Why we don't believe the MSM any more!

Given the attached example of reporting do you

  • As a Democrat/Liberal believe the MSM more?

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  • As a Democrat/Liberal believe the MSM less?

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  • As a NON-liberal/Democrat do you believe the MSM LESS?

    Votes: 5 100.0%

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Whatever "bias" is in the media was NOT in the OP's headline, so obviously there is a lot LESS bias than you dishonest suckers have been led to believe or the Right would not have to stoop to creating it!!!!!
In face of all the proof that the liberal media is lying, you post a clear cut lie. You are evil.
The OP altered the headline to attach the media and that make ME the liar and the OP a saint. :cuckoo:
Right-wing "logic" is mind boggling!!!
Perfect example of lying and deflection. Note I never said the OP was a saint or anything else. But you are a liar.
You said I was an evil liar for pointing out how the OP altered the headline, which he undeniably did, so that implies the OP is an honest saint to you compared to the me, which is your deflection from having to admit the dishonesty of your fellow traveler, the OP..

HOW did I UNDENIABLY change this headline?
Pretty damn clear. When you read the next line... states... at LEAST four hours... NOT 8 hours...

So how did I CHANGE the headline and WHY did the HEADLINE clearly give the impression "Trump watches up to 8 hours of TV PER DAY!" When that is a total bald faced LIE!

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You are really milking that dumb act.
This is the headline intended to get people to read the article...BUT most people don't! They just take the headline as stating FACTS! As a result once again FALSE FAKE NEWS!
Trump watches up to eight hours of TV per day: report

For those of you that don't comprehend this:
Headline Trump WATCHES 8 hours per day!
President Trump spends at least 4 hours a day watching TV!
Folks how many of you have your TV on RIGHT NOW????
I do! Am I watching it? NO. Can I hear something? Yes. If it is interesting I'll watch! But this CRAP of
WATCHING TV 8 HOURS A DAY! Total FAKE F...king MADE UP bull crap!
Come on people join the millions of people that are really fed up with this biased REPORTING and out right LIES!

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The key is not that Trump watches TV but that he relies on rightwing media not only for his information but his opinions
The Left Wing Fake News is a threat to our democracy because it misinforms the voters.

The Press is suppose to be the watch dog for the citizens, but the MSM is a guard dog for the Corrupt Democratic Party and an attack dog against the Republicans.
MSM TV is also now ~1/3-1/2 commercials. Very annoying. Even constant remoting does not work anymore, as they all put 3-5 min commercials at same times, seems even more at the 15 min marks?

Radio too. Every 3 minutes or so "stay with us, be right back, coming up next" etc. Driving people crazy.....little by little. Teaser headlines. Women announcers gushing every word sort of like singing a song, sound "emphasis" on most words.

For example the Big-chested Red-headed lady on FBN gushes every word like it is the most important item of the next 10 years. She literally falls over herself to interview any CEO! Yes makes me angry.
Remember when Trump said he wouldn’t have time to golf or watch tv? I bet the rubes still believe him :lol:
The Left Wing Fake News is a threat to our democracy because it misinforms the voters.

The Press is suppose to be the watch dog for the citizens, but the MSM is a guard dog for the Corrupt Democratic Party and an attack dog against the Republicans.
Fox is the msm. Fail
The problem here is that our media's abject inability to hide or control its biases is, in effect, giving more exposure and credibility to other sources with the same abject inability. This ain't good, kids. If we really value country over party, we can't allow this to continue at this pace.
The real "problem" is SUCKERS like you didn't catch the change the OP made to CREATE the so called "bias."
So you don't "see" bias in the media, and I'm the sucker.

Okay, I believe you.
Whatever "bias" is in the media was NOT in the OP's headline, so obviously there is a lot LESS bias than you dishonest suckers have been led to believe or the Right would not have to stoop to creating it!!!!!
What in the world are you talking about?

Did you actually read my post, or did you just go full drama queen immediately when you realized it wasn't in simplistic lockstep with your ideology?

Yeah I read your failed attempt to blame both sides, again if there was so much bias in the media, the Right would not have to fabricate it so SUCKERS like you would think it was equal on both sides.
You think you are so even-handed, but you are nothing more than a first class SUCKER.
Apparently if you are a LWNJ, you can't recognize bias by the DNC media.
This is the headline intended to get people to read the article...BUT most people don't! They just take the headline as stating FACTS! As a result once again FALSE FAKE NEWS!
Trump watches up to eight hours of TV per day: report

For those of you that don't comprehend this:
Headline Trump WATCHES 8 hours per day!
President Trump spends at least 4 hours a day watching TV!
Folks how many of you have your TV on RIGHT NOW????
I do! Am I watching it? NO. Can I hear something? Yes. If it is interesting I'll watch! But this CRAP of
WATCHING TV 8 HOURS A DAY! Total FAKE F...king MADE UP bull crap!
Come on people join the millions of people that are really fed up with this biased REPORTING and out right LIES!

