Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

Blaming the MSM for people's opinions is "blaming the messenger". The MSM reported the facts. Your "additional sources" reported bullshit, propaganda and lies - a lot of it coming out of China, Russia, and Iran who are promoting authoritarian rule in the USA.

You're so brainwashed by this bullshit that you believe the people who are out to destroy your country, and are actively helping them do it.
Wrong. The main stream left wing propaganda arm of the liberal/progressive Democrap Party “reported” a huge amount of disinformation. It was stated, repeated and then mind-numbingly reiterated and they consistently demonstrated zero regard for the truth or actual facts. They were disdainful of it.

now, of course, you dismiss their dishonest reporting or pretend they were engaged in actual reporting.

you are a poster child for useful idiots.
They attacked him. What did you expect him to do?
Some people seem to believe that he had the right not to be where he had the right to be and, therefore, since he chose to exercise the right to be there, once attacked he also had the right to die and remain dead.

Like you, however, I think ha had the right to protect himself. I know. The far left finds this a quaint notion.
To me you lose your right to a self defense ruling when you place yourself in a riot like this with a loaded firearm.

Oh Please, You Nit-Wit ... :auiqs.jpg:

No one is required to care that you are unable to distinguish the difference in
your polluted interpretation of self-defense, and simply being better prepared to defend yourself.

You remind me of the nit-wits that thought it was a good idea to attack someone who was armed ... You ignorant twat.​

The only video that I was able to view, including the manipulated video, was made available by news sources. I viewed it all as well.
Early on there were some good timeline videos on YouTube before they took them down where you could easily tell it was self defense. Plus it was easy to see from the trial as well. Those who were protesting should have been watching instead.
Excecpt................he wasn't threatening anyone. More lib fantasies and lies.

Rittenhouse admitted on the stand that he pointed his gun at a protestor who lit a dumpster fire. He also said that was wrong and he should not have done it. That the protestors were pissed because they were being "sighted" by the laser scopes of the armed thugs there for the festivities.

That act was both provocative and dangerous. That act alone should have negated that notion of self-defense because at the point, the protestors were the ones who had legitmate fears for their lives.

There is a good reason why lefties and righties do not agree on the Rittenhouse case. We have each gained our perspective on the case from news sources, but we don't all take advantage of the same sources. There has been a very broad range of news and information available that ranges from politically motivated propaganda, to evidence of what really happened on the night of the shooting. Those who limited their news sources to politically motivated MSM sources are only able to see the case as engineered by the MSM. Those who took advantage of the additional news available beyond the MSM were able to get a much broader understanding of what happened.

You guys crave violence.

We do not.
A lot of people on the left need to reassess where they get their information. If you’re upset over this verdict watch the actual trial and see why. You’ll soon find out that reality is very different from what your news sources told you. They lied to you. Now what else are they lying about?

You do realize that if these people had the ability and the interest to do actual research, they wouldn't be leftists in the first place, right?
You guys crave violence.

We do not.

Says the twat defending people who had already spent two days rioting, looting, burning, and assaulting - not to mention over a year doing the same in other cities - before Kyle ever showed up. Do not even ATTEMPT to take some moralistic, "We're peaceful and YOU'RE violent for not letting us do what we want!" stance here, Cornball. And now the garbage that you swoon and cheerlead for are out rioting again. You are the bad guy here. You are always the bad guy, and you should at least be honest with yourself about it, since everyone else can see you and revile you for what you are.
Depends on who you define are "wings".
Yes there were the FEW who painted Kyle as a saint. But there are MASSES that wanted him found guilty regardless of evidence.
Most conservatives, like myself, understand this was a very tragic and avoidable event. The kid was obviously in the wrong for carrying a loaded weapon and running around with it in such a high emotional atmosphere. We also know he was 17 years old. And therefore foolish.
He is guilty of stupidity, gross stupidity. But that has no bearing on whether he was guilty of murder.
Fortunately you can't be convicted for being stupid. You have to actually commit the crime, and be proven in court.
Those who don't believe this - are tyrannist.

Sorry, I don't consider it "obvious" that he was "in the wrong" at all. What was wrong is that the situation existed at all. I said it in another thread and I'll say it here.

Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there. The police should have been there. The National Guard should have been there. The officials elected and/or appointed to maintain civil order should have been there. The adults of the community should have been there. Kyle Rittenhouse was there because all of the people who should have been there failed their responsibilities.

Young men see the virtue in courage. Old men try to make a virtue of cowardice by calling it "wisdom".

I am unimpressed by people who hide and worry only about themselves while evil people rampage and destroy, and try to denigrate those who are willing to oppose evil as "stupid, reckless, and wrong" for not being selfish poltroons.
A Mystery

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Irishrygirl @irishrygirl The biggest mystery in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial to me is how the judge fits that black robe over top of his white one.''Irishrygirl @irishrygirl The biggest mystery in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial to me is how the judge fits that black robe over top of his white one.'

The biggest mystery to me is how such a vile racist like yourself can delude yourself that your bigotry is "anti-racist". You have nothing to say, ever, except, "All I can see is race!! Everything is race!!! Nothing else exists except people's race!!! But I'm not racist because I hate the CORRECT race!!!"

So you might as well accept that you are the evil you tell yourself you're fighting, and loathe yourself as much as everyone else does.
By broader you mean racist. The fact is that Rittenhouse did not live in Kenosha so he had no business being there. He also had no business with a rifle. He was not a police officer. There is no law in any state that allows a 17 year old to carry a gun. Apparently your sources need to be informed.

No, Chuckles, the only people who mean anything about race would be the racists like you and your asshole buddy Eddiew, because you're the ones talking about race in every post. You think he should have been convicted of the "crime" of being white, and gone to prison just for not having enough melanin.
He is stupid, but where are the laws by not-stupid lawmakers to stop these minors from running around with military grade weapons. What the fuck.

It want a military grade weapon. You’ve been lied to. Get it?
No, Chuckles, the only people who mean anything about race would be the racists like you and your asshole buddy Eddiew, because you're the ones talking about race in every post. You think he should have been convicted of the "crime" of being white, and gone to prison just for not having enough melanin.
IF The pos kyle was black he'd get the chair ,Cecilie you fn moron

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