Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

if the law allows criminals like g. floyd to go on breaking the law, what good is the law?
and, if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground, you would retract the lies you have posted....if you only had a brain
That was one of the most ridiculous statements analogies I’ve ever read.
The split isn't between left and right. It is between thinking and unthinking. Those who think are capable of analyzing the facts, and so look at the situation from a rational perspective, and realize he is innocent. Those incapable of thinking in any real way only know one thing in the world, and that is lockstep woke conformity, and so they want him to be guilty.

Exactly. The funny thing going on is how no one in the media is telling the truth here! It's not the kid who is really on trial here but the gun! He was just stuck holding it. What the Left finds impossible to reconcile here in this case is that they CANNOT defend Kyle here because to do so is a vindication of the Second Amendment and the righteous utility of because able to defend yourself outside of the government on your own recognizance!
You right wing fascists want to jail everyone.
Just lawless creeps on the left. For example, Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot in the downtown area Friday night after a protest following the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict became violent and destructive near the Multnomah County Justice Center, authorities said. Rioters were throwing objects at officers, smashing windows and damaging the justice center's front gate, FOX 12 of Oregon reported. The rioters smashed the rear window of a police cruiser, windows from the city print shop and tagged the justice center building, police said.
The strong desire of many far left wing kooks is to take advantage of every possible ambiguity. They fight against any interpretation at odds with their desired outcome. Another way to derail the discussion.

for some people on either end of the political spectrum and those in between though, it is merely unfortunate that verbal ambiguity is inherent in many word.
Additionally they asked for link after link after link for things that need no linking like the sky is blue and the sun will rise in the morning. It's a standard obfuscation tactic known as jamming.
It is designed to take an obvious truth and cast it into doubt by constantly demanding that you prove what you know to be true is indeed true. It's a time wasting effort and once you begin to recognize the pattern you simply avoid wasting your time.
Just lawless creeps on the left. For example, Police in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot in the downtown area Friday night after a protest following the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict became violent and destructive near the Multnomah County Justice Center, authorities said. Rioters were throwing objects at officers, smashing windows and damaging the justice center's front gate, FOX 12 of Oregon reported. The rioters smashed the rear window of a police cruiser, windows from the city print shop and tagged the justice center building, police said.
Good for Portland these are homegrown pieces of crap that should long ago and had their heads dunked under the legal system's horse trough.

They seeded this piece of crap philosophy now let them live with the results of it
Exactly. The funny thing going on is how no one in the media is telling the truth here! It's not the kid who is really on trial here but the gun! He was just stuck holding it. What the Left finds impossible to reconcile here in this case is that they CANNOT defend Kyle here because to do so is a vindication of the Second Amendment and the righteous utility of because able to defend yourself outside of the government on your own recognizance!

The Stalinists are trying an end around to circumvent the right to self defense because that serves their needs. A disarmed populace is one that is easier for these Stalinists to control.
WTF are you talking about?

Blaming the MSM for people's opinions is "blaming the messenger". The MSM reported the facts. Your "additional sources" reported bullshit, propaganda and lies - a lot of it coming out of China, Russia, and Iran who are promoting authoritarian rule in the USA.

You're so brainwashed by this bullshit that you believe the people who are out to destroy your country, and are actively helping them do it.
Exactly. The funny thing going on is how no one in the media is telling the truth here! It's not the kid who is really on trial here but the gun! He was just stuck holding it. What the Left finds impossible to reconcile here in this case is that they CANNOT defend Kyle here because to do so is a vindication of the Second Amendment and the righteous utility of because able to defend yourself outside of the government on your own recognizance!
with an EVIL BLACK RIFLE to boot!!!!

Its glorious really.
Assuming DC allowed open carry

Would the right wingers have supported me going to the Capitol and shooting a couple of those rioters who I claim attacked me ?

Hell no
Exactly. The funny thing going on is how no one in the media is telling the truth here! It's not the kid who is really on trial here but the gun! He was just stuck holding it. What the Left finds impossible to reconcile here in this case is that they CANNOT defend Kyle here because to do so is a vindication of the Second Amendment and the righteous utility of because able to defend yourself outside of the government on your own recognizance!

Rittenhouse's actions in gunning down unarmed protestors in the streets is an indictment of the Second Amendment and of the right of individuals to use deadly force to protect themselves from unarmed assailants, who were quite rightfully trying to take the gun away from a dangerous asshole.

When you allow heavily armed individuals to wonder around threatening and intimidating people with impunity, you're opening the door to a whole of civil unrest and mob rule.
Exactly. The funny thing going on is how no one in the media is telling the truth here! It's not the kid who is really on trial here but the gun! He was just stuck holding it. What the Left finds impossible to reconcile here in this case is that they CANNOT defend Kyle here because to do so is a vindication of the Second Amendment and the righteous utility of because able to defend yourself outside of the government on your own recognizance!

Rittenhouse's actions in gunning down unarmed protestors in the streets is an indictment of the Second Amendment and of the right of individuals to use deadly force to protect themselves from unarmed assailants, who were quite rightfully trying to take the gun away from a dangerous asshole.

When you allow heavily armed individuals to wonder around threatening and intimidating people with impunity, you're opening the door to a whole of civil unrest,
Rittenhouse's actions in gunning down unarmed protestors in the streets is an indictment of the Second Amendment and of the right of individuals to use deadly force to protect themselves from unarmed assailants, who were quite rightfully trying to take the gun away from a dangerous asshole.

When you allow heavily armed individuals to wonder around threatening and intimidating people with impunity, you're opening the door to a whole of civil unrest and mob rule.

Excecpt................he wasn't threatening anyone. More lib fantasies and lies.
Stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats think the BLM filth was justified in their massive six month insurrection and the ensuing destruction in over 200 American cities.

So, therefore, any opposition to them is unacceptable no matter how justified. It is called "kissing Negro ass".

Pathetic, isn't it?

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