Why We Must Talk About Trump’s Mental Health

The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
Red State Trumpanzee voters will regret voting for trump.

I regret that I didn't vote for Trump.

How does that make you fee Brown Shirt? Are you consumed with rage and hatred? Will you vent at a Kristalnacht tonight with your fellow ANTIFA terrorists?

Quit lying......you voted for trump.

Johnson, but I wish I had voted for Trump. I will next time.

Assuming you terrorist democrats don't assassinate him first.

Meh.....Melania might just put a pillow over Trumps face and smother the dementia rat fuck.
Why We Must Talk About Trump’s Mental Health
Discussion in 'Current Events' started by RASTAMEN, Today at 2:30 AM.

Congratulations on finally posting a thread where the thread title ISN'T ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS :thup:

It's a shame the whole OP is Moonbat crazy :uhoh3:

You Trumpeteers are the most going down with the ship idiots since the band on the Titanic! Deny what the rest of America the news at your own peril. Most Americans, at least the sensible ones, think Trump is not responsible at best, unstable at worst. Either way, that's not a good prospect for someone who is the leader of the free world.

Allow me to tell you something about real Americans.

We fought tooth and nail for this country.

The people we elect are supposed to represent us.

Not your commie/globalist agenda pushers, ok?

This is America, not communist Russia, communist Russia isn't even as left as the faggots pushing agenda these days.

Anyone can fish anytime they want to in Russia, not so in the US.

Andy Griffith comes to mind for some reason.

People voted for Trump because they're tired of the bullshit. We are still tired of the bullshit.

Do your job or you got to go, bottom line.

This means you, Senate. Very soon, your being "above the law" will be no more.

"All men are created equal" baby.

Note the word "created" for future reference.
Sober up. Fishing? Is that what comes out when Pabst Blue Ribbon is spilled on a keyboard?

Meh........you guys elected a 70 year old Fascist Dictator who has Dementia! Shut-up. Trump is getting treated the same way you red state knuckle dragger would have treated Hillary had she won. The country doesn't like YOUR President nor do we like you dam red state conservatives who vote Republican.

The GOP has forgotten that we have their play book!!! ENJOY.
To whom is your post addressed?
Why do you ask.
Because I am not a "red state knuckle dragger". Careful readings of my posts make that abundantly clear.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
Why do you assume that Democrats, Liberals, Progressives whatever are so personally invested in the political fortunes of Hillary Clinton? Is that the most comfortable place for you to hide?

The election is over. History. Finito. The issue is what to do about the petulant, boorish ignoramous that was elected. We don't wring our hands about the past as much as the present.
View attachment 148150
Thank God!
Trump didn't ask Putin to wait till after the election so he could do more for him. Then getting rejected. That was your man child Obama.
Trump assumes the position for Putin
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
No, the nation did not reject Hillary. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. It was a fluke of the electoral system that gave the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the Presidency. Something the majority of Americans are already regretting.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.

The country? More people voted Hillary.

More American Citizens voted for Trump, as you and the other Stalinists well know.
This has become a thread to unload all your liberal frustrations over Trump, since your original thread topic carries no interest.

Too bad nobody share the hysterical lib position.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
No, the nation did not reject Hillary. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. It was a fluke of the electoral system that gave the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the Presidency. Something the majority of Americans are already regretting.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.

The country? More people voted Hillary.

More American Citizens voted for Trump, as you and the other Stalinists well know.
Donald Trump's Electoral College victory was not a 'massive landslide'
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
No, the nation did not reject Hillary. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. It was a fluke of the electoral system that gave the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the Presidency. Something the majority of Americans are already regretting.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.

The country? More people voted Hillary.

More American Citizens voted for Trump, as you and the other Stalinists well know.
Donald Trump's Electoral College victory was not a 'massive landslide'

Trump’s percentage of the Electoral College vote is lower than 12 previous results (1948, 1952, 1956, 1964, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012). By contrast, Trump’s electoral vote haul was bigger than only five elections in the post-World War II era (1960, 1968, 1976, 2000 and 2004). So Trump ranks in the bottom one-third by this metric.

Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
No, the nation did not reject Hillary. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. It was a fluke of the electoral system that gave the treasonous fat senile old orange clown the Presidency. Something the majority of Americans are already regretting.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.

The country? More people voted Hillary.

More American Citizens voted for Trump, as you and the other Stalinists well know.
Donald Trump's Electoral College victory was not a 'massive landslide'

Lost your binky again?
Because I have the common sense to see that Trump is petulant, in your vacant mind, I'm a Stalinist?

You deny being a Stalinist? :lmao:

From before the day Trump was NOMINATED, you Stalinists declared he was done. We both know there are literally hundreds of posts by you dating back over the last two years where you declare Trump done. But don't let your massive record of failure change your tactics, you're a democrat, a disciple of Josef Stalin. You have a nation to destroy and by Allah you mean to destroy it so that a brutal dictatorship can take it's place and punish all those who did better than you.
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
Why do you assume that Democrats, Liberals, Progressives whatever are so personally invested in the political fortunes of Hillary Clinton? Is that the most comfortable place for you to hide?

The election is over. History. Finito. The issue is what to do about the petulant, boorish ignoramous that was elected. We don't wring our hands about the past as much as the present.
View attachment 148150
Thank God!

The election is over.

I care that the Bill of Rights will survive for at least a few more years. The dream of a Bolshevik SCOTUS to declare the Bill of Rights "unconstitutional" as Sotomayor, Kagan. and Satan (Ginsburg) sought to do is scuttled.

That you Stalinists are in open rebellion and waging war on the legally elected government, dispatching your ANTIFA terrorist brown shirts for nightly Kristalnacht in hopes of intimidating America as you stage your coup is very concerning, and a situation I doubt will have a peaceful ending.
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The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
Why do you assume that Democrats, Liberals, Progressives whatever are so personally invested in the political fortunes of Hillary Clinton? Is that the most comfortable place for you to hide?

The election is over. History. Finito. The issue is what to do about the petulant, boorish ignoramous that was elected. We don't wring our hands about the past as much as the present.
View attachment 148150
Thank God!
He is more worthy than Hillary to be president. America spoke and liberals are still whinning about it.
Trump is a game show host without political experience. He is a crass, boorish egotist who is uniquely unqualified. His is a cult of personality, not respect. He shows no respect for others, including POWs, the disabled, women, minorities and the poor. His philosophy one centered on himself.

He is unworthy of respect.

A game show host makes a better president than a Mafia Don does.

You lost, America won. So now you are attempting to stage a coup, that is rapidly turning into open civil war.
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The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
You haven't been paying attention, have you? It's not about Clinton or the election. It's about everything that's happened since. Trump is batshit bonkers and anyone who can't see that has problems of their own.

It's about dashing the dreams of you Stalinists. Despite the corrupt press that campaigned for the Mafia Don, America actually pushed you back. But you Stalinists are never ones to let elections stand in your way, so now you are in open revolt and attempting a coup. Your corrupt and lying press is doing what they can to aid you, but they have lost all credibility. CNN is a joke, the Washington Post is a hate blog with less credence than ThinkProgress. The NY Times are a collection of trolls paid by a foreign power to spread disinformation in order to corrupt American elections (Say, isn't that what you Bolsheviks were claiming about Russia? Oh, it's only bad if the other side does it!)
The unstable ones are the libs because they can't accept the fact that the, country rejected Hillary.
Red State Trumpanzee voters will regret voting for trump.

I regret that I didn't vote for Trump.

How does that make you fee Brown Shirt? Are you consumed with rage and hatred? Will you vent at a Kristalnacht tonight with your fellow ANTIFA terrorists?

Quit lying......you voted for trump.

Johnson, but I wish I had voted for Trump. I will next time.

Assuming you terrorist democrats don't assassinate him first.

Meh.....Melania might just put a pillow over Trumps face and smother the dementia rat fuck.

And the Easter Bunny might come tonight and give you a brain!

Fantasy is all a loser like you has...

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