Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Cletus is done der going on a rant about them Chinese people, because he's heard things about sideways hoo-haas...

The vast majority of those living in Communist countrie will never even come close to the same standard of living we have in the US.
Uh, the same thing can be said about most of the world. Of course, since America has been in decline since Ronnie Ray-Gun, the Chinese might well surprass us.

China has a civilization that is over 3000 years old. It's had its ups and downs.

That is the simple truth. You are defending Communism, acting as if it is not that bad.

No form of government is inherently good or bad, and what the Chinese practice today can hardly be called "Communism". They traded in their Mao jackets for Blue Business suits a long time ago.

This type of thinking is exactly why you are a Democrat and why you are so quick to give up your freedoms.

You see, whenever I hear your type talk about Freedom, it usually means the ability of the rich to abuse the rest of us.
You certainly don't mean the right of a woman to decide what to do with her own body, or for a gay person to marry the person they love. Or for a black person to drive down the street without fear a thug cop will pull them over on a pretext.

When you are privileged, equality can seem like oppression.

We can only hope that your warped, spoiled and gullible mentality doesn't continue to spread, but then again, roaches are a real bugger to completely eradicate.

Actually, your values will eventually fail, because every year, you drive more and more people out of the middle class and into the poorer classes. If we voted PURELY on economic issues, nobody would vote for "Work harder for less money so the investor class can have more."

China is our enemy. For one, they steal intellectual property on a daily basis. What I find quite interesting is that when you search for "is China our enemy" you will find that liberal sources say no and conservative sources say yes.

Don't give a fuck about intellectual property. That's big corporations monopolizing the creativity of writers and musicians and artists. Again, you have this mentality that as long as the wealthy are doing okay, then all is good.

It really seems like the Chinese, along with the Russians, are trying to indoctrinate our youth.

Um, wait, you don't like the Russians now?

America is bad, Communism is ok, allowing illegals in with no control is ok, allowing the government to gain more and more control is only for you own good, religion is bad(major tenant of Communism), etc, etc, etc. It is a pretty bold tactic which requires patience, but it seems to be working.
Actually, it does because at the end of the day, all your side is selling is bigotries even you know are wrong.
We have an illegal problem because we didn't reform immigration 15 years ago when Bush wanted to. (And holy shit, I'm using Bush as a good example?)
Religion is bad because it's become pretty much the opposite of what Jesus called for. Republican Jesus hates gays and Mexicans, and loves rich people. Now, I might be a seriously lapsed Catholic, but that certainly wasn't the take I got from 12 years of Bible Study that called Greed a sin.
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She absolutely did.

You guys have spent 30 years investigating the Clintons, and the worst you came up with for 100 Million spent is he lied about a blow job and she used the wrong email account.

The problem is, every time we catch one of these cops abusing his badge, we almost always find out that there had been years of complaints about him. Take Chauvin. Years of complaints, including a previous incident where he nearly choked a 14 year old to death.

Nope. Never said that. WOrk on your reading comprehension. I said it would be nice if we didn't have every maniac out there with a gun.

Actually, until we fix the underlying causes of crime, we are going to have crime. Crime went up just as much in the rural areas and the red states as it did in the Blue cities.

I'm sure I could, and it would be accurate.

Um, so what? At the end of the day, you still support a system of discrimination that treats them like second class citizens... That you did something nice once for one person doesn't really impress me.
Obviously either youI are incredibly stupid or so partisan that you will find a way to excuse any high level Democrat who violates a law. I suspect the latter.

No matter how you try to whitewash it the facts remain that Hillary hid or destroyed evidence of her malfeasance.

Crime will skyrocket in our nation in the next few years as the illegal immigrants that crossed our borders work to pay off the debt they owe to the drug cartels. You should be upset as this is an example of modern day slavery. Plus it is your Party, The Democratic Party, that is supporting this blatant abuse of freedom. It would not surprise me if Joe Biden was getting a kick back for allowing the cartels to make such profits.

How do you suggest we address the underlying causes of crime? You probably want every black to get $1,000,000 dollars in tax free reparations and a guaranteed income and free housing. Plus of course you want to disarm all police because some make mistakes and shoot innocent black people.
So Biden has been busted with having classified documents after he and the entire democrat establishment called such an action irresponsible and deserved massive federal criminal charges.

