Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear technology, liar.

He allowed a U.S. company to work with them in nuclear power.

And the Saudis didn’t give Jared $2 billion. They allowed his investment firm to invest THEIR MONEY.

How many times will you clowns try to push these lies, liar?
Nice spin
OK, so what is your point? ALL of that applies directly to our Corn Pop skinny-dipping, girl-grabbing, hair-sniffing, foreign-dealing, corrupted son Joey Bidden. I mean, they've found shit everywhere but in the astray and trunk of his green corvette and I get the feeling they will find that too soon as we start ripping apart the floorboards in Hunter's Rental Home.
I was addressing the case of Trump and Joe Biden's failure to return classified documents. I know nothing about Biden's son, nor do I have any interest.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
Because Biden cooperated; Trump did not.
What did he mean when he blurted this out in June 2021?

Donald Trump: (22:53) "Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame"

Could it be that when Trump evacuated most of the troops and didn't make those withdrawals conditional on the Taliban honoring the Doha Agreement, that is how he made it so tough on the US Military that they couldn't stop the process without redeploying tens of thousand of fresh troops to fix Benedict Donald backstabbing of another one of our allies? Yeah, it's a shame alright.

I think he met he started the process...he did....he got the peace accords signed.....and like most every other American, he mistakenly thoughts Xiden actually followed them, and also would listen to his miltary.....but Xiden ignored the peace agreement, and ignored his military....and instead simply surrendered, causing mass chaos
Trump didn’t give the Saudis nuclear technology, liar.

He allowed a U.S. company to work with them in nuclear power.

And the Saudis didn’t give Jared $2 billion. They allowed his investment firm to invest THEIR MONEY.

How many times will you clowns try to push these lies, liar?
I think he met he started the process...he did....he got the peace accords signed...

The Doha Accords were signed Feb 29th 2020 and had a timeline of 135 days for the implementation of the conditions. We met our obligations to withdraw all but 8600 troop and abandon 5 base by mid July 2020.

and like most every other American, he mistakenly thoughts Xiden actually followed them, and also would listen to his miltary.
"Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war."

That is what the military told Trump in the fall of 2020, not Biden. Trump ignored them and continue withdrewing below the level set in the Doha Accords even though the Taliban had still not met the conditions. Milley continued:

" That was a year ago. My assessment remained consistent throughout. Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021. After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500"

Now you can pretend that Trump didn't unconditionally withdraw over 10 thousand troops and blame it all on Joe who was left with 2500 troop who were mostly needed to support the Afghan Army who was still fighting the Taliban. The Democrats don't seem to care all that much.
The Doha Accords were signed Feb 29th 2020 and had a timeline of 135 days for the implementation of the conditions. We met our obligations to withdraw all but 8600 troop and abandon 5 base by mid July 2020.

"Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war."

That is what the military told Trump in the fall of 2020, not Biden. Trump ignored them and continue withdrewing below the level set in the Doha Accords even though the Taliban had still not met the conditions. Milley continued:

" That was a year ago. My assessment remained consistent throughout. Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021. After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500"

Now you can pretend that Trump didn't unconditionally withdraw over 10 thousand troops and blame it all on Joe who was left with 2500 troop who were mostly needed to support the Afghan Army who was still fighting the Taliban. The Democrats don't seem to care all that much.
we might if met our by the Taliban didn’t…hence why we shouldn’t of left. xiden ignored it, he ignored the military advisor
The Neo-GOP got Goebbel'ed by the Trumpbear

we might if met our by the Taliban didn’t…hence why we shouldn’t of left. xiden ignored it, he ignored the military advisor

So Biden should have remained to enforce conditions on the Taliban Trump agree to do but didn't enforce in the first 135 days after signing the Accords. This after Trump withdrew most all of our troops needed to force the Taliban in to compliance? How many more Americans were you willing to deploy and sacrifice to fix Trumps unconditional withdrawal mistake?
The Neo-GOP got Goebbel'ed by the Trumpbear

So Biden should have remained to enforce conditions on the Taliban Trump agree to do but didn't enforce in the first 135 days after signing the Accords. This after Trump withdrew most all of our troops needed to force the Taliban in to compliance? How many more Americans were you willing to deploy and sacrifice to fix Trumps unconditional withdrawal mistake?
trump didn’t agree to it. Trump gave them conditions, that weren’t met when xiden left.

so stop lying already
trump didn’t agree to it.
Hahaha mmm ha!

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

And the GOP said:


So the question is still, why did Trump withdraw so many troops while the Taliban was not honoring their agreement? If he left the 13 thousand troops in country for the next President at least then the next guy would have had a chance to enforce the agreement but no, Trump withdrew most all of our troop without enforcing the agreement. Why?
Hahaha mmm ha!

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

And the GOP said:


So the question is still, why did Trump withdraw so many troops while the Taliban was not honoring their agreement? If he left the 13 thousand troops in country for the next President at least then the next guy would have had a chance to enforce the agreement but no, Trump withdrew most all of our troop without enforcing the agreement. Why?
yes he agreed to those conditions…and then he’d leave. Taliban didn’t live up to their end. So no he didn’t agree, cause the conditions weren’t met. Xiden ignored it and surrendered, and didn’t even tell our allies

all xiden had to do, was do what trump did and keep 2500 troops there as the military recommended
Wow! The libs sure deflected away from why Biden’s houses aren’t being raided after it turns out he was hiding classified documents for six years in the garage and elsewhere, didn’t they?!
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Hahaha mmm ha!

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

And the GOP said:


So the question is still, why did Trump withdraw so many troops while the Taliban was not honoring their agreement? If he left the 13 thousand troops in country for the next President at least then the next guy would have had a chance to enforce the agreement but no, Trump withdrew most all of our troop without enforcing the agreement. Why?
What part of Trump’s plan did Surrender Joe follow?
Wow! The libs sure deflected away from why Biden’s houses aren’t being raided after it turns out he was hiding classified documents for six years in the garage and elsewhere, didn’t they?!
it’s what they do…it’s funny as shit too, cause it’s always with resorting to name calling, orange man bad, or rewriting recent known history
What part of Trump’s plan did Surrender Joe follow?
Xiden has literally said publicly, the trump peace treaty didn’t matter, i would if surrendered regardless…and dems are still pushing this lie
What part of Trump’s plan did Surrender Joe follow?
The Truce was the only thing left. Trump had forced our Generals to comply with all of our conditions while letting the Taliban get away with not complying with most everything but the Truce.

"Stlll, Trump spoke cautiously about the deal’s prospects for success, warning of military firepower if “bad things happen.” Pompeo similarly said the U.S. was “realistic” and “restrained,” determined to avoid endless wars.

U.S. officials made clear at the time that the agreement was conditions-based and the failure of intra-Afghan peace talks to reach a negotiated settlement would have nullified the requirement to withdraw.

One day before the Doha deal, a top aide to chief U.S. negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad said the agreement was not irreversible, and “there is no obligation for the United States to withdraw troops if the Afghan parties are unable to reach agreement or if the Taliban show bad faith” during negotiations."

But it cannot be denied they (Trump) did withdraw most all the troops under the agreement.
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it’s what they do…it’s funny as shit too, cause it’s always with resorting to name calling, orange man bad, or rewriting recent known history

Comment: Biden has apparently been hiding classified documents in various unsecured places, and for six years, where his drug addict son had complete access, and, strangely enough, has raked in millions of dollars from America’s #1 enemy. And unlike Trump, for some reason, the FBI isn’t raiding his places even though more documents keep turning up.

Lib: Look over there! A squirrel!

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