Why were the debates held so early this year? Before the convention.


Gold Member
May 1, 2024
I wondered why too. This article explains it. They wanted to test biden while there was still time to replace him.

A former aide to Hillary Clinton said: 'There has never been a debate this early before. Traditionally the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August.
'Most years the first debate is early September ahead of the November election.

'Biden's inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a 'soft coup' because they know he isn't fit to govern and have known for some time. 'They wanted to test him against Trump early, while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly.'
I wondered why too. This article explains it. They wanted to test biden while there was still time to replace him.

Don't believe that performance was planned as a soft coup. The idea is BS. Joe simply screwed the pooch on stage. If Dems had wanted Joe out, they would have been putting up candidates last year, before the primaries, intead of waiting until Joe handily racked up all the committed delegates. The idea being to get some other Dem in position, not to through the election to Trump.

His voice sounded like crap from the beginning, as if he had a cold or had strained his voice. It is possible he had a cold, he was getting over. The again, that could be the real Joe in the summer of 2024. You, like me and everybody else, will just have to wait and see.

If it is how Joe is in 2024, in a lucid moment, he needs to dump Kamala Harris, for somebody competent and acceptable, if asking for our votes. Failing that, the only thing that can save this country is solid control in both houses of Congress.
It was obviously strategic. The expectation was that Trump would fight about the rules of engagement. No audience, microphones shut off when not responding, no interplay, Leftist moderators and so on. When Trump refused, or demanded changes, they would claim that Trump was refusing to debate, and they would have that talking point throughout the Summer (to go along with "convicted felon" and "twice impeached").

But Trump said OK. No preconditions. Oh shit.
If he really had a cold, why did he go that waffle house after the debates. Colds are very contagious.
Who cares? I doubt anybody was worried about catching a cold from him and I don't think brain fog is transmissible.
Don't believe that performance was planned as a soft coup. The idea is BS. Joe simply screwed the pooch on stage. If Dems had wanted Joe out, they would have been putting up candidates last year, before the primaries, intead of waiting until Joe handily racked up all the committed delegates. The idea being to get some other Dem in position, not to through the election to Trump.

His voice sounded like crap from the beginning, as if he had a cold or had strained his voice. It is possible he had a cold, he was getting over. The again, that could be the real Joe in the summer of 2024. You, like me and everybody else, will just have to wait and see.

If it is how Joe is in 2024, in a lucid moment, he needs to dump Kamala Harris, for somebody competent and acceptable, if asking for our votes. Failing that, the only thing that can save this country is solid control in both houses of Congress.
Do colds typically affect your cognitive abilities?
Do colds typically affect your cognitive abilities?
Me? Yes. I do not think as clearly when sick or getting over being sick. Mind you, I have worked sick and accomplished mission that had to be completed. Being sick affects me more at this age than before. I do remember in my early 40s, having tick fever that push my temp up to 102-104 for three days before it broke. I went in as things had to be done, and the branch manager was incompetent, but I was working in a fog, slow and having to try to concentrate, but some reports had to go in and some things had to be purchased.
Don't believe that performance was planned as a soft coup. The idea is BS. Joe simply screwed the pooch on stage. If Dems had wanted Joe out, they would have been putting up candidates last year, before the primaries, intead of waiting until Joe handily racked up all the committed delegates. The idea being to get some other Dem in position, not to through the election to Trump.

His voice sounded like crap from the beginning, as if he had a cold or had strained his voice. It is possible he had a cold, he was getting over. The again, that could be the real Joe in the summer of 2024. You, like me and everybody else, will just have to wait and see.

If it is how Joe is in 2024, in a lucid moment, he needs to dump Kamala Harris, for somebody competent and acceptable, if asking for our votes. Failing that, the only thing that can save this country is solid control in both houses of Congress.
So he was magically re-energized the day after the debate? If a cold were the concern, why didn't we hear about it until after the debate when democrat operatives were gaslighting the American people and millions of illegals?

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