Why didn’t the FBI raid Biden like they did Trump? Where were the vested armed guards in the dead of night, tearing apart dressers and stealing electronics??

Also, This was discovered Nov 2nd.. why did it take 2 months to be reported or brought up.. and only after the election and after the GOP took the house?
Because when they found them, they notified the justice department and returned the material so there was no need for multiple subpoenas and a raid.
Because when they found them, they notified the justice department and returned the material so there was no need for multiple subpoenas and a raid.
Trump was in negotiations with records. He let them into Mar A Logo and they perused the records. After that, they told him to put a lock on the storage area and he complied, then he was raided by the FBI. Biden told no one he had the records until he was outed.
Obviously either youI are incredibly stupid or so partisan that you will find a way to excuse any high level Democrat who violates a law. I suspect the latter.

No matter how you try to whitewash it the facts remain that Hillary hid or destroyed evidence of her malfeasance.

Okay, but at the end of the day, the FBI investigated Hillary and found she did nothing wrong.

Um, yeah, she destroyed devices she was no longer using. That's what you are SUPPOSED to do.
Okay, but at the end of the day, the FBI investigated Hillary and found she did nothing wrong.

Um, yeah, she destroyed devices she was no longer using. That's what you are SUPPOSED to do.
Many suspect the FBI is corrupt at the top (If not all the way down). That would explain why Hillary got off scot-free. Note this is not the first time the FBI has been corrupt. Do some research on J. Edgar Hoover.

So the FBI investigated Trump when they knew he was innocent and let Hillary waltz away when they knew she was guilty as hell. Her classified email even ended up in a lot of strange places where it should never have been.

It makes good sense to destroy the drive of a computer or phone you are not using but not if the information has been subpoenaed by Congress.

Many suspect the FBI is corrupt at the top (If not all the way down). That would explain why Hillary got off scot-free. Note this is not the first time the FBI has been corrupt. Do some research on J. Edgar Hoover.

Well, yes, the FBI didn't get on their knees and immediately worship Cheeto Jesus like the rest of you did.

I think there's a lot of criticisms that can be made of the FBI, going back to Hoover.

How they handled the Hillary non-scandal isn't one of them. Hillary did the exact same thing that her predecessors did. (Namely Condi Rice and Colin Powell). She used civilian hardware because the government issue stuff was clunkly and outdated.

Now, the argument was- at its heart - was that she comprimised security by having documents on her home drive, even though most of the documents she had weren't classified at the time she got them and the few that were had the classification markings so far down on the email that most people wouldn't have noticed them.

Um. Okay. Fair enough, I guess, but the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians have no problem hacking into official government networks on a regular basis.

It makes good sense to destroy the drive of a computer or phone you are not using but not if the information has been subpoenaed by Congress.

Then they shouldn't have waited years after she left office to subpoena that information, then.
Well, yes, the FBI didn't get on their knees and immediately worship Cheeto Jesus like the rest of you did.

I think there's a lot of criticisms that can be made of the FBI, going back to Hoover.

How they handled the Hillary non-scandal isn't one of them. Hillary did the exact same thing that her predecessors did. (Namely Condi Rice and Colin Powell). She used civilian hardware because the government issue stuff was clunkly and outdated.

Now, the argument was- at its heart - was that she comprimised security by having documents on her home drive, even though most of the documents she had weren't classified at the time she got them and the few that were had the classification markings so far down on the email that most people wouldn't have noticed them.

Um. Okay. Fair enough, I guess, but the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians have no problem hacking into official government networks on a regular basis.

Then they shouldn't have waited years after she left office to subpoena that information, then.
You love using Democrat talking points. Hillary had highly classified data on her servers. Your talking points make what she had on her servers look insignificant. Note the following link isn’t even a right wing source.

You may be right that our civilian hardware is “clunky and outdated.”

However little people like me will end up in prison if we are caught with any classified information in our home or on our personal computer or phone.

High level Swamp politicians apparently don’t have to worry about that happening and most likely feel all the rules involving classified information are just chickenshit for the peons. Since Trump is an outsider to the Swamp he doesn’t qualify for the loose rules for classified information.