View attachment 165231
The key is not that Trump watches TV but that he relies on rightwing media not only for his information but his opinions
Well what would you personally believe if you read a headline like this:
57,800 results that Trump is "anti-immigrant".
YET he MARRIED an immigrant! 40 million+ people like me either are Legal immigrants or have legal immigrants as relatives and you think WE all are "anti-immigrant"???
But see you and others like the MSM have this really distorted view of millions of people like Trump and people like me!
You think because WE respect the immigration efforts of our relatives who FOLLOWED the laws of "LEGAL immigration " that we are ALL ANTI-IMMIGRATION"?
Another perfect example of the BIASED MSM presenting FALSE, made up stories.
Trump nor millions like me are "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! A very simple adjective has been conveniently left out...."ANTI-ILLEGAL"!!!

Please explain that then as biased RIGHT wing media sources!
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I was in the business for nearly 20 years, I know precisely how the game is played, and I'm still involved on the periphery.

You are just another hardcore partisan ideologue. Side irrelevant.

Since you're unable to control yourself, please melt down for someone else, thanks.
You are just a dumb SUCKER who thinks they are smarter than everybody else, side irrelevant.

Again, if there was so much REAL bias, the Right would not have to fabricate it!!!
Get it????
Yes, got it, thanks so much. You're just too smart for me.
Well, I did catch the OP changing the headline, and you didn't, so at the very least I am more observant than you.

Where did I change ANY headline?
The Headline clearly stated Trump WATCHES up to 8 hours a DAY PER DAY!
How did you catch anything? Then one line later it says at LEAST 4 hours watching television! That's a far cry from UP TO EIGHT HOURS PER DAY!

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And now the dumb act to pretend you are too stupid to know what you did.

WHERE did I ever say TRUMP watches TV 8 hours? I didn't say it. The HEADLINE says WATCHES UP to 8 HOUR EVERY DAY!!
This is so black and white!
Ask 100 people how many hours a day does Trump watch TV after reading this headline and 100 people would say 8 hours a day!

NO question about it!

and your comment "And now the dumb act to pretend you are too stupid to know what you did"
Wow! What a convoluted thinking process you have to go through on a daily basis to come up with that totally revealing comment!

There is a small but still numerous minority of people that are solidly locked into the right wing bubble and are easily convinced fantasy is reality and reality is not real. Fake Fox News and their minions of lying infomerical hosts, Fish Dimbaugh, and the rest of the right wing echo chamber have convinced a minority that reality is not reality.

You only need to watch Lying Donald Trump for a week to understand how far removed these people are from reality. He and they lie about things that have been proven as fact. And then they lie about the lies.
There is a small but still numerous minority of people that are solidly locked into the right wing bubble and are easily convinced fantasy is reality and reality is not real. Fake Fox News and their minions of lying infomerical hosts, Fish Dimbaugh, and the rest of the right wing echo chamber have convinced a minority that reality is not reality.

You only need to watch Lying Donald Trump for a week to understand how far removed these people are from reality. He and they lie about things that have been proven as fact. And then they lie about the lies.

Explain to me then this LYING Headline?
I mean just one sentence later they say it is is at least 4 hours and then sometimes 8 hours!
REALLY you believe a headline that states he WATCHES UP TO EIGHT HOURS PER DAY... AND YOU CALL HIM A LIAR????
This is the problem with people like you! You depend on the FAKE MSM that is proven BIASED!

WHERE did I ever say TRUMP watches TV 8 hours? I didn't say it.
Headline Trump WATCHES 8 hours per day!

What is the difference? Trump watches 8 hours per DAY!!!
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And back to the dumb act.
Pathetic. The Headline clearly states "Trump watches TV up to 8 hours a day!
Where in any of the 11 words is there Less then 8 hours?
Here let me make it simple for an obvious simpleton.

You have missed the entire point here and blaming ME!

The MSM has taken the EXCEPTION and made it sound like it happens per DAY!
Trump watches according to the reporter at least 4 hours....(according to a report) where by the way is that "report" and who made the report?
But more importantly this reporter clear states that NOT EVERY DAY but "sometimes" as many as 8 hours!
NOT everyday as the headline presents. "WATCHES up to 8 hours ever day!
Why are you so against the reporter and the editors stating the truth and most importantly WHERE did this "report" come from? Who made this up?

The Headline clearly states "Trump watches TV up to 8 hours a day!
Where in any of the 11 words is there Less then 8 hours?
Right there, which is exactly why YOU changed the headline leaving out those 2 words and continue to play dumb.

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