Why We Need a Third Party

I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform.


What a fucking joke.

Your response is exactly what I mean in regards to why Libertarians will never build an organized front ... They think scolding everyone while wrapped in their own liberty driven righteous indignation is how you appeal to voters.

It is a fucking joke indeed!


No, libertarians stand on principle and do not look to lie to voters to garner support. Which is why the libertarian party is not welcome to participate in the debates, etc as a party. Because only republicans and democrats are allowed in. Because they are fucking principleless fucking liars that just want to win and collect their money from the backs of the morons who voted for them.

No principles at all in the two party system. none.

libertarians want to leave services that are able to private industry and slashing the state down to size. While main stream republicans want to grow the state until it is full blown cancer. We had 8 years of main stream republicanism before the last six of the current moron and that is exactly what they did. Med D, No child left, hegemony hot wars, trillions in additional debt.

Main stream republicans look more like democrats than anything else and you can not disprove that in actions. Only in rhetoric. Which makes you even more stupid than democrats.


See? You can not disprove it. You have to respond like an infant. Main stream republicans are a bunch of principle-less, lying, conniving tricksters that have absolutely no principles except "grow the State".

Limited govt. republicans... :lmao:

Does anyone buy that fucking lie anymore. Oh,yes they do. This board is fucking stuffed full of them.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

the "far" right is not far right- only in a leftist's mind. The far right is about traditional values, strong military, low taxes, small gov., personal responsibility and freedom of religion, gun rights etc.. Legal immigration, etc...

Then how do you account for the rabid RWs here constantly posting against all the things you list?

Edited add - except, of course, guns and military.
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I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform. :lmao: What a fucking joke.

Yeah, you are, bub. Libertarians simply engage in mental masturbation as they debate and yell without resolution: feels good, very sterile.

More of the same from Fakey Jakey. Tell us about all the republican actions that have led to limited government, Fake. Lets here how they want to "limit" government.

Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

the "far" right is not far right- only in a leftist's mind. The far right is about traditional values, strong military, low taxes, small gov., personal responsibility and freedom of religion, gun rights etc.. Legal immigration, etc...

How come they have not actually governed in this fashion then? It's all rhetoric for you clowns to lap up.
No, libertarians stand on principle and do not look to lie to voters to garner support. Which is why the libertarian party is not welcome to participate in the debates, etc as a party. Because only republicans and democrats are allowed in. Because they are fucking principleless fucking liars that just want to win and collect their money from the backs of the morons who voted for them.

No principles at all in the two party system. none.

Again ... Exactly my point!

Libertarians are not competing against their principles ... They are competing against two parties that no matter how corrupt already have voters. Kicking someone in the teeth and demanding you are better than them ... Isn't going to win you any more support.

You and your principles will remain sidelined until you can appeal to voters through providing viable options that exist in more substance than ... "We are correct and the other guys are corrupt".

The joke is on you if you cannot escape your own destruction.

We will remain sidelined until we turn into despicable, lying cheats so we can compete with the other liars. That's the whole point. Just think about what you just said.

My own destruction? I am not destroying myself, the two partys with their taxes, and taxes and rules and regs, etc etc are the ones destroying this nation. But you dont care, you want someone to tell you it will be all great with a nice suit on that has a donkey or an elephant on their lepel.

Fucking pathetic.
Libertarians, per TASB's postings, are ineffective whiners, seeing through their distorted prisms the political system darkly.
We will remain sidelined until we turn into despicable, lying cheats so we can compete with the other liars. That's the whole point. Just think about what you just said.

My own destruction? I am not destroying myself, the two partys with their taxes, and taxes and rules and regs, etc etc are the ones destroying this nation. But you dont care, you want someone to tell you it will be all great with a nice suit on that has a donkey or an elephant on their lepel.

Fucking pathetic.

I am a Conservative and it does not matter what Libertarians or the other parties say ... Because I don't rely on your government for a fucking thing.

Get a clue dipshit ... You need to appeal to someone to get their support ... If you cannot accomplish that ... Then that is why you fail.

