places over the course of six years, and when someone snitched on him, the FBI STILL declines to do a search.

And let’s not overlook that his drug addict son, who has nothing of legitimate value to offer, has gotten rich from the Communists while he had easy access to the documents.
1) really? so what do you do for a living? I am curious because, I have an office....and while people certainly bring me things, nothing I am storing in my file cabinet I don't know about.....what makes your argument even more concerning is that "lots of people" could have had access to the top secret document....no telling then the national security threat this Xiden file caused

Probably none at all. How valuable is a ten year old breifing document.

I am in purchasing. I do not run an executive office where I have hundreds of people workign for me like Biden did and neither do you.

2) well they apparently were found at two different times....and yes, my garage is not the same as my study...
Um, yes... you mean during a search that was ordered after they found the first batch. I'd call that due diligence.

3) so? The fact there were so many highlights to me they were packed up in a rush all together...they were specific documents like we see with the Xiden mess. Yes, he was challenging some of the documents.....people have a right to do that....a year? so what, xiden had docs for 6 years!!! and yes they raided Trump...why haven't they raided Xiden? Documents keep popping up all over the place it seems

Well, because Biden isn't a traitorous little shit like Trump is.

Here's the thing. They got Al Capone on Tax Evasion. Even though they KNEW he did much worse things, that didn't mean they went after every person who made a slight mistake on their 1040 just to be "fair".
What Biden did sounds to most people like a good faith mistake by a low-level government employee.

What Trump did was just one more shitty thing in a long list of shitty things.

A shocking piece of information in this squalid story is found on Hunter’s site. The picture of the woman’s behind on his PornHub home page is that of a family member!

Numerous articles talk about videos / images involving children.
I have to ask a question, Stroke Boy, do you go around believing EVERY salacious rumor out there?
Did the part of your brain that regulates gullibility get damaged?
Probably none at all. How valuable is a ten year old breifing document.

I am in purchasing. I do not run an executive office where I have hundreds of people workign for me like Biden did and neither do you.

Um, yes... you mean during a search that was ordered after they found the first batch. I'd call that due diligence.

Well, because Biden isn't a traitorous little shit like Trump is.

Here's the thing. They got Al Capone on Tax Evasion. Even though they KNEW he did much worse things, that didn't mean they went after every person who made a slight mistake on their 1040 just to be "fair".
What Biden did sounds to most people like a good faith mistake by a low-level government employee.

What Trump did was just one more shitty thing in a long list of shitty things.
1) It was TOP SECRET intel....I am sure it's valuable to many people....
2) Yes, why wasn't there a search warrant issued and those with actual clearance reviewing things after numerous material was found? We have no idea if they did their due dillegence....they set on this for years....I'd hardly call that due dilligence
3) Xiden has a long history of trading out Americans...take his surrender to the Taliban, being held in contempt of the UK, and now being caught red handed with top secret material that he stole and held on to for over half a century

Xiden wasnt a low level Govt employee....geez.
1) It was TOP SECRET intel....I am sure it's valuable to many people....
Yeah, super secret stuff...


2) Yes, why wasn't there a search warrant issued and those with actual clearance reviewing things after numerous material was found? We have no idea if they did their due dillegence....they set on this for years....I'd hardly call that due dilligence

Someone discovered a mistake, and a more thorough review was ordered... Um this is due dilligence. Just like when a piece of equipment fails due to a material defect, they do a stand down and inspect every other piece of equipment - even if the part was installed years ago.

3) Xiden has a long history of trading out Americans...take his surrender to the Taliban, being held in contempt of the UK, and now being caught red handed with top secret material that he stole and held on to for over half a century

Trump surrendered to the Taliban at Doha.. Biden just had to clean up the mess.

Xiden wasnt a low level Govt employee....geez.
no, but the person who packed out his files probably was.
You are desperately deflecting to Trump to make him appear to be worse, when in fact he took the classified info with the FBI’s knowledge, stored in a manner approved by the FBI, and the raid was for optics as the midterms approached.

OTOH, you have the current president who, it was just discovered, and previously unbeknownst to the FBI at all, stole classified info when he was the VP, hid them in various places over the course of six years, and when someone snitched on him, the FBI STILL declines to do a search.

