Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

Hows our economy rated world wide our covid response? You want to trade that in to the AH Trump?
Cecile said:
Personally, as a rock-ribbed conservative, I define "fairness" as a meaningless kindergarten term that rational adults shouldn't be using.

good point..and true. The left seems to want life to be fair but life is NOT no matter how much 'english' you put on it.
Same here. Also after watching the Prosecution with a gun pointed at the jury I was wondering who appointed those Bozo's. What a pack of morons.

I said Rittenhouse would be found NG and he sure was.
IF The pos kyle was black he'd get the chair ,Cecilie you fn moron

Yeah, that's what self-denying racists like you want to believe. No one sane believes for a second that leftist pukes like you and that prosecutor have any interest in holding a black person responsible for ACTUAL crimes, let alone persecuting them for self-defense. None of you are intelligent enough to see anything but skin color, or moral enough to realize what a piece of garbage that makes you.

Go pretend your knuckle-dragging bigotry is something to be proud of to other Neanderthals like yourself.
The split isn't between left and right. It is between thinking and unthinking.

Those who think are capable of analyzing the facts, and so look at the situation from a rational perspective, and realize he is innocent. Those incapable of thinking in any real way only know one thing in the world, and that is lockstep woke conformity, and so they want him to be guilty.
Very True, even people like Bill Mahr, not a righty or a white supremacist, can see this........but people like Joy Reid, NEED racial strife to have a job, therefore they post it......the question is, why do people like Reid have a job.....if anyone else had her history, they would be fired.....
Just off Do you think if Kyle was black the same verdict would happen?? Think the judge woulda been as 1 sided as he was??
I don't think skin color had anything to do with this trial at all. There were no black defendants no black perpetrators no black jurors.... No crime was committed against BLM. Three white guys attacked another white guy trying to kill him and he found a way to live. You want to say he had no business.... being there I guess that's a matter of opinion somewhere along the line Americans need to stand up and protect Americans.
Wow.... hopping into another conversation that you were not part of....

I guess when one is as lonely and pathetic as you are...this is the only way you can get attention.

Wow, once again mistaking an open Internet message board for a personal chat. I guess when one is as stupid and venal as you are, this is the best attempt at "thinking" you can manage.

Keep deluding yourself that you're going to be able to spew stupidity and then demand that no one challenge it.
Only in your imagination. If Kyle were black and his assailants were the same four white men and the circumstances were identical, we would be treating him the same way. If he were black and his assailants were black as well we would never have heard of it, the media would have considered it not newsworthy. We judge on objective facts, not relative feelings.

Racists like Eddiew have trouble understanding the thought processes of their evolutionary betters.
He had no other way to "defend property" than the gun he bought that day.

He was a pudgy kid with no martial arts training. He didn't bring a baseball bat. He didn't bring a two by four. He brought a gun...and he used it to kill two people
He didn't use the gun to defend property, moron. He used it to defend himself.
good point..and true. The left seems to want life to be fair but life is NOT no matter how much 'english' you put on it.

The problem is that "fair" is a word with no meaning beyond, "What I want." That's what it means to each person, and what each person wants is different, so there can't be any objective meaning or standard to "fair".
Can't name one, can you smoky?

Why in the world would I waste time trying to name a criminal you don't worship, when I know perfectly well that you love them all, Cornball?

Are you STILL trying that threadbare line of trying to shame me for not meeting YOUR "standards"? You might as well wear a neon sign saying, "Piss-Stupid".

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