Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Thanks for confirming Surrender Joe followed nothing in the Trump plan, Simp.
Hahaha you're still saying the Truce was not part of the Doha Accords? President Biden did not try and retroactively fix the fuckups from Trumpyberra's unconditional withdrawal, nor should he have tried, because he was not going to redeploy tens of thousand fresh bodies to a failed 20 year exercise in Nation Building. Kudos to Joe for making the right decision.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump?
Because he's a liberal Democrat.
Perhaps you have the answer. Why did Trump remove so many troops and abandon 5 bases, considering the Taliban didn't comply with hardly any condition of the so called conditional withdrawal? Did he do it on purpose to hamstring the Military and the incoming CiC?
The same people who are empowered were singing antiwar songs in the late 1960's. The Republican voters are now tired of wars and Progs are now the vampires, extra blood. The problem is that most are extreme feminists who would e killed pretty quickly or offer services to survive and tough inner city people where there are not enough of them with criminal and undereducated a major issue. To be sure the Repu side have their own issues, however they are not joining the military now for patriotism because they do not believe in the nation anymore.
I did so previously and you lost the argument then.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

A hollow claim if you have to rely on a link that you are unwilling to reproduce. The troop strength went from nearly 13,000 to 2,500 in Trumps last year in office and the Taliban only honored one condition of the 7 they agreed to. If your supposed time line doesn't reflect that fact, then it is in error.
A hollow claim if you have to rely on a link that you are unwilling to reproduce. The troop strength went from nearly 13,000 to 2,500 in Trumps last year in office and the Taliban only honored one condition of the 7 they agreed to. If your supposed time line doesn't reflect that fact, then it is in error.
Dude, I posted on here previously in one of your previous delusions.
It was a GAO report I think. Go search all my posts.

But wait, there's more:

Hahaha you're still saying the Truce was not part of the Doha Accords? President Biden did not try and retroactively fix the fuckups from Trumpyberra's unconditional withdrawal, nor should he have tried, because he was not going to redeploy tens of thousand fresh bodies to a failed 20 year exercise in Nation Building. Kudos to Joe for making the right decision.
Trump had conditions for withdrawal, Stupid.

Your lies aren’t gonna work.
A hollow claim if you have to rely on a link that you are unwilling to reproduce. The troop strength went from nearly 13,000 to 2,500 in Trumps last year in office and the Taliban only honored one condition of the 7 they agreed to. If your supposed time line doesn't reflect that fact, then it is in error.
Wait. What? You just claimed there was no conditions.

Trump claims they were declassified......so there's that........Biden had no clue.
So we are supposed to be mad that Biden had classified documents because that could potentially put national security at risk if those are seen by people.

Whereas we have Trump who just declassifies hundreds of classified documents where we national security is definitely put a risk since everyone then gets to see them.

Sound logic.
Dude, I posted on here previously in one of your previous delusions.
It was a GAO report I think. Go search all my posts.

But wait, there's more:

None of those answer the questions about the Doha Accords and Trumps unconditional withdrawals during 2020.

CNN said "And a failure to fulfill the now apparently near-impossible tasks of evacuating all the Afghan translators, workers and fixers on whom the US relied and who now face Taliban retribution would besmirch America’s conscience and global reputation."

Whereas your Reuters link says "To be sure, Biden was left a mess by his predecessor Donald Trump, who committed to completing the troop pullout by May 2021 without processing a massive backlog of visa applications from Afghans who worked for the U.S. government.

"We inherited a deadline in Afghanistan, but not a plan for withdrawal," a National Security Council spokesman said.

But they never mention the drop from nearly 13,000 troops to 2,500 while letting the Taliban not comply, which set them up to swiftly take over as we left.

The Afghan clock didn't suddenly start Jan 20, 2021, although I have a feeling that is all the Neo-GOP led Witch Hunters will try and look at.
As they should have. These were people who fully cooperated.

Trump was a traitorous, seditious little shit who had already tried to overthrow the government.

Trump was asked SEVERAL TIMES to return the documents.
Biden self-reported.
Hillary didn't even have documents, she had electronic data. (The problem with these rules is that they were written for physical documents and not the reality of electronic ones.)
What a pile of shit from a misogynistic dirtbag. Sorry asshole, Xiden illegally stole classified information and intentionally kept it in unsecured locations. He did NOT self report. A third party found them and blew him in. But your reflex to defend your fellow criminals like Xiden just forces you to lie repeatedly and desperately deflect to Trump.
Trump had conditions for withdrawal, Stupid.

Your lies aren’t gonna work.
"There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement."
Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition.

Did you catch what the General testified to under oath here?
I have to ask a question, Stroke Boy, do you go around believing EVERY salacious rumor out there?
Did the part of your brain that regulates gullibility get damaged?
Seems your eyes and brain don’t work. Those photos and that story have been verified you misogynistic retard. Ironic statement since you parrot and swallow EVERY story about Trump and end up looking like the gullible fool you are in the end when it’s shown you bought another lie.
Cry harder asshole. And you can go fuck yourself you lifelong loser. Your surrender is noted dumbfuck. :fu:
I love it when losers like you pretend they win. Like the assholes who pick up a loose football, pretend it was fumble, then run to the end zone and scream "Touchdown", while everyone looks and laughs at him.

Biden's location was not raided by the Stasi ...I mean the FBI....... because in this stolen and corrupt Administration we live in a two tier system..... a system that is not the same for all groups of people, and gives more advantage to one group than to another group, in this instance it gives more advantages to the demonicRats. :mad-61:

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