Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

"There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement."
Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition.

Did you catch what the General testified to under oath here?
So you are still claiming Biden followed Trump's deal.

Then you post Trump had 7 conditions (after claiming it was "unconditional") in his deal that requred the Taliban to meet or we wouldn't fully withdraw. They only met one, but Surrender Joe still withdrew.

Doesn't sound like Veggie Joe followed the terms of the deal to me.

You also posted that under Trump's deal it all had to be done....conditions, withdrawal, everything by April. And yet, Surrender Joe didn't bug out until September. Once again, it doesn't sound like Surrender Joe followed the terms of the Trump deal.

My God, does someone have to remind you to breath, Dumbass?
we wouldn't fully withdraw.
I like how you had to add "fully" here. It's the only way to complete your deception. Withdrawing from around 13 thousand troops down to 8600 was contingent on the peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghans starting on March 10, 2020. They didn't start but we withdrew those forces. They never started yet we met every condition as the Generals testified to yet Trump took the troop level down to the bare minimum when he handed if off to the next CIC. He did it on purpose. Why else would he blurt this out in June 2021.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.
Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

2) someone discovered evidence of a crime...hence why they called the authorities and a Special Prosecutor has now been appointed...after months of an attempted cover up
No, they discovered the presence of documents... which in and of itself isn't a crime.

No, Trump Didn’t Force Biden’s Withdrawal​

The Taliban violated the Doha agreement, so the U.S. could have stayed.​

The Taliban violated Doha long before Biden got there and Trump did nothing.
There was no GOOD REASON for the US to stay at that point as the Afghan government was kind of useless.

4) the boxes, and files that were seperate from the boxes in his garage....home, and office, were in his custody for YEARS

Um, yeah, so? He didn't pack those boxes out, so that's not his fault.
Wow! The libs sure deflected away from why Biden’s houses aren’t being raided after it turns out he was hiding classified documents for six years in the garage and elsewhere, didn’t they?!
NO need to. Biden immediately disclosed and complied with returning the records once discovered,

As opposed to Trump, who fought the DOJ and National Archives for years.
I like how you had to add "fully" here. It's the only way to complete your deception. Withdrawing from around 13 thousand troops down to 8600 was contingent on the peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghans starting on March 10, 2020. They didn't start but we withdrew those forces. They never started yet we met every condition as the Generals testified to yet Trump took the troop level down to the bare minimum when he handed if off to the next CIC. He did it on purpose. Why else would he blurt this out in June 2021.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.
Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Apparently you don't know the difference between a troop drawdown and a withdrawel.

The last 18 months of Trump's term we had ZERO American deaths, during all those drawdowns. Surrender Joe comes in, turns it into a clusterfuck and we lose 13 Marines, leave thousands of Americans behind, and thousands of Afghanis who helped us during the war, despite Surrender Joe promising over and over he wouldn't leave anyone behind.

You can't win this one, Simp.

Throw in the towel and move on.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
NO need to. Biden immediately disclosed and complied with returning the records once discovered,

As opposed to Trump, who fought the DOJ and National Archives for years.
No, Biden didn't. His movers found his stolen Top Secret documents and contacted the DOJ.

Biden is claiming he knows nothing. He thinks his Sgt. Schultz imitation will work.
Apparently you don't know the difference between a troop drawdown and a withdrawel.
So why did you qualify withdrawal with "fully"?
The last 18 months of Trump's term we had ZERO American deaths
Because of the Truce. How many American deaths in his first 30 months verse the total number of American deaths under Biden. Which btw was in a terrorist attack. One of the conditions the Taliban was allowed to ignore was ensuring no other terrorist groups could use Afghanistan as a base. Now everyone knows a SBer is hard to stop so I'm not blaming Trump but they knew ISIS was operating in Kabul.
So why did you qualify withdrawal with "fully"?

Because of the Truce. How many American deaths in his first 30 months verse the total number of American deaths under Biden. Which btw was in a terrorist attack. One of the conditions the Taliban was allowed to ignore was ensuring no other terrorist groups could use Afghanistan as a base. Now everyone knows a SBer is hard to stop so I'm not blaming Trump but they knew ISIS was operating in Kabul.
Bottom line: Surrender Joe followed nothing in the Trump deal. Nothing.

Then he tried to blame the deal for his withdrawal disaster.
Bottom line: Surrender Joe followed nothing in the Trump deal. Nothing.

Then he tried to blame the deal for his withdrawal disaster.
So one President has documents in a secure place and he gets FBI and SWAT going through his wife's underwear drawer. The other President has it scattered in at least three unsecured locations and he get "no worries, just let us know what you find when you are done shredding....I mean searching". I know, totally different.

