Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

What we have Taz is White Justice White folks vote for pos like Gaetz Greene Trump and the judge in kyle case
It sure sounds like you don't have much more than three brain cells. How you can take a white defendant three white plaintiffs and an all white jury and find skin prejudice against blacks in there somewhere is beyond anyone's wildest imagination especially your own. It just demonstrates loudly how illegitimate he's imaginary racist positions have always been.

On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it

Why do you believe he went there with the 'intention of shooting people?'
Fact is most of the protesters didn't live in Kenosha either so most of them had no business being there either unless of course they're a believer in traveling to places for a cause which is a perfectly guaranteed freedom here in the United States. Yes that means people from Massachusetts May travel to California for a political reason and vice versa... There's absolutely nothing illegal untoward or unusual about doing that.

The irony being that so much of the left's ire towards Kyle Rittenhouse applies to their hero in this altercation, Gaige Grosskreutz. He wasn't from Kenosha, West Allis WI is nearly TWICE as far away as Antioch IL (albeit he did NOT cross state lines which the lefties are so up in arms about), and he WAS carrying an illegal weapon into a riot situation.

This is proof that the left's hatred of Rittenhouse is completely manufactured.
"Kyle went there with the intent to shoot people"

My question is rhetorical because no liberal has the competency to actually answer it........so here it goes

If thats the case, why did he ONLY SHOOT the 3 people that attacked him? Why didn't he just keep on shooting. If he went there intending to just murder innocent people, why did he stop with THOSE THREE ONLY?

You leftists truly are fucking stupid.

Exactly. Kyle fired 8 shots totals, 6 of which hit the target he was aiming for. This obliterates the 'intention to shoot people' argument, but libs are too dumb to figure that out.
Why do you believe he went there with the 'intention of shooting people?'
He had no other way to "defend property" than the gun he bought that day.

He was a pudgy kid with no martial arts training. He didn't bring a baseball bat. He didn't bring a two by four. He brought a gun...and he used it to kill two people
He had no other way to "defend property" than the gun he bought that day.

He was a pudgy kid with no martial arts training. He didn't bring a baseball bat. He didn't bring a two by four. He brought a gun...and he used it to kill two people

Again, as has already been brought up, if his 'intent' was to shoot people, why then did he WAIT until he was attacked to actually shoot people? Seems counter to your belief that was his sole 'intent' for being there.
Going back to the original thread topic, my belief for years has been that liberals read only the headlines, then assume they know everything there is to know about said topic, then formulate the righteousness of their belief. Conservatives actually read the article AND the follow-up, then see unintended consequences, and ONLY then do they prescribe a designated outcome. It's precisely why so many liberals EVEN ON THIS BOARD believe things like Kyle's mother drove him to Kenosha and that Kyle's victims were black. Information like that is embedded deep into the article, and NOT in the sensationalistic headline WHITE SUPREMACIST MURDERS BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTORS!
It sure sounds like you don't have much more than three brain cells. How you can take a white defendant three white plaintiffs and an all white jury and find skin prejudice against blacks in there somewhere is beyond anyone's wildest imagination especially your own. It just demonstrates loudly how illegitimate he's imaginary racist positions have always been.

Just off Do you think if Kyle was black the same verdict would happen?? Think the judge woulda been as 1 sided as he was??
that last sentence....interesting. Clearly leftists and right wingers see fairness, logic and justice in different ways.

There is a definite disagreement on the definition or the concept of fairness. How would one of our leftist brothers/sisters define 'fairness'.

Personally, as a rock-ribbed conservative, I define "fairness" as a meaningless kindergarten term that rational adults shouldn't be using.
Just off Do you think if Kyle was black the same verdict would happen?? Think the judge woulda been as 1 sided as he was??

If Kyle had been black, the biased, corrupt prosecution would never have brought charges against him, let alone attempted all the shoddy and unethical tricks they tried to pull against him.

Now that you've indulged your ignorant racism yet again, feel free to go away and allow the non-Neanderthals to talk.
If Kyle had been black, the biased, corrupt prosecution would never have brought charges against him, let alone attempted all the shoddy and unethical tricks they tried to pull against him.

Now that you've indulged your ignorant racism yet again, feel free to go away and allow the non-Neanderthals to talk.
Very true. Just look at today's urban shootings. In Phila, a pregnant mom was shot and killed coming from her baby shower. Not one fucking peep from the MSM. It doesn't fit their "racist white-supremacist narrative". Yet the whiny MSM wants to focus on Kyle who clearly shot criminals in self-defense.
That was one of the most ridiculous statements analogies I’ve ever read.
if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground, you would retract the lies you have posted....
if you only had a brain
You win You're far more disgusting than I But I should have known You're a republican
stop spreading YOUR LIES....do you have a link to back that LIE up?
of course not, you are a SCUM demonRAT

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