Why we dont agree on Rittenhouse Case

If the law allows an immature 17 year old SWAT team wannabe to travel interstate with a loaded AR 15 assault rifle and openly carry it into a melee then there is something seriously wrong with the laws in the state of Wisconsin.

To me you lose your right to a self defense ruling when you place yourself in a riot like this with a loaded firearm.
The law needs to be changed.
You are zero for four on facts. Nothing you said is true.
It's an interesting topic...putting actual reasoning behind the differences between the two sides. Instinctively the right understands this. But it is so frustrating to try to speak OR ARGUE with someone who is irrevocably set in the leftist belief system. It's wrong. We know it's wrong. We can't grasp that they don't see the wrongness of it. Deep down they know it is wrong but they cannot admit it, acknowlege it or walk away from it. Well. I take that back. Some do...but the vast majority only double down. They cannot be wrong and they will not allow themselves to realize they are wrong.
What we have Taz is White Justice White folks vote for pos like Gaetz Greene Trump and the judge in kyle case
What we have is a judicial system that sees through the politics, and renders their decision based on FACTS---something you can't handle--
scum like you, are all for traitors and criminals like barrag-o, beijing xiden, the criminal georgie floyd, the pedophile, bill clinton, hit-lery, bernie....sadly, you don't see it... if you only had a brain eddie
No offense taken. RIghtwingers don't need leftists to argue. We can argue among ourselves..... without losing our sanity or self control.
It was not an argument but rather my misreading of your post and my erroneous response.
Admitting ones errors is a reality fact based thinkers thing as opposed to a liberal response of “fu&k you orange man ass licker”
from the article in Post 70.

Summing up all of these considerations, I would say that the left traditionally holds a more feminine form of morality, and the right holds a more masculine form; and if both were relatively healthy it would maintain a healthy balance in western politics and culture, a kind of natural two-party system resembling the natural balance of the male/female symbiosis. I see nothing wrong with competing moral codes, so long as the competition is more or less respectful and fair. However, the political and cultural left has become hysterically intolerant in recent years, and in some respects, in my opinion, quite insane, which results in its own preferred forms of morality becoming degenerate and morbid. There are still plenty of relatively sane liberals out there, and the future of the left may depend upon them; but now there are too many who are willing to overlook the excesses and rampant hysteria of their comrades. The situation is out of balance, and the left needs to return to some semblance of old-fashioned liberal idealism, including freedom of thought and expression, and leave the intolerant neo-Marxism in the dumpster where it belongs.
It's an interesting topic...putting actual reasoning behind the differences between the two sides. Instinctively the right understands this. But it is so frustrating to try to speak OR ARGUE with someone who is irrevocably set in the leftist belief system. It's wrong. We know it's wrong. We can't grasp that they don't see the wrongness of it. Deep down they know it is wrong but they cannot admit it, acknowlege it or walk away from it. Well. I take that back. Some do...but the vast majority only double down. They cannot be wrong and they will not allow themselves to realize they are wrong.
Liberals derive most of their steam from bad feelings.
We don’t
from the article in Post 70.

