Why we can be positive America is doomed.

American was founded and became great by people who came here for freedom from government. In fact, there was little or no government when they came and they kept it that with the Constitution.

Today, people come here not to be free and contribute to society but to get welfare entitlements from liberal Democrats. Minorities and immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Obamabucks, not for freedom.

How can America survive when its newest citizens and minorities come here to leech off the system rather than contribute to it?

We can't and some don't want us to remain the country our founders envisioned.

Once the majority of citizens realize they can vote themselves public money, it's the beginning of the end. The liberals have it wrong with their approach. Few have managed to elevate themselves out of poverty with welfare. Most simply rely on it as a permanent part of life and the numbers grow. We are on an unsustainable path. The left will say it's benevolent to offer more and more, but if people don't learn to stand on their own two feet, someday we will all have nothing. When people have enough money leftover on their EBT cards to purchase cigarettes, tattoos and other totally unnecessary items, it is clear we've gone overboard with the freebies.

It's frightening to think about what the future holds when a growing number of people have shown they are willing to sacrifice freedom and liberty for a government check. The government grows constantly. Hundreds of new regulations have been written just since the election. Obama is wasting no time in the completion of the country's funamental transformation. More and more states petition to secede. I see dark times ahead.

Is that why red states have the majority of welfare takers?
American was founded and became great by people who came here for freedom from government. In fact, there was little or no government when they came and they kept it that with the Constitution.

Today, people come here not to be free and contribute to society but to get welfare entitlements from liberal Democrats. Minorities and immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Obamabucks, not for freedom.

How can America survive when its newest citizens and minorities come here to leech off the system rather than contribute to it?

We can't and some don't want us to remain the country our founders envisioned.

Once the majority of citizens realize they can vote themselves public money, it's the beginning of the end. The liberals have it wrong with their approach. Few have managed to elevate themselves out of poverty with welfare. Most simply rely on it as a permanent part of life and the numbers grow. We are on an unsustainable path. The left will say it's benevolent to offer more and more, but if people don't learn to stand on their own two feet, someday we will all have nothing. When people have enough money leftover on their EBT cards to purchase cigarettes, tattoos and other totally unnecessary items, it is clear we've gone overboard with the freebies.

It's frightening to think about what the future holds when a growing number of people have shown they are willing to sacrifice freedom and liberty for a government check. The government grows constantly. Hundreds of new regulations have been written just since the election. Obama is wasting no time in the completion of the country's funamental transformation. More and more states petition to secede. I see dark times ahead.

Is that why red states have the majority of welfare takers?

How many people in New York and California on welfare, alone, you figure?
American was founded and became great by people who came here for freedom from government. In fact, there was little or no government when they came and they kept it that with the Constitution.

Today, people come here not to be free and contribute to society but to get welfare entitlements from liberal Democrats. Minorities and immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Obamabucks, not for freedom.

How can America survive when its newest citizens and minorities come here to leech off the system rather than contribute to it?

This is BS EdwardA and you know it. Plenty of Obama voters work long hard hours.
The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney

The federal records, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal that Romney's initial rescue attempt at Bain & Company was actually a disaster – leaving the firm so financially strapped that it had "no value as a going concern." Even worse, the federal bailout ultimately engineered by Romney screwed the FDIC – the bank insurance system backed by taxpayers – out of at least $10 million. And in an added insult, Romney rewarded top executives at Bain with hefty bonuses at the very moment that he was demanding his handout from the feds.

We let Romney get away with our money & only tax him 13% to boot.

America - You Gata Love It!!!
Government is letting the people at the top pay a lower percent tax than the rest. Investment flows to where it receives a greater return. That means if the rich are taxed less thereby producing more efficiently than the rest of us who are taxed more, we all become surf's & they become super wealthy masters. That is what is wrong with this country. All forms of income including dividends must be taxed at the same rate. Loopholes for the rich must be eliminated. According to free market capitalist Adam Smith the father of modern economics there should also be a slight progressiveness to taxes that allows the people at the bottom pay a lower rate than the people at the top. Currently it is inverted & regressive.

You are an idiot. Half of American's aren't even on the Federal tax rolls, and the rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden, ever.

What you clowns always fail to mention is that now what we are taxed FOR is no longer just military and roads and bridges, but it is now primarily direct REDISTRIBUTION to you lazy fucks who pay no taxes but complain about the rich paying too little.