And let’s not overlook that his drug addict son, who has nothing of legitimate value to offer, has gotten rich from the Communists while he had easy access to the documents.
No, you do not have the facts. Trump did not take classified information "with the FBI's knowledge". When the DoJ learned he had taken it (which Trump's lawyers fought the archives even telling the DoJ about having taken it), they convened a grand jury and sent him a subpoena for him to return the information. The DoJ never approved Trump storing classified information on his property.

Trump's lawyers were given the opportunity to search Trump's property for any documents with classification markings. They gave them an entire month to do so. Only after the DoJ got evidence that Trump was still retaining documents did they raid his house two months after the deadline for the subpoena.

You need to get your facts straight. I don't know where you get your information, but they're lying to you. Start here:
Yeah, super secret stuff...

View attachment 748552

Someone discovered a mistake, and a more thorough review was ordered... Um this is due dilligence. Just like when a piece of equipment fails due to a material defect, they do a stand down and inspect every other piece of equipment - even if the part was installed years ago.

Trump surrendered to the Taliban at Doha.. Biden just had to clean up the mess.

no, but the person who packed out his files probably was.
1) yes Top Secret stuff
2) someone discovered evidence of a crime...hence why they called the authorities and a Special Prosecutor has now been appointed...after months of an attempted cover up
3) Trump worked out a possible plan for peace....Xiden won, then ignored it and surrendered.

No, Trump Didn’t Force Biden’s Withdrawal​

The Taliban violated the Doha agreement, so the U.S. could have stayed.​

moreover, he admitted he ignored it.....and certianly it had no play in how he left, leaving Americans, and not telling our allies...creating an international crisis, getting held in contempt of the UK, killing americans, and leaving thousands behind

4) the boxes, and files that were seperate from the boxes in his garage....home, and office, were in his custody for YEARS
No, Trump Didn’t Force Biden’s Withdrawal
What did he mean when he blurted this out in June 2021?

Donald Trump: (22:53) "Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame"

Could it be that when Trump evacuated most of the troops and didn't make those withdrawals conditional on the Taliban honoring the Doha Agreement, that is how he made it so tough on the US Military that they couldn't stop the process without redeploying tens of thousand of fresh troops to fix Benedict Donald backstabbing of another one of our allies? Yeah, it's a shame alright.

Trump was corrupt right in front of your face. Refused to return hundreds of classified documents. Now you care?

Trump gave the Saudi's nuclear technology. Then after he LOST Jared was given $2 billion from the Saudi's? Wake the fuck up!

God knows what Trump gave Putin. We will never know because they met in private. Not even a translator.

And Trump wouldn't even keep logs of who visited the White House. Every president does that but he didn't. Kept it secret. Now you want Biden's home visitor logs? Hypocrite much?
Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear technology, liar.

He allowed a U.S. company to work with them in nuclear power.

And the Saudis didn’t give Jared $2 billion. They allowed his investment firm to invest THEIR MONEY.

How many times will you clowns try to push these lies, liar?
Him stealing classified documents is just one of like, 20 reasons Trump can't run for president.

Trump has done so much shady shit this classified documents thing is literally just the tip of the iceberg on why he can't run again.
I haven't heard any reference to Trump having SCI level documents.....did I miss something?
Right! But you never cared. I never cared either. Trump is a criminal. On every level, he's a criminal. With the IRS, with the Government, in business, his charities, etc.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And his criminality was shown to the American people with the release of his tax returns, right?

Oh, shit... wait. Never mind...
Probably none at all. How valuable is a ten year old breifing document.

I am in purchasing. I do not run an executive office where I have hundreds of people workign for me like Biden did and neither do you.

Um, yes... you mean during a search that was ordered after they found the first batch. I'd call that due diligence.

Well, because Biden isn't a traitorous little shit like Trump is.

Here's the thing. They got Al Capone on Tax Evasion. Even though they KNEW he did much worse things, that didn't mean they went after every person who made a slight mistake on their 1040 just to be "fair".
What Biden did sounds to most people like a good faith mistake by a low-level government employee.

What Trump did was just one more shitty thing in a long list of shitty things.
How were these stolen Top Secret documents 10 years old when Traitor Joe stole them 6 years ago, Simp?
What does your pathetic 'B...b..but Truuump' tantrum have to do with why the weaponized partisan FBI not raiding Biden's home, not searching his home, and instead allowing Biden lawyers who did not have security clearances search for stashes of TS/SCI documents?

If he were a criminal like Trump they would have raided his home. Simple.

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