Why We Need a Third Party

Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

There is a big big ....really BIG difference

The leftwingers want to fuck you in the name of the fatherland

the rightwingers want to screw you in the name of god

Next question, please.


Is it Left wing or Right wing policies that are raising taxes, increasing regulation, controlling how people live from light bulbs to toilet flushes to health care? In what way does the right oppress ANYONE with religion? You got your abortion on demand, your contraceptives, and your gay butt sex unfettered by religious people. So back up your stupid, unmerited comment or admit you made it up.

Listen dingle berry, right wingers tend to be "law and order types" - you stupid fuckers will arrest and jail any one who disobeys any ---ANY--- unconstitutional laws. Because well is the LAW.

Did you read "Justice" Roberts edict supporting Obama Hellcare?

.A third party would be most harmful to conservatives. Democrats under the big tent are less adamant about their beliefs and able to tolerate a wider range of beliefs and behavior. The Democratic party traces its founding back to Jefferson's day, the Republican to the 1850's. Two conservative parties have died in the interim.
.A third party would be most harmful to conservatives. Democrats under the big tent are less adamant about their beliefs and able to tolerate a wider range of beliefs and behavior. The Democratic party traces its founding back to Jefferson's day, the Republican to the 1850's. Two conservative parties have died in the interim.

Actually most Republicans are under the Democrats big tent.

How many Republicans were elected because they pledged to dismantle the welfare state?

0 you said?

Contumacious rests.

Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

the "far" right is not far right- only in a leftist's mind. The far right is about traditional values, strong military, low taxes, small gov., personal responsibility and freedom of religion, gun rights etc.. Legal immigration, etc...
Didnt read much of it. Just stumbled on it today and remembered this thread. Foundational principles are there to give people a sense of direction. Obviously you arent going to disappear the welfare behemoth we have overnite if at all but I think it might be possible to quickly get back to the reforms Clinton signed and go from there.
Next President needs to focus on the biggest problems that most agree on. 1) Federal spending is out of control. I would go with a no tax cut, no tax increase, but modest spending cuts each yr. I would also initiate an audit of every govt agency with an eye on eliminating the fraud and outright theft occurring. In defense I would eliminate the LCS and F-35 and put that money into next gen Boomers and Upgraded F-15s. Navy could get by on what they have or buy the French Rafale until new designs that actually work by US contractors are ) put forth. 2) Repeal Obamacare. 3) Banks are still engaged in fraud. Dodd Frank and SArbox are abject failures. HFT trading needs to be modified and reigned in and laws enforced that are ignored. 4) Immigration laws need to be enforced. No reason with real time Sat pics and drones you cant know whats going on all along and deploy manpower accordingly. I would also empower them to shoot to kill anyone toting gun coming across, might even drone em. 5) Have a lot of work to do in rebuilding relations with several countries this President has ignored and or outright discarded. My Secretary of State would be very busy.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

the "far" right is not far right- only in a leftist's mind. The far right is about traditional values, strong military, low taxes, small gov., personal responsibility and freedom of religion, gun rights etc.. Legal immigration, etc...

I'm not certain that's who Jake is referring to. He usually rails against far right bigots.
Listening won't produce a list of the diminished number of TP critters in the House and the Senate.

The far right RINOs like listening will not have the GOP. We will take more Hispanics and women before giving into far right thuggery.

Just curious, JS ... how does far right thuggery differ from that of the far left?

the "far" right is not far right- only in a leftist's mind. The far right is about traditional values, strong military, low taxes, small gov., personal responsibility and freedom of religion, gun rights etc.. Legal immigration, etc...

I'm not certain that's who Jake is referring to. He usually rails against far right bigots.

Comrade Starkiev, rails against any one who threatens his "right" to have the taxpayers feed him, clothe him, insure him, quench his thirst.

