Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

Tipsy said:
Why do people still believe Kyle's mother drove him to Kenosha?

Media spouted that lie ALL DAY yesterday. Some people are ignorant. Some only believe what the lying media says and the lying media knows that. It keeps people angry and all sexed up as obama used to describe it. It promotes Chaos and that's what they want. These aren't pro-america media. They hate this country...infiltrated by marxists and they will be happy to destroy this country.
That's true. MSM is pushing division on a scale that we have never seen now. Also, of note, the prosecution had a HD video of the scene but gave the regular video to the jury, which had way less clarity and there was a sharp distinction between the two. I believe the jury was able to finally look at the HD but the prosecution needs to charged with withholding crucial evidence. That could have swayed the jury to make the wrong decision.

It is the far right pushing division through the use of threats and violence. One of the victims was a medic who did have a gun. He should have used it to kill Rittenhouse. That would have been self-defense and he would still have his arm. It is the right who is making threats against liberal politicians and school boards. They clearly are the ones who are dividing us in a attempt to take over this country.
If the law allows an immature 17 year old SWAT team wannabe to travel interstate with a loaded AR 15 assault rifle and openly carry it into a melee then there is something seriously wrong with the laws in the state of Wisconsin.

To me you lose your right to a self defense ruling when you place yourself in a riot like this with a loaded firearm.
The law needs to be changed.
How is it that pepople are STILL stuck on this traveling interstate with a rifle when it DID NOT happen?
On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it
And then there is the opening post
that last sentence....interesting. Clearly leftists and right wingers see fairness, logic and justice in different ways.

There is a definite disagreement on the definition or the concept of fairness. How would one of our leftist brothers/sisters define 'fairness'.
Interesting. There are many philosophical distinctions about the meaning of “fair.” It is a shame that, in our common tongue, we can’t seem to agree on a common meaning of basic terms.

If we consider racial issues as a wedge, then I would agree with anyone who says: “if a different result for the same facts comes about on the basis of race, that would be unfair.” But just because many liberals here contend that a black person in Kyle’s exact situation would have been convicted, that doesn’t make it true.

“Fairness” does not and really cannot exist in a vacuum. It is very much fact dependent.

I’ve seen black defendants get acquitted. Even by largely white juries. Why? Because on a very regular basis, despite some shortcomings, the jury system tends to work. It may be imperfect. Injustices and miscarriages of Justice have occurred. But in the normal course of events, juries do what they’re asked to do. Be fair. Be impartial. Make reasonable findings of fact. Apply the fact findings to the law as instructed in the law. Then, render a verdict in accordance with the law and the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof.
It is the far right pushing division through the use of threats and violence. One of the victims was a medic who did have a gun. He should have used it to kill Rittenhouse. That would have been self-defense and he would still have his arm. It is the right who is making threats against liberal politicians and school boards. They clearly are the ones who are dividing us in a attempt to take over this country.

Nope, your compass is messed up bad.
I agree that lefties are wired differently, and that they naturally come up with backwards thinking, but they also operate as a herd. If the MSM had been out to persecute and convict Kyle's attackers, lefties would have followed. If the MSM had presented the truth, lefties would have followed in lockstep.
Oh you are absolutely correct.
Interesting. There are many philosophical distinctions about the meaning of “fair.” It is a shame that, in our common tongue, we can’t seem to agree on a common meaning of basic terms.

If we consider racial issues as a wedge, then I would agree with anyone who says: “if a different result for the same facts comes about on the basis of race, that would be unfair.” But just because many liberals here contend that a black person in Kyle’s exact situation would have been convicted, that doesn’t make it true.

“Fairness” does not and really cannot exist in a vacuum. It is very much fact dependent.

I’ve seen black defendants get acquitted. Even by largely white juries. Why? Because on a very regular basis, despite some shortcomings, the jury system tends to work. It may be imperfect. Injustices and miscarriages of Justice have occurred. But in the normal course of events, juries do what they’re asked to do. Be fair. Be impartial. Make reasonable findings of fact. Apply the fact findings to the law as instructed in the law. Then, render a verdict in accordance with the law and the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof.
The Rittenhouse jury was perfectly fair.
Depends on who you define are "wings".
Yes there were the FEW who painted Kyle as a saint. But there are MASSES that wanted him found guilty regardless of evidence.
Most conservatives, like myself, understand this was a very tragic and avoidable event. The kid was obviously in the wrong for carrying a loaded weapon and running around with it in such a high emotional atmosphere. We also know he was 17 years old. And therefore foolish.
He is guilty of stupidity, gross stupidity. But that has no bearing on whether he was guilty of murder.
Fortunately you can't be convicted for being stupid. You have to actually commit the crime, and be proven in court.
Those who don't believe this - are tyrannist.
Bingo....guilty of stupid? Yes. Guilty of murder? No.
backagain said:
Interesting. There are many philosophical distinctions about the meaning of “fair.” It is a shame that, in our common tongue, we can’t seem to agree on a common meaning of basic terms.

If we consider racial issues as a wedge, then I would agree with anyone who says: “if a different result for the same facts comes about on the basis of race, that would be unfair.” But just because many liberals here contend that a black person in Kyle’s exact situation would have been convicted, that doesn’t make it true.

“Fairness” does not and really cannot exist in a vacuum. It is very much fact dependent.

I’ve seen black defendants get acquitted. Even by largely white juries. Why? Because on a very regular basis, despite some shortcomings, the jury system tends to work. It may be imperfect. Injustices and miscarriages of Justice have occurred. But in the normal course of events, juries do what they’re asked to do. Be fair. Be impartial. Make reasonable findings of fact. Apply the fact findings to the law as instructed in the law. Then, render a verdict in accordance with the law and the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof.

it's intention BackAgain You see the left changing definition all the time. Even the term equality is not the same as we think of as Equality. It's that marxist influence on regular left leaning people. They know not what they do.
If the law allows an immature 17 year old SWAT team wannabe to travel interstate with a loaded AR 15 assault rifle and openly carry it into a melee then there is something seriously wrong with the laws in the state of Wisconsin.

To me you lose your right to a self defense ruling when you place yourself in a riot like this with a loaded firearm.
The law needs to be changed.

Fortunately, there are people who are much smarter than you that feel differently.
it's intention BackAgain You see the left changing definition all the time. Even the term equality is not the same as we think of as Equality. It's that marxist influence on regular left leaning people. They know not what they do.
The strong desire of many far left wing kooks is to take advantage of every possible ambiguity. They fight against any interpretation at odds with their desired outcome. Another way to derail the discussion.

for some people on either end of the political spectrum and those in between though, it is merely unfortunate that verbal ambiguity is inherent in many word.
If the law allows an immature 17 year old SWAT team wannabe to travel interstate with a loaded AR 15 assault rifle and openly carry it into a melee then there is something seriously wrong with the laws in the state of Wisconsin.

To me you lose your right to a self defense ruling when you place yourself in a riot like this with a loaded firearm.
The law needs to be changed.
if the law allows criminals like g. floyd to go on breaking the law, what good is the law?
and, if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground, you would retract the lies you have posted....if you only had a brain

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