Why weren't we told immediately that Jacob Blake had a knife?

Now, you declared this youth a racist, prove that? You claim the felon(Blake like Floyd is convicted felon)was no threat, feel free to also prove that claim?
I never claimed Rittenhouse is a racist; a link I posted alleged he is a white supremacist. There doesn't appear to be any evidence he believes in white supremacy,but he had no reason to be in Kenosha when he killed two people, did he?
he cops were there because he was trespassing and they learned he had outstanding warrants for no show compliance for aggravated assault.
They went to arrest him he resisted an attempted to subdue him with a taser that failed to work.

"A warrant for Jacob Blake's arrest was issued against Jacob Blake, but it's unclear if police were aware of it when they shot the 29-year-old Black man on Sunday.

"Prosecutors in Kenosha County, Wisconsin charged Blake, 29, with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse last month, according to The Kenosha News. An arrest warrant for Blake was issued on July 6."

How many armed police officers are required to subdue one unarmed suspect without shooting him seven times in the back with or without a functioning taser?
fuck yes MAGA
the cops were there because he was trespassing and they learned he had outstanding warrants for no show compliance for aggravated assault.
They went to arrest him he resisted an attempted to subdue him with a taser that failed to work.
What deadly threat did Blake pose to police or civilians?
There are reports of a warrant for his arrest, but it isn't clear the officers involved in the incident that crippled Blake were aware of the warrant. How many officers does it take to arrest one unarmed suspect without using deadly force?


"The newspaper reported that a woman living in the 2800 block of 40th Street told police in May that Blake, her ex-boyfriend, had come into her home and taken her car keys and vehicle.

"She also said he had touched her sexually without consent.

"It's not clear if the officers who arrived at an address in the same block shortly after 5 p.m. on Sunday were aware of those charges. The Kenosha Police Department has been contacted for comment."
he cops were there because he was trespassing and they learned he had outstanding warrants for no show compliance for aggravated assault.
They went to arrest him he resisted an attempted to subdue him with a taser that failed to work.

"A warrant for Jacob Blake's arrest was issued against Jacob Blake, but it's unclear if police were aware of it when they shot the 29-year-old Black man on Sunday.

"Prosecutors in Kenosha County, Wisconsin charged Blake, 29, with third-degree sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse last month, according to The Kenosha News. An arrest warrant for Blake was issued on July 6."

How many armed police officers are required to subdue one unarmed suspect without shooting him seven times in the back with or without a functioning taser?
He was tasered and that didn't stop him
I don't recall you have experience in law enforcement. it took me and two other officers to handcuff one guy
One was using a stun gun in the process of me trying to get the cuffs on him. FINALLY, I HAD ENOUGH GOT ONE ARMED CUFFED AND DRUG HIS ASS TO THE CAR. That was after I had to chase him down his street name was tank big guy weighed over 300 lbs
fuck yes MAGA
the cops were there because he was trespassing and they learned he had outstanding warrants for no show compliance for aggravated assault.
They went to arrest him he resisted an attempted to subdue him with a taser that failed to work.
What deadly threat did Blake pose to police or civilians?
There are reports of a warrant for his arrest, but it isn't clear the officers involved in the incident that crippled Blake were aware of the warrant. How many officers does it take to arrest one unarmed suspect without using deadly force?


"The newspaper reported that a woman living in the 2800 block of 40th Street told police in May that Blake, her ex-boyfriend, had come into her home and taken her car keys and vehicle.

"She also said he had touched her sexually without consent.

"It's not clear if the officers who arrived at an address in the same block shortly after 5 p.m. on Sunday were aware of those charges. The Kenosha Police Department has been contacted for comment."
second-guessing a suspect in the process of making an arrest has gotten cops killed
What is your law enforcement experience again?
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

Went in the car to check his kids? Did you just make that up?

Next stupid question.....

Yeah, well there was a witness directly after Mike Brown was shot that said he had his hands up and was yelling don't shoot. But that wasn't true either.
If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.