I pay a lot larger percentage than the rich. That makes me less productive because I have a larger tax burden. That redistributes wealth to the rich.
Government is letting the people at the top pay a lower percent tax than the rest. Investment flows to where it receives a greater return. That means if the rich are taxed less thereby producing more efficiently than the rest of us who are taxed more, we all become surf's & they become super wealthy masters. That is what is wrong with this country. All forms of income including dividends must be taxed at the same rate. Loopholes for the rich must be eliminated. According to free market capitalist Adam Smith the father of modern economics there should also be a slight progressiveness to taxes that allows the people at the bottom pay a lower rate than the people at the top. Currently it is inverted & regressive.

You are an idiot. Half of American's aren't even on the Federal tax rolls, and the rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden, ever.

What you clowns always fail to mention is that now what we are taxed FOR is no longer just military and roads and bridges, but it is now primarily direct REDISTRIBUTION to you lazy fucks who pay no taxes but complain about the rich paying too little.

I pay a lot larger percentage than the rich. That makes me less productive because I have a larger tax burden. That redistributes wealth to the rich.

Fuck off, freeloader. Taxes used to go mostly to military and such. Now Taxes go to REDISTRIBUTIVE HANDOUTS to the masses, not the rich, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. And now half of the masses aren't even on the tax roles at all.

You are an idiot. Half of American's aren't even on the Federal tax rolls, and the rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden, ever.

What you clowns always fail to mention is that now what we are taxed FOR is no longer just military and roads and bridges, but it is now primarily direct REDISTRIBUTION to you lazy fucks who pay no taxes but complain about the rich paying too little.

I pay a lot larger percentage than the rich. That makes me less productive because I have a larger tax burden. That redistributes wealth to the rich.

Fuck off, freeloader. Taxes used to go mostly to military and such. Now Taxes go to REDISTRIBUTIVE HANDOUTS to the masses, not the rich, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. And now half of the masses aren't even on the tax roles at all.

You & freeloader Romney can fuck-off. I paid 28% + payroll taxes. Bailed out by the tax payer Romney only paid 13%.

Larger & larger portion of tax revenue revenue has been coming from the middle class only to be sucked up by tax cuts for the rich. They need to pay their share or maybe pay back what they stole.
I pay a lot larger percentage than the rich. That makes me less productive because I have a larger tax burden. That redistributes wealth to the rich.

Fuck off, freeloader. Taxes used to go mostly to military and such. Now Taxes go to REDISTRIBUTIVE HANDOUTS to the masses, not the rich, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. And now half of the masses aren't even on the tax roles at all.

You & freeloader Romney can fuck-off. I paid 28% + payroll taxes. Bailed out by the tax payer Romney only paid 13%.

Larger & larger portion of tax revenue revenue has been coming from the middle class only to be sucked up by tax cuts for the rich. They need to pay their share or maybe pay back what they stole.

You are a fucking IDIOT.

The 'middle class' has largely been lopped off the tax roles.

That is exactly why the 'share' is now skewed to the rich paying a RECORD SHARE of the Federal income tax burden in our history.

In FACT, no country in the WORLD leans on their rich to pay more of the tax burden than the good ol' USA:

No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.

No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S. | Tax Foundation

Go fuck yourself AFTER you get your facts straight.
American was founded and became great by people who came here for freedom from government. In fact, there was little or no government when they came and they kept it that with the Constitution.

Today, people come here not to be free and contribute to society but to get welfare entitlements from liberal Democrats. Minorities and immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Obamabucks, not for freedom.

How can America survive when its newest citizens and minorities come here to leech off the system rather than contribute to it?

This is BS EdwardA and you know it. Plenty of Obama voters work long hard hours.

I have worked hard all my life and paid in mucho taxes, don't hear me crying about it unless it goes to fund an empty bomb crater in some foreign hellhole rather than maybe keeping someone from starving or paving that pothole infested road by my house.
Fuck off, freeloader. Taxes used to go mostly to military and such. Now Taxes go to REDISTRIBUTIVE HANDOUTS to the masses, not the rich, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. And now half of the masses aren't even on the tax roles at all.

You & freeloader Romney can fuck-off. I paid 28% + payroll taxes. Bailed out by the tax payer Romney only paid 13%.

Larger & larger portion of tax revenue revenue has been coming from the middle class only to be sucked up by tax cuts for the rich. They need to pay their share or maybe pay back what they stole.

You are a fucking IDIOT. - The 'middle class' has largely been lopped off the tax roles.

That is exactly why the 'share' is now skewed to the rich paying a RECORD SHARE of the Federal income tax burden in our history.

In FACT, no country in the WORLD leans on their rich to pay more of the tax burden than the good ol' USA:

No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.

