Why weren't we told immediately that Jacob Blake had a knife?

If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

So are you in favor of intentionally withholding information that might spoil a one-sided narrative?

It should have been revealed but that does not change the fact that he was needlessly gunned down. The fact that he had a knife changes nothing

....he was not needlessly gunned down--jesus christ---watch the video--AND he committed crimes before
..I am GLAD when a criminal is dead.....do you cry for them???
booooohohooooooo a criminal is dead
If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.
yes--he probably said:
''I got a knife and will use it or I will kill the kids with the knife I have''
= good riddance to the jackass
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

Went in the car to check his kids? Did you just make that up?

Next stupid question.....

we know about '''witnesses''' HAHAHHAHAHA
..like the MBrown '''witnesses''-----were WRONG
yes--he probably said:
''I got a knife and will use it or I will kill the kids with the knife I have''
= good riddance to the jackass
The last I've heard, we don't know if Blake was the reason why police were called to that location. Whatever crimes he had previously committed, unless he was reaching for the knife, his shooting was unjustified.

Wisconsin AG says Jacob Blake was near knife, single officer shot him in the back 7 times

"Wisconsin's attorney general says Jacob Blake — the Black man shot seven times in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday — was near a knife when the shooting took place, but he would not say whether Blake was carrying the knife when he was shot."
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

Went in the car to check his kids? Did you just make that up?

Next stupid question.....

I see. A witness that has no idea what he was doing. Like your " hands up dont shoot" witness?
If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.

He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

The guy committed suicide by cop

This wasn't racist this is exactly what they woudl have done to a white guy.....

If anything they gave him more chances to comply

This is how American police do things irrelevant of race. We're not the Brits who will send 20 units to fuck with em. We just shoot you

A boatload of bizarre and banal bovine excrement and then more bovine excrement

Oh yea i'm sure you've interacted with american police before


anyone who thinks firing at a guy reaching for ANYTHING is illegal doesn't understand american police at all

The irony of some pale fuck saying that to me, hah

Know your place i'm higher on the intersectional hierarchy than you...Much higher

Surprise most colored men aren't all that progressive
yes--he probably said:
''I got a knife and will use it or I will kill the kids with the knife I have''
= good riddance to the jackass
The last I've heard, we don't know if Blake was the reason why police were called to that location. Whatever crimes he had previously committed, unless he was reaching for the knife, his shooting was unjustified.

Wisconsin AG says Jacob Blake was near knife, single officer shot him in the back 7 times

"Wisconsin's attorney general says Jacob Blake — the Black man shot seven times in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday — was near a knife when the shooting took place, but he would not say whether Blake was carrying the knife when he was shot."
:omg: Come again??? Its not justified, because why, he may not have been the original reason why LE was summoned? Dear God are some of you fucking dysfunctional, and almost impossibly stupid!
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Democrats need riots
He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.
He made a bad decision.
I can't help noticing how differently law enforcement responded when a White suspect with a rifle in his hands killed two protesters?

'Jacob Blake didn't pose any threat:' Attorney releases statement after DOJ said knife found after shooting

"But when a young white supremacist shot and killed two peaceful protestors, local law enforcement and National Guardsmen allowed him to walk down the street with his assault weapon.

"This is the grossly unfair picture that Black Americans and all Americans who seek racial justice, including the Milwaukee Bucks, see and passionately object to."
It wouldn't fit with the Communist Democrat Media's narrative they're futilely trying to push :smoke:
He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.
He made a bad decision.
I can't help noticing how differently law enforcement responded when a White suspect with a rifle in his hands killed two protesters?

'Jacob Blake didn't pose any threat:' Attorney releases statement after DOJ said knife found after shooting

"But when a young white supremacist shot and killed two peaceful protestors, local law enforcement and National Guardsmen allowed him to walk down the street with his assault weapon.

"This is the grossly unfair picture that Black Americans and all Americans who seek racial justice, including the Milwaukee Bucks, see and passionately object to."
White supremacist??? Here's a real case of racism for you, this racist just murdered a father and his just graduated daughter after the racist rear ended them in front of their home! I'm shocked that FNC actually posted his photo,

Yeah I agree. Frankly I’m at the point where I’m outraged by the outrage. Cops have the right to defend themselves.

The cop shot him in the back.

I doubt you and the other low-IQ brain-dead racists like Harmonica would be saying the same thing if a black man shot a white man in the back.
He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.
He made a bad decision.
I can't help noticing how differently law enforcement responded when a White suspect with a rifle in his hands killed two protesters?

'Jacob Blake didn't pose any threat:' Attorney releases statement after DOJ said knife found after shooting

"But when a young white supremacist shot and killed two peaceful protestors, local law enforcement and National Guardsmen allowed him to walk down the street with his assault weapon.

"This is the grossly unfair picture that Black Americans and all Americans who seek racial justice, including the Milwaukee Bucks, see and passionately object to."
I was an LEO for 26 years. I would have shot this man as well when the taser failed and the man had threatened to shoot the cops and refused verbal commands and getting into his vehicle...

The other individual was protecting his own safety and was attacked... Anyone who strikes the neck with a board is trying to kill you.. The other man was welding a gun... No sympathy for any of them...
Yeah I agree. Frankly I’m at the point where I’m outraged by the outrage. Cops have the right to defend themselves.

The cop shot him in the back.

I doubt you and the other low-IQ brain-dead racists like Harmonica would be saying the same thing if a black man shot a white man in the back.

You are a moron. He threatened to shoot the police and then refused to comply with verbal commands. The officer feard for his life as the suspect was out of his vision and control. For all he knew the man was coming up with a gun... I would have shot him too.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Yeah I agree. Frankly I’m at the point where I’m outraged by the outrage. Cops have the right to defend themselves.

The cop shot him in the back.

I doubt you and the other low-IQ brain-dead racists like Harmonica would be saying the same thing if a black man shot a white man in the back.

The reason why I believed he had a firearm in the car because I didn’t hear the media saying anything. Let’s not pretend the media does not have an agenda. If a black man shot a white man in self defense, in particularly if the black guy was a cop, I would be defending him vigorously. This shooting was justified. I don’t care if shot him in the penis. It was justified.

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