He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.
Neither is anyone who thinks that he deserved to be shot in the back...seven times
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

the knife was found in the car after Mr. Blake was assaulted and almost murdered by those stupid cops, was that any fucking obvious threat?
fuck yes MAGA
the cops were there because he was trespassing and they learned he had outstanding warrants for no show compliance for aggravated assault.
They went to arrest him he resisted an attempted to subdue him with a taser that failed to work.
What deadly threat did Blake pose to police or civilians?
There are reports of a warrant for his arrest, but it isn't clear the officers involved in the incident that crippled Blake were aware of the warrant. How many officers does it take to arrest one unarmed suspect without using deadly force?


"The newspaper reported that a woman living in the 2800 block of 40th Street told police in May that Blake, her ex-boyfriend, had come into her home and taken her car keys and vehicle.

"She also said he had touched her sexually without consent.

"It's not clear if the officers who arrived at an address in the same block shortly after 5 p.m. on Sunday were aware of those charges. The Kenosha Police Department has been contacted for comment."
You have no clue as to how the LE community polices. They HAVE to protect themselves. He had a knife and was told to drop it. He didn't and continued to the car. That should have been enough for the LEOS to unload on him. But they actually were very restrained.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

you, are deranged...i can only imagine how you would react in a hostile situation? when a cop of any color tells a person of any color to STOP, thats what you should do. im sorry that the TRUTH to this story came out ..not really, but it just shows how you brain dead. lying, cheating, thieves that the demoncrats are..the unfortunate thing is, is that you actually listen to it.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

the knife was found in the car after Mr. Blake was assaulted and almost murdered by those stupid cops, was that any fucking obvious threat?

let me guess, you expect any weapon to be in the perps hand after being shot? go out and try that let us know if you are still holding the gun...thanx
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

Went in the car to check his kids? Did you just make that up?

thats the sob story that they want AMERICA to believe...before the TRUTH comes out...that way the "sympathy" starts first and then ...
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

The Media sucks
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.


Just reaching into your waistband is justification....

That's the law

It's a miracle police haven't killed most of you my god

Of course some pudgy shit who no one sees as a threat even tho he's as brown as me wants to say this....Yea ok little beta rajat

It was OK for these protesters to have weapons, even inside the Michigan statehouse.
If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.

He told police he had a knife in the car then ignored the police request and went I to the car. He s not very bright.

Clearly he wasn't very smart. Do you know any dumb people? We should probably warn them about you.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

He was about to get in a car with children. You want cops to let violent rapists get in a car with kids? :cuckoo:
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

Went in the car to check his kids? Did you just make that up?

Next stupid question.....

Why are you taking the word of a violent knife wielding rapist? :cuckoo:
If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.
If he had the knife in his hand, he would have been shot dead before reaching his car. According to accounts I've heard, he told police about the weapon which was lying on the driver-side floor board of his car.
He dropped it on the floor. He had it in his hand when he was shot. The cops were telling him to drop the knife moments before he was shot.
We are finally told that Jacob Blake had a knife. That should have been announced immediately. You can actually see what may be a knife for a brief moment between 40 and 41 seconds into the video. I didn't notice it at first. It could be his keys and it's possible the knife was in his car. If he had the knife in his hand, that would explain why the police didn't tackle him.

Another bullshit attempt to justify this murder and blame the victim . Was he trying use the knife? Was it even in his hand? Shot 7 fucking times in the back while reaching into his vehicle to check on the kids!!

The guy committed suicide by cop

This wasn't racist this is exactly what they woudl have done to a white guy.....

If anything they gave him more chances to comply

This is how American police do things irrelevant of race. We're not the Brits who will send 20 units to fuck with em. We just shoot you

What the police do for a white guy who has killed a person can be seen by the teenager who walked around with his rifle for quite some time only to be calmly arrested.

Are you talking about the guy that turned himself in and complied with the police.commands?

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