Why? What are they Scared of?

Really? Which court case, recount or audit encompassed all six swing states involved in order to know that?

At around 4AM when no one was looking. Probably stuck to his shoe.

Just like you've had your chance to offer proof of YOUR claims and accusations! You got nothing, not even a shred, while a mountain of evidence supporting the fraud hangs over your head with more coming in every day!

But don't worry Jack, I know someone with an IQ of 56 just can't process that but America can and WILL be processing the steal beginning this November 8.
1) All of them.
2) The audits and recounts added to Biden's total. Pretty sure those were done during the day. :)
3) Not incumbent upon me to offer any proof. The courts, audits, and recounts have done that. It is incumbent upon YOU to provide that proof. And so far, you've come up with bupkus.

Just wild assed conspiracy theories.
No, they didn't actually. Courts puckered up & refused to review the evidence while the audits were obstructed.
There are mountains of proof that we won't ignore.
You know the election was stolen even if you don't admit it. Most of the world knows this is true.
Nice try though proggy
Nothing of the sort happened. Again, you make your case based on whatever evidence you have. A judge grants you a hearing/trial based on that evidence.
THEN you are allowed discovery and a chance to plead your case. Hint..wild assed conspiracy theories AREN'T evidence. :auiqs.jpg:
Of course he knows. No one can be so stupid not to see or ignore, and dance around EVERY incriminating fact among thousands even when lead to it like a horse to water over and over unless you are DELIBERATELY spreading lies and misinformation!
Donald Trump lost. Deal with it and move on. There was no widespread fraud. You had your redress and you were dismissed. Because you couldn't provide any credible evidence there was widespread fraud.

Now I'm all for you continuing to bray about this because along with the SC gift out of the ether, it may end up snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for Republicans.
So carry on. :auiqs.jpg:
I'll respond to both you and Bob..for the hundredth time. There..was..no..evidence..presented.

That none of the judges allowed the proceedings to reach the point where evidence would be presented does not indicate that there was no evidence to present.

In fact, this in itself is extremely suspicious. It is highly unusual, and highly improper, for a case to be shut down that quickly, before an attempt is even made to evaluate the evidence involved.

Refusing to look at the evidence, refusing to allow the evidence to be presented, and then denying that there was any evidence, does not make the evidence go away.

It gives any sane person even greater reason to suspect that something highly improper is going on.

Googling for it turns up many results claiming that this has been debunked, but the video is still there to be found, leaving absolutely no doubt at all about what it shows taking place.

1) All of them.
None of them. You are so full of crap, you lying mother.

2) The audits and recounts added to Biden's total.
Yep, by repeating the same mistakes done the first time by not clearing up any of the missing chain of custody issues nor following the law!

3) Not incumbent upon me to offer any proof.
Sure Jack. You're a special case where you can make claims and accusations with nothing to show they are true! It's not incumbent on you because you CAN'T back up a single claim you make nor present a single bit of evidence! You are one sick, pathetic fucker. I have a better chance of catching lightning in a bottle than Joe Biddum ever winning an election.

It is incumbent upon YOU to provide that proof. And so far, you've come up with bupkus.
Sure Jack. How was the movie 2000 Mules? See that yet? I have about 500 links to research and eyewitness accounts who all say you're dumber than hammered shit and just about as honest too. No matter, America will speak out in 180 days.
That none of the judges allowed the proceedings to reach the point where evidence would be presented does not indicate that there was no evidence to present.

In fact, this in itself is extremely suspicious. It is highly unusual, and highly improper, for a case to be shut down that quickly, before an attempt is even made to evaluate the evidence involved.

Refusing to look at the evidence, refusing to allow the evidence to be presented, and then denying that there was any evidence, does not make the evidence go away.

It gives any sane person even greater reason to suspect that something highly improper is going on.

Googling for it turns up many results claiming that this has been debunked, but the video is still there to be found, leaving absolutely no doubt at all about what it shows taking place.