I am against far left who would domiante us with their silly ideology, I am against the far right who would do the say (the far right and TPM hide among conservatives, with whom I have no problem), and the libertarians simply want to us government services without paying for them; a small number of libertains have nefarious desires they wish to push in a nearly lawless state..
I am against far left who would domiante us with their silly ideology, I am against the far right who would do the say (the far right and TPM hide among conservatives, with whom I have no problem), and the libertarians simply want to us government services without paying for them; a small number of libertains have nefarious desires they wish to push in a nearly lawless state..

My point precisely.

Comrade Starkiev seeks a paradise where a KGB type organization controls are every move. A system which will remind him of his Old USSR.

libertarians want to leave services that are able to private industry and slashing the state down to size. While main stream republicans want to grow the state until it is full blown cancer. We had 8 years of main stream republicanism before the last six of the current moron and that is exactly what they did. Med D, No child left, hegemony hot wars, trillions in additional debt.

Main stream republicans look more like democrats than anything else and you can not disprove that in actions. Only in rhetoric. Which makes you even more stupid than democrats.
libertarians want to leave services that are able to private industry and slashing the state down to size. While main stream republicans want to grow the state until it is full blown cancer. We had 8 years of main stream republicanism before the last six of the current moron and that is exactly what they did. Med D, No child left, hegemony hot wars, trillions in additional debt.

Main stream republicans look more like democrats than anything else and you can not disprove that in actions. Only in rhetoric. Which makes you even more stupid than democrats.

Libertarians derail their own success. It is a liberty based platform that exists as a viable option when supporters can accept that individuals and corporations will be responsible for their own behavior.

I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

How many times do you talk to a Libertarian leaning individual who can certainly support a great deal of the policies expressed ... But then runs back to the middle in regards to policy issues that would certainly be in line with a hard core Libertarian stance ... When the policies offend the individual's sensibilities on the personal responsibility expectations of others that will be required for that policy to work?

I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform.


What a fucking joke.
I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform.


What a fucking joke.

Your response is exactly what I mean in regards to why Libertarians will never build an organized front ... They think scolding everyone while wrapped in their own liberty driven righteous indignation is how you appeal to voters.

It is a fucking joke indeed!

Not just a third party – but an EFFECTIVE third party. One that will put a stop to the Mossbacks who dominate Congress and continued to look after themselves and not the people who elected them.

Not just a well-thought-out-piece on the current Congress but how we got here in the first place.

So, just how do we get a viable third party? We have to start at the roots – local municipal and county governments. If we get enough of those, it will makes its way up to the states and then Congress.

Read the article @ Why We Need a Third Party

As long as the Third Party is truly Conservative with pure American values; a sense of morals (right vs. wrong); and in line with the original founders ... I'm all for it. We need to combine the Tea Party with the Constitution Party and we may have the makings.
I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform.


What a fucking joke.

Your response is exactly what I mean in regards to why Libertarians will never build an organized front ... They think scolding everyone while wrapped in their own liberty driven righteous indignation is how you appeal to voters.

It is a fucking joke indeed!


No, libertarians stand on principle and do not look to lie to voters to garner support. Which is why the libertarian party is not welcome to participate in the debates, etc as a party. Because only republicans and democrats are allowed in. Because they are fucking principleless fucking liars that just want to win and collect their money from the backs of the morons who voted for them.

No principles at all in the two party system. none.
libertarians want to leave services that are able to private industry and slashing the state down to size. While main stream republicans want to grow the state until it is full blown cancer. We had 8 years of main stream republicanism before the last six of the current moron and that is exactly what they did. Med D, No child left, hegemony hot wars, trillions in additional debt.

Main stream republicans look more like democrats than anything else and you can not disprove that in actions. Only in rhetoric. Which makes you even more stupid than democrats.

I am not knocking it ... It is just hard for Libertarians to agree with each other on an organized platform that addresses core issues and the expense of individual issues.

Yeah, republicans and democrats sure do agree on such an organized platform. :lmao: What a fucking joke.

Yeah, you are, bub. Libertarians simply engage in mental masturbation as they debate and yell without resolution: feels good, very sterile.

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