No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S. | Tax Foundation

Go fuck yourself AFTER you get your facts straight.

You are to stupid to comprehend that the poor & middle class pay a larger percent due to payroll taxs. The rich pay a lower percent than the rest. The tax system gave all the money to the rich so they pay a larger portion. There is no tax burden on the rich because the tax system is making them richer. The poor & middle class are shouldering the tax burden. They pay a larger percent of earnings making them poorer. Brainless dumb-fucks like you can't comprehend simple math. Soon the rich will have all the money & pay all the tax.
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Oh my. Seems there were these predictions with the influx of Irish. Italians. Germans. Or what ever new group came here in large numbers. And then we all can read about all the predictions of doom and gloom during the Roosevelt years. In fact, during either of the Roosevelt's years.

Such a bunch of sad sacks, these 'Conservatives'. Just cannot get over the fact that the majority of Americans simply don't believe their Bullshit.

I haven't heard so much crying since 2008.
- Mitt Romney could NOT run Bain without a bail-out by tax payers.
- Mitt Romney could NOT get re-elected as governor of Massachusetts because he screwed them.
- Mitt Romney could NOT get elected as President because he is a fuck-up.
- Mitt Romney could NOT even carry the Presidential election in his state of Massachusetts.
- Paul Ryan could NOT even carry the VP election in his state of Wisconsin.
- Mitt Romney is NOT man enough to even pay a middle class tax rate.
- Mitt Romney is a tax mooch.
- Mitt Romney never served this country. He only takes from it.
- Mitt Romney got a lower percent of the Mormon vote than George Bush.
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It amazes me how these founding fathers motherfuckers always have a poor grasp on American history.
Ok feel free to leave. Boats leave every day for overseas...planes leave almost every hour. Why haven't you left yet?

My issue with the millions of illegal aliens sneaking in wanting a better life, I ask why the nearly 20 million here didn't stay home and fight to make their country better.

Now our country is slowly turning into a third world country while tens of millions follow like sheep and do nothing.

I always wondered why the far left didn't hop on a boat and head to the nearest socialist country when they had serious objections to capitalism and liberty.

This has been a great country. It's pretty sad that some are trying to tear it down, then insist that those who are saddened by the loss be the ones to leave.

To those who cheer the demise of America in favor of a more socialist or communist country- fuck you. The world is full of shithole commie countries and it wasn't necessary to destroy this one. Some can't be happy living where they like the rules, they can't be satisfied until the whole world does as they say.
Ok feel free to leave. Boats leave every day for overseas...planes leave almost every hour. Why haven't you left yet?

My issue with the millions of illegal aliens sneaking in wanting a better life, I ask why the nearly 20 million here didn't stay home and fight to make their country better.

Now our country is slowly turning into a third world country while tens of millions follow like sheep and do nothing.

I always wondered why the far left didn't hop on a boat and head to the nearest socialist country when they had serious objections to capitalism and liberty.

This has been a great country. It's pretty sad that some are trying to tear it down, then insist that those who are saddened by the loss be the ones to leave.

To those who cheer the demise of America in favor of a more socialist or communist country- fuck you. The world is full of shithole commie countries and it wasn't necessary to destroy this one. Some can't be happy living where they like the rules, they can't be satisfied until the whole world does as they say.

Bush had the illegals coming across the border in droves & had their truckers hauling goods here on our roads. Now Mexicans have headed back across the boarder. Immigration is no longer the problem.
Today, people come here not to be free and contribute to society but to get welfare entitlements from liberal Democrats. Minorities and immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Obamabucks, not for freedom.
You must be a "great" poker-player!!

You DO know when you're supposed to show-your-hand, right??

Aren't you making life more difficult (than it needs to be), for those coming (here), AFTER you??

From 2001-2008 we had the right wing demanding all left wingers who hated Bush to LEAVE. They laughed about saying that, mocking the left. For not leaving...when they protested what those people thought were Bush practices that were gonna destroy America. True or not, they believed it.

Now...true or not...the right wingers think Obama is about to literally collapse this nation into a 3rd world shithole.

Are they leaving?
I keep wondering why the Teabaggers never managed to copyright "Well...BOTH sides do it!!"....their standard-response, evey time they get busted for something.

Ya' gotta figure....the media has also jumped-on-board (using that phrase), in their lame effort to sound "non-partisan".

I guess the Teabaggers are simply too capitalism-challenged to recognize a profit-making opportunity, when they see one. It's a good thing we don't rely on them to create jobs.

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