But of course a few details: are left out

1. Trumpf ignores requests for doc's.
2. Trumpf says he has no doc's.
3. Trumpf says he has doc's but refuses to return them
4. Trumpf says the doc's are his.
5. FBI has no other choice and raids.

On the other hand, Biden forgot about his doc's, and so did everyone else until they were discovered. And then voluntarily returned.
But of course a few details: are left out

1. Trumpf ignores requests for doc's.
2. Trumpf says he has no doc's.
3. Trumpf says he has doc's but refuses to return them
4. Trumpf says the doc's are his.
5. FBI has no other choice and raids.

On the other hand, Biden forgot about his doc's, and so did everyone else until they were discovered. And then voluntarily returned.
You need new Dimtard talking point lies, these are debunked.

Call your handlers, Simp.

But of course a few details: are left out

1. Trumpf ignores requests for doc's.
2. Trumpf says he has no doc's.
3. Trumpf says he has doc's but refuses to return them
4. Trumpf says the doc's are his.
5. FBI has no other choice and raids.

On the other hand, Biden forgot about his doc's, and so did everyone else until they were discovered. And then voluntarily returned.
On the other hand, Biden forgot about his doc's,

You just admitted he committed numerous felonies because he had no authorization to have them in the first place, Dumbass.

:oops8: :auiqs.jpg::oops8::auiqs.jpg::oops8::auiqs.jpg:
So we are supposed to be mad that Biden had classified documents because that could potentially put national security at risk if those are seen by people.

Whereas we have Trump who just declassifies hundreds of classified documents where we national security is definitely put a risk since everyone then gets to see them.

Sound logic.
Dude, you need to come to grips with, within anti-Trump media reports, it has been proven, Trump had legal possession of said documents....from the start of this issue, now it is up to DOJ to make a decision.
Biden has screwed up, bigely.
So we are supposed to be mad that Biden had classified documents because that could potentially put national security at risk if those are seen by people.

Whereas we have Trump who just declassifies hundreds of classified documents where we national security is definitely put a risk since everyone then gets to see them.

Sound logic.
Only issue is Biden had them for 6 or 7 years....and Trump had held, what He previously declassified, , what He claimed.
Dude, you need to come to grips with, within anti-Trump media reports, it has been proven, Trump had legal possession of said documents....from the start of this issue, now it is up to DOJ to make a decision.
Biden has screwed up, bigely.
When was this proven?

Because a grand jury issued the warrant to raid his golf club, so it clearly wasn't proven.

Biden will be fine, because he and his lawyers acted appropriately.
It is CLEAR that there is a two tiered "justice" system in this country.
To deny this obvious truth is ridiculous at this point.
Poor Hillary didn't "intend" to DESTROY government files via bleach Bit hammer time, an no reasonable prosecutor something something :rolleyes:
Now it's Biden that had no "intent" to steal and keep government documents so no big deal.....
This should be EMBARRASSING but one must possess a sense of SELF-AWARENESS for that, but the lying LEFT demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have NONE!
They will ride this OBVIOUS double standard hypocrisy with no shame.
It's so pathetic 🙄
It is CLEAR that there is a two tiered "justice" system in this country.
To deny this obvious truth is ridiculous at this point.
Poor Hillary didn't "intend" to DESTROY government files via bleach Bit hammer time, an no reasonable prosecutor something something :rolleyes:
Now it's Biden that had no "intent" to steal and keep government documents so no big deal.....
This should be EMBARRASSING but one must possess a sense of SELF-AWARENESS for that, but the lying LEFT demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have NONE!
They will ride this OBVIOUS double standard hypocrisy with no shame.

Well, um, yeah, it's a major factor of American Criminal Law, that you require Mens Rea (Criminal Intent) to be charged with a crime.

Hillary received classified information other people inadvertently sent to her private email, and deleted them when she was out of office.
Biden had documents some government worker inadvertently packed into the wrong box.

Trump intentionally took documents he was no longer entitled to once he was voted out of office. He refused to return them when asked. He lied about having them. That is Criminal Intent.
Well, um, yeah, it's a major factor of American Criminal Law, that you require Mens Rea (Criminal Intent) to be charged with a crime.

Hillary received classified information other people inadvertently sent to her private email, and deleted them when she was out of office.
Biden had documents some government worker inadvertently packed into the wrong box.

Trump intentionally took documents he was no longer entitled to once he was voted out of office. He refused to return them when asked. He lied about having them. That is Criminal Intent.
Twist harder pretzel bot!
Twist harder pretzel bot!
Did you need someone to explain the big word to you.

Here, let me give you another example. I bury a dead hooker in your basement, and the cops find her body.
Should you be held legally responsible? Of course not.

Now, a GS-10 packs a "classified" document in the box going to Biden's office instead of the archives, how is that Biden's fault, exactly?

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