Bullshit. You are not allowed to just come before a judge and be granted a trial based on conspiracy theories. You present what evidence you have. A judge decides
whether that evidence merits a trial/hearing. 60+ times...that answer was NO!! How many friggin swings at the plate are you expecting? It doesn't work that way
in our justice system.
Nothing of the sort happened. Again, you make your case based on whatever evidence you have. A judge grants you a hearing/trial based on that evidence.
THEN you are allowed discovery and a chance to plead your case. Hint..wild assed conspiracy theories AREN'T evidence. :auiqs.jpg:
They did n ot look at evidence, they dismissed the suits on technicalities or BS like standing.
You know your diaper dementia man lost big.
So do we. Ignoring the proof won't make it go away :fu:
Bullshit. You are not allowed to just come before a judge and be granted a trial based on conspiracy theories. You present what evidence you have. A judge decides
whether that evidence merits a trial/hearing. 60+ times...that answer was NO!! How many friggin swings at the plate are you expecting? It doesn't work that way
in our justice system.

In every case, the judge did not allow the evidence to be presented. That is highly unusual and improper.
You present what evidence you have. A judge decides whether that evidence merits a trial/hearing.

Maybe you have shit plugging up your ears? In nearly all the cases, NO EVIDENCE was ever presented Jack, it never got past the charges, upon which the judges denied and dismissed the cases without hearing ANY evidence on technical grounds or for lack of standing! But then, I've told you that like ten times! Why do you waste people's time here Jack arguing in circles? WE all know that JOE BIDEN IS A FUCKING FRAUD, installed by unelected people who wanted Trump out to preserve their power.

OUR REAL PRESIDENT SITS IN FLORIDA AT Mar-A-Lago deliberating the status of our now banana republic.
There is no evidence there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. 60+ lower court cases, multiple recounts and audits, 3 SC rulings. And this douchebag felon DeSousa is supposed to
be credible?..sure. Same amount of cred Mr My Pillow has.

Again, none of these conspiracy theories have been shown to hold an ounce of validity. And you seem to think that it is the other side that needs to prove something to you.
Newsflash..it isn't. It's incumbent upon YOUR side to prove it..which so far, they haven't been able to do.
Those are tired old excuses. Fraud has been proven by the same technology law enforcement depends on to find where suspects were when a crime is committed. That evidence is accepted in court. It should be accepted here. Over 800,000 ballots were trafficked. Those ballots came from Leftist organizations as shown in the geo tracking. Proof positive that 5 STATES AND THEIR ELECTORAL VOTES WERE STOLEN.
They did n ot look at evidence, they dismissed the suits on technicalities or BS like standing.
You know your diaper dementia man lost big.
So do we. Ignoring the proof won't make it go away :fu:
Because YOU say so. Sure. That's a reason to waste everyone's time.

You notice outside of Alt-Right Nation dwellers, NONE of this is getting any traction what so ever.

Move on. It's not healthy to live in the alt-right cellar. :auiqs.jpg:
Those are tired old excuses. Fraud has been proven by the same technology law enforcement depends on to find where suspects were when a crime is committed. That evidence is accepted in court. It should be accepted here. Over 800,000 ballots were trafficked. Those ballots came from Leftist organizations as shown in the geo tracking. Proof positive.
Nothing of the sort happened. Christ. Sure, there is fraud in every election. Has been since the beginning of our nation. But not nearly enough to affect the outcome of said election.
There was no ballot trafficking, no ballot harvesting, no ballot box stuffing, etc, etc, etc, etc...and on and on adnauseum. You're like a broken record. But not nearly as interesting.

He lost. Move on.
Nothing of the sort happened. Christ. Sure, there is fraud in every election. Has been since the beginning of our nation. But not nearly enough to affect the outcome of said election.
There was no ballot trafficking, no ballot harvesting, no ballot box stuffing, etc, etc, etc, etc...and on and on adnauseum. You're like a broken record. But not nearly as interesting.

He lost. Move on.
It has been proven. You are uninformed and very stupid. You are also a traitor.
You guys are as desperate as a bunch of Hillary supporters.
"If this isn’t proof that big tech is absolutely terrified of America seeing the evidence we presented in this movie, we don’t know what is.

We don’t know about you – but that is making us double down and shout even louder.

Our country is on the line, friends. Are you going to stay quiet about it… or will you help us spread the truth? If you’re in… make sure everyone sees this and knows what’s happening."

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