We should have one rule of law that applies to everybody and is fair.

One place I worked at required you to sign out classified documents and work with them in a secure area returning them when done for the day.


That these people were prosecuted and Hillary Clinton was not, is proof that there are two sets of rules in the country, one for the Clintons, and one for the rest of us.

US 793 subsection F:

(f)Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

You love using Democrat talking points. Hillary had highly classified data on her servers. Your talking points make what she had on her servers look insignificant. Note the following link isn’t even a right wing source.

They were insignificant. Some of the "highly classified" documents were NYT stories about missile strikes in Pakistan. Why was it classified, because officially, we weren't admitting we were doing that. Even though we knew we were, the public knew were were, and Pakistan sure as hell knew were were.

You may be right that our civilian hardware is “clunky and outdated.”

However little people like me will end up in prison if we are caught with any classified information in our home or on our personal computer or phone.

Little people like you don't have a good reason to have that.

High level Swamp politicians apparently don’t have to worry about that happening and most likely feel all the rules involving classified information are just chickenshit for the peons. Since Trump is an outsider to the Swamp he doesn’t qualify for the loose rules for classified information.

Trump doesn't qualify because he's a corrupt grifter who tried to overthrow democracy. Most countries would have taken him out behind a wall and shot him by now.

We should have one rule of law that applies to everybody and is fair.

Yeah, get fucking real. Now you are worried about inequalities? Um, where were you when the black lady got five years for lying about her address to get her kids into a safe school vs. Felicity Huffman getting 11 days at a Club Fed for bribing people to get her underachieving kid into college.

One place I worked at required you to sign out classified documents and work with them in a secure area returning them when done for the day.
I'm happy for you. What's your point.

Hillary didn't have that job. She had the job where she had to travel all over the world meeting with foreign leaders, and she often needed data for that purpose. And sometimes, people used the wrong emails to transmit some of that data. Just like they did with Condi Rice and Colin Powell. Powell was using a fucking YAHOO account.
OH, among your supposed list of people who did a lot less than Hillary.

Sailor Smuggles Classified Docs off Ship: “A Navy intelligence specialist admitted Thursday that he smuggled classified documents out of Fort Bragg in folders and his pants pockets, then sold them for $11,500 to a man he believed was a Chinese agent.”

That actually sounds much worse than what hillary did. So does this.

NSA Manager gives Classified Info to Newspaper: A National Security Agency manager was indicted on allegations of willful retention of “national defense” or classified information, obstruction of justice and making a false statement, after he allegedly “passed classified information to a Baltimore Sun reporter who wrote stories exposing NSA mismanagement.” Charges were dropped and the NSA manager pleaded to a misdemeanor, in what was called a victory against the Obama administration whom had attempted to use dated laws to prosecute leakers of classified information. Now apparently, the administration is seemingly content with those intelligence leaks.
Because when they found them, they notified the justice department and returned the material so there was no need for multiple subpoenas and a raid.
haha that’s BS…Xiden never reported a thing, he hid them in numerous locations up ans down the east coast…he only got snitched don by a private attorney who discovered classified material in a folder xiden had labeled “personal”

then only after another research by his person attorneys if his home weeks later, weee more documents doscovered

this was after six years!
haha that’s BS…Xiden never reported a thing, he hid them in numerous locations up ans down the east coast…he only got snitched don by a private attorney who discovered classified material in a folder xiden had labeled “personal”

then only after another research by his person attorneys if his home weeks later, weee more documents doscovered

this was after six years!

That lawyer could have not reported the documents and been totally covered by attorney-client privilege. Instead, he informed the president (his client) who directed him to follow the proper protocol for recovered documents.
The same reason Hitlary isn't in prison, Epstein isn't currently testifying in Bill's statutory rape trial, obozo isn't in GITMO, and the Xiden crime family has not sought sanctuary in Putin’s Russia.
They were insignificant. Some of the "highly classified" documents were NYT stories about missile strikes in Pakistan. Why was it classified, because officially, we weren't admitting we were doing that. Even though we knew we were, the public knew were were, and Pakistan sure as hell knew were were.

Little people like you don't have a good reason to have that.

