Why We Need a Third Party

Fair question. The far right wants to go back to the culture and society of the 1950s; the far left wants to go back to the 1930s and the 1960s.

This country is about all of us, and the mainstream of left of cent to right of center will do better than either polar extreme.

I suppose that's your roundabout way of saying there is no diff between far right and far left thuggery. The obvious question then is why one who CLAIMS to be a Repub spends all his time railing against only the far right?
SAYIT, no suppose, little buddy. Both extremes are out for themselves only. I rail only against the far right? :Boom2::blowup:

Show that down without problem. Son, your problem is you label EVERYBODY who does not agree with you as "liberal", which is a silly thing to say. It shows your silliness.
SAYIT, no suppose, little buddy. Both extremes are out for themselves only. I rail only against the far right?

Show that down without problem. Son, your problem is you label EVERYBODY who does not agree with you as "liberal", which is a silly thing to say. It shows your silliness.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

There is a big big ....really BIG difference

The leftwingers want to fuck you in the name of the fatherland

the rightwingers want to screw you in the name of god

Next question, please.


Is it Left wing or Right wing policies that are raising taxes, increasing regulation, controlling how people live from light bulbs to toilet flushes to health care? In what way does the right oppress ANYONE with religion? You got your abortion on demand, your contraceptives, and your gay butt sex unfettered by religious people. So back up your stupid, unmerited comment or admit you made it up.
SAYIT, no suppose, little buddy. Both extremes are out for themselves only. I rail only against the far right? :Boom2::blowup:

Show that down without problem. Son, your problem is you label EVERYBODY who does not agree with you as "liberal", which is a silly thing to say. It shows your silliness.

Except I rarely label anyone as "liberal" nor did I do so to you. I simply pointed out the persistent hypocrisy in your one-sided screeds.
If I am accusing both far right and far left, you are the liar who denies it.
If we look at our history it seems to be one of constantly progressing. If the American people feel too much progress, they stop and digest the progress by voting Republican. Look back 100 years of our history and it's pretty apparent. We need the Republican party as our after dinner mint.
We just need one party with the window dressing of two. SO we're doing perfect right now.
Just destroy the left, the rest will work itself out.

The Left will destroy itself. Human history has played this out over and over, civilizations embracing self destructive policies winking out of existence. Leftism doesn't work. It's been tried too many times and failed massively because it's premises are flawed. Ancient civilizations that murdered their own children died out, others spent themselves into an economic meltdown, still others weakened themselves through suffused homosexuality and pederasty. And now the Left, who fancy themselves "progressive" as if they were discovering something new, wax atavistic in their re-dramatization of past failures.
The only reason for a third party is to split the conservative vote.

I agree that a third party would split what is considered by most to be the Conservative vote. I also believe that true Conservatives would be the reason that vote would be split.

I cannot say that some true Conservatives would not chose to vote for Republicans against their best interests ... Because some would be against the idea of just handing every election to the Democrats. This only makes the idea of a viable third party a proposition of the party identity developing and caucusing with Republicans. Leadership of a two-party right-wing approach would require compromise between those factions in presenting an organized front.

It would take time to develop individual identities strong enough stand completely alone. The idea that Democrats would fracture instead of circling the wagons and weathering it out would completely ignore their absolute lack of investment in a principle that involves anything other than maintaining their power over the purse.

They will never risk losing the power to divide the public or support their re-election through government hand outs. If that power ever vanished, or was diminished by principled disagreement and separation ... They would have little chance of surviving.

Watch the Senate leadership crush Castro Cruz like toilet paper and throw him away.

A list from 2012 is not a list for 2015, honey.

You got a list for 2015 stupid ass...all you had to do was add in our new members.

Maybe you are to stupid to be a clown.

Still no bullring....you coward ?

You did not give a full list, as required. You came up with six or seven names, including my friend Mia Love. Typical of you: shoddy work falling short.

You are not worthy of the bull ring, hon.

You got what you asked for, moron.

YOU never produced anything to support your fantasy. I have reality on my side.

YOU are a coward and everyone here can see it.

Run along chickenshitboy.

You failed to provide the full list because it is so weak.

I don't have to provide anything until you fulfill your affirmation: you did not.

Cruz and Palin did not run this year, but you did not know that.

Name calling. :lol:

1. You made the assertion...no backup with regards to the status of the Tea Party candidates. As is typical, you never produced anything.

2. What list do I need to provide and why ? What did I say that required a list ? Answer: Nothing. But I did provide more than was required and certainly more than you ever provided.

You are a liar.

You are a fraud.

You are a worthless debater.

You won't meet me in the Bullring because you know I'll hand you your ass.

Nobody takes you seriously or believes anything you say....how can you even show your face on the board ?

You asserted dear that there were more TeaP creeps in Congress.

I asked you for a list, and you provided one from 2012, not after 2014.

Conclusion: you won't meet your obligations here, you won't in the Bull Ring.

You have no cred.

They had some decent ideas ... And some that were less than practical any time in the near future.

Like the idea of keeping "Charity Local" ... It has merit in principle to keep subsidized housing, medicine and whatnot at the lowest level of society involvement by moving the responsibilities back to States, Counties or even Municipalities

It will take party like that ages to reduce federally controlled benefits back to the local level ... And none of the other parties will ever let that happen. Good idea ... Just not going to happen.

A lot of their ideas are grand in nature ... But certainly don't account for the here and now.


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