Summing up all of these considerations, I would say that the left traditionally holds a more feminine form of morality, and the right holds a more masculine form; and if both were relatively healthy it would maintain a healthy balance in western politics and culture, a kind of natural two-party system resembling the natural balance of the male/female symbiosis. I see nothing wrong with competing moral codes, so long as the competition is more or less respectful and fair. However, the political and cultural left has become hysterically intolerant in recent years, and in some respects, in my opinion, quite insane, which results in its own preferred forms of morality becoming degenerate and morbid. There are still plenty of relatively sane liberals out there, and the future of the left may depend upon them; but now there are too many who are willing to overlook the excesses and rampant hysteria of their comrades. The situation is out of balance, and the left needs to return to some semblance of old-fashioned liberal idealism, including freedom of thought and expression, and leave the intolerant neo-Marxism in the dumpster where it belongs.
When governed by feelings and facts prove you wrong then never admit that and instead fly off the handle and name call
It's an interesting topic...putting actual reasoning behind the differences between the two sides. Instinctively the right understands this. But it is so frustrating to try to speak OR ARGUE with someone who is irrevocably set in the leftist belief system. It's wrong. We know it's wrong. We can't grasp that they don't see the wrongness of it. Deep down they know it is wrong but they cannot admit it, acknowlege it or walk away from it. Well. I take that back. Some do...but the vast majority only double down. They cannot be wrong and they will not allow themselves to realize they are wrong.
It's worth noting that lefties are the first ones to shut down political discussions, they are the ones who censor and deplatform dissent, and they evade opening posts on sites like this. It does run a little deeper than what information they are exposed to or not exposed to.
The MSM clearly tried to hang the kid with outright lies and innuendoes. Without even checking the story the MSM claimed that Rittenhouse broke the law by traveling to another state to purchase the rifle. It was a lie. They even called him a KKK member. Rittenhouse made a mistake by confronting hard core demonstrators and put his life in danger but he broke no laws.
WTF19 I must respond in kind you asskissing pos You kissed trump butt for so long you and the AH weather can't tell right from wrong
There is a good reason why lefties and righties do not agree on the Rittenhouse case. We have each gained our perspective on the case from news sources, but we don't all take advantage of the same sources. There has been a very broad range of news and information available that ranges from politically motivated propaganda, to evidence of what really happened on the night of the shooting. Those who limited their news sources to politically motivated MSM sources are only able to see the case as engineered by the MSM. Those who took advantage of the additional news available beyond the MSM were able to get a much broader understanding of what happened.
On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it
It's worth noting that lefties are the first ones to shut down political discussions, they are the ones who censor and deplatform dissent, and they evade opening posts on sites like this. It does run a little deeper than what information they are exposed to or not exposed to.
It’s because leftists see anyone who disagrees with them, not as wrong, but as evil and evil must be eradicated. If you think someone is wrong, you try to educate them and sway their opinion.
WEATHER53 said:
Liberals derive most of their steam from bad feelings.
We don’t
something is turning our kids into marxist zombies. I believe it is the schools.


He who owns the youth, gains the future.
lesh said:
On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it

nope. that's not it. And your post indicates that you are not open to considering anyone elses' opinion after YOU have already assigned their position for them. THAT"s pretty much the left's modus operandi. YOU consider yourself morally superior..and any white male is the oppressor. The funny thing is that All concerned were white males. Two were actual oppressor/criminals and one was fighting for his life. I considered the left medias' charges against this kid and each and every lie was disqualified and shown to be incorrect.
A lot of people on the left need to reassess where they get their information. If you’re upset over this verdict watch the actual trial and see why. You’ll soon find out that reality is very different from what your news sources told you. They lied to you. Now what else are they lying about?
The liberal media lies to its audience because that audience always forgives them and believes the next round of lies like good sheeple.

Conservative media lies less but is far from perfect.

In the end you get to pick the propaganda you like and I get to pick the propaganda I like.
On the one hand you have right wingers that are glad that these people "got what they deserved"

And on the other you have people who realize that this kid went there with a gun with the intention of shooting people

That's pretty much it
Conservatives tend to want criminals punished and the four men who attacked Rittenhouse were all convicted criminals caught on video assaulting Rittenhouse. I think all conservatives would have preferred to see them arrested by the police and punished by the courts, but having them punished by their victim is acceptable to us.
As for your second assertion, no one has managed to provide evidence that Rittenhouse intended to shoot anyone. He certainly hadn't made any serious preparations to do so. He had minimal ammunition, gave away his body armor and made no statements before or after the attacks to indicate an intention to shoot anyone. The prosecution and people like you have expended every effort to find an indication of intent to shoot someone and have failed miserably. I have a CCW permit and sometimes carry a pistol. When I carry, do I intend to shoot someone? The answer is no, I carry because I perceive that I am going into a dangerous area or situation and want the ability to defend myself if attacked.
This case highlights how important and amazing the jury system is.

The Govt, and the demafascist cult wanted to lynch this kid…and the jury stood between the kid, and the mob and listened to the facts, and applied the law. Thank God for the jury system

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