Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

No criminal charges are inferred. Don't act ignorant.

Biden has not obstructed justice, and is in full cooperation with the DOJ.

Trump obstructed justice, and lied to the DOJ.

Troll post.
Stealing and storing SCIF info in a garage is a crime, Dumbass.
Mere possession isn't a crime. You have to prove Biden personally took them, and not that they were accidently filed in the wrong box when packing out his office.

Or do you really think Biden packed out his own office in 2017?
Possession is a crime, Moron.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material​

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Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a).
In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

Funny shit from a clown claiming Trump was gonna be locked up for the past 7 years.
isn’t it ironic the entire time they were using parody and running at the month that trump was was going to be indicted…their current president was actually committing numerous felonies and selling out american secrets
isn’t it ironic the entire time they were using parody and running at the month that trump was was going to be indicted…their current president was actually committing numerous felonies and selling out american secrets
It is telling that Biden's home wasn't raided by the FBI.
Joe's cooperation in the matter, including turning over the docs that were found and initiating searches of his other properties, precludes the need for a FBI raid. The raid of MAL, approved by a magistrate judge, was necessary based on evidence of Trump's repeated refusal to turn over all docs.
You might want to consider the facts as known to the public before spewing another nonsensical post.
Joe's cooperation in the matter, including turning over the docs that were found and initiating searches of his other properties, precludes the need for a FBI raid. The raid of MAL, approved by a magistrate judge, was necessary based on evidence of Trump's repeated refusal to turn over all docs.
You might want to consider the facts as known to the public before spewing another nonsensical post.
xiden turned nothing over…the folks that discovered the stolen documents turned them over and snitched on him when they found them
So the FBI just showed up at Mar A Lago one day out of the blue, with zero prior communication on these documents?

Is that what you've been told? Yes or no?
not at all trumpnqaa actively working with the NA to ensure they got what they wanted and he was able to maintain his personal property…hence why the raid was purely a Stalinist tactic
So the Chinese media has all these videos of life in China which don't seem too bad to fool Americans... even though the videos are in Mandarin and the only reason I know they even exist is because I am dating a Chinese woman. That's a pretty devious plan.

No, they don't have the standard of living we have... yet. Uh, 100 years ago, America was a pretty fucking miserable place to live for 70% of the population before liberals created a middle class. (Not to worry, Republicans are frantically working to dismantle it). Economically, China has advanced a lot quicker than we have.

As far as whose government is "oppressive", American police shoot 1000 suspects a year, and we lock up 2 million people compared to China's 1.5 million (Even though China has five times as many people as we have.)

Now, do I think China is a paradise? Hardly. They have a culture that is very different than ours in many ways.

But they aren't our enemy.

The vast majority of those living in Communist countrie will never even come close to the same standard of living we have in the US. That is the simple truth. You are defending Communism, acting as if it is not that bad. This type of thinking is exactly why you are a Democrat and why you are so quick to give up your freedoms. We can only hope that your warped, spoiled and gullible mentality doesn't continue to spread, but then again, roaches are a real bugger to completely eradicate.

China is our enemy. For one, they steal intellectual property on a daily basis. What I find quite interesting is that when you search for "is China our enemy" you will find that liberal sources say no and conservative sources say yes. It really seems like the Chinese, along with the Russians, are trying to indoctrinate our youth. America is bad, Communism is ok, allowing illegals in with no control is ok, allowing the government to gain more and more control is only for you own good, religion is bad(major tenant of Communism), etc, etc, etc. It is a pretty bold tactic which requires patience, but it seems to be working.
You would know its all true if you didn't listen to biased Trump hating networks for your news....
We all hate Trump. Today it's a small fringe of cons who still love Trump. What was it in the House, 12 Trumpsters?

Yes, they will also hold us hostage during the debt ceiling. They never did that to Trump. Raised it 3 times on his watch. But now that a Democrat is POTUS, suddenly they're fiscally conservative. LOL.
Total BS...
Turns out Jimmy Carter has some classified documents in his home too.

Now Biden and Trump have even more in common.

Trump had classified documents, so did Biden.

Biden has an embarrassing son, so does Trump.

But Trump stole more documents and has TWO embarrassing sons. Trump wins!
So the FBI just showed up at Mar A Lago one day out of the blue, with zero prior communication on these documents?

Is that what you've been told? Yes or no?
Prog Zombie

It’s not a crime when a democrat does it
An insurrection without firearms in the United States is not an insurrection, it is just a riot.

I support peaceful demonstrations but not riots. If you are willing to call Jan 6th an insurrection, I will call Antifa and BLM riots insurrections too.

Everybody today who is not a Democrat is a racist Nazi. Democrats have made both terms meaningless insults by throwing them around like kids throw snowballs in a snowball fight. You, of course, will consider that comment to be racist as snowballs are WHITE.
Here is proof you are wrong

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, was convicted of seditious conspiracy late last year and faces decades in prison.

And Trump will be charged with that too since he's the leader. Or are you going to lie and tell me Trump's fixer Roger Stone didn't coordinate with this group on behalf of Trump? Trump loves Roger Stone so much he pardoned him for something else illegal Roger Stone did.

Funny because Roger Stone was responsible/involved in the riots that stopped the Florida recount in 2000. Don't you find that interesting? Google the Brooks Brother Riots.
Turns out Jimmy Carter has some classified documents in his home too.

Now Biden and Trump have even more in common.

Trump had classified documents, so did Biden.

Biden has an embarrassing son, so does Trump.

But Trump stole more documents and has TWO embarrassing sons. Trump wins!
this post highlights the willful blindness of dems…comparing a crack bead, who’s a dead beat dad to his stripper kid…to the highly successsful trumps kids…
All Bullshit,,,you cant prove any of it and in fact, all of these allegations are just bs created by DNC operatives to stop Trump from running again and DELAYING THEIR GREAT RESET. Comey or Brennen couldn't find anything on Trump but they will not touch Bidiot and Hilary are you not smart enough to see WHO OWNS BIDEN / HILARY ?

I want to know who you're getting your information from. This guy?


this post highlights the willful blindness of dems…comparing a crack bead, who’s a dead beat dad to his stripper kid…to the highly successsful trumps kids…
Highly spoiled Trump kids. Daddy gave them millions. You're a fool.

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