Trump doesn't qualify because he's a corrupt grifter who tried to overthrow democracy. Most countries would have taken him out behind a wall and shot him by now.

Yeah, get fucking real. Now you are worried about inequalities? Um, where were you when the black lady got five years for lying about her address to get her kids into a safe school vs. Felicity Huffman getting 11 days at a Club Fed for bribing people to get her underachieving kid into college.

I'm happy for you. What's your point.

Hillary didn't have that job. She had the job where she had to travel all over the world meeting with foreign leaders, and she often needed data for that purpose. And sometimes, people used the wrong emails to transmit some of that data. Just like they did with Condi Rice and Colin Powell. Powell was using a fucking YAHOO account.
Hillary was busy selling her influence to foreign nations for profit. Bill Clinton sold missile technology to China when he was President and most likely it was Hillary who suggested doing that. Biden learned well from Hillary and sold his influence all over the world too using his son Hunter as the bag man.

On one of her trips to China Hillary used a non secure Blackberry.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Hillary used her unauthorized and improperly secured server for classified information knowing foreign nations would hack it and read the info. Of course there would be a nice contribution to the Clinton Foundation in exchange.

The D.C. Swamp was fairly tiny until the Clintons came along. Obama helped it to grow and Joe Biden made a fortune while selling his influence as Obama’s VP to the highest bidders.

One day I predict we will find Joe has been getting a nice kickback from the Mexican drug cartels for opening our Mexican border.
That lawyer could have not reported the documents and been totally covered by attorney-client privilege. Instead, he informed the president (his client) who directed him to follow the proper protocol for recovered documents.
haha wrong attorney-client priv doesn’t require the attorney to be a co-conspirator to xiden’s crimes.

he has a ethical duty to report what he found…and that is what is being reported by CNN…he snitched

xiden continued to mislead investigators until they discovered numerous more classified documents up and down the east coast, while misleading the american people until Garland realized the crimes were too big and had to appoint a special prosecutor

xiden has mislead and misdirected everyone for 6 years
Because when they found them, they notified the justice department and returned the material so there was no need for multiple subpoenas and a raid.
That bullshit holds no water. No one hires attorney to move boxes of papers, they hire moving people unless they know there is something likely there of great legal concern.

haha that’s BS…Xiden never reported a thing, he hid them in numerous locations up ans down the east coast…he only got snitched don by a private attorney who discovered classified material in a folder xiden had labeled “personal”
The simple facts are that:
  1. Joe has had these papers for years from his time as VP and under no circumstance does a VP EVER have authority to take and keep secret documents of national security much less able to declassify anything so all arguments of circumstance or comparison to Trump end here as moot. Having these papers is a SERIOUS Federal crime and felony. Joe Biden is a felon.
  2. Despite years of possession, it was some third party finding them (in highly insecure places) that brought this to light, no action nor "cooperation" from Bidden.
  3. Considering the actions of the democrat party already against Trump, a man who actually HAD final authority in declassifying and taking documents at the time of taking them, and working with the NA and others to determine and and provide for their security, at the very least, how can the FBI and DoJ justify anything less than a total investigation and ransacking of every quarter Biden has access to for storage INCLUDING all properties of Hunter Biden?
They can't.
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Hillary was busy selling her influence to foreign nations for profit. Bill Clinton sold missile technology to China when he was President and most likely it was Hillary who suggested doing that. Biden learned well from Hillary and sold his influence all over the world too using his son Hunter as the bag man.

We sold rocket technology to China because we wanted satellites right now, and NASA couldn't launch them. Don't put this off on Clinton for giving us what we wanted.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Hillary used her unauthorized and improperly secured server for classified information knowing foreign nations would hack it and read the info. Of course there would be a nice contribution to the Clinton Foundation in exchange.

Again, your side has been investigating Hillary since 1993, and you've found exactly NOTHING on her.

haha wrong attorney-client priv doesn’t require the attorney to be a co-conspirator to xiden’s crimes.
Uh, yeah, actually, it does. I can tell my lawyer I hacked up a hooker and buried her in my backyard and he's obligated not to tell anyone.

Biden did exactly what he should have done... reported it, searched for more documents, and submitted to a complete review, which is why he will be exonerated.

Meanwhile, off to prison Trump goes.

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