Libertarians, per TASB's postings, are ineffective whiners, seeing through their distorted prisms the political system darkly.

Still waiting for the mainstream republican actions that prove they aren't just a bunch of fucking liars. I could give a fuck what you think about me or libertarianism, Fake. You have no principles. None. The only principle you know is "elephant gonna grow the state".

Nothing more.

then you try to make me look like the loser because I'm not allowed to play in your big game of politics.

Have another drink, Fake and then have a slip and fall. It might be an improvement.
We will remain sidelined until we turn into despicable, lying cheats so we can compete with the other liars. That's the whole point. Just think about what you just said.

My own destruction? I am not destroying myself, the two partys with their taxes, and taxes and rules and regs, etc etc are the ones destroying this nation. But you dont care, you want someone to tell you it will be all great with a nice suit on that has a donkey or an elephant on their lepel.

Fucking pathetic.

I am a Conservative and it does not matter what Libertarians or the other parties say ... Because I don't rely on your government for a fucking thing.

Get a clue dipshit ... You need to appeal to someone to get their support ... If you cannot accomplish that ... Then that is why you fail.


I do not need to do shit, and you most certainly do rely on "my" government. The one I refuse to vote for at all.


Dont be so but hurt about being a principle-less Pleb that votes for liars and crooks with glee. Embrace it, fool.
Dont be so but hurt about being a principle-less Pleb that votes for liars and crooks with glee. Embrace it, fool.

Your principles don't mean anything until they influence the world around you. If you don't vote then that is just a sign you don't have any say-so in what happens ... And nothing more.

I hate voting for crooks and thieves ... And wish other parties could present candidates that could un-ass their stupidity long enough to be considered viable. I also live in state that has run-offs if a candidate does not achieve more than 50% of the vote. At least when I vote for a third party candidate in the primary ... It doesn't automatically mean the worst candidate wins.

To say you don't vote as a matter of principle means exactly what you say ... Your principles are not represented in any form ... And that make you the fool.

If you don't vote then that is just a sign you don't have any say-so in what happens ... And nothing more.

Wrong. If you vote, you do not get to a say. You already got one when you voted for a master.

I hate voting for crooks and thieves ..

Then fucking quit it, moron.

To say you don't vote as a matter of principle means exactly what you say ... Your principles are not represented in any form ... And that make you the fool.

There are no principles in the two party system, Dullard. All you do is hear rhetoric and then vote. Then the fucks you voted for take the mask off, pull out their cocks and begin fucking you. So, what do you do? You vote again for them!


Then you call me a fool. Your brain is damaged, fella.
We don't need third party. We don't need another political system. We really need some serious and honest politicians. We need some people which know not only what THEY want. People which will respect traditions and people!
Not just a third party – but an EFFECTIVE third party. One that will put a stop to the Mossbacks who dominate Congress and continued to look after themselves and not the people who elected them.

Not just a well-thought-out-piece on the current Congress but how we got here in the first place.

So, just how do we get a viable third party? We have to start at the roots – local municipal and county governments. If we get enough of those, it will makes its way up to the states and then Congress.

Read the article @ Why We Need a Third Party
It's called "libertarian."
The problem isn't a lack of another party, it's the lack of any principles from the two main ones we allow to monopolize government.

Why would they establish a new party when they can use the current ones for the same end. Just as the article says "they can get the the right message at the right time."

It's about manipulation. That's ALL politics is about today. So they make up the slogan and message, like "change you can believe in" and a bunch of dumbass make it go viral and then we elect a slogan wrapped in a nice suit that will later give us VD or some other transmitted disease.
I think a truly centerist political party would draw from both established parties. The vast majority of Americans are neither ultra-conservative or leftist.
I think a truly centerist political party would draw from both established parties. The vast majority of Americans are neither ultra-conservative or leftist.

Leaving them basically inept of the political climate and therefore easily swayed from marketing slogans in nice suits with great smiles. Yep.

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