Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

eddie said:
Should I have turned the other cheek after what was said to me??? Not my style

You're right. It's not any leftists' style. Your first and only reaction is to cancel, ruin lives, consider yourself morally superior all the while helping the very people dedicated to overthrowing this nation and setting up a marxist gov't. We're on the way!!
This case highlights how important and amazing the jury system is.

The Govt, and the demafascist cult wanted to lynch this kid…and the jury stood between the kid, and the mob and listened to the facts, and applied the law. Thank God for the jury system
OJ felt the same way
This case highlights how important and amazing the jury system is.

The Govt, and the demafascist cult wanted to lynch this kid…and the jury stood between the kid, and the mob and listened to the facts, and applied the law. Thank God for the jury system
In this case they system worked. In all too many cases it fails. Attorneys on both sides need to be heldlegally responsible for the lies and misinformation they spread in closing arguments.
The saddest thing about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is not just that justice was not served, but that Republicans are falling over each other to hire this double murderer as a congressional intern. Why is only one side of the political spectrum outraged by this?
There is a good reason why lefties and righties do not agree on the Rittenhouse case. We have each gained our perspective on the case from news sources, but we don't all take advantage of the same sources. There has been a very broad range of news and information available that ranges from politically motivated propaganda, to evidence of what really happened on the night of the shooting. Those who limited their news sources to politically motivated MSM sources are only able to see the case as engineered by the MSM. Those who took advantage of the additional news available beyond the MSM were able to get a much broader understanding of what happened.

Wrong again, as usual. Blaming the messenger is always the wrong strategy.

What is especially telling is your statement that "those who took advantage of the additional news available" as being well informed, in fact the opposite is true. Those "additional news" sources your speak of are the right wing proganda and misinformation sites that are skewing your view of the world to a fantasy land of paranoia and discontent.

As always, you have it ass backwards. Ignore the fact checked sources of information and go with the conspiracy theorists and those with an agenda. Your "additional news" is coming out of China, Russian and Iran - the people who want a civil war in the USA.
something is turning our kids into marxist zombies. I believe it is the schools.


He who owns the youth, gains the future.
Critical thinking courses at high school and college which were in abundance into the 1990s are almost non existent. They we deemed as trampling too many feelings and not socialist/communist enough.
schooling became about comfort and cultural diversity and going to class in pajamas.
On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it

You're so smart Lesh.

You can tell he went there with the intention of shooting people when he was trying to run away without shots being fired, and then shots were fired because he was being assaulted and his life was clearly in danger.

Are you disappointed the men shot weren't black? AOC and Kapernick types sure are, you can tell because they're pretending they were black.
The saddest thing about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is not just that justice was not served, but that Republicans are falling over each other to hire this double murderer as a congressional intern. Why is only one side of the political spectrum outraged by this?
Verdicts cannot be sad
Nice try
In this case they system worked. In all too many cases it fails. Attorneys on both sides need to be heldlegally responsible for the lies and misinformation they spread in closing arguments.
From the judge to the jury ,the fix was in Wonder that pos judge could put his black robe over his white one
You're so smart Lesh.

You can tell he went there with the intention of shooting people when he was trying to run away without shots being fired, and then shots were fired because he was being assaulted and his life was clearly in danger.

Are you disappointed the men shot weren't black? AOC and Kapernick types sure are, you can tell because they're pretending they were black.
If the punk kid was black he'd be facing the chair
Tantrum name calling isvictory for the emotionally governed. Thinkers reject emotional grandstanding
Did you buy that pistol and get that CCW permit so you could go to a riot?


No and neither did Kyle. But if I was going to be in the vicinity of a demonstration, I would certainly carry because demonstrations lately have the tendency to spawn violent riots. I have done similar things in the past. At the time of the Rodney King riots I worked for the phone company within a couple of miles of the rioting. Management forbade us from carrying weapons, so I carried a knife with a 3 7/8s inch long blade (1/8 inch short of legally a weapon). I fully intended to use it to defend myself if attacked since the mob had already pulled Reginald Denny from his truck and nearly beaten him to death.
The saddest thing about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is not just that justice was not served, but that Republicans are falling over each other to hire this double murderer as a congressional intern. Why is only one side of the political spectrum outraged by this?
The sad thing was he only took out two of your ilk scumbags. That is an outrage.
OJ felt the same way
OJ hired expensive lawyers to game the system and with the assistance of a star-struck Judge Lance Ito who allowed the defense to run roughshod over the court, did so. If OJ had been tried in the Beverly Hills Courthouse where he should have been because of the location of the crime, he would have been convicted, the Beverly Hills Courthouse was used to handling celebrity cases, unlike the Downtown LA Courthouse.
I remember OJ getting in his white car and travelling down the interstate with a string of police cars just following at a consistent pace behind him. No shots fired. Treating him with kid gloves. pun intended. The guy killed two people, both white...one his wife, one a restaurant employee returning her property. OJ didn't get the chair. Is he a black supremacist? He was acquitted...now what's your point?
By broader you mean racist. The fact is that Rittenhouse did not live in Kenosha so he had no business being there. He also had no business with a rifle. He was not a police officer. There is no law in any state that allows a 17 year old to carry a gun. Apparently your sources need to be informed.
Fact is most of the protesters didn't live in Kenosha either so most of them had no business being there either unless of course they're a believer in traveling to places for a cause which is a perfectly guaranteed freedom here in the United States. Yes that means people from Massachusetts May travel to California for a political reason and vice versa... There's absolutely nothing illegal untoward or unusual about doing that.

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